Actual source code: Topology.hh

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  1: #ifndef included_ALE_CoSieve_hh
  2: #define included_ALE_CoSieve_hh

  4: #ifndef  included_ALE_Sieve_hh
  5: #include <sieve/Sieve.hh>
  6: #endif

  8: namespace ALE {
  9:   // A Topology is a collection of Sieves
 10:   //   Each Sieve has a label, which we call a \emph{patch}
 11:   //   The collection itself we call a \emph{sheaf}
 12:   //   The main operation we provide in Topology is the creation of a \emph{label}
 13:   //     A label is a bidirectional mapping of Sieve points to integers, implemented with a Sifter
 14:   template<typename Patch_, typename Sieve_, typename Alloc_ = malloc_allocator<typename Sieve_::point_type> >
 15:   class Topology : public ALE::ParallelObject {
 16:   public:
 17:     typedef Patch_                                                patch_type;
 18:     typedef Sieve_                                                sieve_type;
 19:     typedef Alloc_                                                alloc_type;
 20:     typedef typename alloc_type::template rebind<int>::other      int_alloc_type;
 21:     typedef typename sieve_type::point_type                       point_type;
 22:     typedef typename alloc_type::template rebind<std::pair<const patch_type, Obj<sieve_type> > >::other       pair1_alloc_type;
 23:     typedef typename std::map<patch_type, Obj<sieve_type>, std::less<patch_type>, pair1_alloc_type>           sheaf_type;
 24:     typedef typename ALE::Sifter<int, point_type, int>                                                        patch_label_type;
 25:     typedef typename alloc_type::template rebind<patch_label_type>::other                                     patch_label_alloc_type;
 26:     typedef typename patch_label_alloc_type::pointer                                                          patch_label_ptr;
 27:     typedef typename alloc_type::template rebind<std::pair<const patch_type, Obj<patch_label_type> > >::other pair2_alloc_type;
 28:     typedef typename std::map<patch_type, Obj<patch_label_type>, std::less<patch_type>, pair2_alloc_type>     label_type;
 29:     typedef typename alloc_type::template rebind<std::pair<const patch_type, int> >::other                    pair3_alloc_type;
 30:     typedef typename std::map<patch_type, int, std::less<patch_type>, pair3_alloc_type>                       max_label_type;
 31:     typedef typename alloc_type::template rebind<std::pair<const std::string, label_type> >::other            pair4_alloc_type;
 32:     typedef typename std::map<const std::string, label_type, std::less<const std::string>, pair4_alloc_type>  labels_type;
 33:     typedef typename patch_label_type::supportSequence                       label_sequence;
 34:     typedef typename std::set<point_type, std::less<point_type>, alloc_type> point_set_type;
 35:     typedef typename alloc_type::template rebind<point_set_type>::other      point_set_alloc_type;
 36:     typedef typename point_set_alloc_type::pointer                           point_set_ptr;
 37:     typedef typename ALE::Sifter<int,point_type,point_type>                  send_overlap_type;
 38:     typedef typename alloc_type::template rebind<send_overlap_type>::other   send_overlap_alloc_type;
 39:     typedef typename send_overlap_alloc_type::pointer                        send_overlap_ptr;
 40:     typedef typename ALE::Sifter<point_type,int,point_type>                  recv_overlap_type;
 41:     typedef typename alloc_type::template rebind<recv_overlap_type>::other   recv_overlap_alloc_type;
 42:     typedef typename recv_overlap_alloc_type::pointer                        recv_overlap_ptr;
 43:   protected:
 44:     sheaf_type     _sheaf;
 45:     labels_type    _labels;
 46:     int            _maxHeight;
 47:     max_label_type _maxHeights;
 48:     int            _maxDepth;
 49:     max_label_type _maxDepths;
 50:     bool           _calculatedOverlap;
 51:     Obj<send_overlap_type> _sendOverlap;
 52:     Obj<recv_overlap_type> _recvOverlap;
 53:     Obj<send_overlap_type> _distSendOverlap;
 54:     Obj<recv_overlap_type> _distRecvOverlap;
 55:     // Work space
 56:     Obj<point_set_type>    _modifiedPoints;
 57:     alloc_type             _allocator;
 58:     int_alloc_type         _int_allocator;
 59:   public:
 60:     Topology(MPI_Comm comm, const int debug = 0) : ParallelObject(comm, debug), _maxHeight(-1), _maxDepth(-1), _calculatedOverlap(false) {
 61:       send_overlap_ptr pSendOverlap = send_overlap_alloc_type(this->_allocator).allocate(1);
 62:       send_overlap_alloc_type(this->_allocator).construct(pSendOverlap, send_overlap_type(this->comm(), this->debug()));
 63:       this->_sendOverlap = Obj<send_overlap_type>(pSendOverlap, sizeof(send_overlap_type));
 64:       ///this->_sendOverlap    = new send_overlap_type(this->comm(), this->debug());
 65:       recv_overlap_ptr pRecvOverlap = recv_overlap_alloc_type(this->_allocator).allocate(1);
 66:       recv_overlap_alloc_type(this->_allocator).construct(pRecvOverlap, recv_overlap_type(this->comm(), this->debug()));
 67:       this->_recvOverlap = Obj<recv_overlap_type>(pRecvOverlap, sizeof(recv_overlap_type));
 68:       ///this->_recvOverlap    = new recv_overlap_type(this->comm(), this->debug());
 69:       point_set_ptr pModPoints = point_set_alloc_type(this->_allocator).allocate(1);
 70:       point_set_alloc_type(this->_allocator).construct(pModPoints, point_set_type());
 71:       this->_modifiedPoints = Obj<point_set_type>(pModPoints, sizeof(point_set_type));
 72:       ///this->_modifiedPoints = new point_set_type();
 73:     };
 74:     virtual ~Topology() {};
 75:   public: // Verifiers
 76:     void checkPatch(const patch_type& patch) {
 77:       if (this->_sheaf.find(patch) == this->_sheaf.end()) {
 78:         ostringstream msg;
 79:         msg << "Invalid topology patch: " << patch << std::endl;
 80:         throw ALE::Exception(msg.str().c_str());
 81:       }
 82:     };
 83:     void checkLabel(const std::string& name, const patch_type& patch) {
 84:       this->checkPatch(patch);
 85:       if ((this->_labels.find(name) == this->_labels.end()) || (this->_labels[name].find(patch) == this->_labels[name].end())) {
 86:         ostringstream msg;
 87:         msg << "Invalid label name: " << name << " for patch " << patch << std::endl;
 88:         throw ALE::Exception(msg.str().c_str());
 89:       }
 90:     };
 91:     bool hasPatch(const patch_type& patch) {
 92:       if (this->_sheaf.find(patch) != this->_sheaf.end()) {
 93:         return true;
 94:       }
 95:       return false;
 96:     };
 97:     bool hasLabel(const std::string& name, const patch_type& patch) {
 98:       if ((this->_labels.find(name) != this->_labels.end()) && (this->_labels[name].find(patch) != this->_labels[name].end())) {
 99:         return true;
100:       }
101:       return false;
102:     };
103:   public: // Accessors
104:     const Obj<sieve_type>& getPatch(const patch_type& patch) {
105:       this->checkPatch(patch);
106:       return this->_sheaf[patch];
107:     };
108:     void setPatch(const patch_type& patch, const Obj<sieve_type>& sieve) {
109:       this->_sheaf[patch] = sieve;
110:     };
111:     int getValue (const Obj<patch_label_type>& label, const point_type& point, const int defValue = 0) {
112:       const Obj<typename patch_label_type::coneSequence>& cone = label->cone(point);

114:       if (cone->size() == 0) return defValue;
115:       return *cone->begin();
116:     };
117:     template<typename InputPoints>
118:     int getMaxValue (const Obj<patch_label_type>& label, const Obj<InputPoints>& points, const int defValue = 0) {
119:       int maxValue = defValue;

121:       for(typename InputPoints::iterator p_iter = points->begin(); p_iter != points->end(); ++p_iter) {
122:         maxValue = std::max(maxValue, this->getValue(label, *p_iter, defValue));
123:       }
124:       return maxValue;
125:     }
126:     void setValue(const Obj<patch_label_type>& label, const point_type& point, const int value) {
127:       label->setCone(value, point);
128:     };
129:     const Obj<patch_label_type>& createLabel(const patch_type& patch, const std::string& name) {
130:       this->checkPatch(patch);
131:       ///patch_label_ptr pLabel = patch_label_alloc_type(this->_allocator).allocate(1);
132:       ///patch_label_alloc_type(this->_allocator).construct(pLabel, patch_label_type(this->comm(), this->debug()));
133:       ///this->_labels[name][patch] = Obj<patch_label_type>(pLabel, sizeof(patch_label_type));
134:       this->_labels[name][patch] = new patch_label_type(this->comm(), this->debug());
135:       return this->_labels[name][patch];
136:     };
137:     const Obj<patch_label_type>& getLabel(const patch_type& patch, const std::string& name) {
138:       this->checkLabel(name, patch);
139:       return this->_labels[name][patch];
140:     };
141:     const Obj<label_sequence>& getLabelStratum(const patch_type& patch, const std::string& name, int value) {
142:       this->checkLabel(name, patch);
143:       return this->_labels[name][patch]->support(value);
144:     };
145:     const sheaf_type& getPatches() {
146:       return this->_sheaf;
147:     };
148:     const labels_type& getLabels() {
149:       return this->_labels;
150:     };
151:     void clear() {
152:       this->_sheaf.clear();
153:       this->_labels.clear();
154:       this->_maxHeight = -1;
155:       this->_maxHeights.clear();
156:       this->_maxDepth = -1;
157:       this->_maxDepths.clear();
158:     };
159:     const Obj<send_overlap_type>& getSendOverlap() const {return this->_sendOverlap;};
160:     void setSendOverlap(const Obj<send_overlap_type>& overlap) {this->_sendOverlap = overlap;};
161:     const Obj<recv_overlap_type>& getRecvOverlap() const {return this->_recvOverlap;};
162:     void setRecvOverlap(const Obj<recv_overlap_type>& overlap) {this->_recvOverlap = overlap;};
163:     const Obj<send_overlap_type>& getDistSendOverlap() const {return this->_distSendOverlap;};
164:     void setDistSendOverlap(const Obj<send_overlap_type>& overlap) {this->_distSendOverlap = overlap;};
165:     const Obj<recv_overlap_type>& getDistRecvOverlap() const {return this->_distRecvOverlap;};
166:     void setDistRecvOverlap(const Obj<recv_overlap_type>& overlap) {this->_distRecvOverlap = overlap;};
167:   public: // Stratification
168:     template<class InputPoints>
169:     void computeHeight(const Obj<patch_label_type>& height, const Obj<sieve_type>& sieve, const Obj<InputPoints>& points, int& maxHeight) {
170:       this->_modifiedPoints->clear();

172:       for(typename InputPoints::iterator p_iter = points->begin(); p_iter != points->end(); ++p_iter) {
173:         // Compute the max height of the points in the support of p, and add 1
174:         int h0 = this->getValue(height, *p_iter, -1);
175:         int h1 = this->getMaxValue(height, sieve->support(*p_iter), -1) + 1;

177:         if(h1 != h0) {
178:           this->setValue(height, *p_iter, h1);
179:           if (h1 > maxHeight) maxHeight = h1;
180:           this->_modifiedPoints->insert(*p_iter);
181:         }
182:       }
183:       // FIX: We would like to avoid the copy here with cone()
184:       if(this->_modifiedPoints->size() > 0) {
185:         this->computeHeight(height, sieve, sieve->cone(this->_modifiedPoints), maxHeight);
186:       }
187:     }
188:     void computeHeights() {
189:       const std::string name("height");

191:       this->_maxHeight = -1;
192:       for(typename sheaf_type::iterator s_iter = this->_sheaf.begin(); s_iter != this->_sheaf.end(); ++s_iter) {
193:         const Obj<patch_label_type>& label = this->createLabel(s_iter->first, name);

195:         this->_maxHeights[s_iter->first] = -1;
196:         this->computeHeight(label, s_iter->second, s_iter->second->leaves(), this->_maxHeights[s_iter->first]);
197:         if (this->_maxHeights[s_iter->first] > this->_maxHeight) this->_maxHeight = this->_maxHeights[s_iter->first];
198:       }
199:     }
200:     int height() const {return this->_maxHeight;};
201:     int height(const patch_type& patch) {
202:       this->checkPatch(patch);
203:       return this->_maxHeights[patch];
204:     }
205:     int height(const patch_type& patch, const point_type& point) {
206:       return this->getValue(this->_labels["height"][patch], point, -1);
207:     }
208:     const Obj<label_sequence>& heightStratum(const patch_type& patch, int height) {
209:       return this->getLabelStratum(patch, "height", height);
210:     }
211:     template<class InputPoints>
212:     void computeDepth(const Obj<patch_label_type>& depth, const Obj<sieve_type>& sieve, const Obj<InputPoints>& points, int& maxDepth) {
213:       this->_modifiedPoints->clear();

215:       for(typename InputPoints::iterator p_iter = points->begin(); p_iter != points->end(); ++p_iter) {
216:         // Compute the max depth of the points in the cone of p, and add 1
217:         int d0 = this->getValue(depth, *p_iter, -1);
218:         int d1 = this->getMaxValue(depth, sieve->cone(*p_iter), -1) + 1;

220:         if(d1 != d0) {
221:           this->setValue(depth, *p_iter, d1);
222:           if (d1 > maxDepth) maxDepth = d1;
223:           this->_modifiedPoints->insert(*p_iter);
224:         }
225:       }
226:       // FIX: We would like to avoid the copy here with support()
227:       if(this->_modifiedPoints->size() > 0) {
228:         this->computeDepth(depth, sieve, sieve->support(this->_modifiedPoints), maxDepth);
229:       }
230:     }
231:     void computeDepths() {
232:       const std::string name("depth");

234:       this->_maxDepth = -1;
235:       for(typename sheaf_type::iterator s_iter = this->_sheaf.begin(); s_iter != this->_sheaf.end(); ++s_iter) {
236:         const Obj<patch_label_type>& label = this->createLabel(s_iter->first, name);

238:         this->_maxDepths[s_iter->first] = -1;
239:         this->computeDepth(label, s_iter->second, s_iter->second->roots(), this->_maxDepths[s_iter->first]);
240:         if (this->_maxDepths[s_iter->first] > this->_maxDepth) this->_maxDepth = this->_maxDepths[s_iter->first];
241:       }
242:     }
243:     int depth() const {return this->_maxDepth;};
244:     int depth(const patch_type& patch) {
245:       this->checkPatch(patch);
246:       return this->_maxDepths[patch];
247:     }
248:     int depth(const patch_type& patch, const point_type& point) {
249:       return this->getValue(this->_labels["depth"][patch], point, -1);
250:     }
251:     const Obj<label_sequence>& depthStratum(const patch_type& patch, int depth) {
252:       return this->getLabelStratum(patch, "depth", depth);
253:     }
256:     void stratify() {
258:       this->computeHeights();
259:       this->computeDepths();
260:       ALE_LOG_EVENT_END;
261:     }
262:   public: // Viewers
263:     void view(const std::string& name, MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_NULL) {
264:       if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
265:         comm = this->comm();
266:       }
267:       if (name == "") {
268:         PetscPrintf(comm, "viewing a Topology\n");
269:       } else {
270:         PetscPrintf(comm, "viewing Topology '%s'\n", name.c_str());
271:       }
272:       PetscPrintf(comm, "  maximum height %d maximum depth %d\n", this->height(), this->depth());
273:       for(typename sheaf_type::const_iterator s_iter = this->_sheaf.begin(); s_iter != this->_sheaf.end(); ++s_iter) {
274:         ostringstream txt;

276:         txt << "Patch " << s_iter->first;
277:         s_iter->second->view(txt.str().c_str(), comm);
278:         PetscPrintf(comm, "  maximum height %d maximum depth %d\n", this->height(s_iter->first), this->depth(s_iter->first));
279:       }
280:       for(typename labels_type::const_iterator l_iter = this->_labels.begin(); l_iter != this->_labels.end(); ++l_iter) {
281:         PetscPrintf(comm, "  label %s constructed\n", l_iter->first.c_str());
282:       }
283:     }
284:   public:
285:     void constructOverlap(const patch_type& patch) {
286:       if (this->_calculatedOverlap) return;
287:       if (this->hasPatch(patch)) {
288:         this->constructOverlap(this->getPatch(patch)->base(), this->_sendOverlap, this->_recvOverlap);
289:         this->constructOverlap(this->getPatch(patch)->cap(), this->_sendOverlap, this->_recvOverlap);
290:       }
291:       if (this->debug()) {
292:         this->_sendOverlap->view("Send overlap");
293:         this->_recvOverlap->view("Receive overlap");
294:       }
295:       this->_calculatedOverlap = true;
296:     }
297:     template<typename Sequence>
298:     void constructOverlap(const Obj<Sequence>& points, const Obj<send_overlap_type>& sendOverlap, const Obj<recv_overlap_type>& recvOverlap) {
299:       point_type *sendBuf = this->_allocator.allocate(points->size());
300:       for(unsigned int i = 0; i < points->size(); ++i) {this->_allocator.construct(sendBuf+i, point_type());}
301:       ///point_type *sendBuf = new point_type[points->size()];
302:       int         size    = 0;
303:       for(typename Sequence::iterator l_iter = points->begin(); l_iter != points->end(); ++l_iter) {
304:         sendBuf[size++] = *l_iter;
305:       }
306:       int *sizes   = this->_int_allocator.allocate(this->commSize()+1);   // The number of points coming from each process
307:       int *offsets = this->_int_allocator.allocate(this->commSize()+1); // Prefix sums for sizes
308:       int *oldOffs = this->_int_allocator.allocate(this->commSize()+1); // Temporary storage
309:       for(int i = 0; i < this->commSize()+1; ++i) {
310:         this->_int_allocator.construct(sizes+i,   0);
311:         this->_int_allocator.construct(offsets+i, 0);
312:         this->_int_allocator.construct(oldOffs+i, 0);
313:       }
314:       ///int *sizes   = new int[this->commSize()];
315:       ///int *offsets = new int[this->commSize()+1];
316:       ///int *oldOffs = new int[this->commSize()+1];
317:       point_type *remotePoints = NULL;            // The points from each process
318:       int        *remoteRanks  = NULL;            // The rank and number of overlap points of each process that overlaps another

320:       // Change to Allgather() for the correct binning algorithm
321:       MPI_Gather(&size, 1, MPI_INT, sizes, 1, MPI_INT, 0, this->comm());
322:       if (this->commRank() == 0) {
323:         offsets[0] = 0;
324:         for(int p = 1; p <= this->commSize(); p++) {
325:           offsets[p] = offsets[p-1] + sizes[p-1];
326:         }
327:         remotePoints = this->_allocator.allocate(offsets[this->commSize()]);
328:         for(int i = 0; i < offsets[this->commSize()]; ++i) {this->_allocator.construct(remotePoints+i, point_type());}
329:         ///remotePoints = new point_type[offsets[this->commSize()]];
330:       }
331:       MPI_Gatherv(sendBuf, size, MPI_INT, remotePoints, sizes, offsets, MPI_INT, 0, this->comm());
332:       std::map<int, std::map<int, std::set<point_type> > > overlapInfo; // Maps (p,q) to their set of overlap points

334:       if (this->commRank() == 0) {
335:         for(int p = 0; p < this->commSize(); p++) {
336:           std::sort(&remotePoints[offsets[p]], &remotePoints[offsets[p+1]]);
337:         }
338:         for(int p = 0; p <= this->commSize(); p++) {
339:           oldOffs[p] = offsets[p];
340:         }
341:         for(int p = 0; p < this->commSize(); p++) {
342:           for(int q = p+1; q < this->commSize(); q++) {
343:             std::set_intersection(&remotePoints[oldOffs[p]], &remotePoints[oldOffs[p+1]],
344:                                   &remotePoints[oldOffs[q]], &remotePoints[oldOffs[q+1]],
345:                                   std::insert_iterator<std::set<point_type> >(overlapInfo[p][q], overlapInfo[p][q].begin()));
346:             overlapInfo[q][p] = overlapInfo[p][q];
347:           }
348:           sizes[p]     = overlapInfo[p].size()*2;
349:           offsets[p+1] = offsets[p] + sizes[p];
350:         }
351:         remoteRanks = this->_int_allocator.allocate(offsets[this->commSize()]);
352:         for(int i = 0; i < offsets[this->commSize()]; ++i) {this->_int_allocator.construct(remoteRanks+i, 0);}
353:         ///remoteRanks = new int[offsets[this->commSize()]];
354:         int       k = 0;
355:         for(int p = 0; p < this->commSize(); p++) {
356:           for(typename std::map<int, std::set<point_type> >::iterator r_iter = overlapInfo[p].begin(); r_iter != overlapInfo[p].end(); ++r_iter) {
357:             remoteRanks[k*2]   = r_iter->first;
358:             remoteRanks[k*2+1] = r_iter->second.size();
359:             k++;
360:           }
361:         }
362:       }
363:       int numOverlaps;                          // The number of processes overlapping this process
364:       MPI_Scatter(sizes, 1, MPI_INT, &numOverlaps, 1, MPI_INT, 0, this->comm());
365:       int *overlapRanks = this->_int_allocator.allocate(numOverlaps);
366:       for(int i = 0; i < numOverlaps; ++i) {this->_int_allocator.construct(overlapRanks+i, 0);}
367:       ///int *overlapRanks = new int[numOverlaps]; // The rank and overlap size for each overlapping process
368:       MPI_Scatterv(remoteRanks, sizes, offsets, MPI_INT, overlapRanks, numOverlaps, MPI_INT, 0, this->comm());
369:       point_type *sendPoints = NULL;            // The points to send to each process
370:       if (this->commRank() == 0) {
371:         for(int p = 0, k = 0; p < this->commSize(); p++) {
372:           sizes[p] = 0;
373:           for(int r = 0; r < (int) overlapInfo[p].size(); r++) {
374:             sizes[p] += remoteRanks[k*2+1];
375:             k++;
376:           }
377:           offsets[p+1] = offsets[p] + sizes[p];
378:         }
379:         sendPoints = this->_allocator.allocate(offsets[this->commSize()]);
380:         for(int i = 0; i < offsets[this->commSize()]; ++i) {this->_allocator.construct(sendPoints+i, point_type());}
381:         ///sendPoints = new point_type[offsets[this->commSize()]];
382:         for(int p = 0, k = 0; p < this->commSize(); p++) {
383:           for(typename std::map<int, std::set<point_type> >::iterator r_iter = overlapInfo[p].begin(); r_iter != overlapInfo[p].end(); ++r_iter) {
384:             int rank = r_iter->first;
385:             for(typename std::set<point_type>::iterator p_iter = (overlapInfo[p][rank]).begin(); p_iter != (overlapInfo[p][rank]).end(); ++p_iter) {
386:               sendPoints[k++] = *p_iter;
387:             }
388:           }
389:         }
390:       }
391:       int numOverlapPoints = 0;
392:       for(int r = 0; r < numOverlaps/2; r++) {
393:         numOverlapPoints += overlapRanks[r*2+1];
394:       }
395:       point_type *overlapPoints = this->_allocator.allocate(numOverlapPoints);
396:       for(int i = 0; i < numOverlapPoints; ++i) {this->_allocator.construct(overlapPoints+i, point_type());}
397:       ///point_type *overlapPoints = new point_type[numOverlapPoints];
398:       MPI_Scatterv(sendPoints, sizes, offsets, MPI_INT, overlapPoints, numOverlapPoints, MPI_INT, 0, this->comm());

400:       for(int r = 0, k = 0; r < numOverlaps/2; r++) {
401:         int rank = overlapRanks[r*2];

403:         for(int p = 0; p < overlapRanks[r*2+1]; p++) {
404:           point_type point = overlapPoints[k++];

406:           sendOverlap->addArrow(point, rank, point);
407:           recvOverlap->addArrow(rank, point, point);
408:         }
409:       }

411:       delete [] overlapPoints;
412:       delete [] overlapRanks;
413:       delete [] sizes;
414:       delete [] offsets;
415:       delete [] oldOffs;
416:       if (this->commRank() == 0) {
417:         delete [] remoteRanks;
418:         delete [] remotePoints;
419:         delete [] sendPoints;
420:       }
421:     }
422:   };

424:   // An Overlap is a Sifter describing the overlap of two Sieves
425:   //   Each arrow is local point ---(remote point)---> remote rank right now
426:   //     For XSifter, this should change to (local patch, local point) ---> (remote rank, remote patch, remote point)
427: }

429: #endif