1: ! 2: ! 3: ! Include file for Fortran use of the IS (index set) package in PETSc 4: ! 5: #if !defined (__PETSCISDEF_H) 8: #include finclude/petscsysdef.h 10: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_FORTRAN_DATATYPES) 11: #define IS PetscFortranAddr 12: #define ISColoring PetscFortranAddr 13: #define PetscSection PetscFortranAddr 14: #endif 16: #define PetscSF PetscFortranAddr 17: #define PetscLayout PetscFortranAddr 19: #define ISType PetscEnum 20: #define ISLocalToGlobalMapping PetscFortranAddr 21: #define ISGlobalToLocalMappingType PetscEnum 22: #define ISColoringType PetscEnum 24: #if PETSC_IS_COLOR_VALUE_TYPE_SIZE == 1 25: #define ISColoringValue integer1 26: #elif PETSC_IS_COLOR_VALUE_TYPE_SIZE == 2 27: #define ISColoringValue integer2 28: #else 29: #error "Unknown size for IS_COLOR_VALUE_TYPE" 30: #endif 32: #define ISGENERAL 'general' 33: #define ISSTRIDE 'stride' 34: #define ISBLOCK 'block' 35: #endif