Actual source code: petscmath.h

petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
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  1: /*

  3:       PETSc mathematics include file. Defines certain basic mathematical
  4:     constants and functions for working with single, double, and quad precision
  5:     floating point numbers as well as complex single and double.

  7:     This file is included by petscsys.h and should not be used directly.

  9: */

 13: #include <math.h>

 15: /*

 17:      Defines operations that are different for complex and real numbers;
 18:    note that one cannot mix the use of complex and real in the same
 19:    PETSc program. All PETSc objects in one program are built around the object
 20:    PetscScalar which is either always a real or a complex.

 22: */

 24: #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
 25: #define MPIU_REAL   MPI_FLOAT
 26: typedef float PetscReal;
 27: #define PetscRoundReal(a)   round(a)
 28: #define PetscSqrtReal(a)    sqrt(a)
 29: #define PetscExpReal(a)     exp(a)
 30: #define PetscLogReal(a)     log(a)
 31: #define PetscLog10Real(a)   log10(a)
 32: #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_LOG2
 33: #define PetscLog2Real(a)    log2(a)
 34: #endif
 35: #define PetscSinReal(a)     sin(a)
 36: #define PetscCosReal(a)     cos(a)
 37: #define PetscTanReal(a)     tan(a)
 38: #define PetscAsinReal(a)    asin(a)
 39: #define PetscAcosReal(a)    acos(a)
 40: #define PetscAtanReal(a)    atan(a)
 41: #define PetscAtan2Real(a,b) atan2(a,b)
 42: #define PetscSinhReal(a)    sinh(a)
 43: #define PetscCoshReal(a)    cosh(a)
 44: #define PetscTanhReal(a)    tanh(a)
 45: #define PetscPowReal(a,b)   pow(a,b)
 46: #define PetscCeilReal(a)    ceil(a)
 47: #define PetscFloorReal(a)   floor(a)
 48: #define PetscFmodReal(a,b)  fmod(a,b)
 49: #define PetscTGamma(a)      tgammaf(a)
 50: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_DOUBLE)
 51: #define MPIU_REAL   MPI_DOUBLE
 52: typedef double PetscReal;
 53: #define PetscRoundReal(a)   round(a)
 54: #define PetscSqrtReal(a)    sqrt(a)
 55: #define PetscExpReal(a)     exp(a)
 56: #define PetscLogReal(a)     log(a)
 57: #define PetscLog10Real(a)   log10(a)
 58: #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_LOG2
 59: #define PetscLog2Real(a)    log2(a)
 60: #endif
 61: #define PetscSinReal(a)     sin(a)
 62: #define PetscCosReal(a)     cos(a)
 63: #define PetscTanReal(a)     tan(a)
 64: #define PetscAsinReal(a)    asin(a)
 65: #define PetscAcosReal(a)    acos(a)
 66: #define PetscAtanReal(a)    atan(a)
 67: #define PetscAtan2Real(a,b) atan2(a,b)
 68: #define PetscSinhReal(a)    sinh(a)
 69: #define PetscCoshReal(a)    cosh(a)
 70: #define PetscTanhReal(a)    tanh(a)
 71: #define PetscPowReal(a,b)   pow(a,b)
 72: #define PetscCeilReal(a)    ceil(a)
 73: #define PetscFloorReal(a)   floor(a)
 74: #define PetscFmodReal(a,b)  fmod(a,b)
 75: #define PetscTGamma(a)      tgamma(a)
 76: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)
 77: #if defined(__cplusplus)
 78: extern "C" {
 79: #endif
 80: #include <quadmath.h>
 81: #if defined(__cplusplus)
 82: }
 83: #endif
 84: PETSC_EXTERN MPI_Datatype MPIU___FLOAT128 PetscAttrMPITypeTag(__float128);
 85: #define MPIU_REAL MPIU___FLOAT128
 86: typedef __float128 PetscReal;
 87: #define PetscRoundReal(a)   roundq(a)
 88: #define PetscSqrtReal(a)    sqrtq(a)
 89: #define PetscExpReal(a)     expq(a)
 90: #define PetscLogReal(a)     logq(a)
 91: #define PetscLog10Real(a)   log10q(a)
 92: #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_LOG2
 93: #define PetscLog2Real(a)    log2q(a)
 94: #endif
 95: #define PetscSinReal(a)     sinq(a)
 96: #define PetscCosReal(a)     cosq(a)
 97: #define PetscTanReal(a)     tanq(a)
 98: #define PetscAsinReal(a)    asinq(a)
 99: #define PetscAcosReal(a)    acosq(a)
100: #define PetscAtanReal(a)    atanq(a)
101: #define PetscAtan2Real(a,b) atan2q(a,b)
102: #define PetscSinhReal(a)    sinhq(a)
103: #define PetscCoshReal(a)    coshq(a)
104: #define PetscTanhReal(a)    tanhq(a)
105: #define PetscPowReal(a,b)   powq(a,b)
106: #define PetscCeilReal(a)    ceilq(a)
107: #define PetscFloorReal(a)   floorq(a)
108: #define PetscFmodReal(a,b)  fmodq(a,b)
109: #define PetscTGamma(a)      tgammaq(a)
110: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FP16)
111: PETSC_EXTERN MPI_Datatype MPIU___FP16 PetscAttrMPITypeTag(__fp16);
112: #define MPIU_REAL MPIU___FP16
113: typedef __fp16 PetscReal;
114: #define PetscRound(a)       roundf(a)
115: #define PetscSqrtReal(a)    sqrtf(a)
116: #define PetscExpReal(a)     expf(a)
117: #define PetscLogReal(a)     logf(a)
118: #define PetscLog10Real(a)   log10f(a)
119: #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_LOG2
120: #define PetscLog2Real(a)    log2f(a)
121: #endif
122: #define PetscSinReal(a)     sinf(a)
123: #define PetscCosReal(a)     cosf(a)
124: #define PetscTanReal(a)     tanf(a)
125: #define PetscAsinReal(a)    asinf(a)
126: #define PetscAcosReal(a)    acosf(a)
127: #define PetscAtanReal(a)    atanf(a)
128: #define PetscAtan2Real(a,b) atan2f(a,b)
129: #define PetscSinhReal(a)    sinhf(a)
130: #define PetscCoshReal(a)    coshf(a)
131: #define PetscTanhReal(a)    tanhf(a)
132: #define PetscPowReal(a,b)   powf(a,b)
133: #define PetscCeilReal(a)    ceilf(a)
134: #define PetscFloorReal(a)   floorf(a)
135: #define PetscFmodReal(a,b)  fmodf(a,b)
136: #define PetscTGamma(a)      tgammaf(a)
137: #endif /* PETSC_USE_REAL_* */

139: /*
140:     Complex number definitions
141:  */
142: #if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(PETSC_HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX) && !defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)
143: #if !defined(PETSC_SKIP_COMPLEX)
144: #define PETSC_HAVE_COMPLEX 1
145: /* C++ support of complex number */
146: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_CUSP)
147: #define complexlib cusp
148: #include <cusp/complex.h>
149: #elif defined(PETSC_HAVE_VECCUDA) && __CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ > 6
150: /* complex headers in thrust only available in CUDA 7.0 and above */
151: #define complexlib thrust
152: #include <thrust/complex.h>
153: #else
154: #define complexlib std
155: #include <complex>
156: #endif

158: #define PetscRealPartComplex(a)      (a).real()
159: #define PetscImaginaryPartComplex(a) (a).imag()
160: #define PetscAbsComplex(a)           complexlib::abs(a)
161: #define PetscConjComplex(a)          complexlib::conj(a)
162: #define PetscSqrtComplex(a)          complexlib::sqrt(a)
163: #define PetscPowComplex(a,b)         complexlib::pow(a,b)
164: #define PetscExpComplex(a)           complexlib::exp(a)
165: #define PetscLogComplex(a)           complexlib::log(a)
166: #define PetscSinComplex(a)           complexlib::sin(a)
167: #define PetscCosComplex(a)           complexlib::cos(a)
168: #define PetscAsinComplex(a)          complexlib::asin(a)
169: #define PetscAcosComplex(a)          complexlib::acos(a)
170: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_TANCOMPLEX)
171: #define PetscTanComplex(a)           complexlib::tan(a)
172: #else
173: #define PetscTanComplex(a)           PetscSinComplex(a)/PetscCosComplex(a)
174: #endif
175: #define PetscSinhComplex(a)          complexlib::sinh(a)
176: #define PetscCoshComplex(a)          complexlib::cosh(a)
177: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_TANHCOMPLEX)
178: #define PetscTanhComplex(a)          complexlib::tanh(a)
179: #else
180: #define PetscTanhComplex(a)          PetscSinhComplex(a)/PetscCoshComplex(a)
181: #endif

183: #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
184: typedef complexlib::complex<float> PetscComplex;
186: static inline PetscComplex operator+(const PetscComplex& lhs, const double& rhs) { return lhs + float(rhs); }
187: static inline PetscComplex operator+(const double& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return float(lhs) + rhs; }
188: static inline PetscComplex operator-(const PetscComplex& lhs, const double& rhs) { return lhs - float(rhs); }
189: static inline PetscComplex operator-(const double& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return float(lhs) - rhs; }
190: static inline PetscComplex operator*(const PetscComplex& lhs, const double& rhs) { return lhs * float(rhs); }
191: static inline PetscComplex operator*(const double& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return float(lhs) * rhs; }
192: static inline PetscComplex operator/(const PetscComplex& lhs, const double& rhs) { return lhs / float(rhs); }
193: static inline PetscComplex operator/(const double& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return float(lhs) / rhs; }
194: static inline bool operator==(const PetscComplex& lhs, const double& rhs) { return lhs.imag() == float(0) && lhs.real() == float(rhs); }
195: static inline bool operator==(const double& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return rhs.imag() == float(0) && rhs.real() == float(lhs); }
196: static inline bool operator!=(const PetscComplex& lhs, const double& rhs) { return lhs.imag() != float(0) || lhs.real() != float(rhs); }
197: static inline bool operator!=(const double& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return rhs.imag() != float(0) || rhs.real() != float(lhs); }
199: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_DOUBLE)
200: typedef complexlib::complex<double> PetscComplex;
202: static inline PetscComplex operator+(const PetscComplex& lhs, const PetscInt& rhs) { return lhs + double(rhs); }
203: static inline PetscComplex operator+(const PetscInt& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return double(lhs) + rhs; }
204: static inline PetscComplex operator-(const PetscComplex& lhs, const PetscInt& rhs) { return lhs - double(rhs); }
205: static inline PetscComplex operator-(const PetscInt& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return double(lhs) - rhs; }
206: static inline PetscComplex operator*(const PetscComplex& lhs, const PetscInt& rhs) { return lhs * double(rhs); }
207: static inline PetscComplex operator*(const PetscInt& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return double(lhs) * rhs; }
208: static inline PetscComplex operator/(const PetscComplex& lhs, const PetscInt& rhs) { return lhs / double(rhs); }
209: static inline PetscComplex operator/(const PetscInt& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return double(lhs) / rhs; }
210: static inline bool operator==(const PetscComplex& lhs, const PetscInt& rhs) { return lhs.imag() == double(0) && lhs.real() == double(rhs); }
211: static inline bool operator==(const PetscInt& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return rhs.imag() == double(0) && rhs.real() == double(lhs); }
212: static inline bool operator!=(const PetscComplex& lhs, const PetscInt& rhs) { return lhs.imag() != double(0) || lhs.real() != double(rhs); }
213: static inline bool operator!=(const PetscInt& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return rhs.imag() != double(0) || rhs.real() != double(lhs); }
215: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)
216: typedef complexlib::complex<__float128> PetscComplex; /* Notstandard and not expected to work, use __complex128 */
218: #endif  /* PETSC_USE_REAL_ */
219: #endif  /* ! PETSC_SKIP_COMPLEX */

221: #elif defined(PETSC_HAVE_C99_COMPLEX) && !defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FP16)
222: #if !defined(PETSC_SKIP_COMPLEX)
223: #define PETSC_HAVE_COMPLEX 1
224: #include <complex.h>

226: #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE) || defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FP16)
227: typedef float _Complex PetscComplex;

229: #define PetscRealPartComplex(a)      crealf(a)
230: #define PetscImaginaryPartComplex(a) cimagf(a)
231: #define PetscAbsComplex(a)           cabsf(a)
232: #define PetscConjComplex(a)          conjf(a)
233: #define PetscSqrtComplex(a)          csqrtf(a)
234: #define PetscPowComplex(a,b)         cpowf(a,b)
235: #define PetscExpComplex(a)           cexpf(a)
236: #define PetscLogComplex(a)           clogf(a)
237: #define PetscSinComplex(a)           csinf(a)
238: #define PetscCosComplex(a)           ccosf(a)
239: #define PetscAsinComplex(a)          casinf(a)
240: #define PetscAcosComplex(a)          cacosf(a)
241: #define PetscTanComplex(a)           ctanf(a)
242: #define PetscSinhComplex(a)          csinhf(a)
243: #define PetscCoshComplex(a)          ccoshf(a)
244: #define PetscTanhComplex(a)          ctanhf(a)

246: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_DOUBLE)
247: typedef double _Complex PetscComplex;

249: #define PetscRealPartComplex(a)      creal(a)
250: #define PetscImaginaryPartComplex(a) cimag(a)
251: #define PetscAbsComplex(a)           cabs(a)
252: #define PetscConjComplex(a)          conj(a)
253: #define PetscSqrtComplex(a)          csqrt(a)
254: #define PetscPowComplex(a,b)         cpow(a,b)
255: #define PetscExpComplex(a)           cexp(a)
256: #define PetscLogComplex(a)           clog(a)
257: #define PetscSinComplex(a)           csin(a)
258: #define PetscCosComplex(a)           ccos(a)
259: #define PetscAsinComplex(a)          casin(a)
260: #define PetscAcosComplex(a)          cacos(a)
261: #define PetscTanComplex(a)           ctan(a)
262: #define PetscSinhComplex(a)          csinh(a)
263: #define PetscCoshComplex(a)          ccosh(a)
264: #define PetscTanhComplex(a)          ctanh(a)

266: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)
267: typedef __complex128 PetscComplex;
268: PETSC_EXTERN MPI_Datatype MPIU___COMPLEX128 PetscAttrMPITypeTag(__complex128);

270: #define PetscRealPartComplex(a)      crealq(a)
271: #define PetscImaginaryPartComplex(a) cimagq(a)
272: #define PetscAbsComplex(a)           cabsq(a)
273: #define PetscConjComplex(a)          conjq(a)
274: #define PetscSqrtComplex(a)          csqrtq(a)
275: #define PetscPowComplex(a,b)         cpowq(a,b)
276: #define PetscExpComplex(a)           cexpq(a)
277: #define PetscLogComplex(a)           clogq(a)
278: #define PetscSinComplex(a)           csinq(a)
279: #define PetscCosComplex(a)           ccosq(a)
280: #define PetscAsinComplex(a)          casinq(a)
281: #define PetscAcosComplex(a)          cacosq(a)
282: #define PetscTanComplex(a)           ctanq(a)
283: #define PetscSinhComplex(a)          csinhq(a)
284: #define PetscCoshComplex(a)          ccoshq(a)
285: #define PetscTanhComplex(a)          ctanhq(a)

287: #endif /* PETSC_USE_REAL_* */
288: #elif (defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX) && !defined(PETSC_SKIP_COMPLEX))
289: #error "PETSc was configured --with-scalar-type=complex, but a language-appropriate complex library is not available"
290: #endif /* !PETSC_SKIP_COMPLEX */
291: #endif /* (__cplusplus && PETSC_HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX) else-if (!__cplusplus && PETSC_HAVE_C99_COMPLEX) */

293: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_COMPLEX)
297: #else
298: # if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(PETSC_HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX) && !defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)
299:   typedef complexlib::complex<double> petsc_mpiu_c_double_complex;
300:   typedef complexlib::complex<float> petsc_mpiu_c_complex;
301: # elif !defined(__cplusplus) && defined(PETSC_HAVE_C99_COMPLEX)
302:   typedef double _Complex petsc_mpiu_c_double_complex;
303:   typedef float _Complex petsc_mpiu_c_complex;
304: # else
305:   typedef struct {double real,imag;} petsc_mpiu_c_double_complex;
306:   typedef struct {float real,imag;} petsc_mpiu_c_complex;
307: # endif
308: PETSC_EXTERN MPI_Datatype MPIU_C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX PetscAttrMPITypeTagLayoutCompatible(petsc_mpiu_c_double_complex);
309: PETSC_EXTERN MPI_Datatype MPIU_C_COMPLEX PetscAttrMPITypeTagLayoutCompatible(petsc_mpiu_c_complex);
311: #endif /* PETSC_HAVE_COMPLEX */

313: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_COMPLEX)
314: #  if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE) || defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FP16)
316: #  elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_DOUBLE)
318: #  elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)
319: #    define MPIU_COMPLEX MPIU___COMPLEX128
320: #  endif /* PETSC_USE_REAL_* */
321: #endif

323: #if (defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX) && !defined(PETSC_SKIP_COMPLEX))
324: typedef PetscComplex PetscScalar;
325: #define PetscRealPart(a)      PetscRealPartComplex(a)
326: #define PetscImaginaryPart(a) PetscImaginaryPartComplex(a)
327: #define PetscAbsScalar(a)     PetscAbsComplex(a)
328: #define PetscConj(a)          PetscConjComplex(a)
329: #define PetscSqrtScalar(a)    PetscSqrtComplex(a)
330: #define PetscPowScalar(a,b)   PetscPowComplex(a,b)
331: #define PetscExpScalar(a)     PetscExpComplex(a)
332: #define PetscLogScalar(a)     PetscLogComplex(a)
333: #define PetscSinScalar(a)     PetscSinComplex(a)
334: #define PetscCosScalar(a)     PetscCosComplex(a)
335: #define PetscAsinScalar(a)    PetscAsinComplex(a)
336: #define PetscAcosScalar(a)    PetscAcosComplex(a)
337: #define PetscTanScalar(a)     PetscTanComplex(a)
338: #define PetscSinhScalar(a)    PetscSinhComplex(a)
339: #define PetscCoshScalar(a)    PetscCoshComplex(a)
340: #define PetscTanhScalar(a)    PetscTanhComplex(a)

343: /*
344:     real number definitions
345:  */
346: #else /* PETSC_USE_COMPLEX */
347: typedef PetscReal PetscScalar;

350: #define PetscRealPart(a)      (a)
351: #define PetscImaginaryPart(a) ((PetscReal)0.)
352: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscReal PetscAbsScalar(PetscScalar a) {return a < 0.0 ? -a : a;}
353: #define PetscConj(a)          (a)
354: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)  && !defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FP16)
355: #define PetscSqrtScalar(a)    sqrt(a)
356: #define PetscPowScalar(a,b)   pow(a,b)
357: #define PetscExpScalar(a)     exp(a)
358: #define PetscLogScalar(a)     log(a)
359: #define PetscSinScalar(a)     sin(a)
360: #define PetscCosScalar(a)     cos(a)
361: #define PetscAsinScalar(a)    asin(a)
362: #define PetscAcosScalar(a)    acos(a)
363: #define PetscTanScalar(a)     tan(a)
364: #define PetscSinhScalar(a)    sinh(a)
365: #define PetscCoshScalar(a)    cosh(a)
366: #define PetscTanhScalar(a)    tanh(a)
367: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FP16)
368: #define PetscSqrtScalar(a)    sqrtf(a)
369: #define PetscPowScalar(a,b)   powf(a,b)
370: #define PetscExpScalar(a)     expf(a)
371: #define PetscLogScalar(a)     logf(a)
372: #define PetscSinScalar(a)     sinf(a)
373: #define PetscCosScalar(a)     cosf(a)
374: #define PetscAsinScalar(a)    asinf(a)
375: #define PetscAcosScalar(a)    acosf(a)
376: #define PetscTanScalar(a)     tanf(a)
377: #define PetscSinhScalar(a)    sinhf(a)
378: #define PetscCoshScalar(a)    coshf(a)
379: #define PetscTanhScalar(a)    tanhf(a)
380: #else /* PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128 */
381: #define PetscSqrtScalar(a)    sqrtq(a)
382: #define PetscPowScalar(a,b)   powq(a,b)
383: #define PetscExpScalar(a)     expq(a)
384: #define PetscLogScalar(a)     logq(a)
385: #define PetscSinScalar(a)     sinq(a)
386: #define PetscCosScalar(a)     cosq(a)
387: #define PetscAsinScalar(a)    asinq(a)
388: #define PetscAcosScalar(a)    acosq(a)
389: #define PetscTanScalar(a)     tanq(a)
390: #define PetscSinhScalar(a)    sinhq(a)
391: #define PetscCoshScalar(a)    coshq(a)
392: #define PetscTanhScalar(a)    tanhq(a)
393: #endif /* PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128 */

395: #endif /* PETSC_USE_COMPLEX */

397: #define PetscSign(a) (((a) >= 0) ? ((a) == 0 ? 0 : 1) : -1)
398: #define PetscSignReal(a) (((a) >= 0.0) ? ((a) == 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0) : -1.0)
399: #define PetscAbs(a)  (((a) >= 0) ? (a) : (-(a)))

401: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

403: /*
404:    Certain objects may be created using either single or double precision.
405:    This is currently not used.
406: */

409: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_COMPLEX)
410: /* PETSC_i is the imaginary number, i */
411: PETSC_EXTERN PetscComplex PETSC_i;

413: /* Try to do the right thing for complex number construction: see


417:   for details
418: */
419: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscComplex PetscCMPLX(PetscReal x, PetscReal y)
420: {
421: #if   defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)
422:   return PetscComplex(x,y);
423: #elif defined(_Imaginary_I)
424:   return x + y * _Imaginary_I;
425: #else
426:   { /* In both C99 and C11 (ISO/IEC 9899, Section 6.2.5),

428:        "For each floating type there is a corresponding real type, which is always a real floating
429:        type. For real floating types, it is the same type. For complex types, it is the type given
430:        by deleting the keyword _Complex from the type name."

432:        So type punning should be portable. */
433:     union { PetscComplex z; PetscReal f[2]; } uz;

435:     uz.f[0] = x;
436:     uz.f[1] = y;
437:     return uz.z;
438:   }
439: #endif
440: }
441: #endif

444: /*MC
445:    PetscMin - Returns minimum of two numbers

447:    Synopsis:
448:    #include <petscmath.h>
449:    type PetscMin(type v1,type v2)

451:    Not Collective

453:    Input Parameter:
454: +  v1 - first value to find minimum of
455: -  v2 - second value to find minimum of

457:    Notes: type can be integer or floating point value

459:    Level: beginner

461: .seealso: PetscMin(), PetscClipInterval(), PetscAbsInt(), PetscAbsReal(), PetscSqr()

463: M*/
464: #define PetscMin(a,b)   (((a)<(b)) ?  (a) : (b))

466: /*MC
467:    PetscMax - Returns maxium of two numbers

469:    Synopsis:
470:    #include <petscmath.h>
471:    type max PetscMax(type v1,type v2)

473:    Not Collective

475:    Input Parameter:
476: +  v1 - first value to find maximum of
477: -  v2 - second value to find maximum of

479:    Notes: type can be integer or floating point value

481:    Level: beginner

483: .seealso: PetscMin(), PetscClipInterval(), PetscAbsInt(), PetscAbsReal(), PetscSqr()

485: M*/
486: #define PetscMax(a,b)   (((a)<(b)) ?  (b) : (a))

488: /*MC
489:    PetscClipInterval - Returns a number clipped to be within an interval

491:    Synopsis:
492:    #include <petscmath.h>
493:    type clip PetscClipInterval(type x,type a,type b)

495:    Not Collective

497:    Input Parameter:
498: +  x - value to use if within interval (a,b)
499: .  a - lower end of interval
500: -  b - upper end of interval

502:    Notes: type can be integer or floating point value

504:    Level: beginner

506: .seealso: PetscMin(), PetscMax(), PetscAbsInt(), PetscAbsReal(), PetscSqr()

508: M*/
509: #define PetscClipInterval(x,a,b)   (PetscMax((a),PetscMin((x),(b))))

511: /*MC
512:    PetscAbsInt - Returns the absolute value of an integer

514:    Synopsis:
515:    #include <petscmath.h>
516:    int abs PetscAbsInt(int v1)

518:    Not Collective

520:    Input Parameter:
521: .   v1 - the integer

523:    Level: beginner

525: .seealso: PetscMax(), PetscMin(), PetscAbsReal(), PetscSqr()

527: M*/
528: #define PetscAbsInt(a)  (((a)<0)   ? (-(a)) : (a))

530: /*MC
531:    PetscAbsReal - Returns the absolute value of an real number

533:    Synopsis:
534:    #include <petscmath.h>
535:    Real abs PetscAbsReal(PetscReal v1)

537:    Not Collective

539:    Input Parameter:
540: .   v1 - the double

543:    Level: beginner

545: .seealso: PetscMax(), PetscMin(), PetscAbsInt(), PetscSqr()

547: M*/
548: #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
549: #define PetscAbsReal(a) fabsf(a)
550: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_DOUBLE)
551: #define PetscAbsReal(a) fabs(a)
552: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)
553: #define PetscAbsReal(a) fabsq(a)
554: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FP16)
555: #define PetscAbsReal(a) fabsf(a)
556: #endif

558: /*MC
559:    PetscSqr - Returns the square of a number

561:    Synopsis:
562:    #include <petscmath.h>
563:    type sqr PetscSqr(type v1)

565:    Not Collective

567:    Input Parameter:
568: .   v1 - the value

570:    Notes: type can be integer or floating point value

572:    Level: beginner

574: .seealso: PetscMax(), PetscMin(), PetscAbsInt(), PetscAbsReal()

576: M*/
577: #define PetscSqr(a)     ((a)*(a))

579: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

581: #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
582: #define PetscRealConstant(constant) constant##F
583: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)
584: #define PetscRealConstant(constant) constant##Q
585: #else
586: #define PetscRealConstant(constant) constant
587: #endif

589: /*
590:      Basic constants
591: */
592: #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)
593: #define PETSC_PI                 M_PIq
594: #elif defined(M_PI)
595: #define PETSC_PI                 M_PI
596: #else
597: #define PETSC_PI                 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582
598: #endif
599: #define PETSC_PHI                1.6180339887498948482

601: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_64BIT_INDICES)
602: #define PETSC_MAX_INT            2147483647
603: #define PETSC_MIN_INT            (-PETSC_MAX_INT - 1)
604: #else
605: #define PETSC_MAX_INT            9223372036854775807L
606: #define PETSC_MIN_INT            (-PETSC_MAX_INT - 1)
607: #endif

609: #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
610: #  define PETSC_MAX_REAL                3.40282346638528860e+38F
611: #  define PETSC_MIN_REAL                (-PETSC_MAX_REAL)
612: #  define PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON         1.19209290e-07F
613: #  define PETSC_SQRT_MACHINE_EPSILON    3.45266983e-04F
614: #  define PETSC_SMALL                   1.e-5F
615: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_DOUBLE)
616: #  define PETSC_MAX_REAL                1.7976931348623157e+308
617: #  define PETSC_MIN_REAL                (-PETSC_MAX_REAL)
618: #  define PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON         2.2204460492503131e-16
619: #  define PETSC_SQRT_MACHINE_EPSILON    1.490116119384766e-08
620: #  define PETSC_SMALL                   1.e-10
621: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FLOAT128)
622: #  define PETSC_MAX_REAL                FLT128_MAX
623: #  define PETSC_MIN_REAL                (-FLT128_MAX)
624: #  define PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON         FLT128_EPSILON
625: #  define PETSC_SQRT_MACHINE_EPSILON    1.38777878078144567552953958511352539e-17Q
626: #  define PETSC_SMALL                   1.e-20Q
627: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_REAL___FP16)  /* maybe should use single precision values for these? */
628: #  define PETSC_MAX_REAL                65504.
629: #  define PETSC_MIN_REAL                (-PETSC_MAX_REAL)
630: #  define PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON         .00097656
631: #  define PETSC_SQRT_MACHINE_EPSILON    .0312
632: #  define PETSC_SMALL                   5.e-3
633: #endif

635: #define PETSC_INFINITY               (PETSC_MAX_REAL/4)
636: #define PETSC_NINFINITY              (-PETSC_INFINITY)

638: PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool PetscIsInfReal(PetscReal);
639: PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool PetscIsNanReal(PetscReal);
640: PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool PetscIsNormalReal(PetscReal);
641: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscBool PetscIsInfOrNanReal(PetscReal v) {return PetscIsInfReal(v) || PetscIsNanReal(v) ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE;}
642: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscBool PetscIsInfScalar(PetscScalar v) {return PetscIsInfReal(PetscAbsScalar(v));}
643: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscBool PetscIsNanScalar(PetscScalar v) {return PetscIsNanReal(PetscAbsScalar(v));}
644: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscBool PetscIsInfOrNanScalar(PetscScalar v) {return PetscIsInfOrNanReal(PetscAbsScalar(v));}
645: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscBool PetscIsNormalScalar(PetscScalar v) {return PetscIsNormalReal(PetscAbsScalar(v));}

647: PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool PetscEqualReal(PetscReal,PetscReal);
648: PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool PetscEqualScalar(PetscScalar,PetscScalar);

650: /*
651:     These macros are currently hardwired to match the regular data types, so there is no support for a different
652:     MatScalar from PetscScalar. We left the MatScalar in the source just in case we use it again.
653:  */
655: typedef PetscScalar MatScalar;
656: typedef PetscReal MatReal;

658: struct petsc_mpiu_2scalar {PetscScalar a,b;};
659: PETSC_EXTERN MPI_Datatype MPIU_2SCALAR PetscAttrMPITypeTagLayoutCompatible(struct petsc_mpiu_2scalar);
660: #if defined(PETSC_USE_64BIT_INDICES) || !defined(MPI_2INT)
661: struct petsc_mpiu_2int {PetscInt a,b;};
662: PETSC_EXTERN MPI_Datatype MPIU_2INT PetscAttrMPITypeTagLayoutCompatible(struct petsc_mpiu_2int);
663: #else
664: #define MPIU_2INT MPI_2INT
665: #endif

667: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscInt PetscPowInt(PetscInt base,PetscInt power)
668: {
669:   PetscInt result = 1;
670:   while (power) {
671:     if (power & 1) result *= base;
672:     power >>= 1;
673:     base *= base;
674:   }
675:   return result;
676: }

678: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscReal PetscPowRealInt(PetscReal base,PetscInt power)
679: {
680:   PetscReal result = 1;
681:   if (power < 0) {
682:     power = -power;
683:     base  = ((PetscReal)1)/base;
684:   }
685:   while (power) {
686:     if (power & 1) result *= base;
687:     power >>= 1;
688:     base *= base;
689:   }
690:   return result;
691: }

693: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscScalar PetscPowScalarInt(PetscScalar base,PetscInt power)
694: {
695:   PetscScalar result = 1;
696:   if (power < 0) {
697:     power = -power;
698:     base  = ((PetscReal)1)/base;
699:   }
700:   while (power) {
701:     if (power & 1) result *= base;
702:     power >>= 1;
703:     base *= base;
704:   }
705:   return result;
706: }

708: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscScalar PetscPowScalarReal(PetscScalar base,PetscReal power)
709: {
710:   PetscScalar cpower = power;
711:   return PetscPowScalar(base,cpower);
712: }

714: #ifndef PETSC_HAVE_LOG2
715: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscReal PetscLog2Real(PetscReal n)
716: {
717:   return PetscLogReal(n)/PetscLogReal(2.0);
718: }
719: #endif
720: #endif