Actual source code: greedy.c

petsc-3.6.4 2016-04-12
Report Typos and Errors
  1: #include <petsc/private/matimpl.h>      /*I "petscmat.h"  I*/
  2: #include <../src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aij.h>
  3: #include <../src/mat/impls/aij/mpi/mpiaij.h>
  4: #include <petscsf.h>

  6: typedef struct {
  7:   PetscBool symmetric;
  8: } MC_Greedy;

 12: PetscErrorCode MatColoringDestroy_Greedy(MatColoring mc)
 13: {

 17:   PetscFree(mc->data);
 18:   return(0);
 19: }

 23: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode GreedyColoringLocalDistanceOne_Private(MatColoring mc,PetscReal *wts,PetscInt *lperm,ISColoringValue *colors)
 24: {
 25:   PetscInt        i,j,k,s,e,n,no,nd,nd_global,n_global,idx,ncols,maxcolors,masksize,ccol,*mask;
 26:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
 27:   Mat             m=mc->mat;
 28:   Mat_MPIAIJ      *aij = (Mat_MPIAIJ*)m->data;
 29:   Mat             md=NULL,mo=NULL;
 30:   const PetscInt  *md_i,*mo_i,*md_j,*mo_j;
 31:   PetscBool       isMPIAIJ,isSEQAIJ;
 32:   ISColoringValue pcol;
 33:   const PetscInt  *cidx;
 34:   PetscInt        *lcolors,*ocolors;
 35:   PetscReal       *owts=NULL;
 36:   PetscSF         sf;
 37:   PetscLayout     layout;

 40:   MatGetSize(m,&n_global,NULL);
 41:   MatGetOwnershipRange(m,&s,&e);
 42:   n=e-s;
 43:   masksize=20;
 44:   nd_global = 0;
 45:   /* get the matrix communication structures */
 46:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)m, MATMPIAIJ, &isMPIAIJ);
 47:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)m, MATSEQAIJ, &isSEQAIJ);
 48:   if (isMPIAIJ) {
 49:     /* get the CSR data for on and off diagonal portions of m */
 50:     Mat_SeqAIJ *dseq;
 51:     Mat_SeqAIJ *oseq;
 52:     md=aij->A;
 53:     dseq = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)md->data;
 54:     mo=aij->B;
 55:     oseq = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)mo->data;
 56:     md_i = dseq->i;
 57:     md_j = dseq->j;
 58:     mo_i = oseq->i;
 59:     mo_j = oseq->j;
 60:   } else if (isSEQAIJ) {
 61:     /* get the CSR data for m */
 62:     Mat_SeqAIJ *dseq;
 63:     /* no off-processor nodes */
 64:     md=m;
 65:     dseq = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)md->data;
 66:     mo=NULL;
 67:     no=0;
 68:     md_i = dseq->i;
 69:     md_j = dseq->j;
 70:     mo_i = NULL;
 71:     mo_j = NULL;
 72:   } else {
 73:     SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)mc),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Matrix must be AIJ for greedy coloring");
 74:   }
 75:   MatColoringGetMaxColors(mc,&maxcolors);
 76:   if (mo) {
 77:     VecGetSize(aij->lvec,&no);
 78:     PetscMalloc2(no,&ocolors,no,&owts);
 79:     for(i=0;i<no;i++) {
 80:       ocolors[i]=maxcolors;
 81:     }
 82:   }

 84:   PetscMalloc1(masksize,&mask);
 85:   PetscMalloc1(n,&lcolors);
 86:   for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
 87:     lcolors[i]=maxcolors;
 88:   }
 89:   for (i=0;i<masksize;i++) {
 90:     mask[i]=-1;
 91:   }
 92:   if (mo) {
 93:     /* transfer neighbor weights */
 94:     PetscSFCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)m),&sf);
 95:     MatGetLayouts(m,&layout,NULL);
 96:     PetscSFSetGraphLayout(sf,layout,no,NULL,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,aij->garray);
 97:     PetscSFBcastBegin(sf,MPIU_REAL,wts,owts);
 98:     PetscSFBcastEnd(sf,MPIU_REAL,wts,owts);
 99:   }
100:   while (nd_global < n_global) {
101:     nd=n;
102:     /* assign lowest possible color to each local vertex */
103:     PetscLogEventBegin(Mat_Coloring_Local,mc,0,0,0);
104:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
105:       idx=lperm[i];
106:       if (lcolors[idx] == maxcolors) {
107:         ncols = md_i[idx+1]-md_i[idx];
108:         cidx = &(md_j[md_i[idx]]);
109:         for (j=0;j<ncols;j++) {
110:           if (lcolors[cidx[j]] != maxcolors) {
111:             ccol=lcolors[cidx[j]];
112:             if (ccol>=masksize) {
113:               PetscInt *newmask;
114:               PetscMalloc1(masksize*2,&newmask);
115:               for(k=0;k<2*masksize;k++) {
116:                 newmask[k]=-1;
117:               }
118:               for(k=0;k<masksize;k++) {
119:                 newmask[k]=mask[k];
120:               }
121:               PetscFree(mask);
122:               mask=newmask;
123:               masksize*=2;
124:             }
125:             mask[ccol]=idx;
126:           }
127:         }
128:         if (mo) {
129:           ncols = mo_i[idx+1]-mo_i[idx];
130:           cidx = &(mo_j[mo_i[idx]]);
131:           for (j=0;j<ncols;j++) {
132:             if (ocolors[cidx[j]] != maxcolors) {
133:               ccol=ocolors[cidx[j]];
134:               if (ccol>=masksize) {
135:                 PetscInt *newmask;
136:                 PetscMalloc1(masksize*2,&newmask);
137:                 for(k=0;k<2*masksize;k++) {
138:                   newmask[k]=-1;
139:                 }
140:                 for(k=0;k<masksize;k++) {
141:                   newmask[k]=mask[k];
142:                 }
143:                 PetscFree(mask);
144:                 mask=newmask;
145:                 masksize*=2;
146:               }
147:               mask[ccol]=idx;
148:             }
149:           }
150:         }
151:         for (j=0;j<masksize;j++) {
152:           if (mask[j]!=idx) {
153:             break;
154:           }
155:         }
156:         pcol=j;
157:         if (pcol>maxcolors)pcol=maxcolors;
158:         lcolors[idx]=pcol;
159:       }
160:     }
161:     PetscLogEventEnd(Mat_Coloring_Local,mc,0,0,0);
162:     if (mo) {
163:       /* transfer neighbor colors */
164:       PetscLogEventBegin(Mat_Coloring_Comm,mc,0,0,0);
165:       PetscSFBcastBegin(sf,MPIU_INT,lcolors,ocolors);
166:       PetscSFBcastEnd(sf,MPIU_INT,lcolors,ocolors);
167:       /* check for conflicts -- this is merely checking if any adjacent off-processor rows have the same color and marking the ones that are lower weight locally for changing */
168:       for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
169:         ncols = mo_i[i+1]-mo_i[i];
170:         cidx = &(mo_j[mo_i[i]]);
171:         for (j=0;j<ncols;j++) {
172:           /* in the case of conflicts, the highest weight one stays and the others go */
173:           if ((ocolors[cidx[j]] == lcolors[i]) && (owts[cidx[j]] > wts[i]) && lcolors[i] < maxcolors) {
174:             lcolors[i]=maxcolors;
175:             nd--;
176:           }
177:         }
178:       }
179:       nd_global=0;
180:     }
181:     MPI_Allreduce(&nd,&nd_global,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_SUM,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)mc));
182:   }
183:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
184:     colors[i] = (ISColoringValue)lcolors[i];
185:   }
186:   PetscFree(mask);
187:   PetscFree(lcolors);
188:   if (mo) {
189:     PetscFree2(ocolors,owts);
190:     PetscSFDestroy(&sf);
191:   }
192:   return(0);
193: }

199: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode GreedyColoringLocalDistanceTwo_Private(MatColoring mc,PetscReal *wts,PetscInt *lperm,ISColoringValue *colors)
200: {
201:   MC_Greedy       *gr = (MC_Greedy *) mc->data;
202:   PetscInt        i,j,k,l,s,e,n,nd,nd_global,n_global,idx,ncols,maxcolors,mcol,mcol_global,nd1cols,*mask,masksize,*d1cols,*bad,*badnext,nbad,badsize,ccol,no,cbad;
203:   Mat             m = mc->mat, mt;
204:   Mat_MPIAIJ      *aij = (Mat_MPIAIJ*)m->data;
205:   Mat             md=NULL,mo=NULL;
206:   const PetscInt  *md_i,*mo_i,*md_j,*mo_j;
207:   const PetscInt  *rmd_i,*rmo_i,*rmd_j,*rmo_j;
208:   PetscBool       isMPIAIJ,isSEQAIJ;
209:   PetscInt        pcol,*dcolors,*ocolors;
210:   ISColoringValue *badidx;
211:   const PetscInt  *cidx;
212:   PetscReal       *owts,*colorweights;
213:   PetscInt        *oconf,*conf;
214:   PetscSF         sf;
215:   PetscLayout     layout;
216:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;

219:   MatGetSize(m,&n_global,NULL);
220:   MatGetOwnershipRange(m,&s,&e);
221:   n=e-s;
222:   nd_global = 0;
223:   /* get the matrix communication structures */
224:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)m, MATMPIAIJ, &isMPIAIJ);
225:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)m, MATSEQAIJ, &isSEQAIJ);
226:   if (isMPIAIJ) {
227:     Mat_SeqAIJ *dseq;
228:     Mat_SeqAIJ *oseq;
229:     md=aij->A;
230:     dseq = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)md->data;
231:     mo=aij->B;
232:     oseq = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)mo->data;
233:     md_i = dseq->i;
234:     md_j = dseq->j;
235:     mo_i = oseq->i;
236:     mo_j = oseq->j;
237:     rmd_i = dseq->i;
238:     rmd_j = dseq->j;
239:     rmo_i = oseq->i;
240:     rmo_j = oseq->j;
241:   } else if (isSEQAIJ) {
242:     Mat_SeqAIJ *dseq;
243:     /* no off-processor nodes */
244:     md=m;
245:     dseq = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)md->data;
246:     md_i = dseq->i;
247:     md_j = dseq->j;
248:     mo_i = NULL;
249:     mo_j = NULL;
250:     rmd_i = dseq->i;
251:     rmd_j = dseq->j;
252:     rmo_i = NULL;
253:     rmo_j = NULL;
254:   } else {
255:     SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)mc),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Matrix must be AIJ for greedy coloring");
256:   }
257:   if (!gr->symmetric) {
258:     MatTranspose(m, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &mt);
259:     if (isSEQAIJ) {
260:       Mat_SeqAIJ *dseq = (Mat_SeqAIJ*) mt->data;
261:       rmd_i = dseq->i;
262:       rmd_j = dseq->j;
263:       rmo_i = NULL;
264:       rmo_j = NULL;
265:     } else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) mc), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Nonsymmetric greedy coloring only works in serial");
266:   }
267:   /* create the vectors and communication structures if necessary */
268:   no=0;
269:   if (mo) {
270:     VecGetLocalSize(aij->lvec,&no);
271:     PetscSFCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)m),&sf);
272:     MatGetLayouts(m,&layout,NULL);
273:     PetscSFSetGraphLayout(sf,layout,no,NULL,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,aij->garray);
274:   }
275:   MatColoringGetMaxColors(mc,&maxcolors);
276:   masksize=n;
277:   nbad=0;
278:   badsize=n;
279:   PetscMalloc1(masksize,&mask);
280:   PetscMalloc4(n,&d1cols,n,&dcolors,n,&conf,n,&bad);
281:   PetscMalloc2(badsize,&badidx,badsize,&badnext);
282:   for(i=0;i<masksize;i++) {
283:     mask[i]=-1;
284:   }
285:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
286:     dcolors[i]=maxcolors;
287:     bad[i]=-1;
288:   }
289:   for (i=0;i<badsize;i++) {
290:     badnext[i]=-1;
291:   }
292:   if (mo) {
293:     PetscMalloc3(no,&owts,no,&oconf,no,&ocolors);
294:     PetscSFBcastBegin(sf,MPIU_REAL,wts,owts);
295:     PetscSFBcastEnd(sf,MPIU_REAL,wts,owts);
296:     for (i=0;i<no;i++) {
297:       ocolors[i]=maxcolors;
298:     }
299:   } else {                      /* Appease overzealous -Wmaybe-initialized */
300:     owts = NULL;
301:     oconf = NULL;
302:     ocolors = NULL;
303:   }
304:   mcol=0;
305:   while (nd_global < n_global) {
306:     nd=n;
307:     /* assign lowest possible color to each local vertex */
308:     mcol_global=0;
309:     PetscLogEventBegin(Mat_Coloring_Local,mc,0,0,0);
310:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
311:       idx=lperm[i];
312:       if (dcolors[idx] == maxcolors) {
313:         /* entries in bad */
314:         cbad=bad[idx];
315:         while (cbad>=0) {
316:           ccol=badidx[cbad];
317:           if (ccol>=masksize) {
318:             PetscInt *newmask;
319:             PetscMalloc1(masksize*2,&newmask);
320:             for(k=0;k<2*masksize;k++) {
321:               newmask[k]=-1;
322:             }
323:             for(k=0;k<masksize;k++) {
324:               newmask[k]=mask[k];
325:             }
326:             PetscFree(mask);
327:             mask=newmask;
328:             masksize*=2;
329:           }
330:           mask[ccol]=idx;
331:           cbad=badnext[cbad];
332:         }
333:         /* diagonal distance-one rows */
334:         nd1cols=0;
335:         ncols = rmd_i[idx+1]-rmd_i[idx];
336:         cidx = &(rmd_j[rmd_i[idx]]);
337:         for (j=0;j<ncols;j++) {
338:           d1cols[nd1cols] = cidx[j];
339:           nd1cols++;
340:           ccol=dcolors[cidx[j]];
341:           if (ccol != maxcolors) {
342:             if (ccol>=masksize) {
343:               PetscInt *newmask;
344:               PetscMalloc1(masksize*2,&newmask);
345:               for(k=0;k<2*masksize;k++) {
346:                 newmask[k]=-1;
347:               }
348:               for(k=0;k<masksize;k++) {
349:                 newmask[k]=mask[k];
350:               }
351:               PetscFree(mask);
352:               mask=newmask;
353:               masksize*=2;
354:             }
355:             mask[ccol]=idx;
356:           }
357:         }
358:         /* off-diagonal distance-one rows */
359:         if (mo) {
360:           ncols = rmo_i[idx+1]-rmo_i[idx];
361:           cidx = &(rmo_j[rmo_i[idx]]);
362:           for (j=0;j<ncols;j++) {
363:             ccol=ocolors[cidx[j]];
364:             if (ccol != maxcolors) {
365:               if (ccol>=masksize) {
366:                 PetscInt *newmask;
367:                 PetscMalloc1(masksize*2,&newmask);
368:                 for(k=0;k<2*masksize;k++) {
369:                   newmask[k]=-1;
370:                 }
371:                 for(k=0;k<masksize;k++) {
372:                   newmask[k]=mask[k];
373:                 }
374:                 PetscFree(mask);
375:                 mask=newmask;
376:                 masksize*=2;
377:               }
378:               mask[ccol]=idx;
379:             }
380:           }
381:         }
382:         /* diagonal distance-two rows */
383:         for (j=0;j<nd1cols;j++) {
384:           ncols = md_i[d1cols[j]+1]-md_i[d1cols[j]];
385:           cidx = &(md_j[md_i[d1cols[j]]]);
386:           for (l=0;l<ncols;l++) {
387:             ccol=dcolors[cidx[l]];
388:             if (ccol != maxcolors) {
389:               if (ccol>=masksize) {
390:                 PetscInt *newmask;
391:                 PetscMalloc1(masksize*2,&newmask);
392:                 for(k=0;k<2*masksize;k++) {
393:                   newmask[k]=-1;
394:                 }
395:                 for(k=0;k<masksize;k++) {
396:                   newmask[k]=mask[k];
397:                 }
398:                 PetscFree(mask);
399:                 mask=newmask;
400:                 masksize*=2;
401:               }
402:               mask[ccol]=idx;
403:             }
404:           }
405:         }
406:         /* off-diagonal distance-two rows */
407:         if (mo) {
408:           for (j=0;j<nd1cols;j++) {
409:             ncols = mo_i[d1cols[j]+1]-mo_i[d1cols[j]];
410:             cidx = &(mo_j[mo_i[d1cols[j]]]);
411:             for (l=0;l<ncols;l++) {
412:               ccol=ocolors[cidx[l]];
413:               if (ccol != maxcolors) {
414:                 if (ccol>=masksize) {
415:                   PetscInt *newmask;
416:                   PetscMalloc1(masksize*2,&newmask);
417:                   for(k=0;k<2*masksize;k++) {
418:                     newmask[k]=-1;
419:                   }
420:                   for(k=0;k<masksize;k++) {
421:                     newmask[k]=mask[k];
422:                   }
423:                   PetscFree(mask);
424:                   mask=newmask;
425:                   masksize*=2;
426:                 }
427:                 mask[ccol]=idx;
428:               }
429:             }
430:           }
431:         }
432:         /* assign this one the lowest color possible by seeing if there's a gap in the sequence of sorted neighbor colors */
433:         pcol=0;
434:         for (j=0;j<masksize;j++) {
435:           if (mask[j]!=idx) {
436:             break;
437:           }
438:         }
439:         pcol=j;
440:         if (pcol>maxcolors) pcol=maxcolors;
441:         dcolors[idx]=pcol;
442:         if (pcol>mcol) mcol=pcol;
443:       }
444:     }
445:     PetscLogEventEnd(Mat_Coloring_Local,mc,0,0,0);
446:     if (mo) {
447:       /* transfer neighbor colors */
448:       PetscSFBcastBegin(sf,MPIU_INT,dcolors,ocolors);
449:       PetscSFBcastEnd(sf,MPIU_INT,dcolors,ocolors);
450:       /* find the maximum color assigned locally and allocate a mask */
451:       MPI_Allreduce(&mcol,&mcol_global,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_MAX,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)mc));
452:       PetscMalloc1(mcol_global+1,&colorweights);
453:       /* check for conflicts */
454:       for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
455:         conf[i]=PETSC_FALSE;
456:       }
457:       for (i=0;i<no;i++) {
458:         oconf[i]=PETSC_FALSE;
459:       }
460:       for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
461:         ncols = mo_i[i+1]-mo_i[i];
462:         cidx = &(mo_j[mo_i[i]]);
463:         if (ncols > 0) {
464:           /* fill in the mask */
465:           for (j=0;j<mcol_global+1;j++) {
466:             colorweights[j]=0;
467:           }
468:           colorweights[dcolors[i]]=wts[i];
469:           /* fill in the off-diagonal part of the mask */
470:           for (j=0;j<ncols;j++) {
471:             ccol=ocolors[cidx[j]];
472:             if (ccol < maxcolors) {
473:               if (colorweights[ccol] < owts[cidx[j]]) {
474:                 colorweights[ccol] = owts[cidx[j]];
475:               }
476:             }
477:           }
478:           /* fill in the on-diagonal part of the mask */
479:           ncols = md_i[i+1]-md_i[i];
480:           cidx = &(md_j[md_i[i]]);
481:           for (j=0;j<ncols;j++) {
482:             ccol=dcolors[cidx[j]];
483:             if (ccol < maxcolors) {
484:               if (colorweights[ccol] < wts[cidx[j]]) {
485:                 colorweights[ccol] = wts[cidx[j]];
486:               }
487:             }
488:           }
489:           /* go back through and set up on and off-diagonal conflict vectors */
490:           ncols = md_i[i+1]-md_i[i];
491:           cidx = &(md_j[md_i[i]]);
492:           for (j=0;j<ncols;j++) {
493:             ccol=dcolors[cidx[j]];
494:             if (ccol < maxcolors) {
495:               if (colorweights[ccol] > wts[cidx[j]]) {
496:                 conf[cidx[j]]=PETSC_TRUE;
497:               }
498:             }
499:           }
500:           ncols = mo_i[i+1]-mo_i[i];
501:           cidx = &(mo_j[mo_i[i]]);
502:           for (j=0;j<ncols;j++) {
503:             ccol=ocolors[cidx[j]];
504:             if (ccol < maxcolors) {
505:               if (colorweights[ccol] > owts[cidx[j]]) {
506:                 oconf[cidx[j]]=PETSC_TRUE;
507:               }
508:             }
509:           }
510:         }
511:       }
512:       nd_global=0;
513:       PetscFree(colorweights);
514:       PetscLogEventBegin(Mat_Coloring_Comm,mc,0,0,0);
515:       PetscSFReduceBegin(sf,MPIU_INT,oconf,conf,MPIU_SUM);
516:       PetscSFReduceEnd(sf,MPIU_INT,oconf,conf,MPIU_SUM);
517:       PetscLogEventEnd(Mat_Coloring_Comm,mc,0,0,0);
518:       /* go through and unset local colors that have conflicts */
519:       for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
520:         if (conf[i]>0) {
521:           /* push this color onto the bad stack */
522:           badidx[nbad]=dcolors[i];
523:           badnext[nbad]=bad[i];
524:           bad[i]=nbad;
525:           nbad++;
526:           if (nbad>=badsize) {
527:             PetscInt *newbadnext;
528:             ISColoringValue *newbadidx;
529:             PetscMalloc2(badsize*2,&newbadidx,badsize*2,&newbadnext);
530:             for(k=0;k<2*badsize;k++) {
531:               newbadnext[k]=-1;
532:             }
533:             for(k=0;k<badsize;k++) {
534:               newbadidx[k]=badidx[k];
535:               newbadnext[k]=badnext[k];
536:             }
537:             PetscFree2(badidx,badnext);
538:             badidx=newbadidx;
539:             badnext=newbadnext;
540:             badsize*=2;
541:           }
542:           dcolors[i] = maxcolors;
543:           nd--;
544:         }
545:       }
546:     }
547:     MPI_Allreduce(&nd,&nd_global,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_SUM,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)mc));
548:   }
549:   if (mo) {
550:     PetscSFDestroy(&sf);
551:     PetscFree3(owts,oconf,ocolors);
552:   }
553:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
554:     colors[i]=dcolors[i];
555:   }
556:   PetscFree(mask);
557:   PetscFree4(d1cols,dcolors,conf,bad);
558:   PetscFree2(badidx,badnext);
559:   if (!gr->symmetric) {MatDestroy(&mt);}
560:   return(0);
561: }

565: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatColoringApply_Greedy(MatColoring mc,ISColoring *iscoloring)
566: {
567:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
568:   PetscInt        finalcolor,finalcolor_global;
569:   ISColoringValue *colors;
570:   PetscInt        ncolstotal,ncols;
571:   PetscReal       *wts;
572:   PetscInt        i,*lperm;

575:   MatGetSize(mc->mat,NULL,&ncolstotal);
576:   MatGetLocalSize(mc->mat,NULL,&ncols);
577:   if (!mc->user_weights) {
578:     MatColoringCreateWeights(mc,&wts,&lperm);
579:   } else {
580:     wts = mc->user_weights;
581:     lperm = mc->user_lperm;
582:   }
583:   PetscMalloc1(ncols,&colors);
584:   if (mc->dist == 1) {
585:     GreedyColoringLocalDistanceOne_Private(mc,wts,lperm,colors);
586:   } else if (mc->dist == 2) {
587:     GreedyColoringLocalDistanceTwo_Private(mc,wts,lperm,colors);
588:   } else {
589:     SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)mc),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Only distance 1 and distance 2 supported by MatColoringGreedy");
590:   }
591:   finalcolor=0;
592:   for (i=0;i<ncols;i++) {
593:     if (colors[i] > finalcolor) finalcolor=colors[i];
594:   }
595:   finalcolor_global=0;
596:   MPI_Allreduce(&finalcolor,&finalcolor_global,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_MAX,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)mc));
597:   PetscLogEventBegin(Mat_Coloring_ISCreate,mc,0,0,0);
598:   ISColoringCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)mc),finalcolor_global+1,ncols,colors,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,iscoloring);
599:   PetscLogEventEnd(Mat_Coloring_ISCreate,mc,0,0,0);
600:   if (!mc->user_weights) {
601:     PetscFree(wts);
602:     PetscFree(lperm);
603:   }
604:   return(0);
605: }

609: PetscErrorCode MatColoringSetFromOptions_Greedy(PetscOptions *PetscOptionsObject, MatColoring mc)
610: {
611:   MC_Greedy     *gr = (MC_Greedy *) mc->data;

615:   PetscOptionsHead(PetscOptionsObject, "Greedy options");
616:   PetscOptionsBool("-mat_coloring_greedy_symmetric", "Flag for assuming a symmetric matrix", "", gr->symmetric, &gr->symmetric, NULL);
617:   PetscOptionsTail();
618:   return(0);
619: }

623: /*MC
624:   MATCOLORINGGREEDY - Greedy-with-conflict correction based Matrix Coloring for distance 1 and 2.

626:    Level: beginner

628:    Notes:

630:    These algorithms proceed in two phases -- local coloring and conflict resolution.  The local coloring
631:    tentatively colors all vertices at the distance required given what's known of the global coloring.  Then,
632:    the updated colors are transferred to different processors at distance one.  In the distance one case, each
633:    vertex with nonlocal neighbors is then checked to see if it conforms, with the vertex being
634:    marked for recoloring if its lower weight than its same colored neighbor.  In the distance two case,
635:    each boundary vertex's immediate star is checked for validity of the coloring.  Lower-weight conflict
636:    vertices are marked, and then the conflicts are gathered back on owning processors.  In both cases
637:    this is done until each column has received a valid color.

639:    References:

641:    Bozdag et al. "A Parallel Distance-2 Graph Coloring Algorithm for Distributed Memory Computers"
642:    HPCC'05 Proceedings of the First international conference on High Performance Computing and Communications
643:    Pages 796--806

645: .seealso: MatColoringCreate(), MatColoring, MatColoringSetType()
646: M*/
647: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatColoringCreate_Greedy(MatColoring mc)
648: {
649:   MC_Greedy      *gr;

653:   PetscNewLog(mc,&gr);
654:   mc->data                = gr;
655:   mc->ops->apply          = MatColoringApply_Greedy;
656:   mc->ops->view           = NULL;
657:   mc->ops->destroy        = MatColoringDestroy_Greedy;
658:   mc->ops->setfromoptions = MatColoringSetFromOptions_Greedy;

660:   gr->symmetric = PETSC_TRUE;
661:   return(0);
662: }