Actual source code: gl.h

petsc-3.7.3 2016-08-01
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4: #include <petsc/private/tsimpl.h> 6: typedef enum {TSGLERROR_FORWARD,TSGLERROR_BACKWARD} TSGLErrorDirection; 8: typedef struct _TSGLScheme *TSGLScheme; 9: struct _TSGLScheme { 10: PetscInt p; /* order of the method */ 11: PetscInt q; /* stage-order of the method */ 12: PetscInt r; /* number of items carried between stages */ 13: PetscInt s; /* number of stages */ 14: PetscScalar *c; /* location of the stages */ 15: PetscScalar *a,*b,*u,*v; /* tableau for the method */ 17: /* For use in rescale & modify */ 18: PetscScalar *alpha; /* X_n(t_n) - X_{n-1}(t_n) = - alpha^T h^{p+1} x^{(p+1)}(t_n) */ 19: PetscScalar *beta; /* - beta^T h^{p+2} x^{(p+2)}(t_n) */ 20: PetscScalar *gamma; /* - gamma^T h^{p+2} f' x^{(p+1)}(t_n) + O(h^{p+3}) */ 22: /* Error estimates */ 23: /* h^{p+1}x^{(p+1)}(t_n) ~= phi[0]*h*Ydot + psi[0]*X[1:] */ 24: /* h^{p+2}x^{(p+2)}(t_n) ~= phi[1]*h*Ydot + psi[1]*X[1:] */ 25: /* h^{p+2}f' x^{(p+1)}(t_n) ~= phi[2]*h*Ydot + psi[2]*X[1:] */ 26: PetscScalar *phi; /* dim=[3][s] for estimating higher moments, see B,J,W 2007 */ 27: PetscScalar *psi; /* dim=[3][r-1], [0 psi^T] of B,J,W 2007 */ 28: PetscScalar *stage_error; 30: /* Desirable properties which enable extra optimizations */ 31: PetscBool stiffly_accurate; /* Last row of [A U] is equal t first row of [B V]? */ 32: PetscBool fsal; /* First Same As Last: X[1] = h*Ydot[s-1] (and stiffly accurate) */ 33: }; 35: typedef struct TS_GL { 36: TSGLAcceptFunction Accept; /* Decides whether to accept a given time step, given estimates of local truncation error */ 37: TSGLAdapt adapt; 39: /* These names are only stored so that they can be printed in TSView_GL() without making these schemes full-blown 40: objects (the implementations I'm thinking of do not have state and I'm lazy). */ 41: char accept_name[256]; 43: /* specific to the family of GL method */ 44: PetscErrorCode (*EstimateHigherMoments)(TSGLScheme,PetscReal,Vec*,Vec*,Vec*); /* Provide local error estimates */ 45: PetscErrorCode (*CompleteStep)(TSGLScheme,PetscReal,TSGLScheme,PetscReal,Vec*,Vec*,Vec*); 46: PetscErrorCode (*Destroy)(struct TS_GL*); 47: PetscErrorCode (*View)(struct TS_GL*,PetscViewer); 48: char type_name[256]; 49: PetscInt nschemes; 50: TSGLScheme *schemes; 52: Vec *X; /* Items to carry between steps */ 53: Vec *Xold; /* Values of these items at the last step */ 54: Vec W; /* = 1/(atol+rtol*|X0|), used for WRMS norm */ 55: Vec *himom; /* len=3, Estimates of h^{p+1}x^{(p+1)}, h^{p+2}x^{(p+2)}, h^{p+2}(df/dx) x^{(p+1)} */ 56: PetscReal wrms_atol,wrms_rtol; 58: /* Stages (Y,Ydot) are computed sequentially */ 59: Vec *Ydot; /* Derivatives of stage vectors, must be stored */ 60: Vec Y; /* Stage vector, only used while solving the stage so we don't need to store it */ 61: Vec Z; /* Affine vector */ 62: PetscReal scoeff; /* Ydot = Z + shift*Y; shift = scoeff/ts->time_step */ 63: PetscReal stage_time; /* time at current stage */ 64: PetscInt stage; /* index of the stage we are currently solving for */ 66: /* Runtime options */ 67: PetscInt current_scheme; 68: PetscInt max_order,min_order,start_order; 69: PetscBool extrapolate; /* use extrapolation to produce initial Newton iterate? */ 70: TSGLErrorDirection error_direction; /* TSGLERROR_FORWARD or TSGLERROR_BACKWARD */ 72: PetscInt max_step_rejections; 74: PetscBool setupcalled; 75: void *data; 76: } TS_GL; 78: #endif