Actual source code: mpi.c

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  1: /*
  2:       This provides a few of the MPI-uni functions that cannot be implemented
  3:     with C macros
  4: */
  5: #include <mpiuni/mpi.h>
  7: #error "Wrong mpi.h included! require mpi.h from MPIUNI"
  8: #endif
  9: #if !defined(PETSC_STDCALL)
 10: #define PETSC_STDCALL
 11: #endif
 12: #include <stdio.h>
 13: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_STDLIB_H)
 14: #include <stdlib.h>
 15: #endif

 17: #define MPI_SUCCESS 0
 18: #define MPI_FAILURE 1
 19: void    *MPIUNI_TMP        = 0;
 20: int     MPIUNI_DATASIZE[10] = {sizeof(int),sizeof(float),sizeof(double),2*sizeof(double),sizeof(char),2*sizeof(int),4*sizeof(double),4,8,2*sizeof(double)};
 21: /*
 22:        With MPI Uni there is only one communicator, which is called 1.
 23: */
 24: #define MAX_ATTR 128

 26: typedef struct {
 27:   void                *extra_state;
 28:   void                *attribute_val;
 29:   int                 active;
 30:   MPI_Delete_function *del;
 31: } MPI_Attr;

 33: static MPI_Attr attr[MAX_ATTR];
 34: static int      num_attr = 1,mpi_tag_ub = 100000000;

 36: #if defined(__cplusplus)
 37: extern "C" {
 38: #endif

 40: /* 
 41:    To avoid problems with prototypes to the system memcpy() it is duplicated here
 42: */
 43: int MPIUNI_Memcpy(void *a,const void* b,int n) {
 44:   int  i;
 45:   char *aa= (char*)a;
 46:   char *bb= (char*)b;

 48:   if (b == MPI_IN_PLACE) return 0;
 49:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) aa[i] = bb[i];
 50:   return 0;
 51: }

 53: /*
 54:    Used to set the built-in MPI_TAG_UB attribute
 55: */
 56: static int Keyval_setup(void)
 57: {
 58:   attr[0].active        = 1;
 59:   attr[0].attribute_val = &mpi_tag_ub;
 60:   return 0;
 61: }

 63: int MPI_Keyval_create(MPI_Copy_function *copy_fn,MPI_Delete_function *delete_fn,int *keyval,void *extra_state)
 64: {
 65:   if (num_attr >= MAX_ATTR) MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,1);

 67:   attr[num_attr].extra_state = extra_state;
 68:   attr[num_attr].del         = delete_fn;
 69:   *keyval                    = num_attr++;
 70:   return 0;
 71: }

 73: int MPI_Keyval_free(int *keyval)
 74: {
 75:   attr[*keyval].active = 0;
 76:   return MPI_SUCCESS;
 77: }

 79: int MPI_Attr_put(MPI_Comm comm,int keyval,void *attribute_val)
 80: {
 81:   attr[keyval].active        = 1;
 82:   attr[keyval].attribute_val = attribute_val;
 83:   return MPI_SUCCESS;
 84: }
 86: int MPI_Attr_delete(MPI_Comm comm,int keyval)
 87: {
 88:   if (attr[keyval].active && attr[keyval].del) {
 89:     void* save_attribute_val   = attr[keyval].attribute_val;
 90:     attr[keyval].active        = 0;
 91:     attr[keyval].attribute_val = 0;
 92:     (*(attr[keyval].del))(comm,keyval,save_attribute_val,attr[keyval].extra_state);
 93:   }
 94:   return MPI_SUCCESS;
 95: }

 97: int MPI_Attr_get(MPI_Comm comm,int keyval,void *attribute_val,int *flag)
 98: {
 99:   if (!keyval) Keyval_setup();
100:   *flag                   = attr[keyval].active;
101:   *(void **)attribute_val = attr[keyval].attribute_val;
102:   return MPI_SUCCESS;
103: }

105: static int dups = 0;
106: int MPI_Comm_create(MPI_Comm comm,MPI_Group group,MPI_Comm *newcomm)
107: {
108:   dups++;
109:   *newcomm =  comm;
110:   return MPI_SUCCESS;
111: }

113: int MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_Comm comm,MPI_Comm *out)
114: {
115:   *out = comm;
116:   dups++;
117:   return 0;
118: }

120: int MPI_Comm_free(MPI_Comm *comm)
121: {
122:   int i;

124:   if (--dups) return MPI_SUCCESS;
125:   for (i=0; i<num_attr; i++) {
126:     if (attr[i].active && attr[i].del) {
127:       (*attr[i].del)(*comm,i,attr[i].attribute_val,attr[i].extra_state);
128:     }
129:     attr[i].active = 0;
130:   }
131:   return MPI_SUCCESS;
132: }

134: int MPI_Comm_size(MPI_Comm comm, int*size)
135: {
136:   *size=1;
137:   return MPI_SUCCESS;
138: }

140: int MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_Comm comm, int*rank)
141: {
142:   *rank=0;
143:   return MPI_SUCCESS;
144: }

146: int MPI_Abort(MPI_Comm comm,int errorcode)
147: {
148:   abort();
149:   return MPI_SUCCESS;
150: }

152: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
154: static int MPI_was_initialized = 0;
155: static int MPI_was_finalized   = 0;

157: int MPI_Init(int *argc, char ***argv)
158: {
159:   if (MPI_was_initialized) return 1;
160:   if (MPI_was_finalized) return 1;
161:   MPI_was_initialized = 1;
162:   return 0;
163: }

165: int MPI_Finalize(void)
166: {
167:   if (MPI_was_finalized) return 1;
168:   if (!MPI_was_initialized) return 1;
169:   MPI_was_finalized = 1;
170:   return 0;
171: }

173: int MPI_Initialized(int *flag)
174: {
175:   *flag = MPI_was_initialized;
176:   return 0;
177: }

179: int MPI_Finalized(int *flag)
180: {
181:   *flag = MPI_was_finalized;
182:   return 0;
183: }

185: /* -------------------     Fortran versions of several routines ------------------ */

187: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_FORTRAN_CAPS)
188: #define mpi_init_             MPI_INIT
189: #define mpi_finalize_         MPI_FINALIZE
190: #define mpi_comm_size_        MPI_COMM_SIZE
191: #define mpi_comm_rank_        MPI_COMM_RANK
192: #define mpi_abort_            MPI_ABORT
193: #define mpi_reduce_           MPI_REDUCE
194: #define mpi_allreduce_        MPI_ALLREDUCE
195: #define mpi_barrier_          MPI_BARRIER
196: #define mpi_bcast_            MPI_BCAST
197: #define mpi_gather_           MPI_GATHER
198: #define mpi_allgather_        MPI_ALLGATHER
199: #define mpi_comm_split_       MPI_COMM_SPLIT
200: #define mpi_scan_             MPI_SCAN
201: #define mpi_send_             MPI_SEND
202: #define mpi_recv_             MPI_RECV
203: #define mpi_reduce_scatter_   MPI_REDUCE_SCATTER
204: #define mpi_irecv_            MPI_IRECV
205: #define mpi_isend_            MPI_ISEND
206: #define mpi_sendrecv_         MPI_SENDRECV
207: #define mpi_test_             MPI_TEST
208: #define mpi_waitall_          MPI_WAITALL
209: #define mpi_waitany_          MPI_WAITANY
210: #define mpi_allgatherv_       MPI_ALLGATHERV
211: #define mpi_alltoallv_        MPI_ALLTOALLV
212: #define mpi_comm_create_      MPI_COMM_CREATE
213: #define mpi_address_          MPI_ADDRESS
214: #define mpi_pack_             MPI_PACK
215: #define mpi_unpack_           MPI_UNPACK
216: #define mpi_pack_size_        MPI_PACK_SIZE
217: #define mpi_type_struct_      MPI_TYPE_STRUCT
218: #define mpi_type_commit_      MPI_TYPE_COMMIT
219: #define mpi_wtime_            MPI_WTIME
220: #define mpi_cancel_           MPI_CANCEL
221: #define mpi_comm_dup_         MPI_COMM_DUP
222: #define mpi_comm_free_        MPI_COMM_FREE
223: #define mpi_get_count_        MPI_GET_COUNT
224: #define mpi_get_processor_name_ MPI_GET_PROCESSOR_NAME
225: #define mpi_initialized_      MPI_INITIALIZED
226: #define mpi_iprobe_           MPI_IPROBE
227: #define mpi_probe_            MPI_PROBE
228: #define mpi_request_free_     MPI_REQUEST_FREE
229: #define mpi_ssend_            MPI_SSEND
230: #define mpi_wait_             MPI_WAIT
231: #define mpi_comm_group_       MPI_COMM_GROUP
232: #define mpi_exscan_           MPI_EXSCAN
234: #define mpi_init_             mpi_init
235: #define mpi_finalize_         mpi_finalize
236: #define mpi_comm_size_        mpi_comm_size
237: #define mpi_comm_rank_        mpi_comm_rank
238: #define mpi_abort_            mpi_abort
239: #define mpi_reduce_           mpi_reduce
240: #define mpi_allreduce_        mpi_allreduce
241: #define mpi_barrier_          mpi_barrier
242: #define mpi_bcast_            mpi_bcast
243: #define mpi_gather_           mpi_gather
244: #define mpi_allgather_        mpi_allgather
245: #define mpi_comm_split_       mpi_comm_split
246: #define mpi_scan_             mpi_scan
247: #define mpi_send_             mpi_send
248: #define mpi_recv_             mpi_recv
249: #define mpi_reduce_scatter_   mpi_reduce_scatter
250: #define mpi_irecv_            mpi_irecv
251: #define mpi_isend_            mpi_isend
252: #define mpi_sendrecv_         mpi_sendrecv
253: #define mpi_test_             mpi_test
254: #define mpi_waitall_          mpi_waitall
255: #define mpi_waitany_          mpi_waitany
256: #define mpi_allgatherv_       mpi_allgatherv
257: #define mpi_alltoallv_        mpi_alltoallv
258: #define mpi_comm_create_      mpi_comm_create
259: #define mpi_address_          mpi_address
260: #define mpi_pack_             mpi_pack
261: #define mpi_unpack_           mpi_unpack
262: #define mpi_pack_size_        mpi_pack_size
263: #define mpi_type_struct_      mpi_type_struct
264: #define mpi_type_commit_      mpi_type_commit
265: #define mpi_wtime_            mpi_wtime
266: #define mpi_cancel_           mpi_cancel
267: #define mpi_comm_dup_         mpi_comm_dup
268: #define mpi_comm_free_        mpi_comm_free
269: #define mpi_get_count_        mpi_get_count
270: #define mpi_get_processor_name_ mpi_get_processor_name
271: #define mpi_initialized_      mpi_initialized
272: #define mpi_iprobe_           mpi_iprobe
273: #define mpi_probe_            mpi_probe
274: #define mpi_request_free_     mpi_request_free
275: #define mpi_ssend_            mpi_ssend
276: #define mpi_wait_             mpi_wait
277: #define mpi_comm_group_       mpi_comm_group
278: #define mpi_exscan_           mpi_exscan
279: #endif

282: #define mpi_init_             mpi_init__
283: #define mpi_finalize_         mpi_finalize__
284: #define mpi_comm_size_        mpi_comm_size__
285: #define mpi_comm_rank_        mpi_comm_rank__
286: #define mpi_abort_            mpi_abort__
287: #define mpi_reduce_           mpi_reduce__
288: #define mpi_allreduce_        mpi_allreduce__
289: #define mpi_barrier_          mpi_barrier__
290: #define mpi_bcast_            mpi_bcast__
291: #define mpi_gather_           mpi_gather__
292: #define mpi_allgather_        mpi_allgather__
293: #define mpi_comm_split_       mpi_comm_split__
294: #define mpi_scan_             mpi_scan__
295: #define mpi_send_             mpi_send__
296: #define mpi_recv_             mpi_recv__
297: #define mpi_reduce_scatter_   mpi_reduce_scatter__
298: #define mpi_irecv_            mpi_irecv__
299: #define mpi_isend_            mpi_isend__
300: #define mpi_sendrecv_         mpi_sendrecv__
301: #define mpi_test_             mpi_test__
302: #define mpi_waitall_          mpi_waitall__
303: #define mpi_waitany_          mpi_waitany__
304: #define mpi_allgatherv_       mpi_allgatherv__
305: #define mpi_alltoallv_        mpi_alltoallv__
306: #define mpi_comm_create_      mpi_comm_create__
307: #define mpi_address_          mpi_address__
308: #define mpi_pack_             mpi_pack__
309: #define mpi_unpack_           mpi_unpack__
310: #define mpi_pack_size_        mpi_pack_size__
311: #define mpi_type_struct_      mpi_type_struct__
312: #define mpi_type_commit_      mpi_type_commit__
313: #define mpi_wtime_            mpi_wtime__
314: #define mpi_cancel_           mpi_cancel__
315: #define mpi_comm_dup_         mpi_comm_dup__
316: #define mpi_comm_free_        mpi_comm_free__
317: #define mpi_get_count_        mpi_get_count__
318: #define mpi_get_processor_name_ mpi_get_processor_name__
319: #define mpi_initialized_      mpi_initialized__
320: #define mpi_iprobe_           mpi_iprobe__
321: #define mpi_probe_            mpi_probe__
322: #define mpi_request_free_     mpi_request_free__
323: #define mpi_ssend_            mpi_ssend__
324: #define mpi_wait_             mpi_wait__
325: #define mpi_comm_group_       mpi_comm_group__
326: #define mpi_exscan_           mpi_exscan__
327: #endif

330: /* Do not build fortran interface if MPI namespace colision is to be avoided */

333: void PETSC_STDCALL  mpi_init_(int *ierr)
334: {
335:   *MPI_Init((int*)0, (char***)0);
336: }

338: void PETSC_STDCALL  mpi_finalize_(int *ierr)
339: {
340:   *MPI_Finalize();
341: }

343: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_size_(MPI_Comm *comm,int *size,int *ierr)
344: {
345:   *size = 1;
346:   *0;
347: }

349: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_rank_(MPI_Comm *comm,int *rank,int *ierr)
350: {
351:   *rank=0;
352:   *ierr=MPI_SUCCESS;
353: }

355: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_split_(MPI_Comm *comm,int *color,int *key, MPI_Comm *newcomm, int *ierr)
356: {
357:   *newcomm = *comm;
358:   *ierr=MPI_SUCCESS;
359: }

361: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_abort_(MPI_Comm *comm,int *errorcode,int *ierr)
362: {
363:   abort();
364:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
365: }

367: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_reduce_(void *sendbuf,void *recvbuf,int *count,int *datatype,int *op,int *root,int *comm,int *ierr)
368: {
369:   MPIUNI_Memcpy(recvbuf,sendbuf,(*count)*MPIUNI_DATASIZE[*datatype]);
370:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
371: }

373: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_allreduce_(void *sendbuf,void *recvbuf,int *count,int *datatype,int *op,int *comm,int *ierr)
374: {
375:   MPIUNI_Memcpy(recvbuf,sendbuf,(*count)*MPIUNI_DATASIZE[*datatype]);
376:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
377: }

379: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_barrier_(MPI_Comm *comm,int *ierr)
380: {
381:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
382: }

384: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_bcast_(void *buf,int *count,int *datatype,int *root,int *comm,int *ierr)
385: {
386:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
387: }

390: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_gather_(void *sendbuf,int *scount,int *sdatatype, void* recvbuf, int* rcount, int* rdatatype, int *root,int *comm,int *ierr)
391: {
392:   MPIUNI_Memcpy(recvbuf,sendbuf,(*scount)*MPIUNI_DATASIZE[*sdatatype]);
393:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
394: }

396: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_allgather_(void *sendbuf,int *scount,int *sdatatype, void* recvbuf, int* rcount, int* rdatatype,int *comm,int *ierr)
397: {
398:   MPIUNI_Memcpy(recvbuf,sendbuf,(*scount)*MPIUNI_DATASIZE[*sdatatype]);
399:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
400: }

402: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_scan_(void *sendbuf,void *recvbuf,int *count,int *datatype,int *op,int *comm,int *ierr)
403: {
404:   MPIUNI_Memcpy(recvbuf,sendbuf,(*count)*MPIUNI_DATASIZE[*datatype]);
405:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
406: }

408: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_send_(void*buf,int *count,int *datatype,int *dest,int *tag,int *comm,int *ierr )
409: {
410:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
411: }

413: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_recv_(void*buf,int *count,int *datatype,int *source,int *tag,int *comm,int status,int *ierr )
414: {
415:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
416: }

418: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_reduce_scatter_(void*sendbuf,void*recvbuf,int *recvcounts,int *datatype,int *op,int *comm,int *ierr)
419: {
420:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
421: }

423: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_irecv_(void*buf,int *count, int *datatype, int *source, int *tag, int *comm, int *request, int *ierr)
424: {
425:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
426: }

428: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_isend_(void*buf,int *count,int *datatype,int *dest,int *tag,int *comm,int *request, int *ierr)
429: {
430:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
431: }

433: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_sendrecv_(void*sendbuf,int *sendcount,int *sendtype,int *dest,int *sendtag,void*recvbuf,int *recvcount,int *recvtype,int *source,int *recvtag,int *comm,int *status,int *ierr)
434: {
435:   MPIUNI_Memcpy(recvbuf,sendbuf,(*sendcount)*MPIUNI_DATASIZE[*sendtype]);
436:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
437: }

439: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_test_(int *request,int *flag,int *status,int *ierr)
440: {
441:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
442: }

444: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_waitall_(int *count,int *array_of_requests,int *array_of_statuses,int *ierr)
445: {
446:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
447: }

449:   void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_waitany_(int *count,int *array_of_requests,int * index, int *status,int *ierr)
450: {
451:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
452: }

454: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_allgatherv_(void*sendbuf,int *sendcount,int *sendtype,void*recvbuf,int *recvcounts,int *displs,int *recvtype,int *comm,int *ierr)
455: {
456:   MPIUNI_Memcpy(recvbuf,sendbuf,(*sendcount)*MPIUNI_DATASIZE[*sendtype]);
457:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
458: }

460: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_alltoallv_(void*sendbuf,int *sendcounts,int *sdispls,int *sendtype,void*recvbuf,int *recvcounts,int *rdispls,int *recvtype,int *comm,int *ierr)
461: {
462:   MPIUNI_Memcpy(recvbuf,sendbuf,(*sendcounts)*MPIUNI_DATASIZE[*sendtype]);
463:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
464: }

466: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_create_(int *comm,int *group,int *newcomm,int *ierr)
467: {
468:   *newcomm =  *comm;
469:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
470: }

472: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_address_(void*location,MPIUNI_INTPTR *address,int *ierr)
473: {
474:   *address =  (MPIUNI_INTPTR) location;
475:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
476: }

478: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_pack_(void*inbuf,int *incount,int *datatype,void*outbuf,int *outsize,int *position,int *comm,int *ierr)
479: {
480:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
481: }

483: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_unpack_(void*inbuf,int *insize,int *position,void*outbuf,int *outcount,int *datatype,int *comm,int *ierr)
484: {
485:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
486: }

488: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_pack_size_(int *incount,int *datatype,int *comm,int *size,int *ierr)
489: {
490:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
491: }

493: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_type_struct_(int *count,int *array_of_blocklengths,int * array_of_displaments,int *array_of_types,int *newtype,int *ierr)
494: {
495:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
496: }

498: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_type_commit_(int *datatype,int *ierr)
499: {
500:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
501: }

503: double PETSC_STDCALL mpi_wtime_(void)
504: {
505:   return 0.0;
506: }

508: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_cancel_(int *request,int *ierr)
509: {
510:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
511: }

513: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_dup_(int *comm,int *out,int *ierr)
514: {
515:   *out = *comm;
516:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
517: }

519: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_free_(int *comm,int *ierr)
520: {
521:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
522: }

524: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_get_count_(int *status,int *datatype,int *count,int *ierr)
525: {
526:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
527: }

529: /* duplicate from fortranimpl.h */
531: #define PETSC_MIXED_LEN(len) ,int len
532: #define PETSC_END_LEN(len)
533: #else
534: #define PETSC_MIXED_LEN(len)
535: #define PETSC_END_LEN(len)   ,int len
536: #endif

538: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_get_processor_name_(char *name PETSC_MIXED_LEN(len),int *result_len,int *ierr PETSC_END_LEN(len))
539: {
540:   MPIUNI_Memcpy(name,"localhost",9*sizeof(char));
541:   *result_len = 9;
542:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
543: }

545: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_initialized_(int *flag,int *ierr)
546: {
547:   *flag = MPI_was_initialized;
548:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
549: }

551: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_iprobe_(int *source,int *tag,int *comm,int *glag,int *status,int *ierr)
552: {
553:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
554: }

556: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_probe_(int *source,int *tag,int *comm,int *flag,int *status,int *ierr)
557: {
558:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
559: }

561: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_request_free_(int *request,int *ierr)
562: {
563:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
564: }

566: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_ssend_(void*buf,int *count,int *datatype,int *dest,int *tag,int *comm,int *ierr)
567: {
568:   *MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0);
569: }

571: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_wait_(int *request,int *status,int *ierr)
572: {
573:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
574: }

576: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_group_(int*comm,int*group,int *ierr)
577: {
578:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
579: }

581: void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_exscan_(void*sendbuf,void*recvbuf,int*count,int*datatype,int*op,int*comm,int*ierr)
582: {
583:   *MPI_SUCCESS;
584: }


588: #if defined(__cplusplus)
589: }
590: #endif