petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11

Time steppers for ODE and DAE - TS: Examples

The time-stepping (TS) component provides ODE and DAE integrators as well as pseudo-timestepping. TS internally employs SNES to solve the nonlinear problems at each time step (except for the Sundials functions, which use nonlinear solvers within Sundials). TS users can also set SNES options directly in application codes by first extracting the SNES context from the TS context via TSGetSNES() and then directly calling various SNES (and KSP and PC with further unwrapping) routines (e.g., PCSetType() ).

ex1.c: Solves 1D heat equation
ex2.c: Solves a nonlinear ODE
ex3.c: Solves 1D heat equation with FEM formulation
ex4.c: Solve the convection-diffusion equation
ex5.c: Nonlinear, time-dependent