petsc-3.5.4 2015-05-23
Report Typos and Errors


Set tolerances for local truncation error when using adaptive controller


#include "petscts.h"  
PetscErrorCode TSSetTolerances(TS ts,PetscReal atol,Vec vatol,PetscReal rtol,Vec vrtol)
Logically Collective

Input Arguments

ts - time integration context
atol - scalar absolute tolerances, PETSC_DECIDE to leave current value
vatol - vector of absolute tolerances or NULL, used in preference to atol if present
rtol - scalar relative tolerances, PETSC_DECIDE to leave current value
vrtol - vector of relative tolerances or NULL, used in preference to atol if present

Options Database keys

-ts_rtol <rtol> - relative tolerance for local truncation error
-ts_atol <atol> Absolute tolerance for local truncation error-

See Also

TS, TSAdapt, TSVecNormWRMS(), TSGetTolerances()

Index of all TS routines
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