petsc-3.7.7 2017-09-25
Determines if Intel Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) to the x86 instruction set can be used. Some operating systems do not allow the use of these instructions despite hardware availability.
#include "petscsys.h"
static PetscBool petsc_sse_local_is_untested = PETSC_TRUE;
static PetscBool petsc_sse_enabled_local = PETSC_FALSE;
static PetscBool petsc_sse_global_is_untested = PETSC_TRUE;
static PetscBool petsc_sse_enabled_global = PETSC_FALSE;
PetscErrorCode PetscSSEIsEnabled(MPI_Comm comm,PetscBool *lflag,PetscBool *gflag)
Collective on MPI_Comm
Input Parameter
comm -the MPI Communicator
Output Parameters
lflag -Local Flag: PETSC_TRUE if enabled in this process
gflag -Global Flag: PETSC_TRUE if enabled for all processes in comm
NULL can be specified for lflag or gflag if either of these values are not desired.
Options Database Keys
-disable_sse -Disable use of hand tuned Intel SSE implementations
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