petsc-3.5.4 2015-05-23
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The PetscThreadComm object is used to control and synchronize between groups of threads. The interface is independent of threading backend (e.g. direct Pthreads or OpenMP).

No beginner routines
Intermediate - Setting options for algorithms and data structures
Advanced - Setting more advanced options and customization
Developer - Interfaces intended primarily for library developers, not for typical applications programmers
PetscGetNCores PetscThreadCommInitializePackage PetscThreadCommRunKernel4
PetscThreadCommFinalizePackage PetscThreadCommRunKernel PetscThreadCommRunKernel6
PetscThreadCommGetAffinities PetscThreadCommRunKernel0 PetscThreadCommView
PetscThreadCommGetInts PetscThreadCommRunKernel1 PetscThreadReductionBegin
PetscThreadCommGetNThreads PetscThreadCommRunKernel2 PetscThreadReductionEnd
PetscThreadCommGetScalars PetscThreadCommRunKernel3
No deprecated routines

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