petsc-3.7.3 2016-08-01
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Matrices Mat: : Examples

PETSc matrices (Mat objects) are used to store Jacobians and other sparse matrices in PDE-based (or other) simulations.

ex1.c: Reads a PETSc matrix and vector from a file and reorders it
ex2.c: testing SeqDense matrices with an LDA (leading dimension of the user-allocated arrray) larger than M
ex4.c: Reads U and V matrices from a file and performs y = V*U'*x
ex5.c: Each process opens the file and reads its part
ex8.c: Shows how to add a new MatOperation to AIJ MatType\n\n
ex9.c: Tests MatCreateComposite()\n\n
ex10.c: Reads a PETSc matrix and computes the 2 norm of the columns\n\n
ex11.c: Tests MatMeshToDual()\n\n
ex12.c: Reads a PETSc matrix and vector from a file appends the vector the matrix\n\n
ex15.c: Example of using graph partitioning to segment an image\n\n
ex16.c: Reads a matrix from PETSc binary file
ex17.c: Example of using graph partitioning with a matrix in which some procs have empty ownership\n\n