Actual source code: ilu.h

petsc-3.6.4 2016-04-12
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  1: /*
  2:    Private data structure for ILU preconditioner.
  3: */

  7: #include <../src/ksp/pc/impls/factor/factor.h>

  9: typedef struct {
 10:   PC_Factor hdr;
 11:   IS        row,col;                 /* row and column permutations for reordering */
 12:   void      *implctx;                 /* private implementation context */
 13:   PetscBool inplace;                  /* in-place ILU factorization */
 14:   PetscBool reuseordering;            /* reuses previous reordering computed */

 16:   PetscBool reusefill;                /* reuse fill from previous ILUDT */
 17:   PetscReal actualfill;               /* expected fill in factorization */
 18:   PetscBool nonzerosalongdiagonal;
 19:   PetscReal nonzerosalongdiagonaltol;
 20: } PC_ILU;

 22: #endif