Actual source code: petsc-snesimpl.h

petsc-3.4.5 2014-06-29
  2: #ifndef __SNESIMPL_H

  5: #include <petscsnes.h>
  6: #include <petsc-private/petscimpl.h>

  8: typedef struct _SNESOps *SNESOps;

 10: struct _SNESOps {
 11:   PetscErrorCode (*computeinitialguess)(SNES,Vec,void*);
 12:   PetscErrorCode (*computescaling)(Vec,Vec,void*);
 13:   PetscErrorCode (*update)(SNES, PetscInt);                     /* General purpose function for update */
 14:   PetscErrorCode (*converged)(SNES,PetscInt,PetscReal,PetscReal,PetscReal,SNESConvergedReason*,void*);
 15:   PetscErrorCode (*convergeddestroy)(void*);
 16:   PetscErrorCode (*setup)(SNES);                                /* routine to set up the nonlinear solver */
 17:   PetscErrorCode (*solve)(SNES);                                /* actual nonlinear solver */
 18:   PetscErrorCode (*view)(SNES,PetscViewer);
 19:   PetscErrorCode (*setfromoptions)(SNES);                       /* sets options from database */
 20:   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(SNES);
 21:   PetscErrorCode (*reset)(SNES);
 22:   PetscErrorCode (*usercompute)(SNES,void**);
 23:   PetscErrorCode (*userdestroy)(void**);
 24:   PetscErrorCode (*computevariablebounds)(SNES,Vec,Vec);        /* user provided routine to set box constrained variable bounds */
 25:   PetscErrorCode (*computepfunction)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*);
 26:   PetscErrorCode (*computepjacobian)(SNES,Vec,Mat*,Mat*,MatStructure*,void*);
 27:   PetscErrorCode (*load)(SNES,PetscViewer);
 28: };

 30: /*
 31:    Nonlinear solver context
 32:  */
 33: #define MAXSNESMONITORS 5

 35: struct _p_SNES {
 36:   PETSCHEADER(struct _SNESOps);
 37:   DM        dm;
 38:   PetscBool dmAuto;             /* SNES created currently used DM automatically */
 39:   SNES      pc;
 40:   PCSide    pcside;
 41:   PetscBool usespc;

 43:   /*  ------------------------ User-provided stuff -------------------------------*/
 44:   void  *user;                   /* user-defined context */

 46:   Vec  vec_rhs;                  /* If non-null, solve F(x) = rhs */
 47:   Vec  vec_sol;                  /* pointer to solution */

 49:   Vec  vec_func;                 /* pointer to function */

 51:   Mat  jacobian;                 /* Jacobian matrix */
 52:   Mat  jacobian_pre;             /* preconditioner matrix */
 53:   void *initialguessP;           /* user-defined initial guess context */
 54:   KSP  ksp;                      /* linear solver context */
 55:   SNESLineSearch linesearch;     /* line search context */
 56:   PetscBool usesksp;
 57:   MatStructure matstruct;        /* Used by Picard solver */

 59:   Vec  vec_sol_update;           /* pointer to solution update */

 61:   Vec  scaling;                  /* scaling vector */
 62:   void *scaP;                    /* scaling context */

 64:   PetscReal precheck_picard_angle; /* For use with SNESLineSearchPreCheckPicard */

 66:   /* ------------------------Time stepping hooks-----------------------------------*/

 68:   /* ---------------- PETSc-provided (or user-provided) stuff ---------------------*/

 70:   PetscErrorCode      (*monitor[MAXSNESMONITORS])(SNES,PetscInt,PetscReal,void*); /* monitor routine */
 71:   PetscErrorCode      (*monitordestroy[MAXSNESMONITORS])(void**);                 /* monitor context destroy routine */
 72:   void                *monitorcontext[MAXSNESMONITORS];                           /* monitor context */
 73:   PetscInt            numbermonitors;                                             /* number of monitors */
 74:   void                *cnvP;                                                      /* convergence context */
 75:   SNESConvergedReason reason;
 76:   PetscBool           errorifnotconverged;

 78:   /* --- Routines and data that are unique to each particular solver --- */

 80:   PetscBool      setupcalled;                /* true if setup has been called */
 81:   void           *data;                      /* implementation-specific data */

 83:   /* --------------------------  Parameters -------------------------------------- */

 85:   PetscInt    max_its;            /* max number of iterations */
 86:   PetscInt    max_funcs;          /* max number of function evals */
 87:   PetscInt    nfuncs;             /* number of function evaluations */
 88:   PetscInt    iter;               /* global iteration number */
 89:   PetscInt    linear_its;         /* total number of linear solver iterations */
 90:   PetscReal   norm;               /* residual norm of current iterate */
 91:   PetscReal   rtol;               /* relative tolerance */
 92:   PetscReal   abstol;             /* absolute tolerance */
 93:   PetscReal   stol;               /* step length tolerance*/
 94:   PetscReal   deltatol;           /* trust region convergence tolerance */
 95:   PetscBool   printreason;        /* print reason for convergence/divergence after each solve */
 96:   PetscInt    lagpreconditioner;  /* SNESSetLagPreconditioner() */
 97:   PetscInt    lagjacobian;        /* SNESSetLagJacobian() */
 98:   PetscInt    gridsequence;       /* number of grid sequence steps to take; defaults to zero */

100:   PetscBool   tolerancesset;      /* SNESSetTolerances() called and tolerances should persist through SNESCreate_XXX()*/

102:   PetscReal   norm_init;          /* the initial norm value */
103:   PetscBool   norm_init_set;      /* the initial norm has been set */
104:   PetscBool   vec_func_init_set;  /* the initial function has been set */

106:   SNESNormType normtype;          /* Norm computation type for SNES instance */

108:   /* ------------------------ Default work-area management ---------------------- */

110:   PetscInt    nwork;
111:   Vec         *work;

113:   /* ------------------------- Miscellaneous Information ------------------------ */

115:   PetscReal   *conv_hist;         /* If !0, stores function norm (or
116:                                     gradient norm) at each iteration */
117:   PetscInt    *conv_hist_its;     /* linear iterations for each Newton step */
118:   PetscInt    conv_hist_len;      /* size of convergence history array */
119:   PetscInt    conv_hist_max;      /* actual amount of data in conv_history */
120:   PetscBool   conv_hist_reset;    /* reset counter for each new SNES solve */
121:   PetscBool   conv_malloc;

123:   /* the next two are used for failures in the line search; they should be put elsewhere */
124:   PetscInt    numFailures;        /* number of unsuccessful step attempts */
125:   PetscInt    maxFailures;        /* maximum number of unsuccessful step attempts */

127:   PetscInt    numLinearSolveFailures;
128:   PetscInt    maxLinearSolveFailures;

130:   PetscBool   domainerror;       /* set with SNESSetFunctionDomainError() */

132:   PetscBool   ksp_ewconv;        /* flag indicating use of Eisenstat-Walker KSP convergence criteria */
133:   void        *kspconvctx;       /* Eisenstat-Walker KSP convergence context */

135:   PetscReal   ttol;           /* used by default convergence test routine */

137:   Vec         *vwork;            /* more work vectors for Jacobian approx */
138:   PetscInt    nvwork;

140:   PetscBool   mf;               /* -snes_mf was used on this snes */
141:   PetscBool   mf_operator;      /* -snes_mf_operator was used on this snes */
142:   PetscInt    mf_version;       /* The version of snes_mf used */

144:   Vec         xl,xu;             /* upper and lower bounds for box constrained VI problems */
145:   PetscInt    ntruebounds;       /* number of non-infinite bounds set for VI box constraints */
146:   PetscBool   usersetbounds;     /* bounds have been set via SNESVISetVariableBounds(), rather than via computevariablebounds() callback. */
147: };

149: typedef struct _p_DMSNES *DMSNES;
150: typedef struct _DMSNESOps *DMSNESOps;
151: struct _DMSNESOps {
152:   PetscErrorCode (*computefunction)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*);
153:   PetscErrorCode (*computejacobian)(SNES,Vec,Mat*,Mat*,MatStructure*,void*);

155:   /* objective */
156:   PetscErrorCode (*computeobjective)(SNES,Vec,PetscReal*,void*);

158:   /* Picard iteration functions */
159:   PetscErrorCode (*computepfunction)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*);
160:   PetscErrorCode (*computepjacobian)(SNES,Vec,Mat*,Mat*,MatStructure*,void*);

162:   /* User-defined smoother */
163:   PetscErrorCode (*computegs)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*);

165:   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(DMSNES);
166:   PetscErrorCode (*duplicate)(DMSNES,DMSNES);
167: };

169: struct _p_DMSNES {
170:   PETSCHEADER(struct _DMSNESOps);
171:   void *functionctx;
172:   void *gsctx;
173:   void *pctx;
174:   void *jacobianctx;
175:   void *objectivectx;

177:   void *data;

179:   /* This is NOT reference counted. The DM on which this context was first created is cached here to implement one-way
180:    * copy-on-write. When DMGetDMSNESWrite() sees a request using a different DM, it makes a copy. Thus, if a user
181:    * only interacts directly with one level, e.g., using SNESSetFunction(), then SNESSetUp_FAS() is called to build
182:    * coarse levels, then the user changes the routine with another call to SNESSetFunction(), it automatically
183:    * propagates to all the levels. If instead, they get out a specific level and set the function on that level,
184:    * subsequent changes to the original level will no longer propagate to that level.
185:    */
186:   DM originaldm;
187: };
189: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMSNESView(DMSNES,PetscViewer);
190: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMSNESLoad(DMSNES,PetscViewer);

195: /* Context for Eisenstat-Walker convergence criteria for KSP solvers */
196: typedef struct {
197:   PetscInt  version;             /* flag indicating version 1 or 2 of test */
198:   PetscReal rtol_0;              /* initial rtol */
199:   PetscReal rtol_last;           /* last rtol */
200:   PetscReal rtol_max;            /* maximum rtol */
201:   PetscReal gamma;               /* mult. factor for version 2 rtol computation */
202:   PetscReal alpha;               /* power for version 2 rtol computation */
203:   PetscReal alpha2;              /* power for safeguard */
204:   PetscReal threshold;           /* threshold for imposing safeguard */
205:   PetscReal lresid_last;         /* linear residual from last iteration */
206:   PetscReal norm_last;           /* function norm from last iteration */

211: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode SNESLogConvergenceHistory(SNES snes,PetscReal res,PetscInt its)
212: {

216:   PetscObjectAMSTakeAccess((PetscObject)snes);
217:   if (snes->conv_hist && snes->conv_hist_max > snes->conv_hist_len) {
218:     if (snes->conv_hist)     snes->conv_hist[snes->conv_hist_len]     = res;
219:     if (snes->conv_hist_its) snes->conv_hist_its[snes->conv_hist_len] = its;
220:     snes->conv_hist_len++;
221:   }
222:   PetscObjectAMSGrantAccess((PetscObject)snes);
223:   return(0);
224: }

226: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode SNESVIProjectOntoBounds(SNES,Vec);
227: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESVICheckLocalMin_Private(SNES,Mat,Vec,Vec,PetscReal,PetscBool*);
228: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESReset_VI(SNES);
229: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESDestroy_VI(SNES);
230: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESView_VI(SNES,PetscViewer);
231: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESSetFromOptions_VI(SNES);
232: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESSetUp_VI(SNES);
233: PETSC_EXTERN_TYPEDEF typedef PetscErrorCode (*SNESVIComputeVariableBoundsFunction)(SNES,Vec,Vec);
234: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESVISetComputeVariableBounds_VI(SNES,SNESVIComputeVariableBoundsFunction);
235: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESVISetVariableBounds_VI(SNES,Vec,Vec);
236: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESConvergedDefault_VI(SNES,PetscInt,PetscReal,PetscReal,PetscReal,SNESConvergedReason*,void*);

238: PetscErrorCode SNESScaleStep_Private(SNES,Vec,PetscReal*,PetscReal*,PetscReal*,PetscReal*);

240: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent SNES_Solve, SNES_LineSearch, SNES_FunctionEval, SNES_JacobianEval, SNES_GSEval, SNES_NPCSolve;

242: #endif