petsc-3.4.5 2014-06-29
CFLAGS	         =
FFLAGS	         =
CPPFLAGS         =
FPPFLAGS         =
LOCDIR           = src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/
EXAMPLESC        = ex1.c ex2.c ex3.c ex4.c ex5.c ex7.c ex8.c ex8g.c ex9.c \
                ex10.c ex11.c ex12.c ex13.c ex15.c ex16.c ex18.c ex23.c \
                ex25.c ex27.c ex28.c ex29.c ex30.c ex31.c ex32.c ex34.c \
                 ex38.c ex39.c ex40.c ex41.c ex42.c ex43.c \
                ex45.c ex46.c  ex49.c ex50.c ex51.c ex52.c ex53.c \
                ex54.c ex55.c ex56.c ex58.c
EXAMPLESF        = ex1f.F ex2f.F ex6f.F ex11f.F ex13f90.F ex14f.F ex15f.F ex21f.F ex22f.F ex44f.F90 ex45f.F ex54f.F
MANSEC           = KSP
CLEANFILES       = rhs.vtk solution.vtk
NP               = 1

include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/variables
include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/rules

ex1: ex1.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex1 ex1.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex1.o

ex1f: ex1f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex1f ex1f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex1f.o

ex2: ex2.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex2 ex2.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex2.o

ex2a: ex2a.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex2a ex2a.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex2a.o

ex2f: ex2f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex2f ex2f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex2f.o

ex3: ex3.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex3 ex3.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex3.o

ex4: ex4.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex4 ex4.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex4.o

ex5: ex5.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex5 ex5.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex5.o

ex6: ex6.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex6 ex6.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex6.o

ex6f: ex6f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex6f ex6f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex6f.o

ex7: ex7.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex7 ex7.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex7.o

ex8: ex8.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex8 ex8.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex8.o

ex8g: ex8g.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex8g ex8g.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex8g.o

ex9: ex9.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex9 ex9.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex9.o

ex10: ex10.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex10 ex10.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex10.o

ex11: ex11.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex11 ex11.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex11.o

ex11f: ex11f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex11f ex11f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex11f.o

ex12: ex12.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex12 ex12.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex12.o

ex13: ex13.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex13 ex13.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex13.o

ex13f90: ex13f90.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex13f90 ex13f90.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex13f90.o

ex14: ex14.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex14 ex14.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex14.o

ex14f: ex14f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex14f ex14f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex14f.o

ex15: ex15.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex15 ex15.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex15.o

ex15f: ex15f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex15f ex15f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex15f.o

ex16: ex16.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex16 ex16.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex16.o

ex17: ex17.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex17 ex17.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex17.o

ex18: ex18.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex18 ex18.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex18.o

ex20: ex20.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex20 ex20.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex20.o

ex21f: ex21f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex21f ex21f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex21f.o

ex22: ex22.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex22 ex22.o  ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex22.o

ex22f: ex22f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex22f ex22f.o  ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex22f.o

ex23: ex23.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex23 ex23.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex23.o

ex25: ex25.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex25 ex25.o  ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex25.o

ex26: ex26.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex26 ex26.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex26.o

ex27: ex27.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex27 ex27.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex27.o

ex28: ex28.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex28 ex28.o  ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex28.o

ex29: ex29.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex29 ex29.o  ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex29.o

ex30: ex30.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex30 ex30.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex30.o

ex31: ex31.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex31 ex31.o  ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex31.o

ex32: ex32.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex32 ex32.o  ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex32.o

ex33: ex33.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex33 ex33.o ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex33.o

ex34: ex34.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex34 ex34.o ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex34.o

ex35: ex35.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex35 ex35.o ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex35.o

ex36: ex36.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex36 ex36.o ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex36.o

ex37: ex37.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex37 ex37.o ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex37.o

ex38: ex38.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex38 ex38.o ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex38.o

ex39: ex39.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex39 ex39.o ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex39.o

ex40: ex40.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex40 ex40.o ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex40.o

ex41: ex41.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex41 ex41.o ${PETSC_SNES_LIB}
	${RM} ex41.o

ex42: ex42.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex42 ex42.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex42.o

ex43: ex43.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex43 ex43.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex43.o

# not tested in nightly builds because requires F90 compiler that handles long lines
ex44f: ex44f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex44f ex44f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex44f.o

ex45f: ex45f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex45f ex45f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex45f.o

ex45: ex45.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex45 ex45.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex45.o

ex46: ex46.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex46 ex46.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex46.o

ex47: ex47.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex47 ex47.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex47.o

ex49: ex49.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex49 ex49.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex49.o

ex50: ex50.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex50 ex50.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex50.o

ex51: ex51.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex51 ex51.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex51.o

ex52: ex52.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex52 ex52.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex52.o

ex53: ex53.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex53 ex53.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex53.o

ex54: ex54.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex54 ex54.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex54.o

ex54f: ex54f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex54f ex54f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex54f.o

ex55: ex55.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex55 ex55.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex55.o

ex56: ex56.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex56 ex56.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex56.o

ex57f: ex57f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex57f ex57f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex57f.o

ex58: ex58.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex58 ex58.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex58.o

ex59: ex59.o chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex59 ex59.o ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
	${RM} ex59.o

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex1 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex1_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex1_1.out ex1_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex1_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex1_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex1 -pc_type sor -pc_sor_symmetric -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always >\
	   ex1_2.tmp 2>&1;   \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex1_2.out ex1_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex1_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex1_2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex1 -pc_type eisenstat -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always >\
	   ex1_3.tmp 2>&1;   \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex1_3.out ex1_3.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex1_3, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex1_3.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex1f -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex1f_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex1f_1.out ex1f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex1f_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex1f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -ksp_monitor_short -m 5 -n 5 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex2_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_1.out ex2_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex2 -ksp_monitor_short -m 5 -n 5 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex2_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_2.out ex2_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -pc_type sor -pc_sor_symmetric -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > \
	    ex2_3.tmp 2>&1;   \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_3.out ex2_3.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_3, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_3.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -pc_type eisenstat -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always >\
	    ex2_4.tmp 2>&1;   \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_4.out ex2_4.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_4, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_4.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex2 -ksp_monitor_short -m 5 -n 5 -mat_view draw -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always -nox  > ex2_5.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_2.out ex2_5.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_5, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_5.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -pc_type ilu -pc_factor_drop_tolerance 0.01,0.0,2 > ex2_7.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_7.out ex2_7.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_7, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_7.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex2 -pc_type bjacobi -pc_bjacobi_blocks 1 -ksp_monitor_short -sub_pc_type jacobi -sub_ksp_type gmres > ex2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_bjacobi.out ex2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_bjacobi, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex2 -pc_type bjacobi -pc_bjacobi_blocks 2 -ksp_monitor_short -sub_pc_type jacobi -sub_ksp_type gmres -ksp_view > ex2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_bjacobi_2.out ex2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_bjacobi_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex2 -pc_type bjacobi -pc_bjacobi_blocks 4 -ksp_monitor_short -sub_pc_type jacobi -sub_ksp_type gmres > ex2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_bjacobi_3.out ex2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_bjacobi_3, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -m 80 -n 80 -ksp_type fgmres -pc_type ksp -ksp_ksp_type specest -ksp_monitor_short > ex2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex2_specest_1.out ex2.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex2_specest_1, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -m 80 -n 80 -ksp_type fgmres -pc_type ksp -ksp_ksp_type specest -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_specest_ksp_type cg > ex2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex2_specest_2.out ex2.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex2_specest_2, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -m 80 -n 80 -ksp_pc_side right -pc_type ksp -ksp_ksp_type chebyshev -ksp_ksp_max_it 5 -ksp_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0.9,0,0,1.1 -ksp_monitor_short > ex2.tmp 2>&1; \
           ${DIFF} output/ex2_chebyest_1.out ex2.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex2_chebyest_1, diffs above \n========================================="; \
           ${RM} -f ex2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -m 80 -n 80 -ksp_pc_side right -pc_type ksp -ksp_ksp_type chebyshev -ksp_ksp_max_it 5 -ksp_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0.9,0,0,1.1 -ksp_est_ksp_type cg -ksp_monitor_short > ex2.tmp 2>&1; \
           ${DIFF} output/ex2_chebyest_2.out ex2.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex2_chebyest_2, diffs above \n========================================="; \
           ${RM} -f ex2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -ksp_type fgmres -pc_type ksp -ksp_ksp_type chebyshev -ksp_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0.1,1.1 -ksp_ksp_max_it 1 -ksp_ksp_norm_type none -m 100 -n 100 -ksp_ksp_chebyshev_hybrid -ksp_ksp_chebyshev_hybrid_purification 0 -ksp_ksp_chebyshev_hybrid_chebysteps 10 > ex2.tmp 2>&1; \
           ${DIFF} output/ex2_chebyest_3.out ex2.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex2_chebyest_3, diffs above \n========================================="; \
           ${RM} -f ex2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -ksp_type fgmres -pc_type ksp -ksp_ksp_type chebyshev -ksp_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0.1,1.1 -ksp_ksp_max_it 1 -ksp_ksp_norm_type none -m 100 -n 100 -ksp_ksp_chebyshev_hybrid -ksp_ksp_chebyshev_hybrid_purification 1 -ksp_ksp_chebyshev_hybrid_chebysteps 10 > ex2.tmp 2>&1; \
           ${DIFF} output/ex2_chebyest_4.out ex2.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex2_chebyest_3, diffs above \n========================================="; \
           ${RM} -f ex2.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu -pc_factor_mat_solver_package umfpack > ex2_umfpack.tmp 2>&1; \
           if (${DIFF} output/ex2_umfpack.out ex2_umfpack.tmp) then true; \
           else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_umfpack, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
           ${RM} -f ex2_umfpack.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex2 -ksp_type fbcgs -pc_type ilu  > ex2.tmp 2>&1; \
           if (${DIFF} output/ex2_fbcgs.out ex2.tmp) then true; \
           else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_fbcgs, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
           ${RM} -f ex2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 3 ./ex2 -ksp_type fbcgsr -pc_type bjacobi > ex2.tmp 2>&1; \
           if (${DIFF} output/ex2_fbcgs_2.out ex2.tmp) then true; \
           else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2_fbcgs_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
           ${RM} -f ex2.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex2f -pc_type jacobi -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex2f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2f_1.out ex2f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex2f_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex5 -pc_type jacobi -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex5_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex5_1.out ex5_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex5_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex5_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex5 -pc_type jacobi -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always \
	   -ksp_rtol .000001 > ex5_2.tmp 2>&1;   \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex5_2.out ex5_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex5_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex5_2.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex5 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex5_5.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex5_5.out ex5_5.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex5_5, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex5_5.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex6f -pc_type jacobi -mat_view -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex6f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex6f_1.out ex6f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex6f_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex6f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex7 -ksp_monitor_short -nokspview -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always> ex7_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex7_1.out ex7_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex7_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex7_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex9 -t 2 -pc_type jacobi -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_type gmres -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always \
	   -s2_ksp_type bcgs -s2_pc_type jacobi -s2_ksp_monitor_short \
           > ex9_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex9_1.out ex9_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex9_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex9_1.tmp
NP = 1
M  = 4
N  = 5
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n ${NP} ./ex8 -m $M -n $N -user_set_subdomains -Mdomains ${MDOMAINS} -Ndomains ${NDOMAINS} -overlap ${OVERLAP} -print_error ${ARGS}

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n ${NP} ${VALGRIND} ./ex8g -M $M -N $N -user_set_subdomains -Mdomains ${MDOMAINS} -Ndomains ${NDOMAINS} -overlap ${OVERLAP} -print_error ${ARGS}

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n ${NP} xterm -e gdb -ex 'set breakpoint pending on' -ex 'b ${BREAKPOINT}' -ex r -ex bt --args ./ex8g -M $M -N $N -user_set_subdomains -Mdomains ${MDOMAINS} -Ndomains ${NDOMAINS} -overlap ${OVERLAP} -print_error ${ARGS}

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex8 -print_error > ex8_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex8_1.out ex8_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex8_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex8_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex8g -M 7 -N 9 -user_set_subdomains -Mdomains 1 -Ndomains 3 -overlap 1 -print_error -pc_gasm_print_subdomains > ex8g_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	    if (${DIFF} output/ex8g_1.out ex8g_1.tmp) then true; \
	    else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex8g_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	    ${RM} -f ex8g_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex8g -M 7 -N 9 -user_set_subdomains -Mdomains 1 -Ndomains 3 -overlap 1 -print_error -pc_gasm_print_subdomains > ex8g_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex8g_2.out ex8g_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex8g_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex8g_2.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 3 ./ex8g -M 7 -N 9 -user_set_subdomains -Mdomains 1 -Ndomains 3 -overlap 1 -print_error -pc_gasm_print_subdomains > ex8g_3.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex8g_3.out ex8g_3.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex8g_3, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex8g_3.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -f0 ${PETSC_DIR}/include/datafiles/matrices/spd-${PETSC_SCALAR_TYPE}-${PETSC_INDEX_SIZE}-${PETSC_SCALAR_SIZE} > ex10_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_1.out ex10_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_1.tmp

# See for how to obtain the datafiles used below
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -ksp_type bicg \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_2.out ex10_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -ksp_type bicg -pc_type asm \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_3.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_3.out ex10_3.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_3, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_3.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -ksp_type bicg -pc_type lu \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_4.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_4.out ex10_4.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_4, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_4.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -ksp_type bicg \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_5.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_5.out ex10_5.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_5, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_5.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -pc_factor_levels 2 -pc_factor_fill 1.73 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/fem1 > ex10_6.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_6.out ex10_6.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_6, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_6.tmp
# See for how to obtain the datafiles used below
BS = 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
	-@touch ex10_7.tmp
	-@for bs in ${BS}; do \
	 ${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -viewer_binary_skip_info \
                    -mat_type seqbaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_monitor_short >> ex10_7.tmp 2>&1 ; \
	 ${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -viewer_binary_skip_info \
                    -mat_type seqbaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_monitor_short -pc_factor_mat_ordering_type nd >> ex10_7.tmp 2>&1 ; \
	 ${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -viewer_binary_skip_info \
                    -mat_type seqbaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_monitor_short -pc_factor_levels 1 >> ex10_7.tmp 2>&1 ; \
	 ${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -viewer_binary_skip_info \
                    -mat_type seqbaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_type preonly \
                    -ksp_monitor_short -pc_type lu  >> ex10_7.tmp 2>&1 ; \
	-@if (${DIFF} output/ex10_7.out ex10_7.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_7, diffs above \n========================================="; fi;
	-@${RM} -f ex10_7.tmp
# See for how to obtain the datafiles used below
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -ksp_diagonal_scale -pc_type eisenstat -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_diagonal_scale_fix \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always  -mat_no_inode > ex10_8.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_8.out ex10_8.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_8, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_8.tmp
# See for how to obtain the datafiles used below
	-@touch ex10_9.tmp
	-@for type in gmres; do \
          for bs in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do \
	 ${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -viewer_binary_skip_info \
                    -mat_type seqbaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_monitor_short >> ex10_9.tmp 2>&1 ; \
	 ${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always -viewer_binary_skip_info \
                    -mat_type seqbaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_monitor_short -trans >> ex10_9.tmp 2>&1 ; \
          for np in 2 3; do \
	 ${MPIEXEC} -n $$np ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -viewer_binary_skip_info \
                    -mat_type mpibaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_monitor_short >> ex10_9.tmp 2>&1 ; \
	 ${MPIEXEC} -n $$np ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always -viewer_binary_skip_info \
                    -mat_type mpibaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_monitor_short -trans >> ex10_9.tmp 2>&1 ; \
         done; done; done;
	-@if (${DIFF} output/ex10_9.out ex10_9.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_9, diffs above \n========================================="; fi;
	-@${RM} -f ex10_9.tmp
# See for how to obtain the datafiles used below
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10  -ksp_type fgmres -pc_type ksp \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -ksp_fgmres_modifypcksp -ksp_monitor_short> ex10_10.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_10.out ex10_10.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_10, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_10.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -f0 > ex10_11.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_11.out ex10_11.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_11, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_11.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -mat_aij_matlab -pc_type lu -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/arco1 > ex10_12.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_12.out ex10_12.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_12, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_12.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -mat_type lusol -pc_type lu -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/arco1 > ex10_13.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_13.out ex10_13.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_13, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_13.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 3 ./ex10 -pc_type spai -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_14.tmp 2>&1; \
	  ${DIFF} output/ex10_14.out ex10_14.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex10_14, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	  ${RM} -f ex10_14.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 3 ./ex10 -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type pilut -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_15.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_15.out ex10_15.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_15, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_15.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 3 ./ex10 -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type parasails -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_16.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_16.out ex10_16.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_16, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_16.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 3 ./ex10 -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type boomeramg -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_17.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_17.out ex10_17.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_17, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_17.tmp
#   The following leaves memory unfreed. It appears to be Euclid does something improper with its MPI_Comm
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 3 ./ex10 -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type euclid -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_18.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_18.out ex10_18.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_18, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_18.tmp
# See for how to obtain the datafiles used below
LEVELS = 0 2 4
	-@touch ex10_19aij.tmp
	-@touch ex10_19sbaij.tmp
	-@for levels in ${LEVELS}; do \
	${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/poisson1 -ksp_type cg -pc_type icc -pc_factor_levels $$levels >> ex10_19aij.tmp 2>&1; \
	 ${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/poisson1 -ksp_type cg -pc_type icc -pc_factor_levels $$levels -mat_type seqsbaij >> ex10_19sbaij.tmp 2>&1; \
	-@if (${DIFF} ex10_19aij.tmp ex10_19sbaij.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_19, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	${RM} -f ex10_19aij.tmp ex10_19sbaij.tmp
# See for how to obtain the datafiles used below

# Start a sequential user code [on 1 node, assembling seqaij] and then
# spwan a parallel solver on 2 procs.
# See for how to obtain the datafiles used below
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -hmpi_merge_size 2 -pc_type hmpi  -ksp_type preonly -hmpi_pc_type ksp -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_22.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_22.out ex10_22.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_22, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_22.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -hmpi_merge_size 2 -pc_type hmpi  -ksp_type preonly -hmpi_pc_type ksp -hmpi_ksp_pc_type bjacobi -hmpi_ksp_ksp_type gmres -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_23.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_23.out ex10_23.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_23, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_23.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -hmpi_merge_size 2 -pc_type hmpi -hmpi_pc_type sor -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -hmpi_ksp_monitor_short -initialguess -ksp_type gmres -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_view > ex10_24.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_24.out ex10_24.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_24, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_24.tmp

# Start a parallel user code [on 4 nodes, assembling MPIAIJ with
# np=4] and then spwan a parallel sub-domain-solver on each node
# [with np=2]. This emulates mixed MPI-shared memory model [MPI between
# nodes, MPI within the nodes]
# See for how to obtain the datafiles used below
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 8 ./ex10 -hmpi_merge_size 2 -sub_pc_type hmpi -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -ksp_monitor_short> ex10_25.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_25.out ex10_25.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_25, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_25.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu -pc_factor_mat_solver_package superlu -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 > ex10_superlu_lu_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_superlu_lu_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_superlu_lu_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_superlu_lu_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu -pc_factor_mat_solver_package superlu_dist -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 > ex10_superlu_lu_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_superlu_lu_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_superlu_lu_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_superlu_lu_2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu -pc_factor_mat_solver_package superlu_dist -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 > ex10_superlu_lu_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_superlu_lu_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_superlu_lu_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_superlu_lu_2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu -mat_type seqaij -pc_factor_mat_solver_package umfpack -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 > ex10_umfpack.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_umfpack.out ex10_umfpack.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_umfpack, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_umfpack.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu -mat_type seqaij -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 > ex10_mumps_lu_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_mumps_lu_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mumps_lu_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mumps_lu_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu -mat_type mpiaij -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 > ex10_mumps_lu_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_mumps_lu_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mumps_lu_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mumps_lu_2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu -mat_type seqbaij -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 -matload_block_size 2 > ex10_mumps_lu_3.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_mumps_lu_3.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mumps_lu_3, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mumps_lu_3.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu -mat_type mpibaij -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 -matload_block_size 2 > ex10_mumps_lu_4.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_mumps_lu_4.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mumps_lu_4, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mumps_lu_4.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type cholesky -mat_type sbaij -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 -mat_ignore_lower_triangular > ex10_mumps_cholesky_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_mumps_cholesky_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mumps_cholesky_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mumps_cholesky_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type cholesky -mat_type sbaij -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 -mat_ignore_lower_triangular > ex10_mumps_cholesky_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_mumps_cholesky_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mumps_cholesky_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mumps_cholesky_2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type cholesky -mat_type aij -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 > ex10_mumps_cholesky_3.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_mumps_cholesky_3.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mumps_cholesky_3, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mumps_cholesky_3.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type cholesky -mat_type aij -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 > ex10_mumps_cholesky_4.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_mumps_cholesky_4.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mumps_cholesky_4, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mumps_cholesky_4.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type cholesky -mat_type aij -matload_spd -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 > ex10_mumps_cholesky_spd_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_mumps_cholesky_spd_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mumps_cholesky_spd_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mumps_cholesky_spd_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_type preonly -pc_type cholesky -mat_type aij -matload_spd -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 > ex10_mumps_cholesky_spd_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps.out ex10_mumps_cholesky_spd_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mumps_cholesky_spd_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mumps_cholesky_spd_2.tmp

NSUBCOMM = 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
	-@touch ex10_mumps_redundant.tmp
	-@for nsubcomm in ${NSUBCOMM}; do \
	${MPIEXEC} -n 8 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -ksp_type preonly -pc_type redundant -pc_redundant_number $$nsubcomm -redundant_pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 >> ex10_mumps_redundant.tmp 2>&1; \
	-@if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps_redundant.out ex10_mumps_redundant.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mumps_redundant, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	${RM} -f ex10_mumps_redundant.tmp;

	-@touch ex10_superlu_dist_redundant.tmp
	-@for nsubcomm in ${NSUBCOMM}; do \
	${MPIEXEC} -n 8 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -ksp_type preonly -pc_type redundant -pc_redundant_number $$nsubcomm -redundant_pc_factor_mat_solver_package superlu_dist -num_numfac 2 -num_rhs 2 >> ex10_superlu_dist_redundant.tmp 2>&1; \
	-@if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mumps_redundant.out ex10_superlu_dist_redundant.tmp) then true; \
	  else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_superlu_dist_redundant, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	${RM} -f ex10_superlu_dist_redundant.tmp;
runex10_ILU: # test ilu fill greater than zero
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -pc_factor_levels 1  > ex10_20.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_ILU.out ex10_20.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_ILU, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_20.tmp
runex10_ILUBAIJ: # test ilu fill greater than zero
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -pc_factor_levels 1 -mat_type baij > ex10_20.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_ILU.out ex10_20.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_ILU, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_20.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -mat_type mpisbaij -ksp_type cg -pc_type eisenstat -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_converged_reason > ex10_20.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_cg_singlereduction.out ex10_20.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_cg, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_20.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -mat_type mpisbaij -ksp_type cg -pc_type eisenstat -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_converged_reason -ksp_cg_single_reduction > ex10_20.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_cg_singlereduction.out ex10_20.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_cg_singlereduction, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_20.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_view -mat_view ascii::ascii_info -mat_type seqaijcrl > ex10_seqaijcrl.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_seqcrl.out ex10_seqaijcrl.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_seqaijcrl, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_seqaijcrl.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_view -mat_view ascii::ascii_info -mat_type mpiaijcrl > ex10_mpiaijcrl.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mpiaij.out ex10_mpiaijcrl.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mpiaijcrl, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mpiaijcrl.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_view -mat_view ascii::ascii_info -mat_type seqaijperm > ex10_seqaijperm.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_seqcsrperm.out ex10_seqaijperm.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_seqaijperm, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_seqaijperm.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/small -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_view -mat_view ascii::ascii_info -mat_type mpiaijperm > ex10_mpiaijperm.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_mpicsrperm.out ex10_mpiaijperm.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_mpiaijperm, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_mpiaijperm.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_view -mat_view ascii::ascii_info -mat_type aijcusparse > ex10_aijcusparse.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_aijcusparse.out ex10_aijcusparse.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex10_aijcusparse, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_aijcusparse.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex11 -n 6 -norandom -pc_type none -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex11_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex11_1.out ex11_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex11_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex11_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex11f -n 6 -norandom -pc_type none -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex11f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex11f_1.out ex11f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex11f_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex11f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex12 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex12_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex12_1.out ex12_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex12_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex12_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex13 -m 19 -n 20 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex13_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex13_1.out ex13_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex13_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex13_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex13f90 -m 19 -n 20 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex13f90_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex13f90_1.out ex13f90_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex13f90_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex13f90_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex14f -no_output -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex14_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex14_1.out ex14_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex14f_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex14_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex15 -ksp_view -user_defined_pc -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex15_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex15_1.out ex15_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex15_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex15_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex15f -ksp_view -user_defined_pc -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex15f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex15f_1.out ex15f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex15f_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex15f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex16 -ntimes 4 -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex16_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex16_1.out ex16_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex16_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex16_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 3 ./ex18 -m 39 -n 18 -ksp_monitor_short -permute nd > ex18_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex18_1.out ex18_1.tmp || printf "${PWD}\nPossible problem with with ex18_1, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex18_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 3 ./ex18 -m 39 -n 18 -ksp_monitor_short -permute rcm > ex18_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex18_2.out ex18_2.tmp || printf "${PWD}\nPossible problem with with ex18_2, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex18_2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex21f  > ex21f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex21f_1.out ex21f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex21f_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex21f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex22f -pc_mg_type full -ksp_monitor_short -mg_levels_ksp_monitor_short -mg_levels_ksp_norm_type preconditioned -pc_type mg -da_refine 2 -ksp_type fgmres > ex22_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex22_1.out ex22_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex22f_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex22_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex23 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex23_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex23_1.out ex23_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex23_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex23_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 3 ./ex23 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_gmres_cgs_refinement_type refine_always > ex23_2.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex23_2.out ex23_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex23_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex23_2.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex25 -pc_type mg -ksp_type fgmres -da_refine 2 -ksp_monitor_short -mg_levels_ksp_monitor_short -mg_levels_ksp_norm_type unpreconditioned -ksp_view -pc_mg_type full  > ex25_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex25_1.out ex25_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex25_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex25_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex25 -pc_type mg -ksp_type fgmres -da_refine 2 -ksp_monitor_short -mg_levels_ksp_monitor_short -mg_levels_ksp_norm_type unpreconditioned -ksp_view -pc_mg_type full > ex25_2.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex25_2.out ex25_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex25_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex25_2.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex28 -ksp_monitor_short -pc_type mg -pc_mg_type full -ksp_type fgmres -da_refine 2 -mg_levels_ksp_type gmres -mg_levels_ksp_max_it 1 -mg_levels_pc_type ilu > ex28_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex28_1.out ex28_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex28_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex28_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex29 -pc_type mg -pc_mg_type full -ksp_type fgmres -ksp_monitor_short -da_refine 8 > ex29_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex29_1.out ex29_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex29_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex29_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex29  -bc_type neumann -pc_type mg -pc_mg_type full -ksp_type fgmres -ksp_monitor_short -da_refine 8 -mg_levels_pc_factor_shift_type nonzero -mg_coarse_pc_factor_shift_type nonzero > ex29_2.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex29_2.out ex29_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex29_2, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex29_2.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex30 > ex30_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex30_1.out ex30_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex30_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex30_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex32 -pc_type mg -pc_mg_type full -ksp_type fgmres -ksp_monitor_short -pc_mg_levels 3 -mg_coarse_pc_factor_shift_type nonzero > ex32_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex32_1.out ex32_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex32_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex32_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex34  -pc_type mg -pc_mg_type full -ksp_type fgmres -ksp_monitor_short -pc_mg_levels 3 -mg_coarse_pc_factor_shift_type nonzero -ksp_view > ex34_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex34_1.out ex34_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex34_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex34_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex38 -ksp_monitor_short  > ex38_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex38_1.out ex38_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex38_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex38_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex39 -mat_no_inode -ksp_monitor_short  > ex39_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex39_1.out ex39_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex39_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex39_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex40 -mat_no_inode -ksp_monitor_short  > ex40_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex40_1.out ex40_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo ${PWD} ; echo "Possible problem with with ex40_1, diffs above \n========================================="; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex40_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex43 -stokes_ksp_type fgmres -stokes_ksp_rtol 1e-8 -stokes_pc_type fieldsplit -stokes_pc_fieldsplit_block_size 3 -stokes_pc_fieldsplit_type SYMMETRIC_MULTIPLICATIVE -stokes_pc_fieldsplit_0_fields 0,1 -stokes_pc_fieldsplit_1_fields 2 -stokes_fieldsplit_0_ksp_type preonly -stokes_fieldsplit_0_pc_type lu -stokes_fieldsplit_1_ksp_type preonly -stokes_fieldsplit_1_pc_type jacobi -c_str 0 -solcx_eta0 1.0 -solcx_eta1 1.0e6 -solcx_xc 0.5 -solcx_nz 2 -mx 20 -my 20 -stokes_ksp_monitor_short > ex43_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex43_1.out ex43_1.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex43_1, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex43_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex43 -stokes_ksp_type fgmres -stokes_ksp_rtol 1e-8 -stokes_pc_type fieldsplit -stokes_pc_fieldsplit_block_size 3 -stokes_pc_fieldsplit_type SYMMETRIC_MULTIPLICATIVE -stokes_fieldsplit_u_ksp_type preonly -stokes_fieldsplit_u_pc_type lu -stokes_fieldsplit_p_ksp_type preonly -stokes_fieldsplit_p_pc_type jacobi -c_str 0 -solcx_eta0 1.0 -solcx_eta1 1.0e6 -solcx_xc 0.5 -solcx_nz 2 -mx 20 -my 20 -stokes_ksp_monitor_short > ex43_2.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex43_1.out ex43_2.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex43_2, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex43_2.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex43 -stokes_ksp_type gcr -stokes_ksp_gcr_restart 60 -stokes_ksp_norm_type unpreconditioned -stokes_ksp_rtol 1e-8 -c_str 3 -sinker_eta0 1.0 -sinker_eta1 100 -sinker_dx 0.4 -sinker_dy 0.3 -mx 128 -my 128 -stokes_ksp_monitor_short -stokes_pc_type mg -stokes_mg_levels_pc_type fieldsplit -stokes_pc_mg_galerkin -stokes_mg_levels_pc_fieldsplit_block_size 3 -stokes_mg_levels_pc_fieldsplit_0_fields 0,1 -stokes_mg_levels_pc_fieldsplit_1_fields 2 -stokes_mg_levels_fieldsplit_0_pc_type sor -stokes_mg_levels_fieldsplit_1_pc_type sor -stokes_mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -stokes_mg_levels_ksp_max_it 1 -stokes_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0,0.2,0,1.1 -stokes_pc_mg_levels 4 -stokes_ksp_view > ex43_3.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex43_3.out ex43_3.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex43_3, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex43_3.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex45 -pc_type exotic -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_type fgmres -mg_levels_ksp_type gmres -mg_levels_ksp_max_it 1 -mg_levels_pc_type bjacobi > ex45_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex45_1.out ex45_1.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex45_1, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex45_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex45 -ksp_monitor_short -da_grid_x 21 -da_grid_y 21 -da_grid_z 21 -pc_type mg -pc_mg_levels 3 -mg_levels_ksp_type richardson -mg_levels_ksp_max_it 1 -mg_levels_pc_type bjacobi > ex45_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex45_2.out ex45_2.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex45_2, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex45_2.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex45f -ksp_monitor_short -da_refine 5 -pc_type mg -pc_mg_levels 5 -mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -mg_levels_ksp_max_it 2 -mg_levels_pc_type jacobi -ksp_pc_side right > ex45f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex45f_1.out ex45f_1.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex45f_1, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex45f_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex49 -mx 20 -my 30 -elas_ksp_monitor_short -no_view -c_str 3 -sponge_E0 1 -sponge_E1 1000 -sponge_nu0 0.4 -sponge_nu1 0.2 -sponge_t 1 -sponge_w 8 > ex49_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex49_1.out ex49_1.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex49_1, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex49_1.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex49 -mx 20 -my 30 -elas_ksp_monitor_short -no_view -c_str 3 -sponge_E0 1 -sponge_E1 1000 -sponge_nu0 0.4 -sponge_nu1 0.2 -sponge_t 1 -sponge_w 8 -elas_ksp_type gcr -elas_pc_type asm -elas_sub_pc_type lu > ex49_2.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex49_2.out ex49_2.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex49_2, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex49_2.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex49 -mx 20 -my 30 -elas_ksp_monitor_short -no_view -c_str 2 -brick_E 1,10,1000,100 -brick_nu 0.4,0.2,0.3,0.1 -brick_span 3 -elas_pc_type asm -elas_sub_pc_type lu > ex49_3.tmp 2>&1; \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex49_3.out ex49_3.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex49_3, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex49_3.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex49 -elas_ksp_monitor_short -elas_ksp_converged_reason -elas_ksp_type cg -elas_ksp_norm_type unpreconditioned -mx 40 -my 40 -c_str 2 -brick_E 1,1e-6,1e-2 -brick_nu .3,.2,.4 -brick_span 8 -elas_mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -elas_pc_type ml -elas_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0,0.2,0,1.1 -elas_mg_levels_pc_type pbjacobi -elas_mg_levels_ksp_max_it 2 -use_nonsymbc -elas_pc_ml_nullspace user > ex49_4.tmp 2>&1; \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex49_4.out ex49_4.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex49_4, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex49_4.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex50 -pc_type mg -pc_mg_type full -ksp_type fgmres -ksp_monitor_short -da_refine 1 -mg_levels_pc_factor_shift_type nonzero -mg_coarse_pc_factor_shift_type nonzero -ksp_view  > ex50.tmp 2>&1;         \
        ${DIFF} output/ex50.out ex50.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex50, diffs above \n========================================="; \
        ${RM} -f ex50.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex50 -pc_type mg -pc_mg_type full -ksp_type fgmres -ksp_monitor_short -da_refine 1 -mg_levels_sub_pc_factor_shift_type nonzero -mg_coarse_pc_type redundant -mg_coarse_redundant_pc_type svd -ksp_view > ex50_2.tmp 2>&1;         \
        ${DIFF} output/ex50_2.out ex50_2.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex50_2, diffs above \n========================================="; \
        ${RM} -f ex50_2.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex52 -use_mumps_lu > ex52.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex52_1.out ex52.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex52_mumps, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex52.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex52 -use_mumps_ch > ex52.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex52_1.out ex52.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex52_mumps_2, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex52.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex52 -use_superlu_ilu > ex52.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex52_1.out ex52.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex52, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex52.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex53 > ex53.tmp 2>&1;         \
        ${DIFF} output/ex53.out ex53.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex53, diffs above \n========================================="; \
        ${RM} -f ex53.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex53 > ex53.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   ${DIFF} output/ex53.out ex53.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex53_2, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	   ${RM} -f ex53.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex54 -ne 109 -alpha 1.e-3 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_type cg -pc_gamg_type geo  -ksp_converged_reason -pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit 80 -mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0,0.05,0,1.05 -mg_levels_pc_type jacobi > ex54.tmp 2>&1;	  \
         ${DIFF} output/ex54_0.out ex54.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex54_0, diffs above \n========================================="; \
        ${RM} -f ex54.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex54 -ne 109 -alpha 1.e-3 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_type cg -pc_gamg_type agg -pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths 1  -ksp_converged_reason -pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit 80 -mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0,0.05,0,1.05 -mg_levels_pc_type jacobi > ex54_sa.tmp 2>&1; \
         ${DIFF} output/ex54_1.out ex54_sa.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex54_1, diffs above \n======================================"; \
        ${RM} -f ex54_sa.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex54f -ne 59 -theta 30.0 -epsilon 1.e-1 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_type cg -pc_type gamg -pc_gamg_type agg -pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths 1 -ksp_converged_reason  -pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit 80 -blob_center 0.,0. -mat_coarsen_type hem -pc_gamg_square_graph false > ex54f.tmp 2>&1; \
         ${DIFF} output/ex54f.out ex54f.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex54f, diffs above \n======================================"; \
        ${RM} -f ex54f.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex55 -ne 29 -alpha 1.e-3 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_type cg -pc_gamg_type geo -use_coordinates -ksp_converged_reason -pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit 80 -mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0,0.05,0,1.05 -mg_levels_pc_type jacobi > ex55.tmp 2>&1;	  \
         ${DIFF} output/ex55_0.out ex55.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex55_0, diffs above \n========================================="; \
        ${RM} -f ex55.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex55 -ne 29 -alpha 1.e-3 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_type cg -pc_gamg_type agg -pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths 1 -use_coordinates -ksp_converged_reason -pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit 80 -mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0,0.05,0,1.05 -mg_levels_pc_type jacobi > ex55_sa.tmp 2>&1; \
         ${DIFF} output/ex55_sa.out ex55_sa.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex55_SA, diffs above \n========================================="; \
        ${RM} -f ex55_sa.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 4 ./ex55 -ne 29 -alpha 1.e-3 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_type cg -pc_gamg_type agg -pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths 1  -ksp_converged_reason -pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit 80 -mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0,0.05,0,1.05 -mg_levels_pc_type jacobi > ex55_nc.tmp 2>&1; \
         ${DIFF} output/ex55_NC.out ex55_nc.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex55_NC, diffs above \n======================================"; \
        ${RM} -f ex55_nc.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 8 ./ex56 -ne 19 -alpha 1.e-3 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_type cg -ksp_max_it 50 -pc_gamg_type agg -pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths 1 -ksp_converged_reason -pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit 80 -mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0,0.05,0,1.05 -mg_levels_pc_type sor -pc_gamg_reuse_interpolation true -two_solves > ex56.tmp 2>&1;	\
         ${DIFF} output/ex56_0.out ex56.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex56_0, diffs above \n========================================="; \
         ${RM} -f ex56.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 8 ./ex56 -ne 19 -alpha 1.e-3 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_type cg -ksp_max_it 50 -pc_type ml -ksp_converged_reason -mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues 0,0.05,0,1.05 -mg_levels_pc_type jacobi > ex56.tmp 2>&1;	\
         ${DIFF} output/ex56_ml.out ex56.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex56_2, diffs above \n========================================="; \
        ${RM} -f ex56.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex56 -ne 9 -alpha 1.e-3 -ksp_monitor_short -ksp_type cg -ksp_max_it 50 -pc_gamg_type agg -pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths 1 -pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit 1000 -mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -mg_levels_pc_type sor -pc_gamg_reuse_interpolation true -two_solves -use_mat_nearnullspace > ex56.tmp 2>&1;	\
         ${DIFF} output/ex56_nns.out ex56.tmp || printf "${PWD}\nPossible problem with with ex56_nns, diffs above \n=========================================\n"; \
         ${RM} -f ex56.tmp

	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex58 -mat_type aij > ex58.tmp 2>&1;         \
	${DIFF} output/ex58.out ex58.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex58, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	${RM} -f ex58.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex58 -mat_type baij > ex58.tmp 2>&1;         \
	${DIFF} output/ex58.out ex58.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex58_baij, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	${RM} -f ex58.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex58 -mat_type sbaij > ex58.tmp 2>&1;         \
	${DIFF} output/ex58.out ex58.tmp || echo ${PWD} "\nPossible problem with with ex58_sbaij, diffs above \n========================================="; \
	${RM} -f ex58.tmp

TESTEXAMPLES_C		       = ex1.PETSc runex1 runex1_2 runex1_3 ex1.rm ex2.PETSc runex2 runex2_2 runex2_3 \
                                 runex2_4 runex2_bjacobi runex2_bjacobi_2 runex2_bjacobi_3 runex2_specest_1 runex2_specest_2 \
                                 runex2_chebyest_1 runex2_chebyest_2 runex2_chebyest_3 runex2_chebyest_4 runex2_fbcgs runex2_fbcgs_2 ex2.rm \
                                 ex7.PETSc runex7 ex7.rm ex5.PETSc runex5 runex5_2 ex5.rm \
                                 ex8g.PETSc runex8g_1 runex8g_2 runex8g_3 ex8g.rm \
                                 ex9.PETSc runex9 ex9.rm ex12.PETSc runex12 ex12.rm ex13.PETSc runex13 ex13.rm \
                                 ex15.PETSc runex15 ex15.rm ex16.PETSc runex16 ex16.rm \
                                 ex23.PETSc runex23 runex23_2 ex23.rm  ex25.PETSc runex25 runex25_2 ex25.rm \
                                 ex27.PETSc ex27.rm ex28.PETSc ex28.rm ex29.PETSc  ex29.rm \
                                 ex31.PETSc ex31.rm ex32.PETSc runex32 ex32.rm ex34.PETSc runex34 ex34.rm ex38.PETSc runex38 ex38.rm \
                                 ex43.PETSc runex43 runex43_2 runex43_3 ex43.rm \
                                 ex45.PETSc runex45 runex45_2 ex45.rm \
                                 ex49.PETSc runex49 runex49_2 runex49_3 ex49.rm ex53.PETSc runex53 ex53.rm ex55.PETSc runex55_SA ex55.rm\
                                 ex56.PETSc runex56_nns runex56 ex56.rm \
                                 ex58.PETSc runex58 runex58_baij runex58_sbaij ex58.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_C_X	       = ex2.PETSc runex2_5 ex2.rm ex5.PETSc runex5_5 ex5.rm ex8.PETSc ex8.rm ex28.PETSc runex28 ex28.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_FORTRAN	       = ex1f.PETSc runex1f ex1f.rm ex2f.PETSc runex2f ex2f.rm ex6f.PETSc ex6f.rm \
                                 ex14f.PETSc runex14f ex14f.rm ex15f.PETSc runex15f ex15f.rm ex22f.PETSc runex22f \
                                 ex22f.rm ex21f.PETSc runex21f ex21f.rm ex45f.PETSc runex45f ex45f.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_FORTRAN_MPIUNI    = ex1f.PETSc runex1f ex1f.rm ex6f.PETSc runex6f ex6f.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_C_X_MPIUNI      = ex1.PETSc runex1 runex1_2 runex1_3 ex1.rm ex2.PETSc runex2 runex2_3 ex2.rm \
                                 ex7.PETSc ex7.rm ex5.PETSc ex5.rm  ex9.PETSc runex9 ex9.rm \
                                 ex23.PETSc runex23 ex23.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_C_COMPLEX	       = ex10.PETSc runex10 ex10.rm ex11.PETSc runex11 ex11.rm ex39.PETSc runex39 ex39.rm ex40.PETSc runex40 ex40.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_DATAFILESPATH     = ex10.PETSc runex10_2 runex10_3 runex10_4 runex10_5 runex10_6 runex10_7 runex10_8 \
                                 runex10_9 runex10_10 runex10_19 runex10_22 runex10_23 runex10_24 runex10_25  runex10_ILU runex10_ILUBAIJ runex10_cg \
                                 runex10_cg_singlereduction runex10_seqaijcrl runex10_mpiaijcrl runex10_seqaijperm runex10_mpiaijperm ex10.rm
# even though ex10.c is -pc_mg_smoothdown na C example to run with -mat_type lusol requires a Fortran compiler, hence
# we list it with the fortran examples
TESTEXAMPLES_FORTRAN_COMPLEX   = ex11f.PETSc runex11f ex11f.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_F90	       = ex13f90.PETSc runex13f90 ex13f90.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_13		       = ex3.PETSc ex3.rm ex14f.PETSc ex14f.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_MATLAB_ENGINE     = ex10.PETSc runex10_12  ex10.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_17		       = ex10.PETSc runex10_11 ex10.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_18		       = ex2.PETSc runex2_6 ex2.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_SPAI	       = ex10.PETSc runex10_14 ex10.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_HYPRE	       = ex10.PETSc runex10_15 runex10_16 runex10_17 runex10_18 ex10.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_LUSOL	       = ex10.PETSc runex10_13 ex10.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_MUMPS             = ex10.PETSc runex10_mumps_lu_1 runex10_mumps_lu_2 runex10_mumps_lu_3 runex10_mumps_lu_4 \
				 runex10_mumps_cholesky_1 runex10_mumps_cholesky_2 runex10_mumps_cholesky_3 runex10_mumps_cholesky_4 runex10_mumps_redundant \
                                 runex10_mumps_cholesky_spd_1 runex10_mumps_cholesky_spd_2 ex10.rm ex53.PETSc runex53 runex53_2 ex53.rm \
                                 ex52.PETSc runex52_mumps runex52_mumps_2 ex52.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_SUPERLU           = ex10.PETSc runex10_superlu_lu_1 ex10.rm ex52.PETSc runex52_superlu ex52.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_FFTW              =
TESTEXAMPLES_SUPERLU_DIST      = ex10.PETSc runex10_superlu_dist_lu_1 runex10_superlu_dist_lu_2 runex10_superlu_dist_redundant ex10.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_TXPETSCGPU        = ex10.PETSc runex10_aijcusparse ex10.rm 

include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/test