Actual source code: mkl_pardiso.c

petsc-3.6.4 2016-04-12
Report Typos and Errors
  1: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_LIBMKL_INTEL_ILP64)
  2: #define MKL_ILP64
  3: #endif

  5: #include <../src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aij.h>        /*I "petscmat.h" I*/
  6: #include <../src/mat/impls/sbaij/seq/sbaij.h>    /*I "petscmat.h" I*/
  7: #include <../src/mat/impls/dense/seq/dense.h>    /*I "petscmat.h" I*/

  9: #include <stdio.h>
 10: #include <stdlib.h>
 11: #include <math.h>
 12: #include <mkl.h>

 14: /*
 15:  *  Possible mkl_pardiso phases that controls the execution of the solver.
 16:  *  For more information check mkl_pardiso manual.
 17:  */
 18: #define JOB_ANALYSIS 11

 30: #define IPARM_SIZE 64

 32: #if defined(PETSC_USE_64BIT_INDICES)
 33:  #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_LIBMKL_INTEL_ILP64)
 34:   /* sizeof(MKL_INT) == sizeof(long long int) if ilp64*/
 35:   #define INT_TYPE long long int
 36:   #define MKL_PARDISO pardiso
 37:   #define MKL_PARDISO_INIT pardisoinit
 38:  #else
 39:   #define INT_TYPE long long int
 40:   #define MKL_PARDISO pardiso_64
 41:   #define MKL_PARDISO_INIT pardiso_64init
 42:  #endif
 43: #else
 44:  #define INT_TYPE int
 45:  #define MKL_PARDISO pardiso
 46:  #define MKL_PARDISO_INIT pardisoinit
 47: #endif

 50: /*
 51:  *  Internal data structure.
 52:  *  For more information check mkl_pardiso manual.
 53:  */
 54: typedef struct {

 56:   /* Configuration vector*/
 57:   INT_TYPE     iparm[IPARM_SIZE];

 59:   /*
 60:    * Internal mkl_pardiso memory location.
 61:    * After the first call to mkl_pardiso do not modify pt, as that could cause a serious memory leak.
 62:    */
 63:   void         *pt[IPARM_SIZE];

 65:   /* Basic mkl_pardiso info*/
 66:   INT_TYPE     phase, maxfct, mnum, mtype, n, nrhs, msglvl, err;

 68:   /* Matrix structure*/
 69:   void         *a;
 70:   INT_TYPE     *ia, *ja;

 72:   /* Number of non-zero elements*/
 73:   INT_TYPE     nz;

 75:   /* Row permutaton vector*/
 76:   INT_TYPE     *perm;

 78:   /* Define if matrix preserves sparse structure.*/
 79:   MatStructure matstruc;

 81:   /* True if mkl_pardiso function have been used.*/
 82:   PetscBool CleanUp;
 83: } Mat_MKL_PARDISO;

 86: void pardiso_64init(void *pt, INT_TYPE *mtype, INT_TYPE iparm [])
 87: {
 88:   int iparm_copy[IPARM_SIZE], mtype_copy, i;
 90:   mtype_copy = *mtype;
 91:   pardisoinit(pt, &mtype_copy, iparm_copy);
 92:   for(i = 0; i < IPARM_SIZE; i++){
 93:     iparm[i] = iparm_copy[i];
 94:   }
 95: }

 98: /*
 99:  * Copy the elements of matrix A.
100:  * Input:
101:  *   - Mat A: MATSEQAIJ matrix
102:  *   - int shift: matrix index.
103:  *     - 0 for c representation
104:  *     - 1 for fortran representation
105:  *   - MatReuse reuse:
106:  *     - MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX: Create a new aij representation
107:  *     - MAT_REUSE_MATRIX: Reuse all aij representation and just change values
108:  * Output:
109:  *   - int *nnz: Number of nonzero-elements.
110:  *   - int **r pointer to i index
111:  *   - int **c pointer to j elements
112:  *   - MATRIXTYPE **v: Non-zero elements
113:  */
116: PetscErrorCode MatCopy_MKL_PARDISO(Mat A, MatReuse reuse, INT_TYPE *nnz, INT_TYPE **r, INT_TYPE **c, void **v)
117: {
118:   Mat_SeqAIJ *aa=(Mat_SeqAIJ*)A->data;

121:   *v=aa->a;
122:   if (reuse == MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX) {
123:     *r   = (INT_TYPE*)aa->i;
124:     *c   = (INT_TYPE*)aa->j;
125:     *nnz = aa->nz;
126:   }
127:   return(0);
128: }

130: /*
131:  * Free memory for Mat_MKL_PARDISO structure and pointers to objects.
132:  */
135: PetscErrorCode MatDestroy_MKL_PARDISO(Mat A)
136: {
137:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO *mat_mkl_pardiso=(Mat_MKL_PARDISO*)A->spptr;
138:   PetscBool       isSeqSBAIJ;
139:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;

142:   /* Terminate instance, deallocate memories */
143:   if (mat_mkl_pardiso->CleanUp) {
144:     mat_mkl_pardiso->phase = JOB_RELEASE_OF_ALL_MEMORY;

146:     MKL_PARDISO (mat_mkl_pardiso->pt,
147:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->maxfct,
148:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->mnum,
149:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype,
150:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->phase,
151:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->n,
152:       NULL,
153:       NULL,
154:       NULL,
155:       mat_mkl_pardiso->perm,
156:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->nrhs,
157:       mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm,
158:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->msglvl,
159:       NULL,
160:       NULL,
161:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->err);
162:   }
163:   PetscFree(mat_mkl_pardiso->perm);
164:   PetscFree(A->spptr);

166:   /* clear composed functions */
167:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A,"MatFactorGetSolverPackage_C",NULL);
168:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A,"MatMkl_PardisoSetCntl_C",NULL);

170:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATSEQSBAIJ,&isSeqSBAIJ);
171:   if (isSeqSBAIJ) {MatDestroy_SeqSBAIJ(A);}
172:   else            {MatDestroy_SeqAIJ(A);}
173:   return(0);
174: }

176: /*
177:  * Computes Ax = b
178:  */
181: PetscErrorCode MatSolve_MKL_PARDISO(Mat A,Vec b,Vec x)
182: {
183:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO   *mat_mkl_pardiso=(Mat_MKL_PARDISO*)(A)->spptr;
184:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
185:   PetscScalar       *xarray;
186:   const PetscScalar *barray;

189:   mat_mkl_pardiso->nrhs = 1;
190:   VecGetArray(x,&xarray);
191:   VecGetArrayRead(b,&barray);

193:   /* solve phase */
194:   /*-------------*/
195:   mat_mkl_pardiso->phase = JOB_SOLVE_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT;
196:   MKL_PARDISO (mat_mkl_pardiso->pt,
197:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->maxfct,
198:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->mnum,
199:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype,
200:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->phase,
201:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->n,
202:     mat_mkl_pardiso->a,
203:     mat_mkl_pardiso->ia,
204:     mat_mkl_pardiso->ja,
205:     mat_mkl_pardiso->perm,
206:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->nrhs,
207:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm,
208:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->msglvl,
209:     (void*)barray,
210:     (void*)xarray,
211:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->err);

213:   if (mat_mkl_pardiso->err < 0) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Error reported by MKL_PARDISO: err=%d. Please check manual\n",mat_mkl_pardiso->err);
214:   VecRestoreArray(x,&xarray);
215:   VecRestoreArrayRead(b,&barray);
216:   mat_mkl_pardiso->CleanUp = PETSC_TRUE;
217:   return(0);
218: }

223: PetscErrorCode MatSolveTranspose_MKL_PARDISO(Mat A,Vec b,Vec x)
224: {
225:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO *mat_mkl_pardiso=(Mat_MKL_PARDISO*)A->spptr;
226:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;

229: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
230:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[12 - 1] = 1;
231: #else
232:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[12 - 1] = 2;
233: #endif
234:   MatSolve_MKL_PARDISO(A,b,x);
235:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[12 - 1] = 0;
236:   return(0);
237: }

242: PetscErrorCode MatMatSolve_MKL_PARDISO(Mat A,Mat B,Mat X)
243: {
244:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO   *mat_mkl_pardiso=(Mat_MKL_PARDISO*)(A)->spptr;
245:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
246:   PetscScalar       *barray, *xarray;
247:   PetscBool         flg;

250:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)B,MATSEQDENSE,&flg);
251:   if (!flg) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Matrix B must be MATSEQDENSE matrix");
252:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)X,MATSEQDENSE,&flg);
253:   if (!flg) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Matrix X must be MATSEQDENSE matrix");

255:   MatGetSize(B,NULL,(PetscInt*)&mat_mkl_pardiso->nrhs);

257:   if(mat_mkl_pardiso->nrhs > 0){
258:     MatDenseGetArray(B,&barray);
259:     MatDenseGetArray(X,&xarray);

261:     /* solve phase */
262:     /*-------------*/
263:     mat_mkl_pardiso->phase = JOB_SOLVE_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT;
264:     MKL_PARDISO (mat_mkl_pardiso->pt,
265:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->maxfct,
266:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->mnum,
267:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype,
268:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->phase,
269:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->n,
270:       mat_mkl_pardiso->a,
271:       mat_mkl_pardiso->ia,
272:       mat_mkl_pardiso->ja,
273:       mat_mkl_pardiso->perm,
274:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->nrhs,
275:       mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm,
276:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->msglvl,
277:       (void*)barray,
278:       (void*)xarray,
279:       &mat_mkl_pardiso->err);
280:     if (mat_mkl_pardiso->err < 0) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Error reported by MKL_PARDISO: err=%d. Please check manual\n",mat_mkl_pardiso->err);
281:   }
282:   mat_mkl_pardiso->CleanUp = PETSC_TRUE;
283:   return(0);
284: }

286: /*
287:  * LU Decomposition
288:  */
291: PetscErrorCode MatFactorNumeric_MKL_PARDISO(Mat F,Mat A,const MatFactorInfo *info)
292: {
293:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO *mat_mkl_pardiso=(Mat_MKL_PARDISO*)(F)->spptr;
294:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;

296:   /* numerical factorization phase */
297:   /*-------------------------------*/
299:   mat_mkl_pardiso->matstruc = SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN;
300:   MatCopy_MKL_PARDISO(A, MAT_REUSE_MATRIX, &mat_mkl_pardiso->nz, &mat_mkl_pardiso->ia, &mat_mkl_pardiso->ja, &mat_mkl_pardiso->a);

302:   /* numerical factorization phase */
303:   /*-------------------------------*/
304:   mat_mkl_pardiso->phase = JOB_NUMERICAL_FACTORIZATION;
305:   MKL_PARDISO (mat_mkl_pardiso->pt,
306:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->maxfct,
307:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->mnum,
308:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype,
309:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->phase,
310:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->n,
311:     mat_mkl_pardiso->a,
312:     mat_mkl_pardiso->ia,
313:     mat_mkl_pardiso->ja,
314:     mat_mkl_pardiso->perm,
315:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->nrhs,
316:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm,
317:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->msglvl,
318:     NULL,
319:     NULL,
320:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->err);
321:   if (mat_mkl_pardiso->err < 0) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Error reported by MKL_PARDISO: err=%d. Please check manual\n",mat_mkl_pardiso->err);

323:   mat_mkl_pardiso->matstruc = SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN;
324:   mat_mkl_pardiso->CleanUp  = PETSC_TRUE;
325:   return(0);
326: }

328: /* Sets mkl_pardiso options from the options database */
331: PetscErrorCode PetscSetMKL_PARDISOFromOptions(Mat F, Mat A)
332: {
333:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO     *mat_mkl_pardiso = (Mat_MKL_PARDISO*)F->spptr;
334:   PetscErrorCode      ierr;
335:   PetscInt            icntl, threads = 1;
336:   PetscBool           flg;

339:   PetscOptionsBegin(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),((PetscObject)A)->prefix,"MKL_PARDISO Options","Mat");
340:   PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_65","Number of threads to use","None",threads,&threads,&flg);
341:   if (flg) mkl_set_num_threads((int)threads);

343:   PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_66","Maximum number of factors with identical sparsity structure that must be kept in memory at the same time","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->maxfct,&icntl,&flg);
344:   if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->maxfct = icntl;

346:   PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_67","Indicates the actual matrix for the solution phase","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->mnum,&icntl,&flg);
347:   if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->mnum = icntl;
349:   PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_68","Message level information","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->msglvl,&icntl,&flg);
350:   if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->msglvl = icntl;

352:   PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_69","Defines the matrix type","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype,&icntl,&flg);
353:   if(flg){
354:     void *pt[IPARM_SIZE];
355:     mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype = icntl;
356:     MKL_PARDISO_INIT(pt, &mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype, mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm);
357: #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
358:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[27] = 1;
359: #else
360:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[27] = 0;
361: #endif
362:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[34] = 1;
363:   }
364:   PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_1","Use default values","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[0],&icntl,&flg);

366:   if(flg && icntl != 0){
367:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_2","Fill-in reducing ordering for the input matrix","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[1],&icntl,&flg);
368:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[1] = icntl;

370:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_4","Preconditioned CGS/CG","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[3],&icntl,&flg);
371:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[3] = icntl;

373:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_5","User permutation","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[4],&icntl,&flg);
374:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[4] = icntl;

376:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_6","Write solution on x","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[5],&icntl,&flg);
377:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[5] = icntl;

379:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_8","Iterative refinement step","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[7],&icntl,&flg);
380:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[7] = icntl;

382:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_10","Pivoting perturbation","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[9],&icntl,&flg);
383:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[9] = icntl;

385:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_11","Scaling vectors","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[10],&icntl,&flg);
386:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[10] = icntl;

388:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_12","Solve with transposed or conjugate transposed matrix A","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[11],&icntl,&flg);
389:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[11] = icntl;

391:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_13","Improved accuracy using (non-) symmetric weighted matching","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[12],&icntl,&flg);
392:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[12] = icntl;

394:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_18","Numbers of non-zero elements","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[17],&icntl,&flg);
395:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[17] = icntl;

397:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_19","Report number of floating point operations","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[18],&icntl,&flg);
398:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[18] = icntl;

400:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_21","Pivoting for symmetric indefinite matrices","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[20],&icntl,&flg);
401:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[20] = icntl;

403:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_24","Parallel factorization control","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[23],&icntl,&flg);
404:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[23] = icntl;

406:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_25","Parallel forward/backward solve control","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[24],&icntl,&flg);
407:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[24] = icntl;

409:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_27","Matrix checker","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[26],&icntl,&flg);
410:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[26] = icntl;

412:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_31","Partial solve and computing selected components of the solution vectors","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[30],&icntl,&flg);
413:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[30] = icntl;

415:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_34","Optimal number of threads for conditional numerical reproducibility (CNR) mode","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[33],&icntl,&flg);
416:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[33] = icntl;

418:     PetscOptionsInt("-mat_mkl_pardiso_60","Intel MKL_PARDISO mode","None",mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[59],&icntl,&flg);
419:     if (flg) mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[59] = icntl;
420:   }
421:   PetscOptionsEnd();
422:   return(0);
423: }

427: PetscErrorCode MatFactorMKL_PARDISOInitialize_Private(Mat A, MatFactorType ftype, Mat_MKL_PARDISO *mat_mkl_pardiso)
428: {
430:   PetscInt       i;

433:   for ( i = 0; i < IPARM_SIZE; i++ ){
434:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[i] = 0;
435:   }

437:   for ( i = 0; i < IPARM_SIZE; i++ ){
438:     mat_mkl_pardiso->pt[i] = 0;
439:   }
441:   /* Default options for both sym and unsym */
442:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[ 0] =  1; /* Solver default parameters overriden with provided by iparm */
443:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[ 1] =  2; /* Metis reordering */
444:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[ 5] =  0; /* Write solution into x */
445:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[ 7] =  2; /* Max number of iterative refinement steps */
446:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[17] = -1; /* Output: Number of nonzeros in the factor LU */
447:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[18] = -1; /* Output: Mflops for LU factorization */
448: #if 0
449:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[23] =  1; /* Parallel factorization control*/
450: #endif
451:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[34] =  1; /* Cluster Sparse Solver use C-style indexing for ia and ja arrays */
452:   mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[39] =  0; /* Input: matrix/rhs/solution stored on master */
454:   mat_mkl_pardiso->CleanUp   = PETSC_FALSE;
455:   mat_mkl_pardiso->maxfct    = 1; /* Maximum number of numerical factorizations. */
456:   mat_mkl_pardiso->mnum      = 1; /* Which factorization to use. */
457:   mat_mkl_pardiso->msglvl    = 0; /* 0: do not print 1: Print statistical information in file */
458:   mat_mkl_pardiso->phase     = -1;
459:   mat_mkl_pardiso->err       = 0;
461:   mat_mkl_pardiso->n         = A->rmap->N;
462:   mat_mkl_pardiso->nrhs      = 1;
463:   mat_mkl_pardiso->err       = 0;
464:   mat_mkl_pardiso->phase     = -1;
466:   if(ftype == MAT_FACTOR_LU){
467:     /* Default type for non-sym */
468: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
469:     mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype     = 13;
470: #else
471:     mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype     = 11;
472: #endif

474:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[ 9] = 13; /* Perturb the pivot elements with 1E-13 */
475:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[10] =  1; /* Use nonsymmetric permutation and scaling MPS */
476:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[12] =  1; /* Switch on Maximum Weighted Matching algorithm (default for non-symmetric) */

478:   } else {
479:     /* Default type for sym */
480: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
481:     mat_mkl_pardiso ->mtype    = 3;
482: #else
483:     mat_mkl_pardiso ->mtype    = -2;
484: #endif
485:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[ 9] = 13; /* Perturb the pivot elements with 1E-13 */
486:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[10] = 0; /* Use nonsymmetric permutation and scaling MPS */
487:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[12] = 1; /* Switch on Maximum Weighted Matching algorithm (default for non-symmetric) */
488: /*    mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[20] =  1; */ /* Apply 1x1 and 2x2 Bunch-Kaufman pivoting during the factorization process */
489: #if defined(PETSC_USE_DEBUG)
490:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[26] = 1; /* Matrix checker */
491: #endif
492:   }
493:   PetscMalloc1(A->rmap->N*sizeof(INT_TYPE), &mat_mkl_pardiso->perm);
494:   for(i = 0; i < A->rmap->N; i++){
495:     mat_mkl_pardiso->perm[i] = 0;
496:   }
497:   return(0);
498: }

500: /*
501:  * Symbolic decomposition. Mkl_Pardiso analysis phase.
502:  */
505: PetscErrorCode MatFactorSymbolic_AIJMKL_PARDISO_Private(Mat F,Mat A,const MatFactorInfo *info)
506: {
507:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO *mat_mkl_pardiso = (Mat_MKL_PARDISO*)F->spptr;
508:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;

511:   mat_mkl_pardiso->matstruc = DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN;

513:   /* Set MKL_PARDISO options from the options database */
514:   PetscSetMKL_PARDISOFromOptions(F,A);

516:   MatCopy_MKL_PARDISO(A, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &mat_mkl_pardiso->nz, &mat_mkl_pardiso->ia, &mat_mkl_pardiso->ja, &mat_mkl_pardiso->a);
517:   mat_mkl_pardiso->n = A->rmap->N;

519:   /* analysis phase */
520:   /*----------------*/
521:   mat_mkl_pardiso->phase = JOB_ANALYSIS;

523:   MKL_PARDISO (mat_mkl_pardiso->pt,
524:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->maxfct,
525:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->mnum,
526:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype,
527:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->phase,
528:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->n,
529:     mat_mkl_pardiso->a,
530:     mat_mkl_pardiso->ia,
531:     mat_mkl_pardiso->ja,
532:     mat_mkl_pardiso->perm,
533:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->nrhs,
534:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm,
535:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->msglvl,
536:     NULL,
537:     NULL,
538:     &mat_mkl_pardiso->err);
539:   if (mat_mkl_pardiso->err < 0) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Error reported by MKL_PARDISO: err=%d\n. Please check manual",mat_mkl_pardiso->err);

541:   mat_mkl_pardiso->CleanUp = PETSC_TRUE;

543:   if(F->factortype == MAT_FACTOR_LU){
544:     F->ops->lufactornumeric = MatFactorNumeric_MKL_PARDISO;
545:   } else {
546:     F->ops->choleskyfactornumeric = MatFactorNumeric_MKL_PARDISO;
547:   }
548:   F->ops->solve           = MatSolve_MKL_PARDISO;
549:   F->ops->solvetranspose  = MatSolveTranspose_MKL_PARDISO;
550:   F->ops->matsolve        = MatMatSolve_MKL_PARDISO;
551:   return(0);
552: }

556: PetscErrorCode MatLUFactorSymbolic_AIJMKL_PARDISO(Mat F,Mat A,IS r,IS c,const MatFactorInfo *info)
557: {

561:   MatFactorSymbolic_AIJMKL_PARDISO_Private(F, A, info);
562:   return(0);
563: }

567: PetscErrorCode MatCholeskyFactorSymbolic_AIJMKL_PARDISO(Mat F,Mat A,IS r,const MatFactorInfo *info)
568: {

572:   MatFactorSymbolic_AIJMKL_PARDISO_Private(F, A, info);
573:   return(0);
574: }

578: PetscErrorCode MatView_MKL_PARDISO(Mat A, PetscViewer viewer)
579: {
580:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
581:   PetscBool         iascii;
582:   PetscViewerFormat format;
583:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO   *mat_mkl_pardiso=(Mat_MKL_PARDISO*)A->spptr;
584:   PetscInt          i;

587:   /* check if matrix is mkl_pardiso type */
588:   if (A->ops->solve != MatSolve_MKL_PARDISO) return(0);

590:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&iascii);
591:   if (iascii) {
592:     PetscViewerGetFormat(viewer,&format);
593:     if (format == PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_INFO) {
594:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"MKL_PARDISO run parameters:\n");
595:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"MKL_PARDISO phase:             %d \n",mat_mkl_pardiso->phase);
596:       for(i = 1; i <= 64; i++){
597:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"MKL_PARDISO iparm[%d]:     %d \n",i, mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[i - 1]);
598:       }
599:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"MKL_PARDISO maxfct:     %d \n", mat_mkl_pardiso->maxfct);
600:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"MKL_PARDISO mnum:     %d \n", mat_mkl_pardiso->mnum);
601:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"MKL_PARDISO mtype:     %d \n", mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype);
602:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"MKL_PARDISO n:     %d \n", mat_mkl_pardiso->n);
603:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"MKL_PARDISO nrhs:     %d \n", mat_mkl_pardiso->nrhs);
604:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"MKL_PARDISO msglvl:     %d \n", mat_mkl_pardiso->msglvl);
605:     }
606:   }
607:   return(0);
608: }

613: PetscErrorCode MatGetInfo_MKL_PARDISO(Mat A, MatInfoType flag, MatInfo *info)
614: {
615:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO *mat_mkl_pardiso =(Mat_MKL_PARDISO*)A->spptr;

618:   info->block_size        = 1.0;
619:   info->nz_allocated      = mat_mkl_pardiso->nz + 0.0;
620:   info->nz_unneeded       = 0.0;
621:   info->assemblies        = 0.0;
622:   info->mallocs           = 0.0;
623:   info->memory            = 0.0;
624:   info->fill_ratio_given  = 0;
625:   info->fill_ratio_needed = 0;
626:   info->factor_mallocs    = 0;
627:   return(0);
628: }

632: PetscErrorCode MatMkl_PardisoSetCntl_MKL_PARDISO(Mat F,PetscInt icntl,PetscInt ival)
633: {
634:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO *mat_mkl_pardiso =(Mat_MKL_PARDISO*)F->spptr;

637:   if(icntl <= 64){
638:     mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[icntl - 1] = ival;
639:   } else {
640:     if(icntl == 65)
641:       mkl_set_num_threads((int)ival);
642:     else if(icntl == 66)
643:       mat_mkl_pardiso->maxfct = ival;
644:     else if(icntl == 67)
645:       mat_mkl_pardiso->mnum = ival;
646:     else if(icntl == 68)
647:       mat_mkl_pardiso->msglvl = ival;
648:     else if(icntl == 69){
649:       void *pt[IPARM_SIZE];
650:       mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype = ival;
651:       MKL_PARDISO_INIT(pt, &mat_mkl_pardiso->mtype, mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm);
652: #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
653:       mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[27] = 1;
654: #else
655:       mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[27] = 0;
656: #endif
657:       mat_mkl_pardiso->iparm[34] = 1;
658:     }
659:   }
660:   return(0);
661: }

665: /*@
666:   MatMkl_PardisoSetCntl - Set Mkl_Pardiso parameters

668:    Logically Collective on Mat

670:    Input Parameters:
671: +  F - the factored matrix obtained by calling MatGetFactor()
672: .  icntl - index of Mkl_Pardiso parameter
673: -  ival - value of Mkl_Pardiso parameter

675:   Options Database:
676: .   -mat_mkl_pardiso_<icntl> <ival>

678:    Level: beginner

680:    References: Mkl_Pardiso Users' Guide

682: .seealso: MatGetFactor()
683: @*/
684: PetscErrorCode MatMkl_PardisoSetCntl(Mat F,PetscInt icntl,PetscInt ival)
685: {

689:   PetscTryMethod(F,"MatMkl_PardisoSetCntl_C",(Mat,PetscInt,PetscInt),(F,icntl,ival));
690:   return(0);
691: }

693: /*MC
694:   MATSOLVERMKL_PARDISO -  A matrix type providing direct solvers (LU) for
695:   sequential matrices via the external package MKL_PARDISO.

697:   Works with MATSEQAIJ matrices

699:   Use -pc_type lu -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mkl_pardiso to us this direct solver

701:   Options Database Keys:
702: + -mat_mkl_pardiso_65 - Number of threads to use
703: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_66 - Maximum number of factors with identical sparsity structure that must be kept in memory at the same time
704: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_67 - Indicates the actual matrix for the solution phase
705: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_68 - Message level information
706: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_69 - Defines the matrix type. IMPORTANT: When you set this flag, iparm parameters are going to be set to the default ones for the matrix type
707: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_1 - Use default values
708: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_2 - Fill-in reducing ordering for the input matrix
709: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_4 - Preconditioned CGS/CG
710: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_5 - User permutation
711: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_6 - Write solution on x
712: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_8 - Iterative refinement step
713: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_10 - Pivoting perturbation
714: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_11 - Scaling vectors
715: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_12 - Solve with transposed or conjugate transposed matrix A
716: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_13 - Improved accuracy using (non-) symmetric weighted matching
717: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_18 - Numbers of non-zero elements
718: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_19 - Report number of floating point operations
719: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_21 - Pivoting for symmetric indefinite matrices
720: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_24 - Parallel factorization control
721: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_25 - Parallel forward/backward solve control
722: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_27 - Matrix checker
723: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_31 - Partial solve and computing selected components of the solution vectors
724: . -mat_mkl_pardiso_34 - Optimal number of threads for conditional numerical reproducibility (CNR) mode
725: - -mat_mkl_pardiso_60 - Intel MKL_PARDISO mode

727:   Level: beginner

729:   For more information please check  mkl_pardiso manual

731: .seealso: PCFactorSetMatSolverPackage(), MatSolverPackage

733: M*/
736: static PetscErrorCode MatFactorGetSolverPackage_mkl_pardiso(Mat A, const MatSolverPackage *type)
737: {
740:   return(0);
741: }

743: /* MatGetFactor for Seq sbAIJ matrices */
746: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatGetFactor_sbaij_mkl_pardiso(Mat A,MatFactorType ftype,Mat *F)
747: {
748:   Mat             B;
749:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
750:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO *mat_mkl_pardiso;
751:   PetscBool       isSeqSBAIJ;
752:   PetscInt        bs;

755:   /* Create the factorization matrix */
756:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATSEQSBAIJ,&isSeqSBAIJ);
757:   MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),&B);
758:   MatSetSizes(B,A->rmap->n,A->cmap->n,A->rmap->N,A->cmap->N);
759:   MatSetType(B,((PetscObject)A)->type_name);
760:   MatSeqSBAIJSetPreallocation(B,1,0,NULL);
761:   MatGetBlockSize(A,&bs);

763:   if(bs != 1) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Matrice MATSEQSBAIJ with block size other than 1 is not supported by Pardiso");
766:   B->ops->choleskyfactorsymbolic = MatCholeskyFactorSymbolic_AIJMKL_PARDISO;
767:   B->factortype                  = MAT_FACTOR_CHOLESKY;
768:   B->ops->destroy                = MatDestroy_MKL_PARDISO;
769:   B->ops->view                   = MatView_MKL_PARDISO;
770:   B->factortype                  = ftype;
771:   B->ops->getinfo                = MatGetInfo_MKL_PARDISO;
772:   B->assembled                   = PETSC_TRUE;           /* required by -ksp_view */

774:   PetscNewLog(B,&mat_mkl_pardiso);
775:   B->spptr = mat_mkl_pardiso;
776:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B,"MatFactorGetSolverPackage_C",MatFactorGetSolverPackage_mkl_pardiso);
777:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B,"MatMkl_PardisoSetCntl_C",MatMkl_PardisoSetCntl_MKL_PARDISO);
778:   MatFactorMKL_PARDISOInitialize_Private(A, ftype, mat_mkl_pardiso);
779:   *F = B;
780:   return(0);
781: }

783: /* MatGetFactor for Seq AIJ matrices */
786: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatGetFactor_aij_mkl_pardiso(Mat A,MatFactorType ftype,Mat *F)
787: {
788:   Mat             B;
789:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
790:   Mat_MKL_PARDISO *mat_mkl_pardiso;
791:   PetscBool       isSeqAIJ;

794:   /* Create the factorization matrix */
795:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATSEQAIJ,&isSeqAIJ);
796:   MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),&B);
797:   MatSetSizes(B,A->rmap->n,A->cmap->n,A->rmap->N,A->cmap->N);
798:   MatSetType(B,((PetscObject)A)->type_name);
799:   MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(B,0,NULL);

801:   if(ftype != MAT_FACTOR_LU) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Matrice MATSEQAIJ should be used only with MAT_FACTOR_LU.");

803:   B->ops->lufactorsymbolic = MatLUFactorSymbolic_AIJMKL_PARDISO;
804:   B->factortype            = MAT_FACTOR_LU;
805:   B->ops->destroy          = MatDestroy_MKL_PARDISO;
806:   B->ops->view             = MatView_MKL_PARDISO;
807:   B->factortype            = ftype;
808:   B->ops->getinfo          = MatGetInfo_MKL_PARDISO;
809:   B->assembled             = PETSC_TRUE;           /* required by -ksp_view */

811:   PetscNewLog(B,&mat_mkl_pardiso);
812:   B->spptr = mat_mkl_pardiso;
813:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B,"MatFactorGetSolverPackage_C",MatFactorGetSolverPackage_mkl_pardiso);
814:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B,"MatMkl_PardisoSetCntl_C",MatMkl_PardisoSetCntl_MKL_PARDISO);
815:   MatFactorMKL_PARDISOInitialize_Private(A, ftype, mat_mkl_pardiso);

817:   *F = B;
818:   return(0);
819: }

823: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatSolverPackageRegister_MKL_Pardiso(void)
824: {

828:   MatSolverPackageRegister(MATSOLVERMKL_PARDISO,MATSEQAIJ,   MAT_FACTOR_LU,      MatGetFactor_aij_mkl_pardiso  );
829:   MatSolverPackageRegister(MATSOLVERMKL_PARDISO,MATSEQSBAIJ, MAT_FACTOR_CHOLESKY,MatGetFactor_sbaij_mkl_pardiso);
830:   return(0);
831: }