Actual source code: matstashspace.c

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  2: #include <petsc-private/matimpl.h>

  4: /* Get new PetscMatStashSpace into the existing space */
  7: PetscErrorCode PetscMatStashSpaceGet(PetscInt bs2,PetscInt n,PetscMatStashSpace *space)
  8: {
  9:   PetscMatStashSpace a;
 10:   PetscErrorCode     ierr;
 13:   if (!n) return(0);

 15:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(struct _MatStashSpace),&a);
 16:   PetscMalloc3(n*bs2,PetscScalar,&(a->space_head),n,PetscInt,&a->idx,n,PetscInt,&a->idy);
 17:   a->val              = a->space_head;
 18:   a->local_remaining  = n;
 19:   a->local_used       = 0;
 20:   a->total_space_size = 0;
 21:   a->next             = PETSC_NULL;

 23:   if (*space){
 24:     (*space)->next      = a;
 25:     a->total_space_size = (*space)->total_space_size;
 26:   }
 27:   a->total_space_size += n;
 28:   *space               = a;
 29:   return(0);
 30: }

 32: /* Copy the values in space into arrays val, idx and idy. Then destroy space */
 35: PetscErrorCode PetscMatStashSpaceContiguous(PetscInt bs2,PetscMatStashSpace *space,PetscScalar *val,PetscInt *idx,PetscInt *idy)
 36: {
 37:   PetscMatStashSpace a;
 38:   PetscErrorCode     ierr;

 41:   while ((*space) != PETSC_NULL){
 42:     a    = (*space)->next;
 43:     PetscMemcpy(val,(*space)->val,((*space)->local_used*bs2)*sizeof(PetscScalar));
 44:     val += bs2*(*space)->local_used;
 45:     PetscMemcpy(idx,(*space)->idx,((*space)->local_used)*sizeof(PetscInt));
 46:     idx += (*space)->local_used;
 47:     PetscMemcpy(idy,(*space)->idy,((*space)->local_used)*sizeof(PetscInt));
 48:     idy += (*space)->local_used;
 50:      PetscFree3((*space)->space_head,(*space)->idx,(*space)->idy);
 51:      PetscFree(*space);
 52:     *space = a;
 53:   }
 54:   return(0);
 55: }

 59: PetscErrorCode PetscMatStashSpaceDestroy(PetscMatStashSpace *space)
 60: {
 61:   PetscMatStashSpace a;
 62:   PetscErrorCode     ierr;

 65:   while (*space){
 66:     a      = (*space)->next;
 67:     PetscFree3((*space)->space_head,(*space)->idx,(*space)->idy);
 68:     PetscFree((*space));
 69:     *space = a;
 70:   }
 71:   *space = PETSC_NULL;
 72:   return(0);
 73: }