Actual source code: dmsnes.c

petsc-3.5.4 2015-05-23
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  1: #include <petsc-private/snesimpl.h>   /*I "petscsnes.h" I*/
  2: #include <petsc-private/dmimpl.h>     /*I "petscdm.h" I*/

  6: static PetscErrorCode DMSNESDestroy(DMSNES *kdm)
  7: {

 11:   if (!*kdm) return(0);
 13:   if (--((PetscObject)(*kdm))->refct > 0) {*kdm = 0; return(0);}
 14:   if ((*kdm)->ops->destroy) {((*kdm)->ops->destroy)(*kdm);}
 15:   PetscHeaderDestroy(kdm);
 16:   return(0);
 17: }

 21: PetscErrorCode DMSNESLoad(DMSNES kdm,PetscViewer viewer)
 22: {

 26:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&kdm->ops->computefunction,1,PETSC_FUNCTION);
 27:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&kdm->ops->computejacobian,1,PETSC_FUNCTION);
 28:   return(0);
 29: }

 33: PetscErrorCode DMSNESView(DMSNES kdm,PetscViewer viewer)
 34: {
 36:   PetscBool      isascii,isbinary;

 39:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&isascii);
 40:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERBINARY,&isbinary);
 41:   if (isascii) {
 43:     const char *fname;

 45:     PetscFPTFind(kdm->ops->computefunction,&fname);
 46:     if (fname) {
 47:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Function used by SNES: %s\n",fname);
 48:     }
 49:     PetscFPTFind(kdm->ops->computejacobian,&fname);
 50:     if (fname) {
 51:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Jacobian function used by SNES: %s\n",fname);
 52:     }
 53: #endif
 54:   } else if (isbinary) {
 55:     struct {
 56:       PetscErrorCode (*func)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*);
 57:     } funcstruct;
 58:     struct {
 59:       PetscErrorCode (*jac)(SNES,Vec,Mat,Mat,void*);
 60:     } jacstruct;
 61:     funcstruct.func = kdm->ops->computefunction;
 62:     jacstruct.jac   = kdm->ops->computejacobian;
 63:     PetscViewerBinaryWrite(viewer,&funcstruct,1,PETSC_FUNCTION,PETSC_FALSE);
 64:     PetscViewerBinaryWrite(viewer,&jacstruct,1,PETSC_FUNCTION,PETSC_FALSE);
 65:   }
 66:   return(0);
 67: }

 71: static PetscErrorCode DMSNESCreate(MPI_Comm comm,DMSNES *kdm)
 72: {

 76:   SNESInitializePackage();
 77:   PetscHeaderCreate(*kdm, _p_DMSNES, struct _DMSNESOps, DMSNES_CLASSID,  "DMSNES", "DMSNES", "DMSNES", comm, DMSNESDestroy, DMSNESView);
 78:   PetscMemzero((*kdm)->ops, sizeof(struct _DMSNESOps));
 79:   return(0);
 80: }

 84: /* Attaches the DMSNES to the coarse level.
 85:  * Under what conditions should we copy versus duplicate?
 86:  */
 87: static PetscErrorCode DMCoarsenHook_DMSNES(DM dm,DM dmc,void *ctx)
 88: {

 92:   DMCopyDMSNES(dm,dmc);
 93:   return(0);
 94: }

 98: /* This could restrict auxiliary information to the coarse level.
 99:  */
100: static PetscErrorCode DMRestrictHook_DMSNES(DM dm,Mat Restrict,Vec rscale,Mat Inject,DM dmc,void *ctx)
101: {

104:   return(0);
105: }

109: /* Attaches the DMSNES to the subdomain. */
110: static PetscErrorCode DMSubDomainHook_DMSNES(DM dm,DM subdm,void *ctx)
111: {

115:   DMCopyDMSNES(dm,subdm);
116:   return(0);
117: }

121: /* This could restrict auxiliary information to the coarse level.
122:  */
123: static PetscErrorCode DMSubDomainRestrictHook_DMSNES(DM dm,VecScatter gscat,VecScatter lscat,DM subdm,void *ctx)
124: {

127:   return(0);
128: }

132: static PetscErrorCode DMRefineHook_DMSNES(DM dm,DM dmf,void *ctx)
133: {

137:   DMCopyDMSNES(dm,dmf);
138:   return(0);
139: }

143: /* This could restrict auxiliary information to the coarse level.
144:  */
145: static PetscErrorCode DMInterpolateHook_DMSNES(DM dm,Mat Interp,DM dmf,void *ctx)
146: {

149:   return(0);
150: }

154: /*@C
155:    DMSNESCopy - copies the information in a DMSNES to another DMSNES

157:    Not Collective

159:    Input Argument:
160: +  kdm - Original DMSNES
161: -  nkdm - DMSNES to receive the data, should have been created with DMSNESCreate()

163:    Level: developer

165: .seealso: DMSNESCreate(), DMSNESDestroy()
166: @*/
167: PetscErrorCode DMSNESCopy(DMSNES kdm,DMSNES nkdm)
168: {

174:   nkdm->ops->computefunction  = kdm->ops->computefunction;
175:   nkdm->ops->computejacobian  = kdm->ops->computejacobian;
176:   nkdm->ops->computegs        = kdm->ops->computegs;
177:   nkdm->ops->computeobjective = kdm->ops->computeobjective;
178:   nkdm->ops->computepjacobian = kdm->ops->computepjacobian;
179:   nkdm->ops->computepfunction = kdm->ops->computepfunction;
180:   nkdm->ops->destroy          = kdm->ops->destroy;
181:   nkdm->ops->duplicate        = kdm->ops->duplicate;

183:   nkdm->functionctx  = kdm->functionctx;
184:   nkdm->gsctx        = kdm->gsctx;
185:   nkdm->pctx         = kdm->pctx;
186:   nkdm->jacobianctx  = kdm->jacobianctx;
187:   nkdm->objectivectx = kdm->objectivectx;
188:   nkdm->data         = kdm->data;

190:   /*
191:   nkdm->fortran_func_pointers[0] = kdm->fortran_func_pointers[0];
192:   nkdm->fortran_func_pointers[1] = kdm->fortran_func_pointers[1];
193:   nkdm->fortran_func_pointers[2] = kdm->fortran_func_pointers[2];
194:   */

196:   /* implementation specific copy hooks */
197:   if (kdm->ops->duplicate) {(*kdm->ops->duplicate)(kdm,nkdm);}
198:   return(0);
199: }

203: /*@C
204:    DMGetDMSNES - get read-only private DMSNES context from a DM

206:    Not Collective

208:    Input Argument:
209: .  dm - DM to be used with SNES

211:    Output Argument:
212: .  snesdm - private DMSNES context

214:    Level: developer

216:    Notes:
217:    Use DMGetDMSNESWrite() if write access is needed. The DMSNESSetXXX API should be used wherever possible.

219: .seealso: DMGetDMSNESWrite()
220: @*/
221: PetscErrorCode DMGetDMSNES(DM dm,DMSNES *snesdm)
222: {

227:   *snesdm = (DMSNES) dm->dmsnes;
228:   if (!*snesdm) {
229:     PetscInfo(dm,"Creating new DMSNES\n");
230:     DMSNESCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),snesdm);

232:     dm->dmsnes = (PetscObject) *snesdm;

234:     DMCoarsenHookAdd(dm,DMCoarsenHook_DMSNES,DMRestrictHook_DMSNES,NULL);
235:     DMRefineHookAdd(dm,DMRefineHook_DMSNES,DMInterpolateHook_DMSNES,NULL);
236:     DMSubDomainHookAdd(dm,DMSubDomainHook_DMSNES,DMSubDomainRestrictHook_DMSNES,NULL);
237:   }
238:   return(0);
239: }

243: /*@C
244:    DMGetDMSNESWrite - get write access to private DMSNES context from a DM

246:    Not Collective

248:    Input Argument:
249: .  dm - DM to be used with SNES

251:    Output Argument:
252: .  snesdm - private DMSNES context

254:    Level: developer

256: .seealso: DMGetDMSNES()
257: @*/
258: PetscErrorCode DMGetDMSNESWrite(DM dm,DMSNES *snesdm)
259: {
261:   DMSNES         sdm;

265:   DMGetDMSNES(dm,&sdm);
266:   if (!sdm->originaldm) sdm->originaldm = dm;
267:   if (sdm->originaldm != dm) {  /* Copy on write */
268:     DMSNES oldsdm = sdm;
269:     PetscInfo(dm,"Copying DMSNES due to write\n");
270:     DMSNESCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),&sdm);
271:     DMSNESCopy(oldsdm,sdm);
272:     DMSNESDestroy((DMSNES*)&dm->dmsnes);
273:     dm->dmsnes = (PetscObject)sdm;
274:   }
275:   *snesdm = sdm;
276:   return(0);
277: }

281: /*@C
282:    DMCopyDMSNES - copies a DM context to a new DM

284:    Logically Collective

286:    Input Arguments:
287: +  dmsrc - DM to obtain context from
288: -  dmdest - DM to add context to

290:    Level: developer

292:    Note:
293:    The context is copied by reference. This function does not ensure that a context exists.

295: .seealso: DMGetDMSNES(), SNESSetDM()
296: @*/
297: PetscErrorCode DMCopyDMSNES(DM dmsrc,DM dmdest)
298: {

304:   DMSNESDestroy((DMSNES*)&dmdest->dmsnes);

306:   dmdest->dmsnes = dmsrc->dmsnes;

308:   PetscObjectReference(dmdest->dmsnes);
309:   DMCoarsenHookAdd(dmdest,DMCoarsenHook_DMSNES,NULL,NULL);
310:   DMRefineHookAdd(dmdest,DMRefineHook_DMSNES,NULL,NULL);
311:   DMSubDomainHookAdd(dmdest,DMSubDomainHook_DMSNES,DMSubDomainRestrictHook_DMSNES,NULL);
312:   return(0);
313: }

317: /*@C
318:    DMSNESSetFunction - set SNES residual evaluation function

320:    Not Collective

322:    Input Arguments:
323: +  dm - DM to be used with SNES
324: .  f - residual evaluation function; see SNESFunction for details
325: -  ctx - context for residual evaluation

327:    Level: advanced

329:    Note:
330:    SNESSetFunction() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
331:    associated with the DM.  This makes the interface consistent regardless of whether the user interacts with a DM or
332:    not. If DM took a more central role at some later date, this could become the primary method of setting the residual.

334: .seealso: DMSNESSetContext(), SNESSetFunction(), DMSNESSetJacobian(), SNESFunction
335: @*/
336: PetscErrorCode DMSNESSetFunction(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*f)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*),void *ctx)
337: {
339:   DMSNES         sdm;

343:   if (f || ctx) {
344:     DMGetDMSNESWrite(dm,&sdm);
345:   }
346:   if (f) sdm->ops->computefunction = f;
347:   if (ctx) sdm->functionctx = ctx;
348:   return(0);
349: }

353: /*@C
354:    DMSNESGetFunction - get SNES residual evaluation function

356:    Not Collective

358:    Input Argument:
359: .  dm - DM to be used with SNES

361:    Output Arguments:
362: +  f - residual evaluation function; see SNESFunction for details
363: -  ctx - context for residual evaluation

365:    Level: advanced

367:    Note:
368:    SNESGetFunction() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
369:    associated with the DM.

371: .seealso: DMSNESSetContext(), DMSNESSetFunction(), SNESSetFunction(), SNESFunction
372: @*/
373: PetscErrorCode DMSNESGetFunction(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (**f)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*),void **ctx)
374: {
376:   DMSNES         sdm;

380:   DMGetDMSNES(dm,&sdm);
381:   if (f) *f = sdm->ops->computefunction;
382:   if (ctx) *ctx = sdm->functionctx;
383:   return(0);
384: }

388: /*@C
389:    DMSNESSetObjective - set SNES objective evaluation function

391:    Not Collective

393:    Input Arguments:
394: +  dm - DM to be used with SNES
395: .  obj - objective evaluation function; see SNESObjectiveFunction for details
396: -  ctx - context for residual evaluation

398:    Level: advanced

400: .seealso: DMSNESSetContext(), SNESGetObjective(), DMSNESSetFunction()
401: @*/
402: PetscErrorCode DMSNESSetObjective(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*obj)(SNES,Vec,PetscReal*,void*),void *ctx)
403: {
405:   DMSNES         sdm;

409:   if (obj || ctx) {
410:     DMGetDMSNESWrite(dm,&sdm);
411:   }
412:   if (obj) sdm->ops->computeobjective = obj;
413:   if (ctx) sdm->objectivectx = ctx;
414:   return(0);
415: }

419: /*@C
420:    DMSNESGetObjective - get SNES objective evaluation function

422:    Not Collective

424:    Input Argument:
425: .  dm - DM to be used with SNES

427:    Output Arguments:
428: +  obj- residual evaluation function; see SNESObjectiveFunction for details
429: -  ctx - context for residual evaluation

431:    Level: advanced

433:    Note:
434:    SNESGetFunction() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
435:    associated with the DM.

437: .seealso: DMSNESSetContext(), DMSNESSetObjective(), SNESSetFunction()
438: @*/
439: PetscErrorCode DMSNESGetObjective(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (**obj)(SNES,Vec,PetscReal*,void*),void **ctx)
440: {
442:   DMSNES         sdm;

446:   DMGetDMSNES(dm,&sdm);
447:   if (obj) *obj = sdm->ops->computeobjective;
448:   if (ctx) *ctx = sdm->objectivectx;
449:   return(0);
450: }

454: /*@C
455:    DMSNESSetNGS - set SNES Gauss-Seidel relaxation function

457:    Not Collective

459:    Input Argument:
460: +  dm - DM to be used with SNES
461: .  f  - relaxation function, see SNESGSFunction
462: -  ctx - context for residual evaluation

464:    Level: advanced

466:    Note:
467:    SNESSetNGS() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
468:    associated with the DM.  This makes the interface consistent regardless of whether the user interacts with a DM or
469:    not. If DM took a more central role at some later date, this could become the primary method of setting the residual.

471: .seealso: DMSNESSetContext(), SNESSetFunction(), DMSNESSetJacobian(), DMSNESSetFunction(), SNESGSFunction
472: @*/
473: PetscErrorCode DMSNESSetNGS(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*f)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*),void *ctx)
474: {
476:   DMSNES         sdm;

480:   if (f || ctx) {
481:     DMGetDMSNESWrite(dm,&sdm);
482:   }
483:   if (f) sdm->ops->computegs = f;
484:   if (ctx) sdm->gsctx = ctx;
485:   return(0);
486: }

490: /*@C
491:    DMSNESGetNGS - get SNES Gauss-Seidel relaxation function

493:    Not Collective

495:    Input Argument:
496: .  dm - DM to be used with SNES

498:    Output Arguments:
499: +  f - relaxation function which performs Gauss-Seidel sweeps, see SNESGSFunction 
500: -  ctx - context for residual evaluation

502:    Level: advanced

504:    Note:
505:    SNESGetNGS() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
506:    associated with the DM.  This makes the interface consistent regardless of whether the user interacts with a DM or
507:    not. If DM took a more central role at some later date, this could become the primary method of setting the residual.

509: .seealso: DMSNESSetContext(), SNESGetNGS(), DMSNESGetJacobian(), DMSNESGetFunction(), SNESNGSFunction
510: @*/
511: PetscErrorCode DMSNESGetNGS(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (**f)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*),void **ctx)
512: {
514:   DMSNES         sdm;

518:   DMGetDMSNES(dm,&sdm);
519:   if (f) *f = sdm->ops->computegs;
520:   if (ctx) *ctx = sdm->gsctx;
521:   return(0);
522: }

526: /*@C
527:    DMSNESSetJacobian - set SNES Jacobian evaluation function

529:    Not Collective

531:    Input Argument:
532: +  dm - DM to be used with SNES
533: .  J - Jacobian evaluation function
534: -  ctx - context for residual evaluation

536:    Level: advanced

538:    Note:
539:    SNESSetJacobian() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
540:    associated with the DM.  This makes the interface consistent regardless of whether the user interacts with a DM or
541:    not. If DM took a more central role at some later date, this could become the primary method of setting the Jacobian.

543: .seealso: DMSNESSetContext(), SNESSetFunction(), DMSNESGetJacobian(), SNESSetJacobian(), SNESJacobianFunction
544: @*/
545: PetscErrorCode DMSNESSetJacobian(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*J)(SNES,Vec,Mat,Mat,void*),void *ctx)
546: {
548:   DMSNES         sdm;

552:   if (J || ctx) {
553:     DMGetDMSNESWrite(dm,&sdm);
554:   }
555:   if (J) sdm->ops->computejacobian = J;
556:   if (ctx) sdm->jacobianctx = ctx;
557:   return(0);
558: }

562: /*@C
563:    DMSNESGetJacobian - get SNES Jacobian evaluation function

565:    Not Collective

567:    Input Argument:
568: .  dm - DM to be used with SNES

570:    Output Arguments:
571: +  J - Jacobian evaluation function; see SNESJacobianFunction for all calling sequence
572: -  ctx - context for residual evaluation

574:    Level: advanced

576:    Note:
577:    SNESGetJacobian() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
578:    associated with the DM.  This makes the interface consistent regardless of whether the user interacts with a DM or
579:    not. If DM took a more central role at some later date, this could become the primary method of setting the Jacobian.

581: .seealso: DMSNESSetContext(), SNESSetFunction(), DMSNESSetJacobian(), SNESJacobianFunction
582: @*/
583: PetscErrorCode DMSNESGetJacobian(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (**J)(SNES,Vec,Mat,Mat,void*),void **ctx)
584: {
586:   DMSNES         sdm;

590:   DMGetDMSNES(dm,&sdm);
591:   if (J) *J = sdm->ops->computejacobian;
592:   if (ctx) *ctx = sdm->jacobianctx;
593:   return(0);
594: }

598: /*@C
599:    DMSNESSetPicard - set SNES Picard iteration matrix and RHS evaluation functions.

601:    Not Collective

603:    Input Argument:
604: +  dm - DM to be used with SNES
605: .  b - RHS evaluation function
606: .  J - Picard matrix evaluation function
607: -  ctx - context for residual evaluation

609:    Level: advanced

611: .seealso: SNESSetPicard(), DMSNESSetFunction(), DMSNESSetJacobian()
612: @*/
613: PetscErrorCode DMSNESSetPicard(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*b)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*),PetscErrorCode (*J)(SNES,Vec,Mat,Mat,void*),void *ctx)
614: {
616:   DMSNES         sdm;

620:   DMGetDMSNES(dm,&sdm);
621:   if (b) sdm->ops->computepfunction = b;
622:   if (J) sdm->ops->computepjacobian = J;
623:   if (ctx) sdm->pctx = ctx;
624:   return(0);
625: }

629: /*@C
630:    DMSNESGetPicard - get SNES Picard iteration evaluation functions

632:    Not Collective

634:    Input Argument:
635: .  dm - DM to be used with SNES

637:    Output Arguments:
638: +  b - RHS evaluation function; see SNESFunction for details
639: .  J  - RHS evaluation function; see SNESJacobianFunction for detailsa
640: -  ctx - context for residual evaluation

642:    Level: advanced

644: .seealso: DMSNESSetContext(), SNESSetFunction(), DMSNESSetJacobian()
645: @*/
646: PetscErrorCode DMSNESGetPicard(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (**b)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*),PetscErrorCode (**J)(SNES,Vec,Mat,Mat,void*),void **ctx)
647: {
649:   DMSNES         sdm;

653:   DMGetDMSNES(dm,&sdm);
654:   if (b) *b = sdm->ops->computepfunction;
655:   if (J) *J = sdm->ops->computepjacobian;
656:   if (ctx) *ctx = sdm->pctx;
657:   return(0);
658: }