Actual source code: Completion.hh

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  1: #ifndef included_ALE_Completion_hh
  2: #define included_ALE_Completion_hh

  4: #ifndef  included_ALE_Sections_hh
  5: #include <sieve/Sections.hh>
  6: #endif

  8: #ifndef  included_ALE_SectionCompletion_hh
  9: #include <sieve/SectionCompletion.hh>
 10: #endif

 12: #ifndef  included_ALE_ParallelMapping_hh
 13: #include <sieve/ParallelMapping.hh>
 14: #endif

 16: #include <iostream>
 17: #include <fstream>

 19: namespace ALE {
 20:   class Completion {
 21:   public:
 22:     template<typename SendOverlap, typename RecvOverlap, typename SendSection, typename RecvSection>
 23:     static void completeSection(const Obj<SendOverlap>& sendOverlap, const Obj<RecvOverlap>& recvOverlap, const Obj<SendSection>& sendSection, const Obj<RecvSection>& recvSection) {
 24:       typedef ALE::Section<ALE::Pair<int, typename SendOverlap::source_type>, typename SendSection::value_type> OverlapSection;
 25:       //typedef ALE::Section<typename SendSection::point_type, typename SendSection::value_type> OverlapSection;
 26:       Obj<OverlapSection> overlapSection = new OverlapSection(sendSection->comm(), sendSection->debug());

 28:       if (sendSection->debug()) {sendSection->view("Send Section");}
 29:       ALE::Pullback::SimpleCopy::copy(sendOverlap, recvOverlap, sendSection, overlapSection);
 30:       if (overlapSection->debug()) {overlapSection->view("Overlap Section");}
 31:       ALE::Pullback::InsertionBinaryFusion::fuse(overlapSection, recvOverlap, recvSection);
 32:       if (recvSection->debug()) {recvSection->view("Receieve Section");}
 33:     }
 34:     template<typename SendOverlap, typename RecvOverlap, typename SendSection, typename RecvSection>
 35:     static void completeSectionAdd(const Obj<SendOverlap>& sendOverlap, const Obj<RecvOverlap>& recvOverlap, const Obj<SendSection>& sendSection, const Obj<RecvSection>& recvSection) {
 36:       typedef ALE::Section<ALE::Pair<int, typename SendOverlap::source_type>, typename SendSection::value_type> OverlapSection;
 37:       Obj<OverlapSection> overlapSection = new OverlapSection(sendSection->comm(), sendSection->debug());

 39:       if (sendSection->debug()) {sendSection->view("Send Section");}
 40:       ALE::Pullback::SimpleCopy::copy(sendOverlap, recvOverlap, sendSection, overlapSection);
 41:       if (overlapSection->debug()) {overlapSection->view("Overlap Section");}
 42:       ALE::Pullback::AdditiveBinaryFusion::fuse(overlapSection, recvOverlap, recvSection);
 43:       if (recvSection->debug()) {recvSection->view("Receieve Section");}
 44:     }
 45:     template<typename SendOverlap, typename RecvOverlap, typename SendSection, typename RecvSection, typename OverlapSection>
 46:     static void completeSectionAdd(const Obj<SendOverlap>& sendOverlap, const Obj<RecvOverlap>& recvOverlap, const Obj<SendSection>& sendSection, const Obj<RecvSection>& recvSection, const Obj<OverlapSection>& overlapSection) {
 47:       if (sendSection->debug()) {sendSection->view("Send Section");}
 48:       ALE::Pullback::SimpleCopy::copy(sendOverlap, recvOverlap, sendSection, overlapSection);
 49:       if (overlapSection->debug()) {overlapSection->view("Overlap Section");}
 50:       ALE::Pullback::AdditiveBinaryFusion::fuse(overlapSection, recvOverlap, recvSection);
 51:       if (recvSection->debug()) {recvSection->view("Receieve Section");}
 52:     }
 53:   };
 54:   namespace New {
 55:     template<typename Bundle_, typename Value_, typename Alloc_ = malloc_allocator<typename Bundle_::point_type> >
 56:     class Completion {
 57:     public:
 58:       typedef int                                                                         point_type;
 59:       typedef Value_                                                                      value_type;
 60:       typedef Bundle_                                                                     bundle_type;
 61:       typedef Alloc_                                                                      alloc_type;
 62:       typedef typename alloc_type::template rebind<int>::other                            int_alloc_type;
 63:       typedef typename alloc_type::template rebind<value_type>::other                     value_alloc_type;
 64:       typedef typename bundle_type::sieve_type                                            sieve_type;
 65:       typedef typename ALE::DiscreteSieve<point_type, alloc_type>                         dsieve_type;
 66:       typedef typename ALE::Topology<int, dsieve_type, alloc_type>                        topology_type;
 67:       typedef typename bundle_type::rank_type                                             rank_type;
 68:       typedef typename ALE::Sifter<point_type, rank_type, point_type>                     send_overlap_type;
 69:       typedef typename ALE::Sifter<rank_type, point_type, point_type>                     recv_overlap_type;
 70:       typedef typename ALE::Field<send_overlap_type, int, ALE::Section<point_type, int, int_alloc_type> > send_sizer_type;
 71:       typedef typename ALE::Field<recv_overlap_type, int, ALE::Section<point_type, int, int_alloc_type> > recv_sizer_type;
 72:       typedef typename ALE::New::ConeSizeSection<bundle_type, sieve_type>                 cone_size_section;
 73:       typedef typename ALE::New::ConeSection<sieve_type>                                  cone_section;
 74:       typedef typename ALE::New::SectionCompletion<bundle_type, value_type, alloc_type>   completion;
 75:     public:
 76:       template<typename PartitionType>
 77:       static void scatterSieve(const Obj<bundle_type>& bundle, const Obj<sieve_type>& sieve, const int dim, const Obj<sieve_type>& sieveNew, const Obj<send_overlap_type>& sendOverlap, const Obj<recv_overlap_type>& recvOverlap, const int height, const int numCells, const PartitionType assignment[]) {
 78:         typedef typename ALE::Field<send_overlap_type, int, ALE::Section<point_type, value_type, value_alloc_type> > send_section_type;
 79:         typedef typename ALE::Field<recv_overlap_type, int, ALE::Section<point_type, value_type, value_alloc_type> > recv_section_type;
 80:         int rank  = sieve->commRank();
 81:         int debug = sieve->debug();

 83:         // Create local sieve
 84:         const Obj<typename bundle_type::label_sequence>& cells = bundle->heightStratum(height);
 85:         int e = 0;

 87:         if (sieve->debug()) {
 88:           int e2 = 0;
 89:           for(typename bundle_type::label_sequence::iterator e_iter = cells->begin(); e_iter != cells->end(); ++e_iter) {
 90:             std::cout << "assignment["<<*e_iter<<"]" << assignment[e2++] << std::endl;
 91:           }
 92:         }
 93:         PetscBool  flg;
 94:         PetscOptionsHasName(PETSC_NULL, "-output_partition", &flg);
 95:         if (flg) {
 96:           ostringstream fname;
 97:           fname << "part." << sieve->commSize() << ".dat";
 98:           std::ofstream f(fname.str().c_str());
 99:           int e2 = 0;
100:           f << sieve->commSize() << std::endl;
101:           for(typename bundle_type::label_sequence::iterator e_iter = cells->begin(); e_iter != cells->end(); ++e_iter) {
102:             f << assignment[e2++] << std::endl;
103:           }
104:         }
105:         for(typename bundle_type::label_sequence::iterator e_iter = cells->begin(); e_iter != cells->end(); ++e_iter) {
106:           if (assignment[e] == rank) {
107:             Obj<typename sieve_type::coneSet> current = new typename sieve_type::coneSet();
108:             Obj<typename sieve_type::coneSet> next    = new typename sieve_type::coneSet();
109:             Obj<typename sieve_type::coneSet> tmp;

111:             current->insert(*e_iter);
112:             while(current->size()) {
113:               for(typename sieve_type::coneSet::const_iterator p_iter = current->begin(); p_iter != current->end(); ++p_iter) {
114:                 const Obj<typename sieve_type::traits::coneSequence>& cone = sieve->cone(*p_iter);
116:                 for(typename sieve_type::traits::coneSequence::iterator c_iter = cone->begin(); c_iter != cone->end(); ++c_iter) {
117:                   sieveNew->addArrow(*c_iter, *p_iter, c_iter.color());
118:                   next->insert(*c_iter);
119:                 }
120:               }
121:               tmp = current; current = next; next = tmp;
122:               next->clear();
123:             }
124:             if (height) {
125:               current->insert(*e_iter);
126:               while(current->size()) {
127:                 for(typename sieve_type::coneSet::const_iterator p_iter = current->begin(); p_iter != current->end(); ++p_iter) {
128:                   const Obj<typename sieve_type::traits::supportSequence>& support = sieve->support(*p_iter);
130:                   for(typename sieve_type::traits::supportSequence::iterator s_iter = support->begin(); s_iter != support->end(); ++s_iter) {
131:                     sieveNew->addArrow(*p_iter, *s_iter, s_iter.color());
132:                     next->insert(*s_iter);
133:                   }
134:                 }
135:                 tmp = current; current = next; next = tmp;
136:                 next->clear();
137:               }
138:             }
139:           }
140:           e++;
141:         }
142:         // Complete sizer section
143:         typedef typename ALE::New::PartitionSizeSection<bundle_type, PartitionType> partition_size_section;
144:         typedef typename ALE::New::PartitionSection<bundle_type, PartitionType>     partition_section;
145:         Obj<topology_type>          secTopology          = completion::createSendTopology(sendOverlap);
146:         Obj<partition_size_section> partitionSizeSection = new partition_size_section(bundle, height, numCells, assignment);
147:         Obj<partition_section>      partitionSection     = new partition_section(bundle, height, numCells, assignment);
148:         Obj<send_section_type>      sendSection          = new send_section_type(sieve->comm(), sieve->debug());
149:         Obj<recv_section_type>      recvSection          = new recv_section_type(sieve->comm(), sendSection->getTag(), sieve->debug());

151:         completion::completeSection(sendOverlap, recvOverlap, partitionSizeSection, partitionSection, sendSection, recvSection);
152:         // Unpack the section into the overlap
153:         sendOverlap->clear();
154:         recvOverlap->clear();
155:         const typename send_section_type::sheaf_type& sendPatches = sendSection->getPatches();

157:         for(typename send_section_type::sheaf_type::const_iterator p_iter = sendPatches.begin(); p_iter != sendPatches.end(); ++p_iter) {
158:           const typename send_section_type::patch_type               rank    = p_iter->first;
159:           const Obj<typename send_section_type::section_type>&       section = p_iter->second;
160:           const typename send_section_type::section_type::chart_type chart   = section->getChart();

162:           for(typename send_section_type::section_type::chart_type::iterator c_iter = chart.begin(); c_iter != chart.end(); ++c_iter) {
163:             const typename send_section_type::value_type *points = section->restrictPoint(*c_iter);
164:             int                                           size   = section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter);

166:             for(int p = 0; p < size; p++) {
167:               sendOverlap->addArrow(points[p], rank, points[p]);
168:             }
169:           }
170:         }
171:         const typename recv_section_type::sheaf_type& recvPatches = recvSection->getPatches();

173:         for(typename recv_section_type::sheaf_type::const_iterator p_iter = recvPatches.begin(); p_iter != recvPatches.end(); ++p_iter) {
174:           const typename send_section_type::patch_type               rank    = p_iter->first;
175:           const Obj<typename send_section_type::section_type>&       section = p_iter->second;
176:           const typename send_section_type::section_type::chart_type chart   = section->getChart();

178:           for(typename recv_section_type::section_type::chart_type::iterator c_iter = chart.begin(); c_iter != chart.end(); ++c_iter) {
179:             const typename recv_section_type::value_type *points = section->restrictPoint(*c_iter);
180:             int                                           size   = section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter);

182:             for(int p = 0; p < size; p++) {
183:               recvOverlap->addArrow(rank, points[p], points[p]);
184:             }
185:           }
186:         }
187:         if (debug) {
188:           sendOverlap->view(std::cout, "Send overlap for points");
189:           recvOverlap->view(std::cout, "Receive overlap for points");
190:         }
191:         // Receive the point section
192:         ALE::New::Completion<bundle_type, value_type>::scatterCones(sieve, sieveNew, sendOverlap, recvOverlap, bundle, height);
193:         if (height) {
194:           ALE::New::Completion<bundle_type, value_type>::scatterSupports(sieve, sieveNew, sendOverlap, recvOverlap, bundle, bundle->depth()-height);
195:         }
196:       }
197:       template<typename SifterType>
198:       static void scatterCones(const Obj<SifterType>& sifter, const Obj<SifterType>& sifterNew, const Obj<send_overlap_type>& sendOverlap, const Obj<recv_overlap_type>& recvOverlap, const Obj<bundle_type>& bundle = NULL, const int minimumHeight = 0) {
199:         typedef typename ALE::New::ConeSizeSection<bundle_type, SifterType> cone_size_section;
200:         typedef typename ALE::New::ConeSection<SifterType>                  cone_section;
201:         typedef typename ALE::Field<send_overlap_type, int, ALE::Section<point_type, value_type, value_alloc_type> > send_section_type;
202:         typedef typename ALE::Field<recv_overlap_type, int, ALE::Section<point_type, value_type, value_alloc_type> > recv_section_type;
203:         Obj<topology_type>     secTopology     = completion::createSendTopology(sendOverlap);
204:         Obj<cone_size_section> coneSizeSection = new cone_size_section(bundle, sifter, minimumHeight);
205:         Obj<cone_section>      coneSection     = new cone_section(sifter);
206:         Obj<send_section_type> sendSection     = new send_section_type(sifter->comm(), sifter->debug());
207:         Obj<recv_section_type> recvSection     = new recv_section_type(sifter->comm(), sendSection->getTag(), sifter->debug());

209:         completion::completeSection(sendOverlap, recvOverlap, coneSizeSection, coneSection, sendSection, recvSection);
210:         // Unpack the section into the sieve
211:         const typename recv_section_type::sheaf_type& patches = recvSection->getPatches();

213:         for(typename recv_section_type::sheaf_type::const_iterator p_iter = patches.begin(); p_iter != patches.end(); ++p_iter) {
214:           const Obj<typename recv_section_type::section_type>&        section = p_iter->second;
215:           const typename recv_section_type::section_type::chart_type& chart   = section->getChart();

217:           for(typename recv_section_type::section_type::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin(); c_iter != chart.end(); ++c_iter) {
218:             const typename recv_section_type::value_type *points = section->restrictPoint(*c_iter);
219:             int size = section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter);
220:             int c    = 0;

222:             for(int p = 0; p < size; p++) {
223:               sifterNew->addArrow(points[p], *c_iter, c++);
224:             }
225:           }
226:         }
227:       }
228:       template<typename SifterType, typename Renumbering>
229:       static void scatterCones(const Obj<SifterType>& sifter, const Obj<SifterType>& sifterNew, const Obj<send_overlap_type>& sendOverlap, const Obj<recv_overlap_type>& recvOverlap, Renumbering& renumbering, const Obj<bundle_type>& bundle = NULL) {
230:         PETSc::Log::Event("ScatterCones").begin();
231:         typedef typename ALE::New::ConeSizeSection<bundle_type, SifterType> cone_size_section;
232:         typedef typename ALE::New::ConeSection<SifterType>                  cone_section;
233:         typedef typename ALE::Field<send_overlap_type, int, ALE::Section<point_type, value_type, value_alloc_type> > send_section_type;
234:         typedef typename ALE::Field<recv_overlap_type, int, ALE::Section<point_type, value_type, value_alloc_type> > recv_section_type;
235:         Obj<topology_type>     secTopology     = completion::createSendTopology(sendOverlap);
236:         Obj<cone_size_section> coneSizeSection = new cone_size_section(bundle, sifter);
237:         Obj<cone_section>      coneSection     = new cone_section(sifter);
238:         Obj<send_section_type> sendSection     = new send_section_type(sifter->comm(), sifter->debug());
239:         Obj<recv_section_type> recvSection     = new recv_section_type(sifter->comm(), sendSection->getTag(), sifter->debug());

241:         PETSc::Log::Event("ScatterConesComplete").begin();
242:         completion::completeSection(sendOverlap, recvOverlap, coneSizeSection, coneSection, sendSection, recvSection);
243:         PETSc::Log::Event("ScatterConesComplete").end();
244:         PETSc::Log::Event("ScatterConesUpdate").begin();
245:         // Unpack the section into the sieve
246:         const typename recv_section_type::sheaf_type& patches = recvSection->getPatches();

248:         for(typename recv_section_type::sheaf_type::const_iterator p_iter = patches.begin(); p_iter != patches.end(); ++p_iter) {
249:           const Obj<typename recv_section_type::section_type>&        section = p_iter->second;
250:           const typename recv_section_type::section_type::chart_type& chart   = section->getChart();

252:           for(typename recv_section_type::section_type::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin(); c_iter != chart.end(); ++c_iter) {
253:             const typename recv_section_type::value_type *points = section->restrictPoint(*c_iter);
254:             int size = section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter);
255:             int c    = 0;

257:             for(int p = 0; p < size; p++) {
258:               sifterNew->addArrow(points[p], renumbering[*c_iter], c++);
259:             }
260:           }
261:         }
262:         PETSc::Log::Event("ScatterConesUpdate").end();
263:         PETSc::Log::Event("ScatterCones").end();
264:       }
265:       template<typename SifterType>
266:       static void scatterSupports(const Obj<SifterType>& sifter, const Obj<SifterType>& sifterNew, const Obj<send_overlap_type>& sendOverlap, const Obj<recv_overlap_type>& recvOverlap, const Obj<bundle_type>& bundle = NULL, const int minimumDepth = 0) {
267:         typedef typename ALE::New::SupportSizeSection<bundle_type, SifterType> support_size_section;
268:         typedef typename ALE::New::SupportSection<SifterType>                  support_section;
269:         typedef typename ALE::Field<send_overlap_type, int, ALE::Section<point_type, value_type, value_alloc_type> > send_section_type;
270:         typedef typename ALE::Field<recv_overlap_type, int, ALE::Section<point_type, value_type, value_alloc_type> > recv_section_type;
271:         Obj<topology_type>        secTopology        = completion::createSendTopology(sendOverlap);
272:         Obj<support_size_section> supportSizeSection = new support_size_section(bundle, sifter, minimumDepth);
273:         Obj<support_section>      supportSection     = new support_section(sifter);
274:         Obj<send_section_type>    sendSection        = new send_section_type(sifter->comm(), sifter->debug());
275:         Obj<recv_section_type>    recvSection        = new recv_section_type(sifter->comm(), sendSection->getTag(), sifter->debug());

277:         completion::completeSection(sendOverlap, recvOverlap, supportSizeSection, supportSection, sendSection, recvSection);
278:         // Unpack the section into the sieve
279:         const typename recv_section_type::sheaf_type& recvPatches = recvSection->getPatches();

281:         for(typename recv_section_type::sheaf_type::const_iterator p_iter = recvPatches.begin(); p_iter != recvPatches.end(); ++p_iter) {
282:           const Obj<typename send_section_type::section_type>&       section = p_iter->second;
283:           const typename send_section_type::section_type::chart_type chart   = section->getChart();

285:           for(typename recv_section_type::section_type::chart_type::iterator c_iter = chart.begin(); c_iter != chart.end(); ++c_iter) {
286:             const typename recv_section_type::value_type *points = section->restrictPoint(*c_iter);
287:             int                                           size   = section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter);
288:             int                                           c      = 0;

290:             for(int p = 0; p < size; p++) {
291:               sifterNew->addArrow(*c_iter, points[p], c++);
292:             }
293:           }
294:         }
295:       }
296:     };

298:     template<typename Value_>
299:     class ParallelFactory {
300:     public:
301:       typedef Value_ value_type;
302:     protected:
303:       int          _debug;
304:       MPI_Datatype _mpiType;
305:     protected:
306:       MPI_Datatype constructMPIType() {
307:         if (sizeof(value_type) == 1) {
308:           return MPI_BYTE;
309:         } else if (sizeof(value_type) == 2) {
310:           return MPI_SHORT;
311:         } else if (sizeof(value_type) == 4) {
312:           return MPI_INT;
313:         } else if (sizeof(value_type) == 8) {
314:           return MPI_DOUBLE;
315:         } else if (sizeof(value_type) == 28) {
316:           int          blen[2];
317:           MPI_Aint     indices[2];
318:           MPI_Datatype oldtypes[2], newtype;
319:           blen[0] = 1; indices[0] = 0;           oldtypes[0] = MPI_INT;
320:           blen[1] = 3; indices[1] = sizeof(int); oldtypes[1] = MPI_DOUBLE;
321:           MPI_Type_struct(2, blen, indices, oldtypes, &newtype);
322:           MPI_Type_commit(&newtype);
323:           return newtype;
324:         } else if (sizeof(value_type) == 32) {
325:           int          blen[2];
326:           MPI_Aint     indices[2];
327:           MPI_Datatype oldtypes[2], newtype;
328:           blen[0] = 1; indices[0] = 0;           oldtypes[0] = MPI_DOUBLE;
329:           blen[1] = 3; indices[1] = sizeof(int); oldtypes[1] = MPI_DOUBLE;
330:           MPI_Type_struct(2, blen, indices, oldtypes, &newtype);
331:           MPI_Type_commit(&newtype);
332:           return newtype;
333:         }
334:         throw ALE::Exception("Cannot determine MPI type for value type");
335:       };
336:       ParallelFactory(const int debug) : _debug(debug) {
337:         this->_mpiType = this->constructMPIType();
338:       };
339:     public:
340:       ~ParallelFactory() {};
341:     public:
342:       static const Obj<ParallelFactory>& singleton(const int debug, bool cleanup = false) {
343:         static Obj<ParallelFactory> *_singleton = NULL;

345:         if (cleanup) {
346:           if (debug) {std::cout << "Destroying ParallelFactory" << std::endl;}
347:           if (_singleton) {delete _singleton;}
348:           _singleton = NULL;
349:         } else if (_singleton == NULL) {
350:           if (debug) {std::cout << "Creating new ParallelFactory" << std::endl;}
351:           _singleton  = new Obj<ParallelFactory>();
352:           *_singleton = new ParallelFactory(debug);
353:         }
354:         return *_singleton;
355:       };
356:     public: // Accessors
357:       int debug() const {return this->_debug;};
358:       MPI_Datatype getMPIType() const {return this->_mpiType;};
359:     };
360:   }
361: }
362: #endif