Actual source code: ex23.c

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  1: static char help[] = "Cahn-Hilliard-2d problem for constant mobility and triangular elements.\n\
  2: Runtime options include:\n\
  3: -xmin <xmin>\n\
  4: -xmax <xmax>\n\
  5: -ymin <ymin>\n\
  6: -T <T>, where <T> is the end time for the time domain simulation\n\
  7: -dt <dt>,where <dt> is the step size for the numerical integration\n\
  8: -gamma <gamma>\n\
  9: -theta_c <theta_c>\n\
 10: -implicit <0,1> treat theta_c*M_0*u explicitly/implicitly\n\n";

 12: /*
 13:     Run with for example: -pc_type mg -pc_mg_galerkin -T .01 -da_grid_x 65 -da_grid_y 65 -pc_mg_levels 4 -ksp_type fgmres -snes_atol 1.e-14 -mat_no_inode
 14:  */

 16:  #include petscts.h
 17:  #include petscdmda.h

 19: typedef struct{
 20:   PetscReal   dt,T; /* Time step and end time */
 21:   DM          da;
 22:   Mat         M; /* Mass matrix */
 23:   Mat         S; /* stiffness matrix */
 24:   Mat         M_0;
 25:   Vec         q,u,work1;
 26:   PetscScalar gamma,theta_c; /* physics parameters */
 27:   PetscReal   xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax;
 28:   PetscBool   tsmonitor;
 29:   PetscInt    implicit; /* Evaluate theta_c*Mo*u impliicitly or explicitly */
 30: }AppCtx;

 32: PetscErrorCode GetParams(AppCtx*);
 33: PetscErrorCode SetVariableBounds(DM,Vec,Vec);
 34: PetscErrorCode SetUpMatrices(AppCtx*);
 35: PetscErrorCode FormIFunction(TS,PetscReal,Vec,Vec,Vec,void*);
 36: PetscErrorCode FormIJacobian(TS,PetscReal,Vec,Vec,PetscReal,Mat*,Mat*,MatStructure*,void*);
 37: PetscErrorCode SetInitialGuess(Vec,AppCtx*);
 38: PetscErrorCode Update_q(TS);
 39: PetscErrorCode Monitor(TS,PetscInt,PetscReal,Vec,void*);

 43: int main(int argc, char **argv)
 44: {
 46:   Vec            x,r;  /* Solution and residual vectors */
 47:   TS             ts;   /* Timestepping object */
 48:   AppCtx         user; /* Application context */
 49:   Vec            xl,xu; /* Upper and lower bounds on variables */
 50:   Mat            J;

 52:   PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv, (char*)0, help);

 54:   /* Get physics and time parameters */
 55:   GetParams(&user);
 56:   /* Create a 2D DA with dof = 2 */
 58:   /* Set Element type (triangular) */
 59:   DMDASetElementType(user.da,DMDA_ELEMENT_P1);

 61:   /* Set x and y coordinates */
 62:   DMDASetUniformCoordinates(user.da,user.xmin,user.xmax,user.ymin,user.ymax,0.0,1.0);
 64:   /* Get global vector x from DM and duplicate vectors r,xl,xu */
 65:   DMCreateGlobalVector(user.da,&x);
 66:   VecDuplicate(x,&r);
 67:   VecDuplicate(x,&xl);
 68:   VecDuplicate(x,&xu);
 69:   if(!user.implicit) {
 70:     VecDuplicate(x,&user.q);
 71:   }

 73:   /* Get mass,stiffness, and jacobian matrix structure from the da */
 74:   DMCreateMatrix(user.da,MATAIJ,&user.M);
 75:   DMCreateMatrix(user.da,MATAIJ,&user.S);
 76:   DMCreateMatrix(user.da,MATAIJ,&J);
 77:   /* Form the mass,stiffness matrices and matrix M_0 */
 78:   SetUpMatrices(&user);

 80:   /* Create timestepping solver context */
 81:   TSCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&ts);
 82:   TSSetProblemType(ts,TS_NONLINEAR);

 85:   /* Set Function evaluation and jacobian evaluation routines */
 86:   TSSetIFunction(ts,r,FormIFunction,(void*)&user);
 87:   TSSetIJacobian(ts,J,J,FormIJacobian,(void*)&user);
 88:   TSSetType(ts,TSBEULER);
 89:   //  TSThetaSetTheta(ts,1.0);/* Explicit Euler */
 90:   TSSetDuration(ts,PETSC_DEFAULT,user.T);
 91:   /* Set lower and upper bound vectors */
 92:   SetVariableBounds(user.da,xl,xu);
 93:   TSVISetVariableBounds(ts,xl,xu);

 95:   SetInitialGuess(x,&user);

 97:   if(!user.implicit) {
 98:     TSSetApplicationContext(ts,&user);
 99:     TSSetSolution(ts,x);
100:     Update_q(ts);
101:     TSSetPostStep(ts,Update_q);
102:   }

104:   if(user.tsmonitor) {
105:     TSMonitorSet(ts,Monitor,&user,PETSC_NULL);
106:   }

108:   TSSetInitialTimeStep(ts,0.0,user.dt);

110:   TSSetFromOptions(ts);

113:   /* Run the timestepping solver */
114:   TSSolve(ts,x,PETSC_NULL);

116:   VecDestroy(&x);
117:   VecDestroy(&r);
118:   VecDestroy(&xl);
119:   VecDestroy(&xu);
120:   if(!user.implicit) {
121:     VecDestroy(&user.q);
122:     VecDestroy(&user.u);
123:     VecDestroy(&user.work1);
124:     MatDestroy(&user.M_0);
125:   }
126:   MatDestroy(&user.M);
127:   MatDestroy(&user.S);
128:   MatDestroy(&J);
129:   DMDestroy(&user.da);
130:   TSDestroy(&ts);
131:   PetscFinalize();
132:   return 0;
133: }

137: PetscErrorCode Update_q(TS ts)
138: {
140:   AppCtx         *user;
141:   Vec            x;
142:   PetscScalar    *q_arr,*w_arr;
143:   PetscInt       i,n;
144:   PetscScalar    scale;
147:   TSGetApplicationContext(ts,&user);
148:   TSGetSolution(ts,&x);
149:   VecStrideGather(x,1,user->u,INSERT_VALUES);
150:   MatMult(user->M_0,user->u,user->work1);
151:   scale = -(1.0 - user->implicit)*user->theta_c;
152:   VecScale(user->work1,scale);
153:   VecGetLocalSize(user->u,&n);
154:   VecGetArray(user->q,&q_arr);
155:   VecGetArray(user->work1,&w_arr);
156:   for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
157:     q_arr[2*i+1] = w_arr[i];
158:   }
159:   VecRestoreArray(user->q,&q_arr);
160:   VecRestoreArray(user->work1,&w_arr);
161:   return(0);
162: }

166: PetscErrorCode SetInitialGuess(Vec X,AppCtx* user)
167: {
169:   PetscScalar    *x;
170:   PetscInt        n,i;
171:   PetscRandom     rand;
172:   PetscScalar     value;

175:   PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&rand);
176:   PetscRandomSetFromOptions(rand);
178:   VecGetLocalSize(X,&n);
179:   VecGetArray(X,&x);
180:   /* Set initial guess, only set value for 2nd dof */
181:   for(i=0;i<n/2;i++) {
182:     PetscRandomGetValue(rand,&value);
183:     x[2*i+1] = -0.4 + 0.05*value*(value - 0.5);
184:   }
185:   VecRestoreArray(X,&x);

187:   PetscRandomDestroy(&rand);

189:   return(0);
190: }

192: static void Gausspoints(PetscScalar *xx,PetscScalar *yy,PetscScalar *w,PetscScalar *x,PetscScalar *y)
193: {

195:   xx[0] = 2.0/3.0*x[0] + 1.0/6.0*x[1] + 1.0/6.0*x[2];
196:   xx[1] = 1.0/6.0*x[0] + 2.0/3.0*x[1] + 1.0/6.0*x[2];
197:   xx[2] = 1.0/6.0*x[0] + 1.0/6.0*x[1] + 2.0/3.0*x[2];

199:   yy[0] = 2.0/3.0*y[0] + 1.0/6.0*y[1] + 1.0/6.0*y[2];
200:   yy[1] = 1.0/6.0*y[0] + 2.0/3.0*y[1] + 1.0/6.0*y[2];
201:   yy[2] = 1.0/6.0*y[0] + 1.0/6.0*y[1] + 2.0/3.0*y[2];

203:   *w = PetscAbsScalar(x[0]*(y[2]-y[1]) + x[2]*(y[1]-y[0]) + x[1]*(y[0]-y[2]))/6.0;

205: }

207: static void ShapefunctionsT3(PetscScalar *phi,PetscScalar phider[][2],PetscScalar xx,PetscScalar yy,PetscScalar *x,PetscScalar *y)
208: {
209:   PetscScalar area,a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3,pp;

211:   /* Area of the triangle */
212:   area = 1.0/2.0*PetscAbsScalar(x[0]*(y[2]-y[1]) + x[2]*(y[1]-y[0]) + x[1]*(y[0]-y[2]));

214:   a1 = x[1]*y[2]-x[2]*y[1]; a2 = x[2]*y[0]-x[0]*y[2]; a3 = x[0]*y[1]-x[1]*y[0];
215:   b1 = y[1]-y[2]; b2 = y[2]-y[0]; b3 = y[0]-y[1];
216:   c1 = x[2]-x[1]; c2 = x[0]-x[2]; c3 = x[1]-x[0];
217:   pp = 1.0/(2.0*area);

219:   /* shape functions */
220:   phi[0] = pp*(a1 + b1*xx + c1*yy);
221:   phi[1] = pp*(a2 + b2*xx + c2*yy);
222:   phi[2] = pp*(a3 + b3*xx + c3*yy);

224:   /* shape functions derivatives */
225:   phider[0][0] = pp*b1; phider[0][1] = pp*c1;
226:   phider[1][0] = pp*b2; phider[1][1] = pp*c2;
227:   phider[2][0] = pp*b3; phider[2][1] = pp*c3;

229: }

233: PetscErrorCode FormIFunction(TS ts,PetscReal t, Vec X,Vec Xdot,Vec F,void* ctx)
234: {
236:   AppCtx         *user=(AppCtx*)ctx;

239:   MatMult(user->M,Xdot,F);
240:   MatMultAdd(user->S,X,F,F);
241:   if(!user->implicit) {
242:     VecAXPY(F,1.0,user->q);
243:   }
244:   return(0);
245: }

249: PetscErrorCode FormIJacobian(TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec X, Vec Xdot, PetscReal a, Mat *J,Mat *B,MatStructure *flg,void *ctx)
250: {
251:   PetscErrorCode   ierr;
252:   AppCtx           *user=(AppCtx*)ctx;
253:   static PetscBool copied = PETSC_FALSE;

256:   /* for active set method the matrix does not get changed, so do not need to copy each time, 
257:      if the active set remains the same for several solves the preconditioner does not need to be rebuilt*/
259:   if (!copied) {
260:     MatCopy(user->S,*J,*flg);
261:     MatAXPY(*J,a,user->M,*flg);
262:     copied = PETSC_TRUE;
263:   }
264:   MatAssemblyBegin(*J,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
265:   MatAssemblyEnd(*J,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
266:   //  MatView(*J,0);
267:   // SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,1,"Stopped here\n");
268:   return(0);
269: }

273: PetscErrorCode SetVariableBounds(DM da,Vec xl,Vec xu)
274: {
276:   PetscScalar    ***l,***u;
277:   PetscInt       xs,xm,ys,ym;
278:   PetscInt       j,i;

281:   DMDAVecGetArrayDOF(da,xl,&l);
282:   DMDAVecGetArrayDOF(da,xu,&u);

284:   DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,PETSC_NULL,&xm,&ym,PETSC_NULL);

286:   for(j=ys; j < ys+ym; j++) {
287:     for(i=xs; i < xs+xm;i++) {
288:       l[j][i][0] = -SNES_VI_INF;
289:       l[j][i][1] = -1.0;
290:       u[j][i][0] = SNES_VI_INF;
291:       u[j][i][1] = 1.0;
292:     }
293:   }
295:   DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF(da,xl,&l);
296:   DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF(da,xu,&u);
297:   return(0);
298: }

302: PetscErrorCode GetParams(AppCtx* user)
303: {
305:   PetscBool      flg;

309:   /* Set default parameters */
310:   user->tsmonitor = PETSC_FALSE;
311:   user->xmin = 0.0; user->xmax = 1.0;
312:   user->ymin = 0.0; user->ymax = 1.0;
313:   user->T = 0.2;    user->dt = 0.0001;
314:   user->gamma = 3.2E-4; user->theta_c = 1;
315:   user->implicit = 0;

317:   PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL,"-ts_monitor",&user->tsmonitor,PETSC_NULL);
318:   PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-xmin",&user->xmin,&flg);
319:   PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-xmax",&user->xmax,&flg);
320:   PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-ymin",&user->ymin,&flg);
321:   PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-ymax",&user->ymax,&flg);
322:   PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-T",&user->T,&flg);
323:   PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-dt",&user->dt,&flg);
324:   PetscOptionsGetScalar(PETSC_NULL,"-gamma",&user->gamma,&flg);
325:   PetscOptionsGetScalar(PETSC_NULL,"-theta_c",&user->theta_c,&flg);
326:   PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-implicit",&user->implicit,&flg);

328:   return(0);
329: }

333: PetscErrorCode SetUpMatrices(AppCtx* user)
334: {
335:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
336:   PetscInt          nele,nen,i;
337:   const PetscInt    *ele;
338:   Vec               coords;
339:   const PetscScalar *_coords;
340:   PetscScalar       x[3],y[3],xx[3],yy[3],w;
341:   PetscInt          idx[3];
342:   PetscScalar       phi[3],phider[3][2];
343:   PetscScalar       eM_0[3][3],eM_2[3][3];
344:   Mat               M=user->M;
345:   Mat               S=user->S;
346:   PetscScalar       gamma=user->gamma,theta_c=user->theta_c;
347:   PetscInt          implicit = user->implicit;

350:   /* Get ghosted coordinates */
351:   DMDAGetGhostedCoordinates(user->da,&coords);
352:   VecGetArrayRead(coords,&_coords);

354:   /* Get local element info */
355:   DMDAGetElements(user->da,&nele,&nen,&ele);
356:   for(i=0;i < nele;i++) {
357:     idx[0] = ele[3*i]; idx[1] = ele[3*i+1]; idx[2] = ele[3*i+2];
358:     x[0] = _coords[2*idx[0]]; y[0] = _coords[2*idx[0]+1];
359:     x[1] = _coords[2*idx[1]]; y[1] = _coords[2*idx[1]+1];
360:     x[2] = _coords[2*idx[2]]; y[2] = _coords[2*idx[2]+1];
362:     PetscMemzero(xx,3*sizeof(PetscScalar));
363:     PetscMemzero(yy,3*sizeof(PetscScalar));
364:     Gausspoints(xx,yy,&w,x,y);
366:     eM_0[0][0]=eM_0[0][1]=eM_0[0][2]=0.0;
367:     eM_0[1][0]=eM_0[1][1]=eM_0[1][2]=0.0;
368:     eM_0[2][0]=eM_0[2][1]=eM_0[2][2]=0.0;
369:     eM_2[0][0]=eM_2[0][1]=eM_2[0][2]=0.0;
370:     eM_2[1][0]=eM_2[1][1]=eM_2[1][2]=0.0;
371:     eM_2[2][0]=eM_2[2][1]=eM_2[2][2]=0.0;

373:     PetscInt m;
374:     for(m=0;m<3;m++) {
375:       PetscMemzero(phi,3*sizeof(PetscScalar));
376:       phider[0][0]=phider[0][1]=0.0;
377:       phider[1][0]=phider[1][1]=0.0;
378:       phider[2][0]=phider[2][1]=0.0;
380:       ShapefunctionsT3(phi,phider,xx[m],yy[m],x,y);

382:       PetscInt j,k;
383:       for(j=0;j<3;j++) {
384:         for(k=0;k<3;k++) {
385:           eM_0[k][j] += phi[j]*phi[k]*w;
386:           eM_2[k][j] += phider[j][0]*phider[k][0]*w + phider[j][1]*phider[k][1]*w;
387:         }
388:       }
389:     }
390:     PetscInt    row,cols[6],r;
391:     PetscScalar vals[6];

393:     for(r=0;r<3;r++) {
394:       row = 2*idx[r];
395:       /* Insert values in the mass matrix */
396:       cols[0] = 2*idx[0]+1;     vals[0] = eM_0[r][0];
397:       cols[1] = 2*idx[1]+1;     vals[1] = eM_0[r][1];
398:       cols[2] = 2*idx[2]+1;     vals[2] = eM_0[r][2];

400:       MatSetValuesLocal(M,1,&row,3,cols,vals,ADD_VALUES);

402:       /* Insert values in the stiffness matrix */
403:       cols[0] = 2*idx[0];   vals[0] = eM_2[r][0];
404:       cols[1] = 2*idx[1];   vals[1] = eM_2[r][1];
405:       cols[2] = 2*idx[2];   vals[2] = eM_2[r][2];

407:       MatSetValuesLocal(S,1,&row,3,cols,vals,ADD_VALUES);

409:       row = 2*idx[r]+1;
410:       cols[0] = 2*idx[0];     vals[0] = -eM_0[r][0];
411:       cols[1] = 2*idx[0]+1;   vals[1] = gamma*eM_2[r][0]-implicit*theta_c*eM_0[r][0];
412:       cols[2] = 2*idx[1];     vals[2] = -eM_0[r][1];
413:       cols[3] = 2*idx[1]+1;   vals[3] = gamma*eM_2[r][1]-implicit*theta_c*eM_0[r][1];
414:       cols[4] = 2*idx[2];     vals[4] = -eM_0[r][2];
415:       cols[5] = 2*idx[2]+1;   vals[5] = gamma*eM_2[r][2]-implicit*theta_c*eM_2[r][2];

417:       /* Insert values in matrix M for 2nd dof */
418:       MatSetValuesLocal(S,1,&row,6,cols,vals,ADD_VALUES);
419:     }
420:   }

422:   DMDARestoreElements(user->da,&nele,&nen,&ele);
423:   VecRestoreArrayRead(coords,&_coords);

425:   MatAssemblyBegin(M,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
426:   MatAssemblyEnd(M,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

428:   MatAssemblyBegin(S,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
429:   MatAssemblyEnd(S,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

431:   if(!implicit) {
432:     /* Create ISs to extract matrix M_0 from M */
433:     PetscInt n,rstart;
434:     IS       isrow,iscol;

436:     MatGetLocalSize(M,&n,PETSC_NULL);
437:     MatGetOwnershipRange(M,&rstart,PETSC_NULL);
438:     ISCreateStride(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,n/2,rstart,2,&isrow);
439:     ISCreateStride(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,n/2,rstart+1,2,&iscol);
441:     /* Extract M_0 from M */
442:     MatGetSubMatrix(M,isrow,iscol,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&user->M_0);
444:     VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&user->u);
445:     VecSetSizes(user->u,n/2,PETSC_DECIDE);
446:     VecSetFromOptions(user->u);
447:     VecDuplicate(user->u,&user->work1);

449:     ISDestroy(&isrow);
450:     ISDestroy(&iscol);
451:   }

453:   return(0);
454: }

458: PetscErrorCode Monitor(TS ts,PetscInt steps,PetscReal time,Vec x,void* mctx)
459: {

463:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Solution vector at t = %5.4f\n",time,steps);

466:   return(0);
467: }