petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11


Performs the numeric matrix-matrix product. Call this routine after first calling MatMatMultSymbolic().


#include "petscmat.h" 
PetscErrorCode  MatMatMultNumeric(Mat A,Mat B,Mat C)
Neighbor-wise Collective on Mat

Input Parameters

A - the left matrix
B - the right matrix

Output Parameters

C -the product matrix, which was created by from MatMatMultSymbolic() or a call to MatMatMult().


C must have been created with MatMatMultSymbolic().

This routine is currently implemented for - pairs of AIJ matrices and classes which inherit from AIJ, C will be of type MATAIJ. - pairs of AIJ (A) and Dense (B) matrix, C will be of type Dense. - pairs of Dense (A) and AIJ (B) matrix, C will be of type Dense.

See Also

MatMatMult(), MatMatMultSymbolic()

Index of all Mat routines
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