Actual source code: ex1.c

petsc-3.4.5 2014-06-29
  2: static char help[] = "Basic vector routines.\n\n";

  4: /*T
  5:    Concepts: vectors^basic routines;
  6:    Processors: n
  7: T*/

  9: /*
 10:   Include "petscvec.h" so that we can use vectors.  Note that this file
 11:   automatically includes:
 12:      petscsys.h       - base PETSc routines   petscis.h     - index sets
 13:      petscviewer.h - viewers
 14: */

 16: #include <petscvec.h>

 20: int main(int argc,char **argv)
 21: {
 22:   Vec            x,y,w;               /* vectors */
 23:   Vec            *z;                    /* array of vectors */
 24:   PetscReal      norm,v,v1,v2,maxval;
 25:   PetscInt       n = 20,maxind;
 27:   PetscScalar    one = 1.0,two = 2.0,three = 3.0,dots[3],dot;

 29:   PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,(char*)0,help);

 32:   PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL,"-n",&n,NULL);

 34:   /*
 35:      Create a vector, specifying only its global dimension.
 36:      When using VecCreate(), VecSetSizes() and VecSetFromOptions(), the vector format
 37:      (currently parallel, shared, or sequential) is determined at runtime.  Also, the
 38:      parallel partitioning of the vector is determined by PETSc at runtime.

 40:      Routines for creating particular vector types directly are:
 41:         VecCreateSeq() - uniprocessor vector
 42:         VecCreateMPI() - distributed vector, where the user can
 43:                          determine the parallel partitioning
 44:         VecCreateShared() - parallel vector that uses shared memory
 45:                             (available only on the SGI); otherwise,
 46:                             is the same as VecCreateMPI()

 48:      With VecCreate(), VecSetSizes() and VecSetFromOptions() the option -vec_type mpi or
 49:      -vec_type shared causes the particular type of vector to be formed.
 50: y

 52:   */

 54:   VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&x);
 55:   VecSetSizes(x,PETSC_DECIDE,n);
 56:   VecSetFromOptions(x);
 57:   /*
 58:      Duplicate some work vectors (of the same format and
 59:      partitioning as the initial vector).
 60:   */
 61:   VecDuplicate(x,&y);
 62:   VecDuplicate(x,&w);

 64:   /*
 65:      Duplicate more work vectors (of the same format and
 66:      partitioning as the initial vector).  Here we duplicate
 67:      an array of vectors, which is often more convenient than
 68:      duplicating individual ones.
 69:   */
 70:   VecDuplicateVecs(x,3,&z);
 71:   /*
 72:      Set the vectors to entries to a constant value.
 73:   */
 74:   VecSet(x,one);
 75:   VecSet(y,two);
 76:   VecSet(z[0],one);
 77:   VecSet(z[1],two);
 78:   VecSet(z[2],three);
 79:   /*
 80:      Demonstrate various basic vector routines.
 81:   */
 82:   MPI_Barrier(PETSC_COMM_WORLD);
 83:   VecDot(x,y,&dot);
 84:   VecMDot(x,3,z,dots);

 86:   /*
 87:      Note: If using a complex numbers version of PETSc, then
 88:      PETSC_USE_COMPLEX is defined in the makefiles; otherwise,
 89:      (when using real numbers) it is undefined.
 90:   */

 92:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Vector length %D\n",n);
 93:   VecMax(x,&maxind,&maxval);
 94:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecMax %g, VecInd %D\n",(double)maxval,maxind);

 96:   VecMin(x,&maxind,&maxval);
 97:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecMin %g, VecInd %D\n",(double)maxval,maxind);
 98:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"All other values should be near zero\n");

101:   VecScale(x,two);
102:   VecNorm(x,NORM_2,&norm);
103:   v    = norm-2.0*sqrt((double)n); if (v > -PETSC_SMALL && v < PETSC_SMALL) v = 0.0;
104:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecScale %g\n",(double)v);

107:   VecCopy(x,w);
108:   VecNorm(w,NORM_2,&norm);
109:   v    = norm-2.0*sqrt((double)n); if (v > -PETSC_SMALL && v < PETSC_SMALL) v = 0.0;
110:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecCopy  %g\n",(double)v);

112:   VecAXPY(y,three,x);
113:   VecNorm(y,NORM_2,&norm);
114:   v    = norm-8.0*sqrt((double)n); if (v > -PETSC_SMALL && v < PETSC_SMALL) v = 0.0;
115:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecAXPY %g\n",(double)v);

117:   VecAYPX(y,two,x);
118:   VecNorm(y,NORM_2,&norm);
119:   v    = norm-18.0*sqrt((double)n); if (v > -PETSC_SMALL && v < PETSC_SMALL) v = 0.0;
120:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecAYPX %g\n",(double)v);

122:   VecSwap(x,y);
123:   VecNorm(y,NORM_2,&norm);
124:   v    = norm-2.0*sqrt((double)n); if (v > -PETSC_SMALL && v < PETSC_SMALL) v = 0.0;
125:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecSwap  %g\n",(double)v);
126:   VecNorm(x,NORM_2,&norm);
127:   v = norm-18.0*sqrt((double)n); if (v > -PETSC_SMALL && v < PETSC_SMALL) v = 0.0;
128:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecSwap  %g\n",(double)v);

130:   VecWAXPY(w,two,x,y);
131:   VecNorm(w,NORM_2,&norm);
132:   v    = norm-38.0*sqrt((double)n); if (v > -PETSC_SMALL && v < PETSC_SMALL) v = 0.0;
133:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecWAXPY %g\n",(double)v);

135:   VecPointwiseMult(w,y,x);
136:   VecNorm(w,NORM_2,&norm);
137:   v    = norm-36.0*sqrt((double)n); if (v > -PETSC_SMALL && v < PETSC_SMALL) v = 0.0;
138:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecPointwiseMult %g\n",(double)v);

140:   VecPointwiseDivide(w,x,y);
141:   VecNorm(w,NORM_2,&norm);
142:   v    = norm-9.0*sqrt((double)n); if (v > -PETSC_SMALL && v < PETSC_SMALL) v = 0.0;
143:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecPointwiseDivide %g\n",(double)v);

145:   dots[0] = one;
146:   dots[1] = three;
147:   dots[2] = two;

149:   VecSet(x,one);
150:   VecMAXPY(x,3,dots,z);
151:   VecNorm(z[0],NORM_2,&norm);
152:   v    = norm-sqrt((double)n); if (v > -PETSC_SMALL && v < PETSC_SMALL) v = 0.0;
153:   VecNorm(z[1],NORM_2,&norm);
154:   v1   = norm-2.0*sqrt((double)n); if (v1 > -PETSC_SMALL && v1 < PETSC_SMALL) v1 = 0.0;
155:   VecNorm(z[2],NORM_2,&norm);
156:   v2   = norm-3.0*sqrt((double)n); if (v2 > -PETSC_SMALL && v2 < PETSC_SMALL) v2 = 0.0;
157:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"VecMAXPY %g %g %g \n",(double)v,(double)v1,(double)v2);

159:   /*
160:      Free work space.  All PETSc objects should be destroyed when they
161:      are no longer needed.
162:   */
163:   VecDestroy(&x);
164:   VecDestroy(&y);
165:   VecDestroy(&w);
166:   VecDestroyVecs(3,&z);
167:   PetscFinalize();
168:   return 0;
169: }