petsc-3.5.4 2015-05-23
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sets the sizes of the matrix stash, that is used during the assembly process to store values that belong to other processors.


#include "petscmat.h" 
PetscErrorCode  MatStashSetInitialSize(Mat mat,PetscInt size, PetscInt bsize)
Not Collective

Input Parameters

mat - the matrix
size - the initial size of the stash.
bsize - the initial size of the block-stash(if used).

Options Database Keys

-matstash_initial_size <size> or <size0,size1,...sizep- 1>
-matstash_block_initial_size <bsize> or <bsize0,bsize1,...bsizep- 1>


The block-stash is used for values set with MatSetValuesBlocked() while the stash is used for values set with MatSetValues()

Run with the option -info and look for output of the form MatAssemblyBegin_MPIXXX:Stash has MM entries, uses nn mallocs. to determine the appropriate value, MM, to use for size and MatAssemblyBegin_MPIXXX:Block-Stash has BMM entries, uses nn mallocs. to determine the value, BMM to use for bsize

See Also

MatAssemblyBegin(), MatAssemblyEnd(), Mat, MatStashGetInfo()

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