Actual source code: ptime.c

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  1: #include <petscsys.h> 
  2: #include <petsctime.h>

  6: /*@
  7:    PetscGetTime - Returns the current time of day in seconds. This 
  8:    returns wall-clock time.  

 10:    Not Collective

 12:    Output Parameter:
 13: .  v - time counter

 15:    Usage: 
 16: .vb
 17:       #include <petsctime.h>

 19:       PetscLogDouble v1,v2,elapsed_time;
 20:       PetscGetTime(&v1);
 21:       .... perform some calculation ...
 22:       PetscGetTime(&v2);
 23:       elapsed_time = v2 - v1;   
 24: .ve

 26:    Notes:
 27:    Requires explicitly including "petsctime.h"

 29:    Since the PETSc libraries incorporate timing of phases and operations, 
 30:    PetscGetTime() is intended only for timing of application codes.  
 31:    The options database commands -log, -log_summary, and -log_all activate
 32:    PETSc library timing.  

 34:    Level: intermediate

 36: .seealso: PetscLogEventRegister(), PetscLogEventBegin(), PetscLogEventEnd(),  PetscLogStagePush(), 
 37:           PetscLogStagePop(), PetscLogStageRegister(), PetscGetFlops()

 39: .keywords:  get, time
 40: @*/
 41: PetscErrorCode  PetscGetTime(PetscLogDouble *t)
 42: {
 44:   PetscTime(*t);
 45:   return(0);
 46: }