Actual source code: lusol.c

petsc-3.4.5 2014-06-29
  2: /*
  3:         Provides an interface to the LUSOL package of ....

  5: */
  6: #include <../src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aij.h>

  9: #define LU1FAC   lu1fac_
 10: #define LU6SOL   lu6sol_
 11: #define M1PAGE   m1page_
 12: #define M5SETX   m5setx_
 13: #define M6RDEL   m6rdel_
 14: #elif !defined(PETSC_HAVE_FORTRAN_CAPS)
 15: #define LU1FAC   lu1fac
 16: #define LU6SOL   lu6sol
 17: #define M1PAGE   m1page
 18: #define M5SETX   m5setx
 19: #define M6RDEL   m6rdel
 20: #endif

 22: /*
 23:     Dummy symbols that the MINOS files mi25bfac.f and mi15blas.f may require
 24: */
 26: {
 27:   ;
 28: }
 30: {
 31:   ;
 32: }

 35: {
 36:   ;
 37: }

 39: PETSC_EXTERN void PETSC_STDCALL LU1FAC(int *m, int *n, int *nnz, int *size, int *luparm,
 40:                                  double *parmlu, double *data, int *indc, int *indr,
 41:                                  int *rowperm, int *colperm, int *collen, int *rowlen,
 42:                                  int *colstart, int *rowstart, int *rploc, int *cploc,
 43:                                  int *rpinv, int *cpinv, double *w, int *inform);

 45: PETSC_EXTERN void PETSC_STDCALL LU6SOL(int *mode, int *m, int *n, double *rhs, double *x,
 46:                                  int *size, int *luparm, double *parmlu, double *data,
 47:                                  int *indc, int *indr, int *rowperm, int *colperm,
 48:                                  int *collen, int *rowlen, int *colstart, int *rowstart,
 49:                                  int *inform);

 51: extern PetscErrorCode MatDuplicate_LUSOL(Mat,MatDuplicateOption,Mat*);

 53: typedef struct  {
 54:   double *data;
 55:   int    *indc;
 56:   int    *indr;

 58:   int    *ip;
 59:   int    *iq;
 60:   int    *lenc;
 61:   int    *lenr;
 62:   int    *locc;
 63:   int    *locr;
 64:   int    *iploc;
 65:   int    *iqloc;
 66:   int    *ipinv;
 67:   int    *iqinv;
 68:   double *mnsw;
 69:   double *mnsv;

 71:   double elbowroom;
 72:   double luroom;                /* Extra space allocated when factor fails   */
 73:   double parmlu[30];            /* Input/output to LUSOL                     */

 75:   int n;                        /* Number of rows/columns in matrix          */
 76:   int nz;                       /* Number of nonzeros                        */
 77:   int nnz;                      /* Number of nonzeros allocated for factors  */
 78:   int luparm[30];               /* Input/output to LUSOL                     */

 80:   PetscBool CleanUpLUSOL;

 82: } Mat_LUSOL;

 84: /*  LUSOL input/Output Parameters (Description uses C-style indexes
 85:  *
 86:  *  Input parameters                                        Typical value
 87:  *
 88:  *  luparm(0) = nout     File number for printed messages.         6
 89:  *  luparm(1) = lprint   Print level.                              0
 90:  *                    < 0 suppresses output.
 91:  *                    = 0 gives error messages.
 92:  *                    = 1 gives debug output from some of the
 93:  *                        other routines in LUSOL.
 94:  *                   >= 2 gives the pivot row and column and the
 95:  *                        no. of rows and columns involved at
 96:  *                        each elimination step in lu1fac.
 97:  *  luparm(2) = maxcol   lu1fac: maximum number of columns         5
 98:  *                        searched allowed in a Markowitz-type
 99:  *                        search for the next pivot element.
100:  *                        For some of the factorization, the
101:  *                        number of rows searched is
102:  *                        maxrow = maxcol - 1.
103:  *
104:  *
105:  *  Output parameters
106:  *
107:  *  luparm(9) = inform   Return code from last call to any LU routine.
108:  *  luparm(10) = nsing    No. of singularities marked in the
109:  *                        output array w(*).
110:  *  luparm(11) = jsing    Column index of last singularity.
111:  *  luparm(12) = minlen   Minimum recommended value for  lena.
112:  *  luparm(13) = maxlen   ?
113:  *  luparm(14) = nupdat   No. of updates performed by the lu8 routines.
114:  *  luparm(15) = nrank    No. of nonempty rows of U.
115:  *  luparm(16) = ndens1   No. of columns remaining when the density of
116:  *                        the matrix being factorized reached dens1.
117:  *  luparm(17) = ndens2   No. of columns remaining when the density of
118:  *                        the matrix being factorized reached dens2.
119:  *  luparm(18) = jumin    The column index associated with dumin.
120:  *  luparm(19) = numl0    No. of columns in initial  L.
121:  *  luparm(20) = lenl0    Size of initial  L  (no. of nonzeros).
122:  *  luparm(21) = lenu0    Size of initial  U.
123:  *  luparm(22) = lenl     Size of current  L.
124:  *  luparm(23) = lenu     Size of current  U.
125:  *  luparm(24) = lrow     Length of row file.
126:  *  luparm(25) = ncp      No. of compressions of LU data structures.
127:  *  luparm(26) = mersum   lu1fac: sum of Markowitz merit counts.
128:  *  luparm(27) = nutri    lu1fac: triangular rows in U.
129:  *  luparm(28) = nltri    lu1fac: triangular rows in L.
130:  *  luparm(29) =
131:  *
132:  *
133:  *  Input parameters                                        Typical value
134:  *
135:  *  parmlu(0) = elmax1   Max multiplier allowed in  L           10.0
136:  *                        during factor.
137:  *  parmlu(1) = elmax2   Max multiplier allowed in  L           10.0
138:  *                        during updates.
139:  *  parmlu(2) = small    Absolute tolerance for             eps**0.8
140:  *                        treating reals as zero.     IBM double: 3.0d-13
141:  *  parmlu(3) = utol1    Absolute tol for flagging          eps**0.66667
142:  *                        small diagonals of U.       IBM double: 3.7d-11
143:  *  parmlu(4) = utol2    Relative tol for flagging          eps**0.66667
144:  *                        small diagonals of U.       IBM double: 3.7d-11
145:  *  parmlu(5) = uspace   Factor limiting waste space in  U.      3.0
146:  *                        In lu1fac, the row or column lists
147:  *                        are compressed if their length
148:  *                        exceeds uspace times the length of
149:  *                        either file after the last compression.
150:  *  parmlu(6) = dens1    The density at which the Markowitz      0.3
151:  *                        strategy should search maxcol columns
152:  *                        and no rows.
153:  *  parmlu(7) = dens2    the density at which the Markowitz      0.6
154:  *                        strategy should search only 1 column
155:  *                        or (preferably) use a dense LU for
156:  *                        all the remaining rows and columns.
157:  *
158:  *
159:  *  Output parameters
160:  *
161:  *  parmlu(9) = amax     Maximum element in  A.
162:  *  parmlu(10) = elmax    Maximum multiplier in current  L.
163:  *  parmlu(11) = umax     Maximum element in current  U.
164:  *  parmlu(12) = dumax    Maximum diagonal in  U.
165:  *  parmlu(13) = dumin    Minimum diagonal in  U.
166:  *  parmlu(14) =
167:  *  parmlu(15) =
168:  *  parmlu(16) =
169:  *  parmlu(17) =
170:  *  parmlu(18) =
171:  *  parmlu(19) = resid    lu6sol: residual after solve with U or U'.
172:  *  ...
173:  *  parmlu(29) =
174:  */

176: #define Factorization_Tolerance       1e-1
177: #define Factorization_Pivot_Tolerance pow(2.2204460492503131E-16, 2.0 / 3.0)
178: #define Factorization_Small_Tolerance 1e-15 /* pow(DBL_EPSILON, 0.8) */

182: PetscErrorCode MatDestroy_LUSOL(Mat A)
183: {
185:   Mat_LUSOL      *lusol=(Mat_LUSOL*)A->spptr;

188:   if (lusol && lusol->CleanUpLUSOL) {
189:     PetscFree(lusol->ip);
190:     PetscFree(lusol->iq);
191:     PetscFree(lusol->lenc);
192:     PetscFree(lusol->lenr);
193:     PetscFree(lusol->locc);
194:     PetscFree(lusol->locr);
195:     PetscFree(lusol->iploc);
196:     PetscFree(lusol->iqloc);
197:     PetscFree(lusol->ipinv);
198:     PetscFree(lusol->iqinv);
199:     PetscFree(lusol->mnsw);
200:     PetscFree(lusol->mnsv);
201:     PetscFree3(lusol->data,lusol->indc,lusol->indr);
202:   }
203:   PetscFree(A->spptr);
204:   MatDestroy_SeqAIJ(A);
205:   return(0);
206: }

210: PetscErrorCode MatSolve_LUSOL(Mat A,Vec b,Vec x)
211: {
212:   Mat_LUSOL      *lusol=(Mat_LUSOL*)A->spptr;
213:   double         *bb,*xx;
214:   int            mode=5;
216:   int            i,m,n,nnz,status;

219:   VecGetArray(x, &xx);
220:   VecGetArray(b, &bb);

222:   m   = n = lusol->n;
223:   nnz = lusol->nnz;

225:   for (i = 0; i < m; i++) lusol->mnsv[i] = bb[i];

227:   LU6SOL(&mode, &m, &n, lusol->mnsv, xx, &nnz,
228:          lusol->luparm, lusol->parmlu, lusol->data,
229:          lusol->indc, lusol->indr, lusol->ip, lusol->iq,
230:          lusol->lenc, lusol->lenr, lusol->locc, lusol->locr, &status);

232:   if (status) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ,"solve failed, error code %d",status);

234:   VecRestoreArray(x, &xx);
235:   VecRestoreArray(b, &bb);
236:   return(0);
237: }

241: PetscErrorCode MatLUFactorNumeric_LUSOL(Mat F,Mat A,const MatFactorInfo *info)
242: {
243:   Mat_SeqAIJ     *a;
244:   Mat_LUSOL      *lusol = (Mat_LUSOL*)F->spptr;
246:   int            m, n, nz, nnz, status;
247:   int            i, rs, re;
248:   int            factorizations;

251:   MatGetSize(A,&m,&n);
252:   a    = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)A->data;

254:   if (m != lusol->n) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ,"factorization struct inconsistent");

256:   factorizations = 0;
257:   do {
258:     /*******************************************************************/
259:     /* Check the workspace allocation.                                 */
260:     /*******************************************************************/

262:     nz  = a->nz;
263:     nnz = PetscMax(lusol->nnz, (int)(lusol->elbowroom*nz));
264:     nnz = PetscMax(nnz, 5*n);

266:     if (nnz < lusol->luparm[12]) {
267:       nnz = (int)(lusol->luroom * lusol->luparm[12]);
268:     } else if ((factorizations > 0) && (lusol->luroom < 6)) {
269:       lusol->luroom += 0.1;
270:     }

272:     nnz = PetscMax(nnz, (int)(lusol->luroom*(lusol->luparm[22] + lusol->luparm[23])));

274:     if (nnz > lusol->nnz) {
275:       PetscFree3(lusol->data,lusol->indc,lusol->indr);
276:       PetscMalloc3(nnz,double,&lusol->data,nnz,PetscInt,&lusol->indc,nnz,PetscInt,&lusol->indr);
277:       lusol->nnz = nnz;
278:     }

280:     /*******************************************************************/
281:     /* Fill in the data for the problem.      (1-based Fortran style)  */
282:     /*******************************************************************/

284:     nz = 0;
285:     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
286:       rs = a->i[i];
287:       re = a->i[i+1];

289:       while (rs < re) {
290:         if (a->a[rs] != 0.0) {
291:           lusol->indc[nz] = i + 1;
292:           lusol->indr[nz] = a->j[rs] + 1;
293:           lusol->data[nz] = a->a[rs];
294:           nz++;
295:         }
296:         rs++;
297:       }
298:     }

300:     /*******************************************************************/
301:     /* Do the factorization.                                           */
302:     /*******************************************************************/

304:     LU1FAC(&m, &n, &nz, &nnz,
305:            lusol->luparm, lusol->parmlu, lusol->data,
306:            lusol->indc, lusol->indr, lusol->ip, lusol->iq,
307:            lusol->lenc, lusol->lenr, lusol->locc, lusol->locr,
308:            lusol->iploc, lusol->iqloc, lusol->ipinv,
309:            lusol->iqinv, lusol->mnsw, &status);

311:     switch (status) {
312:     case 0:         /* factored */
313:       break;

315:     case 7:         /* insufficient memory */
316:       break;

318:     case 1:
319:     case -1:        /* singular */
320:       SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Singular matrix");

322:     case 3:
323:     case 4:         /* error conditions */
324:       SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"matrix error");

326:     default:        /* unknown condition */
327:       SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"matrix unknown return code");
328:     }

330:     factorizations++;
331:   } while (status == 7);
332:   F->ops->solve   = MatSolve_LUSOL;
333:   F->assembled    = PETSC_TRUE;
334:   F->preallocated = PETSC_TRUE;
335:   return(0);
336: }

340: PetscErrorCode MatLUFactorSymbolic_LUSOL(Mat F,Mat A, IS r, IS c,const MatFactorInfo *info)
341: {
342:   /************************************************************************/
343:   /* Input                                                                */
344:   /*     A  - matrix to factor                                            */
345:   /*     r  - row permutation (ignored)                                   */
346:   /*     c  - column permutation (ignored)                                */
347:   /*                                                                      */
348:   /* Output                                                               */
349:   /*     F  - matrix storing the factorization;                           */
350:   /************************************************************************/
351:   Mat_LUSOL      *lusol;
353:   int            i, m, n, nz, nnz;

356:   /************************************************************************/
357:   /* Check the arguments.                                                 */
358:   /************************************************************************/

360:   MatGetSize(A, &m, &n);
361:   nz   = ((Mat_SeqAIJ*)A->data)->nz;

363:   /************************************************************************/
364:   /* Create the factorization.                                            */
365:   /************************************************************************/

367:   F->ops->lufactornumeric = MatLUFactorNumeric_LUSOL;
368:   lusol                   = (Mat_LUSOL*)(F->spptr);

370:   /************************************************************************/
371:   /* Initialize parameters                                                */
372:   /************************************************************************/

374:   for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
375:     lusol->luparm[i] = 0;
376:     lusol->parmlu[i] = 0;
377:   }

379:   lusol->luparm[1] = -1;
380:   lusol->luparm[2] = 5;
381:   lusol->luparm[7] = 1;

383:   lusol->parmlu[0] = 1 / Factorization_Tolerance;
384:   lusol->parmlu[1] = 1 / Factorization_Tolerance;
385:   lusol->parmlu[2] = Factorization_Small_Tolerance;
386:   lusol->parmlu[3] = Factorization_Pivot_Tolerance;
387:   lusol->parmlu[4] = Factorization_Pivot_Tolerance;
388:   lusol->parmlu[5] = 3.0;
389:   lusol->parmlu[6] = 0.3;
390:   lusol->parmlu[7] = 0.6;

392:   /************************************************************************/
393:   /* Allocate the workspace needed by LUSOL.                              */
394:   /************************************************************************/

396:   lusol->elbowroom = PetscMax(lusol->elbowroom, info->fill);
397:   nnz              = PetscMax((int)(lusol->elbowroom*nz), 5*n);

399:   lusol->n      = n;
400:   lusol->nz     = nz;
401:   lusol->nnz    = nnz;
402:   lusol->luroom = 1.75;

404:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(int)*n,&lusol->ip);
405:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(int)*n,&lusol->iq);
406:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(int)*n,&lusol->lenc);
407:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(int)*n,&lusol->lenr);
408:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(int)*n,&lusol->locc);
409:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(int)*n,&lusol->locr);
410:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(int)*n,&lusol->iploc);
411:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(int)*n,&lusol->iqloc);
412:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(int)*n,&lusol->ipinv);
413:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(int)*n,&lusol->iqinv);
414:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(double)*n,&lusol->mnsw);
415:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(double)*n,&lusol->mnsv);

417:   PetscMalloc3(nnz,double,&lusol->data,nnz,PetscInt,&lusol->indc,nnz,PetscInt,&lusol->indr);

419:   lusol->CleanUpLUSOL     = PETSC_TRUE;
420:   F->ops->lufactornumeric = MatLUFactorNumeric_LUSOL;
421:   return(0);
422: }

426: PetscErrorCode MatFactorGetSolverPackage_seqaij_lusol(Mat A,const MatSolverPackage *type)
427: {
429:   *type = MATSOLVERLUSOL;
430:   return(0);
431: }

435: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatGetFactor_seqaij_lusol(Mat A,MatFactorType ftype,Mat *F)
436: {
437:   Mat            B;
438:   Mat_LUSOL      *lusol;
440:   int            m, n;

443:   MatGetSize(A, &m, &n);
444:   MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),&B);
445:   MatSetSizes(B,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,m,n);
446:   MatSetType(B,((PetscObject)A)->type_name);
447:   MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(B,0,NULL);

449:   PetscNewLog(B,Mat_LUSOL,&lusol);
450:   B->spptr = lusol;

452:   B->ops->lufactorsymbolic = MatLUFactorSymbolic_LUSOL;
453:   B->ops->destroy          = MatDestroy_LUSOL;

455:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B,"MatFactorGetSolverPackage_C",MatFactorGetSolverPackage_seqaij_lusol);

457:   B->factortype = MAT_FACTOR_LU;
458:   return(0);
459: }

461: /*MC
462:   MATSOLVERLUSOL - "lusol" - Provides direct solvers (LU) for sequential matrices
463:                          via the external package LUSOL.

465:   If LUSOL is installed (see the manual for
466:   instructions on how to declare the existence of external packages),

468:   Works with MATSEQAIJ matrices

470:    Level: beginner

472: .seealso: PCLU, PCFactorSetMatSolverPackage(), MatSolverPackage

474: M*/