#undef __FUNCT__ #define __FUNCT__ "MatIJBin" PetscErrorCode MatIJBin(Mat A, MatIJIndexType intype, PetscInt insize, const PetscInt *inidxi, const PetscInt *inidxj, const PetscScalar *inval, PetscInt *outsize, PetscInt **outidxi, PetscInt **outidxj, PetscScalar **outval, PetscInt **binsizes)
Not collective.
A | - pseudograph | |
intype | - (MATIJ_LOCAL | MATIJ_GLOBAL) meaning of inidxi: local support numbers or global indices | |
insize | - size of the input index and weight arrays; PETSC_NULL indicates _all_ support indices | |
inidxi | - array (of size insize) of global indices | |
inidxj | - array (of size insize) of index weights | |
inval | - array (of size insize) of scalar weights |
outsize | - size of the array of concatenated bins | |
outidxi | - array (of size outsize) containing the binned indices from inidxi | |
outidxj | - array (of size outsize) containing the binned index weights from inidxj | |
outval | - array (of size outsize) containing the binned scalar weights from inval | |
binsizes | - array (of size n) of bin sizes |
Note: n0 is the local image size -- the number of indices terminating the locally-supported indices (see MATIJ) -- and can be obtained with MatIJGetImageSize().
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