Actual source code: client.c

petsc-3.7.3 2016-08-01
Report Typos and Errors
  2: #include <petscwebclient.h>
  3: #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
  4: #pragma gcc diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"

  6: static BIO *bio_err = NULL;

  8: #define PASSWORD "password"

 11: static int password_cb(char *buf,int num, int rwflag,void *userdata)
 12: {
 13:   if (num < strlen(PASSWORD)+1) return(0);
 14:   strcpy(buf,PASSWORD);
 15:   return(strlen(PASSWORD));
 16: }
 17: #endif

 19: static void sigpipe_handle(int x)
 20: {
 21: }

 25: /*
 26:     PetscSSLInitializeContext - Set up an SSL context suitable for initiating HTTPS requests.

 28:     If built with PETSC_USE_SSL_CERTIFICATE requires the user have created a self-signed certificate with

 30: $    saws/  -newcert  (using the passphrase of password)
 31: $    cat newkey.pem newcert.pem > sslclient.pem

 33:     and put the resulting file in either the current directory (with the application) or in the home directory. This seems kind of
 34:     silly but it was all I could figure out.

 36: */
 37: PetscErrorCode PetscSSLInitializeContext(SSL_CTX **octx)
 38: {
 39:     SSL_CTX        *ctx;
 41:     char           keyfile[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
 42:     PetscBool      exists;
 44: #endif

 47:     if (!bio_err){
 48:       SSL_library_init();
 49:       SSL_load_error_strings();
 50:       bio_err = BIO_new_fp(stderr,BIO_NOCLOSE);
 51:     }

 53:     /* Set up a SIGPIPE handler */
 54:     signal(SIGPIPE,sigpipe_handle);

 56:     ctx  = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method());
 57:     SSL_CTX_set_mode(ctx,SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY);

 60:     /* Locate keyfile */
 61:     PetscStrcpy(keyfile,"sslclient.pem");
 62:     PetscTestFile(keyfile,'r',&exists);
 63:     if (!exists) {
 64:       PetscGetHomeDirectory(keyfile,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN);
 65:       PetscStrcat(keyfile,"/");
 66:       PetscStrcat(keyfile,"sslclient.pem");
 67:       PetscTestFile(keyfile,'r',&exists);
 68:       if (!exists) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_FILE_OPEN,"Unable to locate sslclient.pem file in current directory or home directory");
 69:     }

 71:     /* Load our keys and certificates*/
 72:     if (!(SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx,keyfile))) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_FILE_OPEN,"Cannot read certificate file");

 74:     SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(ctx,password_cb);
 75:     if (!(SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx,keyfile,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM))) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_FILE_OPEN,"Cannot read key file");
 76: #endif

 78:     *octx = ctx;
 79:     return(0);
 80: }

 84: PetscErrorCode PetscSSLDestroyContext(SSL_CTX *ctx)
 85: {
 87:   SSL_CTX_free(ctx);
 88:   return(0);
 89: }

 93: PetscErrorCode PetscHTTPBuildRequest(const char type[],const char url[],const char header[],const char ctype[],const char body[],char **outrequest)
 94: {
 95:   char           *request=0;
 96:   char           contentlength[40],contenttype[80],*path,*host;
 97:   size_t         request_len,headlen,bodylen,contentlen,pathlen,hostlen,typelen,contenttypelen = 0;
 99:   PetscBool      flg;

102:   PetscStrallocpy(url,&host);
103:   PetscStrchr(host,'/',&path);
104:   if (!path) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"url must contain / it is %s",url);
105:   *path = 0;
106:   PetscStrlen(host,&hostlen);

108:   PetscStrchr(url,'/',&path);
109:   PetscStrlen(path,&pathlen);

111:   if (header) {
112:     PetscStrendswith(header,"\r\n",&flg);
113:     if (!flg) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"header must end with \\r\\n");
114:   }

116:   PetscStrlen(type,&typelen);
117:   if (ctype) {
118:     PetscSNPrintf(contenttype,80,"Content-Type: %s\r\n",ctype);
119:     PetscStrlen(contenttype,&contenttypelen);
120:   }
121:   PetscStrlen(header,&headlen);
122:   PetscStrlen(body,&bodylen);
123:   PetscSNPrintf(contentlength,40,"Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n",(int)bodylen);
124:   PetscStrlen(contentlength,&contentlen);

126:   /* Now construct our HTTP request */
127:   request_len = typelen + 1 + pathlen + hostlen + 100 + headlen + contenttypelen + contentlen + bodylen + 1;
128:   PetscMalloc1(request_len,&request);
129:   PetscStrcpy(request,type);
130:   PetscStrcat(request," ");
131:   PetscStrcat(request,path);
132:   PetscStrcat(request," HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
133:   PetscStrcat(request,host);
134:   PetscFree(host);
135:   PetscStrcat(request,"\r\nUser-Agent:PETScClient\r\n");
136:   PetscStrcat(request,header);
137:   if (ctype) {
138:     PetscStrcat(request,contenttype);
139:   }
140:   PetscStrcat(request,contentlength);
141:   PetscStrcat(request,body);
142:   PetscStrlen(request,&request_len);
143:   PetscInfo1(NULL,"HTTPS request follows: \n%s\n",request);

145:   *outrequest = request;
146:   return(0);
147: }

152: /*
153:      PetscHTTPSRequest - Send a request to an HTTPS server

155:    Input Parameters:
156: +   type - either "POST" or "GET"
157: .   url -  URL of request host/path
158: .   header - additional header information, may be NULL
159: .   ctype - data type of body, for example application/json
160: .   body - data to send to server
161: .   ssl - obtained with PetscHTTPSConnect()
162: -   buffsize - size of buffer

164:    Output Parameter:
165: .   buff - everything returned from server
166:  */
167: PetscErrorCode PetscHTTPSRequest(const char type[],const char url[],const char header[],const char ctype[],const char body[],SSL *ssl,char buff[],size_t buffsize)
168: {
169:   char           *request;
170:   int            r;
171:   size_t         request_len,len;
173:   PetscBool      foundbody = PETSC_FALSE;

176:   PetscHTTPBuildRequest(type,url,header,ctype,body,&request);
177:   PetscStrlen(request,&request_len);

179:   r = SSL_write(ssl,request,(int)request_len);
180:   switch (SSL_get_error(ssl,r)){
181:     case SSL_ERROR_NONE:
182:       if (request_len != (size_t)r) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Incomplete write to SSL socket");
183:       break;
184:     default:
185:       SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"SSL socket write problem");
186:   }

188:   /* Now read the server's response, globus sends it in two chunks hence must read a second time if needed */
189:   PetscMemzero(buff,buffsize);
190:   len       = 0;
191:   foundbody = PETSC_FALSE;
192:   do {
193:     char   *clen;
194:     int    cl;
195:     size_t nlen;

197:     r = SSL_read(ssl,buff+len,(int)buffsize);
198:     len += r;
199:     switch (SSL_get_error(ssl,r)){
200:     case SSL_ERROR_NONE:
201:       break;
202:     case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN:
203:       foundbody = PETSC_TRUE;
204:       SSL_shutdown(ssl);
205:       break;
206:     case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:
207:       foundbody = PETSC_TRUE;
208:       break;
209:     default:
210:       SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"SSL read problem");
211:     }

213:     PetscStrstr(buff,"Content-Length: ",&clen);
214:     if (clen) {
215:       clen += 15;
216:       sscanf(clen,"%d",&cl);
217:       if (!cl) foundbody = PETSC_TRUE;
218:       else {
219:         PetscStrstr(buff,"\r\n\r\n",&clen);
220:         if (clen) {
221:           PetscStrlen(clen,&nlen);
222:           if (nlen-4 == (size_t) cl) foundbody = PETSC_TRUE;
223:         }
224:       }
225:     } else {
226:       /* if no content length than must leave because you don't know if you can read again */
227:       foundbody = PETSC_TRUE;
228:     }
229:   } while (!foundbody);
230:   PetscInfo1(NULL,"HTTPS result follows: \n%s\n",buff);

232:   SSL_free(ssl);
233:   PetscFree(request);
234:   return(0);
235: }

239: /*
240:      PetscHTTPRequest - Send a request to an HTTP server

242:    Input Parameters:
243: +   type - either "POST" or "GET"
244: .   url -  URL of request host/path
245: .   header - additional header information, may be NULL
246: .   ctype - data type of body, for example application/json
247: .   body - data to send to server
248: .   sock - obtained with PetscOpenSocket()
249: -   buffsize - size of buffer

251:    Output Parameter:
252: .   buff - everything returned from server
253:  */
254: PetscErrorCode PetscHTTPRequest(const char type[],const char url[],const char header[],const char ctype[],const char body[],int sock,char buff[],size_t buffsize)
255: {
256:   char           *request;
257:   size_t         request_len;

261:   PetscHTTPBuildRequest(type,url,header,ctype,body,&request);
262:   PetscStrlen(request,&request_len);

264:   PetscBinaryWrite(sock,request,request_len,PETSC_CHAR,PETSC_FALSE);
265:   PetscFree(request);
266:   PetscBinaryRead(sock,buff,buffsize,PETSC_CHAR);
267:   buff[buffsize-1] = 0;
268:   PetscInfo1(NULL,"HTTP result follows: \n%s\n",buff);
269:   return(0);
270: }

274: PetscErrorCode PetscHTTPSConnect(const char host[],int port,SSL_CTX *ctx,int *sock,SSL **ssl)
275: {
276:   BIO            *sbio;

280:   /* Connect the TCP socket*/
281:   PetscOpenSocket(host,port,sock);

283:   /* Connect the SSL socket */
284:   *ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
285:   sbio = BIO_new_socket(*sock,BIO_NOCLOSE);
286:   SSL_set_bio(*ssl,sbio,sbio);
287:   if (SSL_connect(*ssl) <= 0) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"SSL connect error");
288:   return(0);
289: }

293: /*
294:      Given a JSON response containing the substring with "key" : "value"  where there may or not be spaces around the : returns the value.
295: */
296: PetscErrorCode PetscPullJSONValue(const char buff[],const char key[],char value[],size_t valuelen,PetscBool *found)
297: {
299:   char           *v,*w;
300:   char           work[256];
301:   size_t         len;

304:   PetscStrcpy(work,"\"");
305:   PetscStrncat(work,key,250);
306:   PetscStrcat(work,"\":");
307:   PetscStrstr(buff,work,&v);
308:   PetscStrlen(work,&len);
309:   if (v) {
310:     v += len;
311:   } else {
312:     work[len++-1] = 0;
313:     PetscStrcat(work," :");
314:     PetscStrstr(buff,work,&v);
315:     if (!v) {
316:       *found = PETSC_FALSE;
317:       return(0);
318:     }
319:     v += len;
320:   }
321:   PetscStrchr(v,'\"',&v);
322:   if (!v) {
323:     *found = PETSC_FALSE;
324:     return(0);
325:   }
326:   PetscStrchr(v+1,'\"',&w);
327:   if (!w) {
328:     *found = PETSC_FALSE;
329:     return(0);
330:   }
331:   *found = PETSC_TRUE;
332:   PetscStrncpy(value,v+1,PetscMin((size_t)(w-v),valuelen));
333:   return(0);
334: }

336: #include <ctype.h>

340: /*
341:      Pushs a "key" : "value" pair onto a string

343:      Ignores lengths so can cause buffer overflow
344: */
345: PetscErrorCode PetscPushJSONValue(char buff[],const char key[],const char value[],size_t bufflen)
346: {
348:   size_t         len;
349:   PetscBool      special;

352:   PetscStrcmp(value,"null",&special);
353:   if (!special) {
354:     PetscStrcmp(value,"true",&special);
355:   }
356:   if (!special) {
357:     PetscStrcmp(value,"false",&special);
358:   }
359:   if (!special) {
360:     PetscInt i;

362:     PetscStrlen(value,&len);
363:     special = PETSC_TRUE;
364:     for (i=0; i<(int)len; i++) {
365:       if (!isdigit(value[i])) {
366:         special = PETSC_FALSE;
367:         break;
368:       }
369:     }
370:   }

372:   PetscStrcat(buff,"\"");
373:   PetscStrcat(buff,key);
374:   PetscStrcat(buff,"\":");
375:   if (!special) {
376:     PetscStrcat(buff,"\"");
377:   }
378:   PetscStrcat(buff,value);
379:   if (!special) {
380:     PetscStrcat(buff,"\"");
381:   }
382:   return(0);
383: }