#include "petscmat.h" PetscErrorCode MatCreate(MPI_Comm comm,Mat *A)Collective on MPI_Comm
-mat_type seqaij | - AIJ type, uses MatCreateSeqAIJ() | |
-mat_type mpiaij | - AIJ type, uses MatCreateAIJ() | |
-mat_type seqdense | - dense type, uses MatCreateSeqDense() | |
-mat_type mpidense | - dense type, uses MatCreateDense() | |
-mat_type seqbaij | - block AIJ type, uses MatCreateSeqBAIJ() | |
-mat_type mpibaij | - block AIJ type, uses MatCreateBAIJ() |
Index of all Mat routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages
Section 3.1 Creating and Assembling Matrices | - - Chapter 3 Matrices |