Actual source code: petscdmtypes.h

petsc-3.7.3 2016-08-01
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  1: #if !defined(_PETSCDMTYPES_H)
  2: #define _PETSCDMTYPES_H

  4: /*S
  5:      DM - Abstract PETSc object that manages an abstract grid object and its interactions with the algebraic solvers

  7:    Level: intermediate

  9:   Concepts: grids, grid refinement

 11:    Notes: The DMDACreate() based object and the DMCompositeCreate() based object are examples of DMs

 13: .seealso:  DMCompositeCreate(), DMDACreate(), DMSetType(), DMType
 14: S*/
 15: typedef struct _p_DM* DM;

 17: /*E
 18:   DMBoundaryType - Describes the choice for fill of ghost cells on physical domain boundaries.

 20:   Level: beginner

 22:   A boundary may be of type DM_BOUNDARY_NONE (no ghost nodes), DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED (ghost vertices/cells
 23:   exist but aren't filled, you can put values into them and then apply a stencil that uses those ghost locations),
 24:   DM_BOUNDARY_MIRROR (not yet implemented for 3d), DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC (ghost vertices/cells filled by the opposite
 25:   edge of the domain), or DM_BOUNDARY_TWIST (like periodic, only glued backwards like a Mobius strip).

 27:   Note: This is information for the boundary of the __PHYSICAL__ domain. It has nothing to do with boundaries between
 28:   processes, that width is always determined by the stencil width, see DMDASetStencilWidth().

 30: .seealso: DMDASetBoundaryType(), DMDACreate1d(), DMDACreate2d(), DMDACreate3d(), DMDACreate()
 31: E*/

 34: /*S
 35:   PetscPartitioner - PETSc object that manages a graph partitioner

 37:   Level: intermediate

 39:   Concepts: partition, mesh

 41: .seealso: PetscPartitionerCreate(), PetscPartitionerSetType(), PetscPartitionerType
 42: S*/
 43: typedef struct _p_PetscPartitioner *PetscPartitioner;

 45: #endif