Actual source code: UFCProblem.hh

petsc-3.4.5 2014-06-29
  1: #ifndef __UFCProblem

  4: /*
  5:   UFC Problem class for sieve; allows for UFC-assembled problems to be "bundled"

  7:  */

 10: #include <sieve/Mesh.hh>
 11: #include <sieve/FEMProblem.hh>
 12: #include <ufc.h>

 14: namespace ALE {
 15:   namespace Problem {

 17:     class UFCHook { //initialize all the data from the UFC forms so we don't need to keep redoing it
 18:     public:

 20:       //the model for this is of course b(u, v) = (l(v), f)... because it's UFC.
 21:       //if we need to extend this make these into sets.

 23:       ufc::form * _lform;
 24:       ufc::form * _bform;

 26:       //finite elements

 28:       ufc::finite_element * _b_finite_element; //the thing upon which the cell integral is defined; however we want to crack it open for discretizations
 29:       ufc::finite_element * _l_finite_element; //ditto

 31:       std::map<int, ufc::finite_element *> _b_sub_finite_elements;
 32:       std::map<int, ufc::finite_element *> _l_sub_finite_elements;

 34:       ufc::shape _cell_shape;

 36:       ufc::cell * _cell; //assume, for now, that the mesh has one cell type

 38:       //cell integrals

 40:       std::map<int, ufc::cell_integral *> _b_cell_integrals;
 41:       std::map<int, ufc::cell_integral *> _l_cell_integrals;

 43:       //interior facet integrals

 45:       std::map<int, ufc::interior_facet_integral *> _b_interior_facet_integrals;
 46:       std::map<int, ufc::interior_facet_integral *> _l_interior_facet_integrals;

 48:       //exterior facet integrals

 50:       std::map<int, ufc::exterior_facet_integral *> _b_exterior_facet_integrals;
 51:       std::map<int, ufc::exterior_facet_integral *> _l_exterior_facet_integrals;

 53:     public:

 55:       UFCHook(ufc::form * bform, ufc::form * lform) {

 57:         _bform = bform;
 58:         _lform = lform;
 60:         //set up the cell, the finite_elements, the cell integrals
 62:         //create the cell integrals
 63:         //_num_l_cell_integrals = lform->num_cell_integrals();
 64:         //_l_cell_integrals = new ufc::cell_integral *[_num_l_cell_integrals];
 65:         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lform->num_cell_integrals(); i++) {
 66:           _l_cell_integrals[i] = _lform->create_cell_integral(i);
 67:         }

 69:         if (_l_cell_integrals.size() == 0) throw Exception("No linear integrals in the form");

 71:         //_num_b_cell_integrals = bform->num_cell_integrals();
 72:         //_b_cell_integrals = new ufc::cell_integral *[_num_l_cell_integrals];
 73:         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bform->num_cell_integrals(); i++) {
 74:           _b_cell_integrals[i] = bform->create_cell_integral(i);
 75:         }
 77:         if (_b_cell_integrals.size() == 0) {
 78:           throw Exception("No bilinear integrals in the form");
 79:         }
 81:         //create the finite elements for the bform and lform; they should be the same I do believe

 83:         _b_finite_element = _bform->create_finite_element(0);      //the other appears to be for quadrature

 85:         //_num_finite_elements = _bform->num_coefficients() + _bform->rank();//_bform->num_finite_elements();
 86:         //_finite_elements = new ufc::finite_element *[_num_finite_elements];

 88:         if (_b_finite_element->num_sub_elements() > 1) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _b_finite_element->num_sub_elements(); i++) {
 89:           _b_sub_finite_elements[i] = _b_finite_element->create_sub_element(i);
 90:         }

 92:         /*
 93:         if (_b_sub_finite_elements.size() == 0) {
 94:           throw Exception("No finite elements in the form");
 95:         }
 96:         */

 98:         _l_finite_element = _lform->create_finite_element(0);

100:         //_num_coefficient_elements = _lform->num_coefficients() + _lform->rank();
101:         //_coefficient_elements = new ufc::finite_element *[_num_coefficient_elements];
102:         if (_l_finite_element->num_sub_elements() > 1) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _l_finite_element->num_sub_elements(); i++) {
103:           _l_sub_finite_elements[i] = lform->create_finite_element(i);
104:         }

106:         /*
107:         if (_l_sub_finite_elements.size() == 0) {
108:           throw Exception("No coefficient elements in the form");
109:         }
110:         */

112:         int dim, embedDim;
113:         //derive these from the mesh and/or the finite element;
114:         _cell = new ufc::cell;

117:         _cell_shape = _l_finite_element->cell_shape();

120:         if (_cell_shape == ufc::interval) {
121:           dim = 1;
122:           embedDim = 1;
123:           _cell->entity_indices = new unsigned int *[dim+1];
124:           _cell->entity_indices[0] = new unsigned int[2];
125:           _cell->entity_indices[1] = new unsigned int[1];
126:         } else if (_cell_shape == ufc::triangle) {
127:           dim = 2;
128:           embedDim = 2;
129:           _cell->entity_indices = new unsigned int *[dim+1];
130:           _cell->entity_indices[0] = new unsigned int[3];
131:           _cell->entity_indices[1] = new unsigned int[3];
132:           _cell->entity_indices[2] = new unsigned int[1];
133:         } else if (_cell_shape == ufc::tetrahedron) {
134:           dim = 3;
135:           embedDim = 3;
136:           _cell->entity_indices = new unsigned int *[dim+1];
137:           _cell->entity_indices[0] = new unsigned int[4];
138:           _cell->entity_indices[1] = new unsigned int[6];
139:           _cell->entity_indices[2] = new unsigned int[4];
140:           _cell->entity_indices[3] = new unsigned int[1];
141:         } else {
142:           throw Exception("Unknown cell shape");
143:         }
144:         //create the cell
145:         _cell->topological_dimension = dim;
146:         _cell->geometric_dimension = embedDim;
147:         double * tmpCoords = new double[(dim+1)*embedDim];
148:         _cell->coordinates = new double *[dim+1];
149:         for (int i = 0; i < dim+1; i++) {
150:           _cell->coordinates[i] = &tmpCoords[i*embedDim];
151:         }
153:       }

155:       ~UFCHook() {
156:         //remove all this stuff
157:         delete _lform;
158:         delete _bform;
159:         std::map<int, ufc::cell_integral *>::iterator i_iter = _l_cell_integrals.begin();
160:         std::map<int, ufc::cell_integral *>::iterator i_iter_end = _l_cell_integrals.end();
161:         while (i_iter != i_iter_end) {
162:           delete i_iter->second;
163:           i_iter++;
164:         }
165:         i_iter = _b_cell_integrals.begin();
166:         i_iter_end = _b_cell_integrals.end();
167:         while (i_iter != i_iter_end) {
168:           delete i_iter->second;
169:           i_iter++;
170:         }
171:         std::map<int, ufc::finite_element *>::iterator f_iter = _l_sub_finite_elements.begin();
172:         std::map<int, ufc::finite_element *>::iterator f_iter_end = _l_sub_finite_elements.end();
173:         while (f_iter != f_iter_end) {
174:           delete f_iter->second;
175:           f_iter++;
176:         }
177:         delete _cell->coordinates[0];
178:         delete _cell->coordinates;
179:       }

181:       //accessors

184:       void setCell(Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE> m, PETSC_MESH_TYPE::point_type c) {
185:         //setup the cell object such that it contains the mesh cell given

187:         const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::sieve_type> s = m->getSieve();
188:         Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type> coordinates = m->getRealSection("coordinates");
189:         int dim = m->getDimension();
190:         if ((int)_cell->topological_dimension != m->getDimension() - m->height(c)) throw ALE::Exception("Wrong element dimension for this UFC form");
191:         //int depth = m->depth();
192:         //the entity indices should be FIXED because we don't care to use any of the DoFMap stuff
193:         ISieveVisitor::PointRetriever<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::sieve_type> pV((int) pow(m->getSieve()->getMaxConeSize(), m->depth())+1, true);
194:         ISieveTraversal<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::sieve_type>::orientedClosure(*m->getSieve(), c, pV);

196:         const PETSC_MESH_TYPE::point_type * oPoints = pV.getPoints();
197:         int num_oPoints = pV.getSize();
198:         int vertex_index = 0;
199:         for (int t = 0; t < num_oPoints; t++) {
200:           if (m->depth(oPoints[t]) == 0) {
201:             // _cell->entity_indices[0][vertex_index] = oPoints[t];
202:               const double * tmpcoords = coordinates->restrictPoint(oPoints[t]);
203:               for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
204:                 _cell->coordinates[vertex_index][i] = tmpcoords[i];
205:               }
206:               vertex_index++;
207:           }
208:         }
209:       }
210:     };

212: #if 0

214:     class UFCCell : GeneralCell {
215:     private:
216:       ufc::cell * _cell; //the UFC cell.
217:     public:
218:       UFCCell (ufc::shape shape, int embed_dimension) : GeneralCell() {
219:         _embedded_dimension = embed_dimension;
220:         if (shape == ufc::interval) {
221:           //allocate coordinates
222:           _num_vertices = 2;
223:           _coordinates = new double [_num_vertices*_embedded_dimension];
224:           //setup the closure reorder
225:           //setup the ufc::cell
226:         } else if (shape == ufc::triangle) {
227:           //allocate coordinates
228:           _num_vertices = 3;
229:           _coordinates = new double [_num_vertices*_embedded_dimension];
230:           //setup the closure reorder
231:           //setup the ufc::cell
232:         } else if (shape == ufc::tetrahedron) {
233:           //allocate coordinates
234:           _num_vertices = 4;
235:           _coordinates = new double [_num_vertices*_embedded_dimension];
236:           //setup the closure reorder
237:           //setup the ufc::cell
238:         } else throw Exception("UFCCell: Unsupported Shape");
239:       }
240:     };

242: #endif

244:     class UFCBoundaryCondition : public GeneralBoundaryCondition {
245:     private:
246:       //exact function

248:       ufc::function * _function;     //this will be evaluated to set the conditions.
249:       ufc::function * _exactSol;     //this will be evaluated in the case that there is an analytic solution to the associated problem.
250:       ufc::finite_element * _finite_element; //we have to evaluate both the function and the exactsol at some point
251:       ufc::cell * _cell;                     //ugh
252:       int * _closure2data;                    //map of LOCAL DISCRETIZATION closure dof indices to data dof indices; used for evaluation

255:     public:
256:       UFCBoundaryCondition(MPI_Comm comm, int debug = 0) : GeneralBoundaryCondition(comm, debug) {
257:         _function = NULL;
258:         _exactSol = NULL;
259:       }

261:       UFCBoundaryCondition(MPI_Comm comm, ufc::function * function, ufc::function * exactsol, ufc::finite_element * element, ufc::cell * cell, const std::string& name, const int marker, int debug = 0) : GeneralBoundaryCondition(comm, debug){
262:         _function = function;
263:         _exactSol = exactsol;
264:         this->setFiniteElement(element);
265:         _cell = cell;
266:         this->setLabelName(name);
267:         this->setMarker(marker);
268:       }

270:       void setFiniteElement(ufc::finite_element * finite_element) {
271:         _finite_element = finite_element;
272:       }

274:       ufc::finite_element * getFiniteElement() {
275:         return _finite_element;
276:       }

278:       void setCell(ufc::cell * cell) {
279:         _cell = cell;
280:       }

282:       ufc::cell * getCell() {
283:         return _cell;
284:       }

286:       void setFunction(ufc::function * function) {
287:         _function = function;
288:       }

290:       ufc::function * getFunction() {
291:         return _function;
292:       }

294:       //SHOULD be the same as the closure reorder for the overlying discretization.   This is just for library interface of course.

296:       virtual void setReorder(int * reorder) {
297:         this->_closure2data = reorder;
298:       }

300:       virtual const int * getReorder() {
301:         return this->_closure2data;
302:       }

305:       //yeargh!  do we ever use evaluate explicitly?
306:       virtual double integrateDual(unsigned int dof) {
307:         int ufc_dof;
308:         ufc_dof = this->getReorder()[dof];
309:         //just evaluate the function using the coordinates; assume the order doesn't get that screwed up
310:         return this->_finite_element->evaluate_dof(ufc_dof, *_function, *_cell);
311:       }
312:     };

314:     class UFCDiscretization : public GeneralDiscretization {
315:       //implementation of the discretization class that provides UFC hooks.
316:     private:
317:       //Each form will have the finite element -- not true; you have to associate by which part of the SPACE the
318:       //integral exists over.  So, we must assign each integral to the appropriate space (as we might have TWO integrals
319:       //over say, the interior and then a boundary integral NOT TRUE AGAIN! all the integrals have to happen over the
320:       //overall form; they must be done a class up.  This should just be used to segment the space
321:       //
322:       ufc::cell           * _cell;
323:       ufc::finite_element * _finite_element;  //this will typically be a subelement.
324:       ufc::function * _rhs_function;          //TODO: generalize this further

326:     public:
327:       UFCDiscretization(MPI_Comm comm, int debug = 1) : GeneralDiscretization(comm, debug) {
328:       }

330:       UFCDiscretization(MPI_Comm comm, ufc::finite_element * element, ufc::cell * cell, int debug = 1) : GeneralDiscretization(comm, debug){
331:         _finite_element = element;
332:         _cell = cell;
333:       }

335:       ~UFCDiscretization() {
336:       }

338:       virtual void createReorder() {

340:         //create the forward and backward maps to and from UFC data layout to closure data layout.
341:         //do this case-by-case with info from the discretization

343:         int * reorder = new int[this->size()];
344:         std::map<int, int> closure_offsets;
345:         int offset = 0;
346:         if (this->getFiniteElement()->cell_shape() == ufc::interval) {
347:           //find the indices corresponding to every point in the topology and assume they're ordered right; if not then we redo this later.
348:           closure_offsets[0] = 0;
349:           offset += this->getNumDof(1);
350:           closure_offsets[1] = offset;
351:           offset += this->getNumDof(0);
352:           closure_offsets[2] = offset;
353:           offset += this->getNumDof(0);
354:           //we know the reorder; do it!
355:           int offset = 0;
356:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(0); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[1] + i] = offset;
357:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(0); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[2] + i] = offset;
358:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(1); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[0] + i] = offset;
359:         } else if (this->getFiniteElement()->cell_shape() == ufc::triangle) {
360:           closure_offsets[0] = 0;
361:           offset += this->getNumDof(2);
362:           closure_offsets[1] = offset;
363:           offset += this->getNumDof(1);
364:           closure_offsets[2] = offset;
365:           offset += this->getNumDof(1);
366:           closure_offsets[3] = offset;
367:           offset += this->getNumDof(1);
368:           closure_offsets[4] = offset;
369:           offset += this->getNumDof(0);
370:           closure_offsets[5] = offset;
371:           offset += this->getNumDof(0);
372:           closure_offsets[6] = offset;
373:           offset += this->getNumDof(0);
374:           //we know the reorder; do it!
375:           int offset = 0;
376:           //this order is checked -- and appears to be right
377:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(0); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[4] + i] = offset;
378:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(0); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[5] + i] = offset;
379:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(0); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[6] + i] = offset;
380:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(1); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[2] + i] = offset;
381:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(1); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[3] + i] = offset;
382:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(1); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[1] + i] = offset;
383:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(2); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[0] + i] = offset;
384:           //TET!
385:         } else if (this->getFiniteElement()->cell_shape() == ufc::tetrahedron) {
386:           closure_offsets[0] = 0;
387:           offset += this->getNumDof(3);
388:           closure_offsets[1] = offset;
389:           offset += this->getNumDof(2);
390:           closure_offsets[2] = offset;
391:           offset += this->getNumDof(2);
392:           closure_offsets[3] = offset;
393:           offset += this->getNumDof(2);
394:           closure_offsets[4] = offset;
395:           offset += this->getNumDof(2);
396:           closure_offsets[5] = offset;
397:           offset += this->getNumDof(1);
398:           closure_offsets[6] = offset;
399:           offset += this->getNumDof(1);
400:           closure_offsets[7] = offset;
401:           offset += this->getNumDof(1);
402:           closure_offsets[8] = offset;
403:           offset += this->getNumDof(1);
404:           closure_offsets[9] = offset;
405:           offset += this->getNumDof(1);
406:           closure_offsets[10] = offset;
407:           offset += this->getNumDof(1);
408:           closure_offsets[11] = offset;
409:           offset += this->getNumDof(0);
410:           closure_offsets[12] = offset;
411:           offset += this->getNumDof(0);
412:           closure_offsets[13] = offset;
413:           offset += this->getNumDof(0);
414:           closure_offsets[14] = offset;
415:           offset += this->getNumDof(0);
416:           //we know the reorder; do it!
417:           int offset = 0;
418:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(0); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[11] + i] = offset;
419:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(0); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[12] + i] = offset;
420:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(0); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[13] + i] = offset;
421:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(0); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[14] + i] = offset;
422:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(1); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[10] + i] = offset;
423:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(1); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[9]  + i] = offset;
424:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(1); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[6]  + i] = offset;
425:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(1); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[8]  + i] = offset;
426:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(1); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[7]  + i] = offset;
427:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(1); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[5]  + i] = offset;
428:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(2); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[4]  + i] = offset;
429:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(2); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[3]  + i] = offset;
430:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(2); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[2]  + i] = offset;
431:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(2); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[1]  + i] = offset;
432:           for (int i = 0; i < this->getNumDof(3); i++, offset++) reorder[closure_offsets[0]  + i] = offset;
433:         } else {
434:           throw Exception("UFCDiscretization->createReordering(): unsupported cell geometry");
435:         }
436:         this->setReorder(reorder);
437:         //set this as the reorder of all boundary conditions involved here.
438:         Obj<names_type> bcs = this->getBoundaryConditions();
439:         names_type::iterator bc_iter = bcs->begin();
440:         names_type::iterator bc_iter_end = bcs->end();
441:         while (bc_iter != bc_iter_end) {
442:           Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition> bc = this->getBoundaryCondition(*bc_iter);
443:           bc->setReorder(reorder);
444:           bc_iter++;
445:         }
446:       }

448:       virtual void setReorder(const int * _reordering) {
449:         _closure2data = _reordering;
450:       }

452:       virtual const int * getReorder() {
453:         return _closure2data;
454:       }

456:       void setRHSFunction(ufc::function * function) {
457:         _rhs_function = function;
458:       }

460:       ufc::function * getRHSFunction() {
461:         return _rhs_function;
462:       }

464:       virtual double evaluateRHS(int dof) {

466:         //our notion of a degree of freedom in this case is a little different from the one used by UFC; they have the whole dimension of the vector space as
467:         //one DOF with multiple coefficients; for the sake of being able to loop independent of the vector space here we split it up.

469:         int ufc_dof;
470:         if (_cell == NULL) throw Exception("UFCBoundaryCondition->integrateDual: cell is not initialized");
471:         //TODO reordering
472:         ufc_dof = this->getReorder()[dof];
473:         //switch the order

475:         //TODO: reorder based upon the cell attributes -- switch the dof_index to be the screwy indices as used by the
476:         //cells... this requires knowledge of the dofs per dim here

478:         //just evaluate the function using the coordinates; assume the order doesn't get that screwed up

480:         return _finite_element->evaluate_dof(ufc_dof, *_rhs_function, *_cell);
481:       }

483:       int size() {
484:         return _finite_element->space_dimension();
485:       }

487:       ufc::finite_element * getFiniteElement() {return _finite_element;};
488:       void setFiniteElement(ufc::finite_element * element) {_finite_element = element;};
489:       ufc::cell * getCell() {return _cell;};
490:       void setCell(ufc::cell * cell) {_cell = cell;};

492:     };

494:     class UFCCellIntegral : public GeneralIntegral {
495:     private:
496:       ufc::cell_integral * _integral;
497:       ufc::cell * _cell;
498:       const double ** _coefficients;
499:       double * _tmp_tensor;               //allows for us to reorder on the fly.
500:       double * _tmp_coefficients;
501:     public:
502:       UFCCellIntegral(MPI_Comm comm, int debug = 1) : GeneralIntegral(comm, debug) {
503:         this->_tmp_tensor = NULL;
504:         this->_tmp_coefficients = NULL;
505:         this->_integral = NULL;
506:         this->_cell = NULL;
507:         this->_coefficients = NULL;
508:       }

510:       UFCCellIntegral(MPI_Comm comm, ufc::cell_integral * integral, ufc::cell * cell, name_type name, int label, int rank, int dimension, int ncoefficients = 0, int debug = 0) : GeneralIntegral(comm, name, label, ncoefficients, debug){
511:         this->_integral = integral;
512:         this->_cell = cell;
513:         this->setTensorRank(rank);
514:         this->setSpaceDimension(dimension);
515:         this->setNumCoefficients(ncoefficients);
516:         if (rank == 1) {
517:           this->_tmp_tensor = new double[dimension];
518:         } else if (rank == 2) {
519:           this->_tmp_tensor = new double[dimension*dimension];
520:         } else {
521:           throw Exception("UFCCellIntegral::UFCCellIntegral(): unsupported tensor rank");
522:         }
523:         if (ncoefficients) {
524:           this->_tmp_coefficients = new double[dimension*ncoefficients];
525:           this->_coefficients = new const double*[ncoefficients];
526:         } else this->_coefficients = NULL;
527:       }

529:       virtual ~UFCCellIntegral() {
530:         delete _coefficients;
531:         if (_tmp_tensor) delete _tmp_tensor;
532:         if (_tmp_coefficients) delete _tmp_coefficients;
533:       };

535:       virtual ufc::cell * getCell() {
536:         return _cell;
537:       }

539:       virtual void setCell(ufc::cell * cell) {
540:         _cell = cell;
541:       }

543:       virtual void setIntegral(ufc::cell_integral * integral) {
544:         _integral = integral;
545:       }

547:       virtual ufc::cell_integral * getIntegral () {
548:         return _integral;
549:       }

552:       //there will eventually be some reordering occuring here, but for now just assume we've done the right thing.
553:       virtual void tabulateTensor(double * tensor, const double * coefficients = NULL) {
554:         //just run the frickin' tabulate_tensor routine from the form on what gets spit out by restrictClosure right now; rebuild or reorder later.
555:         //the coefficients have come in in
556:         if (this->getNumCoefficients()) {
557:           for (int c = 0; c < this->getNumCoefficients(); c++) {
558:             this->_coefficients[c] = &_tmp_coefficients[c*this->getNumCoefficients()];
559:             for (int i = 0; i < this->getSpaceDimension(); i++) {
560:               //reorder the coefficients into the _tmp_coefficients array
561:               _tmp_coefficients[c*this->getNumCoefficients() + this->getReorder()[i]] = coefficients[i*this->getNumCoefficients() + c]; //may be wrong.
562:             }
563:           }
564:         }

566:         //the coefficients should already be reordered from the closure order to the normal order based upon the set
567:         _integral->tabulate_tensor(_tmp_tensor, _coefficients, *_cell);
568:         //reorder the tabulated tensor
569:         if (this->getTensorRank() == 1) {
570:           for (int f = 0; f < this->getSpaceDimension(); f++) {
571:             tensor[f] = _tmp_tensor[this->getReorder()[f]];
572:           }
573:         }else if (this->getTensorRank() == 2) {
574:           for (int f = 0; f < this->getSpaceDimension(); f++) {
575:             for (int g = 0; g < this->getSpaceDimension(); g++) {
576:               tensor[f*this->getSpaceDimension()+g] = _tmp_tensor[this->getReorder()[f]*this->getSpaceDimension()+this->getReorder()[g]]; //this should reorder it right.
577:             }
578:           }
579:         }
580:       }
581:     };

583:     //TODO: interior; exterior integral forms; these will have their own reordering notion.

585:     class UFCFormSubProblem : public GenericFormSubProblem {

587:       //Data and helper functions:

589:     private:

591:       ufc::cell * _cell;                     //we'll have to pass this on to all the children of this class;
592:       ufc::finite_element * _full_finite_element;  //the big one with all unknowns (even mixed) described.  all integrals are assumed to be defined on it

594:     public:

596:       UFCFormSubProblem(MPI_Comm comm, int debug = 0) : GenericFormSubProblem(comm, debug) {
597:         //yeah
598:         _cell = NULL;
599:         _full_finite_element = NULL;
600:       }

602:       UFCFormSubProblem(MPI_Comm comm, ufc::cell * cell, ufc::finite_element * finite_element, int debug = 0) : GenericFormSubProblem(comm, debug) {
603:         _cell = cell;  //yeargh!
604:         _full_finite_element = finite_element;
605:       }

607:       UFCFormSubProblem(MPI_Comm comm, ufc::form * b_form, ufc::form * l_form, int debug = 0) : GenericFormSubProblem(comm, debug){
608:         //set up the discretizations, integrals, and other things; discretization-level things like boundary conditions must be set separately of course.
609:         //set the main finite element, the sub-elements, and
610:       }

612:       ufc::cell * getCell() {
613:         return _cell;
614:       }

616:       ufc::finite_element * getFiniteElement() {
617:         return _full_finite_element;
618:       }

620:       virtual int localSpaceDimension() {
621:         return _full_finite_element->space_dimension();
622:       }

624:       virtual void createReorder () {
625:         /*
626:           GOAL: keep all interface-level things (in the other file) in *closure* order.

629:           The UFC ordering is assumed to go:
630:           1. discretization 1 entry 0 reordered per-cell like UFC
631:              discretization 1 entry 1 ...
632:           2. discretization 2 reordered per-cell like UFC
633:           ... etc
635:           So, we first pull apart each discretization and reorder (based upon the indices of that discretization and the rank of the form, then based upon the discretization

637:           Then pass the overall reorder to each integral to make all of this go smoothly.

639:          */
641:         int * reorder = new int[this->localSpaceDimension()];
642:         //PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "starting the reorder calculation\n");
643:         //loop over discretizations, creating the local reorders
644:         Obj<names_type> discs = this->getDiscretizations();
645:         int offset = 0;
646:         for (names_type::const_iterator d_iter = discs->begin(); d_iter != discs->end(); d_iter++) {
647:           const Obj<GeneralDiscretization> disc = this->getDiscretization(*d_iter);
648:           disc->createReorder();
649:           const int * disc_indices = disc->getIndices();
650:           const int * disc_reorder = disc->getReorder();
651:           int disc_size = disc->size();
652:           //PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "disc %s size: %d\n", (*d_iter).c_str(), disc_size);
653:           for (int i = 0; i < disc_size; i++) {
654:             reorder[disc_indices[i]] = disc_reorder[i] + offset;
655:             //PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "map closure dof index %d to %d\n", disc_indices[i], reorder[disc_indices[i]]);
656:           }
657:           offset += disc_size;
658:         //use the discretizations closure indices to reorder the whole-field indices
659:         }
660:         //set the reorder and set all the cell integrals to have this reorder as well.  Unfortunately this will take some hacking for the interior facet integrals.
661:         this->setReorder(reorder);
662:         Obj<names_type> integrals = this->getIntegrals();
663:         names_type::iterator i_iter = integrals->begin();
664:         names_type::iterator i_iter_end = integrals->end();
665:         while (i_iter != i_iter_end) {
666:           Obj<GeneralIntegral> integral = this->getIntegral(*i_iter);
667:           integral->setReorder(reorder);
668:           i_iter++;
669:         }
670:       }

672:       virtual void setCell(Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE> mesh, PETSC_MESH_TYPE::point_type c) const {
673:         if (_cell == NULL) throw Exception("UFCFormSubProblem: Uninitialized cell");
674:         Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type> coords = mesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
675:         const double * cellcoords = mesh->restrictClosure(coords, c);
676:         int index = 0;
677:         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _cell->topological_dimension+1; i++) {
678:           for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _cell->geometric_dimension; j++) {
679:             _cell->coordinates[i][j] = cellcoords[index];
680:             index++;
681:           }
682:         }
683:       }

685:       ~UFCFormSubProblem(){};

687:     };
688:   }
689: }

691: #endif