petsc-3.7.7 2017-09-25
Documentation: Changes: 2.3.0
The equivalent of building BOPT=g, BOPT=O versions for
PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu is now: config/ [options]
-PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu config/ [options]
--with-debugging=0 -PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-opt
Python bindings added to PETSc. To use, configure with:
--with-python=1 ---with-shared=1 To build, use: 'make python' after
building PETSc libraries. Example in
- Options database keys -trmalloc[_xxx] are changed to -malloc[_xxx]
- -get_resident_set_size and -trinfo are changed to -memory_info
- PetscTrValid() -> PetscMallocValidate(), PetscTrDebug() -> PetscMallocDebug()
- -trdebug -> -malloc_debug
PetscGetResidentSetSize() -> PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage(), added
PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage() and PetscMemorySetGetMaximumUsage()
- PetscTrSpace() -> PetscMallocGetCurrentUsage() and PetscMallocGetMaximumUsage()
- added PetscOptionsEnum() and PetscOptionsGetEnum()
added PetscBag object for managing user created structs including
initializing them and serializing them.
removed PetscSetCommWorld(). Now you can directly assign to
PETSC_COMM_WORLD before PetscInitialize().
- Faster generation of VecScatter for many processes when indices are mostly sorted
Changed BLAS-type interfaces to PETSc-style:
- VecShift
- VecScale
- VecSet
- VecSetRandom
Changed order of arguments in pointwise routines:
- VecPointwiseMult
- VecPointwiseMax
- VecPointwiseMin
- VecPointwiseMaxAbs
- VecPointwiseDivide
- Changed MatConvert to require a reuse parameter to denote inplace converstion
- Added Cholesky and ICC support to SeqBAIJ
- Added the argument MatFactorInfo to MatLUFactorNumeric() and MatCholeskyFactorNumeric()
- Faster MatSetValues()
- Faster parallel-matrix vector products
- Changed MatCreate() to take only a communicator
- Added MatSetSize() to specify matrix sizes
Changed BLAS-type interfaces to PETSc-style:
- MatScale
- MatShift
- Change MatZeroRows() and MatZeroRowsLocal() to use arrays, and added IS versions
- Added PCILUReorderForNonzeroDiagonal() and PCLUReorderForNonzeroDiagonal()
Replace PCLUSetDamping(), PCILUSetDamping(), PCCholeskySetDamping()
and PCICCSetDamping() by PCFactorSetShiftNonzero(). Change the option
database keys -pc_lu_damping, -pc_ilu_damping, -pc_cholesky_damping
and -pc_icc_damping to -pc_factor_shift_nonzero
Replace PCLUSetShift(), PCILUSetShift(), PCCholeskySetShift() and
PCICCSetShift() by PCFactorSetShiftPd(). Change the option database
keys -pc_lu_shift, -pc_ilu_shift, -pc_cholesky_shift and
-pc_icc_shift to -pc_factor_shfit_positive_definite
PCMG: will automatically using the outer pmat operator to define the
finest level operator if not user supplied
PCMG: added MGUseGalerkin(), -pc_mg_galerkin option to have coarser
grid matrices computed from the finest grid matrix
PCMG: now does referencing counting on set vectors and
restriction/interpolation matrices so user need not keep reference to
free later
PCMG: if user does not provide restriction the interpolation is used
and vis versa
PCMG: if user does not provide Vecs for each level, will
automatically provide them
- All routines that began with MG now begin with PCMG
Added PCShellSet/GetContext() and removed the context passed into
PCSetApply() and PCSetApplyRichardson()
-ksp_cg_Hermitian and -ksp_cg_symmetric have been changed to
-ksp_cg_type Hermitian or symmetric
Changed options for -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type from never or
ifneeded or always to REFINE_NEVER or REFINE_IFNEEDED or
Changed the name and calling sequence for SNESSetLineSearchCheck() to
SNESLineSearchSetPostCheck() and added
a SNESLineSearchSetPreCheck()
Changed the names of all SNESxxxxLineSearchyyyy() to
SNESLineSearchxxxxyyyy() per PETSc naming standard.
- Now allow a constant vector to be specified in SNESSolve()
- Removed the Vec argument from SNESSetUp()
Corrected the order of function and context arguments in:
- SNESGetFunction()
- SNESGetJacobian()
Added DAVecGet/RestoreArrayDOF() allowing indexing in the dimension
of degrees of freedom at each point on the lattice.
- Faster DAGlobalToLocal() etc for dof > 1.
- Consolidated DMMG functionality into the new header file "petscdmmg.h".
PetscSetCommWorld() removed. [one can directly do PETSC_COMM_WORLD
= comm - before PetscInitialize()]