petsc-3.5.4 2015-05-23
Report Typos and Errors


Gets an array of integer values for a particular option in the database.


#include "petscsys.h"   
PetscErrorCode  PetscOptionsGetIntArray(const char pre[],const char name[],PetscInt dvalue[],PetscInt *nmax,PetscBool  *set)
Not Collective

Input Parameters

pre - string to prepend to each name or NULL
name - the option one is seeking
nmax - maximum number of values to retrieve

Output Parameter

dvalue - the integer values to return
nmax - actual number of values retreived
set - PETSC_TRUE if found, else PETSC_FALSE


The array can be passed as a comma seperated list: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 a range (start-end+1): 0-8 a range with given increment (start-end+1:inc): 0-7:2 a combination of values and ranges seperated by commas: 0,1-8,8-15:2

There must be no intervening spaces between the values.

See Also

PetscOptionsGetInt(), PetscOptionsHasName(),
PetscOptionsGetString(), PetscOptionsGetRealArray(), PetscOptionsBool(), PetscOptionsName(), PetscOptionsBegin(), PetscOptionsEnd(), PetscOptionsHead(), PetscOptionsStringArray(),PetscOptionsRealArray(), PetscOptionsScalar(), PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin(), PetscOptionsBoolGroup(), PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd(), PetscOptionsFList(), PetscOptionsEList()

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