Actual source code: pythonsnes.c

petsc-3.7.3 2016-08-01
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  1: #include <petsc/private/snesimpl.h>          /*I "petscsnes.h" I*/

  5: /*@C
  6:    SNESPythonSetType - Initalize a SNES object implemented in Python.

  8:    Collective on SNES

 10:    Input Parameter:
 11: +  snes - the nonlinear solver (SNES) context.
 12: -  pyname - full dotted Python name [package].module[.{class|function}]

 14:    Options Database Key:
 15: .  -snes_python_type <pyname>

 17:    Level: intermediate

 19: .keywords: SNES, Python

 21: .seealso: SNESCreate(), SNESSetType(), SNESPYTHON, PetscPythonInitialize()
 22: @*/
 23: PetscErrorCode  SNESPythonSetType(SNES snes,const char pyname[])
 24: {

 30:   PetscTryMethod(snes,"SNESPythonSetType_C",(SNES, const char[]),(snes,pyname));
 31:   return(0);
 32: }