Actual source code: relax.h

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  2: /*
  3:     This is included by sbaij.c to generate unsigned short and regular versions of these two functions
  4: */
  6: #if defined(USESHORT)
  8: PetscErrorCode MatMult_SeqSBAIJ_1_Hermitian_ushort(Mat A,Vec xx,Vec zz)
  9: #else
 11: PetscErrorCode MatMult_SeqSBAIJ_1_Hermitian(Mat A,Vec xx,Vec zz)
 12: #endif
 13: {
 14:   Mat_SeqSBAIJ         *a = (Mat_SeqSBAIJ*)A->data;
 15:   const PetscScalar    *x;
 16:   PetscScalar          *z,x1,sum;
 17:   const MatScalar      *v;
 18:   MatScalar            vj;
 19:   PetscErrorCode       ierr;
 20:   PetscInt             mbs=a->mbs,i,j,nz;
 21:   const PetscInt       *ai=a->i;
 22: #if defined(USESHORT)
 23:   const unsigned short *ib=a->jshort;
 24:   unsigned short       ibt;
 25: #else
 26:   const PetscInt       *ib=a->j;
 27:   PetscInt             ibt;
 28: #endif
 29:   PetscInt             nonzerorow = 0,jmin;

 32:   VecSet(zz,0.0);
 33:   VecGetArrayRead(xx,&x);
 34:   VecGetArray(zz,&z);

 36:   v  = a->a;
 37:   for (i=0; i<mbs; i++) {
 38:     nz   = ai[i+1] - ai[i];  /* length of i_th row of A */
 39:     if (!nz) continue; /* Move to the next row if the current row is empty */
 40:     nonzerorow++;
 41:     x1   = x[i];
 42:     sum = 0.0;
 43:     jmin = 0;
 44:     if(ib[0] == i) {
 45:       sum  = v[0]*x1;          /* diagonal term */
 46:       jmin++;
 47:     }
 48:     for (j=jmin; j<nz; j++) {
 49:       ibt  = ib[j];
 50:       vj   = v[j];
 51:       sum += vj * x[ibt];   /* (strict upper triangular part of A)*x  */
 52:       z[ibt] += PetscConj(v[j]) * x1;    /* (strict lower triangular part of A)*x  */
 53:     }
 54:     z[i] += sum;
 55:     v    +=    nz;
 56:     ib   += nz;
 57:   }

 59:   VecRestoreArrayRead(xx,&x);
 60:   VecRestoreArray(zz,&z);
 61:   PetscLogFlops(2.0*(2.0*a->nz - nonzerorow) - nonzerorow);
 62:   return(0);
 63: }

 66: #if defined(USESHORT)
 68: PetscErrorCode MatMult_SeqSBAIJ_1_ushort(Mat A,Vec xx,Vec zz)
 69: #else
 71: PetscErrorCode MatMult_SeqSBAIJ_1(Mat A,Vec xx,Vec zz)
 72: #endif
 73: {
 74:   Mat_SeqSBAIJ         *a = (Mat_SeqSBAIJ*)A->data;
 75:   const PetscScalar    *x;
 76:   PetscScalar          *z,x1,sum;
 77:   const MatScalar      *v;
 78:   MatScalar            vj;
 79:   PetscErrorCode       ierr;
 80:   PetscInt             mbs=a->mbs,i,j,nz;
 81:   const PetscInt       *ai=a->i;
 82: #if defined(USESHORT)
 83:   const unsigned short *ib=a->jshort;
 84:   unsigned short       ibt;
 85: #else
 86:   const PetscInt       *ib=a->j;
 87:   PetscInt             ibt;
 88: #endif
 89:   PetscInt             nonzerorow=0,jmin;

 92:   VecSet(zz,0.0);
 93:   VecGetArrayRead(xx,&x);
 94:   VecGetArray(zz,&z);

 96:   v  = a->a;
 97:   for (i=0; i<mbs; i++) {
 98:     nz   = ai[i+1] - ai[i];        /* length of i_th row of A */
 99:     if (!nz) continue; /* Move to the next row if the current row is empty */
100:     nonzerorow++;
101:     sum = 0.0;
102:     jmin = 0;
103:     x1   = x[i];
104:     if(ib[0] == i) {
105:       sum  = v[0]*x1;                /* diagonal term */
106:       jmin++;
107:     }
108:     PetscPrefetchBlock(ib+nz,nz,0,PETSC_PREFETCH_HINT_NTA); /* Indices for the next row (assumes same size as this one) */
109:     PetscPrefetchBlock(v+nz,nz,0,PETSC_PREFETCH_HINT_NTA);  /* Entries for the next row */
110:     for (j=jmin; j<nz; j++) {
111:       ibt     = ib[j];
112:       vj      = v[j];
113:       z[ibt] += vj * x1;       /* (strict lower triangular part of A)*x  */
114:       sum    += vj * x[ibt];   /* (strict upper triangular part of A)*x  */
115:     }
116:     z[i] += sum;
117:     v    += nz;
118:     ib   += nz;
119:   }

121:   VecRestoreArrayRead(xx,&x);
122:   VecRestoreArray(zz,&z);
123:   PetscLogFlops(2.0*(2.0*a->nz - nonzerorow) - nonzerorow);
124:   return(0);
125: }

128: #if defined(USESHORT)
130: PetscErrorCode MatSOR_SeqSBAIJ_ushort(Mat A,Vec bb,PetscReal omega,MatSORType flag,PetscReal fshift,PetscInt its,PetscInt lits,Vec xx)
131: #else
133: PetscErrorCode MatSOR_SeqSBAIJ(Mat A,Vec bb,PetscReal omega,MatSORType flag,PetscReal fshift,PetscInt its,PetscInt lits,Vec xx)
134: #endif
135: {
136:   Mat_SeqSBAIJ         *a = (Mat_SeqSBAIJ*)A->data;
137:   const MatScalar      *aa=a->a,*v,*v1,*aidiag;
138:   PetscScalar          *x,*t,sum;
139:   const PetscScalar    *b;
140:   MatScalar            tmp;
141:   PetscErrorCode       ierr;
142:   PetscInt             m=a->mbs,bs=A->rmap->bs,j;
143:   const PetscInt       *ai=a->i;
144: #if defined(USESHORT)
145:   const unsigned short *aj=a->jshort,*vj,*vj1;
146: #else
147:   const PetscInt       *aj=a->j,*vj,*vj1;
148: #endif
149:   PetscInt             nz,nz1,i;

152:   if (flag & SOR_EISENSTAT) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"No support yet for Eisenstat");

154:   its = its*lits;
155:   if (its <= 0) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Relaxation requires global its %D and local its %D both positive",its,lits);

157:   if (bs > 1) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"SSOR for block size > 1 is not yet implemented");

159:   VecGetArray(xx,&x);
160:   VecGetArrayRead(bb,&b);

162:   if (!a->idiagvalid) {
163:     if (!a->idiag) {
164:       PetscMalloc(m*sizeof(PetscScalar),&a->idiag);
165:     }
166:     for (i=0; i<a->mbs; i++) a->idiag[i] = 1.0/a->a[a->i[i]];
167:     a->idiagvalid = PETSC_TRUE;
168:   }

170:   if (!a->sor_work) {
171:     PetscMalloc(m*sizeof(PetscScalar),&a->sor_work);
172:   }
173:   t = a->sor_work;

175:   aidiag = a->idiag;

177:   if (flag == SOR_APPLY_UPPER) {
178:     /* apply (U + D/omega) to the vector */
179:     PetscScalar d;
180:     for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
181:       d    = fshift + aa[ai[i]];
182:       nz   = ai[i+1] - ai[i] - 1;
183:       vj   = aj + ai[i] + 1;
184:       v    = aa + ai[i] + 1;
185:       sum  = b[i]*d/omega;
186:       PetscSparseDensePlusDot(sum,b,v,vj,nz);
187:       x[i] = sum;
188:     }
189:     PetscLogFlops(a->nz);
190:   }

192:   if (flag & SOR_ZERO_INITIAL_GUESS) {
193:     if (flag & SOR_FORWARD_SWEEP || flag & SOR_LOCAL_FORWARD_SWEEP){
194:       PetscMemcpy(t,b,m*sizeof(PetscScalar));

196:       v  = aa + 1;
197:       vj = aj + 1;
198:       for (i=0; i<m; i++){
199:         nz = ai[i+1] - ai[i] - 1;
200:         tmp = - (x[i] = omega*t[i]*aidiag[i]);
201:         for (j=0; j<nz; j++) {
202:           t[vj[j]] += tmp*v[j];
203:         }
204:         v  += nz + 1;
205:         vj += nz + 1;
206:       }
207:       PetscLogFlops(2*a->nz);
208:     }

210:     if (flag & SOR_BACKWARD_SWEEP || flag & SOR_LOCAL_BACKWARD_SWEEP){
211:       int nz2;
212:       if (!(flag & SOR_FORWARD_SWEEP || flag & SOR_LOCAL_FORWARD_SWEEP)){
213: #if defined(PETSC_USE_BACKWARD_LOOP)
214:         v  = aa + ai[m] - 1;
215:         vj = aj + ai[m] - 1;
216:         for (i=m-1; i>=0; i--){
217:           sum = b[i];
218:           nz  = ai[i+1] - ai[i] - 1;
219:           {PetscInt __i;for(__i=0;__i<nz;__i++) sum -= v[-__i] * x[vj[-__i]];}
220: #else
221:         v  = aa + ai[m-1] + 1;
222:         vj = aj + ai[m-1] + 1;
223:         nz = 0;
224:         for (i=m-1; i>=0; i--){
225:           sum = b[i];
226:           nz2 = ai[i] - ai[i-1] - 1;
227:           PETSC_Prefetch(v-nz2-1,0,PETSC_PREFETCH_HINT_NTA);
228:           PETSC_Prefetch(vj-nz2-1,0,PETSC_PREFETCH_HINT_NTA);
229:           PetscSparseDenseMinusDot(sum,x,v,vj,nz);
230:           nz   = nz2;
231: #endif
232:           x[i] = omega*sum*aidiag[i];
233:           v  -= nz + 1;
234:           vj -= nz + 1;
235:         }
236:         PetscLogFlops(2*a->nz);
237:       } else {
238:         v  = aa + ai[m-1] + 1;
239:         vj = aj + ai[m-1] + 1;
240:         nz = 0;
241:         for (i=m-1; i>=0; i--){
242:           sum = t[i];
243:           nz2 = ai[i] - ai[i-1] - 1;
244:           PETSC_Prefetch(v-nz2-1,0,PETSC_PREFETCH_HINT_NTA);
245:           PETSC_Prefetch(vj-nz2-1,0,PETSC_PREFETCH_HINT_NTA);
246:           PetscSparseDenseMinusDot(sum,x,v,vj,nz);
247:           x[i] = (1-omega)*x[i] + omega*sum*aidiag[i];
248:           nz  = nz2;
249:           v  -= nz + 1;
250:           vj -= nz + 1;
251:         }
252:         PetscLogFlops(2*a->nz);
253:       }
254:     }
255:     its--;
256:   }

258:   while (its--) {
259:     /* 
260:        forward sweep:
261:        for i=0,...,m-1:
262:          sum[i] = (b[i] - U(i,:)x )/d[i];
263:          x[i]   = (1-omega)x[i] + omega*sum[i];
264:          b      = b - x[i]*U^T(i,:);
266:     */
267:     if (flag & SOR_FORWARD_SWEEP || flag & SOR_LOCAL_FORWARD_SWEEP){
268:       PetscMemcpy(t,b,m*sizeof(PetscScalar));

270:       for (i=0; i<m; i++){
271:         v  = aa + ai[i] + 1; v1=v;
272:         vj = aj + ai[i] + 1; vj1=vj;
273:         nz = ai[i+1] - ai[i] - 1; nz1=nz;
274:         sum = t[i];
275:         PetscLogFlops(4.0*nz-2);
276:         while (nz1--) sum -= (*v1++)*x[*vj1++];
277:         x[i] = (1-omega)*x[i] + omega*sum*aidiag[i];
278:         while (nz--) t[*vj++] -= x[i]*(*v++);
279:       }
280:     }
282:     if (flag & SOR_BACKWARD_SWEEP || flag & SOR_LOCAL_BACKWARD_SWEEP){
283:       /* 
284:        backward sweep:
285:        b = b - x[i]*U^T(i,:), i=0,...,n-2
286:        for i=m-1,...,0:
287:          sum[i] = (b[i] - U(i,:)x )/d[i];
288:          x[i]   = (1-omega)x[i] + omega*sum[i];
289:       */
290:       /* if there was a forward sweep done above then I thing the next two for loops are not needed */
291:       PetscMemcpy(t,b,m*sizeof(PetscScalar));
293:       for (i=0; i<m-1; i++){  /* update rhs */
294:         v  = aa + ai[i] + 1;
295:         vj = aj + ai[i] + 1;
296:         nz = ai[i+1] - ai[i] - 1;
297:         PetscLogFlops(2.0*nz-1);
298:         while (nz--) t[*vj++] -= x[i]*(*v++);
299:       }
300:       for (i=m-1; i>=0; i--){
301:         v  = aa + ai[i] + 1;
302:         vj = aj + ai[i] + 1;
303:         nz = ai[i+1] - ai[i] - 1;
304:         PetscLogFlops(2.0*nz-1);
305:         sum = t[i];
306:         while (nz--) sum -= x[*vj++]*(*v++);
307:         x[i] =   (1-omega)*x[i] + omega*sum*aidiag[i];
308:       }
309:     }
310:   }

312:   VecRestoreArray(xx,&x);
313:   VecRestoreArrayRead(bb,&b);
314:   return(0);
315: }