Actual source code: xyt.c

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  2: /*************************************xyt.c************************************
  3: Module Name: xyt
  4: Module Info:

  6: author:  Henry M. Tufo III
  7: e-mail:
  8: contact:
  9: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+
 10: |MCS Division - Building 221     |Department of Computer Science  |
 11: |Argonne National Laboratory     |Ryerson 152                     |
 12: |9700 S. Cass Avenue             |The University of Chicago       |
 13: |Argonne, IL  60439              |Chicago, IL  60637              |
 14: |(630) 252-5354/5986 ph/fx       |(773) 702-6019/8487 ph/fx       |
 15: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+

 17: Last Modification: 3.20.01
 18: **************************************xyt.c***********************************/
 19: #include <../src/ksp/pc/impls/tfs/tfs.h>

 21: #define LEFT  -1
 22: #define RIGHT  1
 23: #define BOTH   0

 25: typedef struct xyt_solver_info {
 26:   PetscInt n, m, n_global, m_global;
 27:   PetscInt nnz, max_nnz, msg_buf_sz;
 28:   PetscInt *nsep, *lnsep, *fo, nfo, *stages;
 29:   PetscInt *xcol_sz, *xcol_indices;
 30:   PetscScalar **xcol_vals, *x, *solve_uu, *solve_w;
 31:   PetscInt *ycol_sz, *ycol_indices;
 32:   PetscScalar **ycol_vals, *y;
 33:   PetscInt nsolves;
 34:   PetscScalar tot_solve_time;
 35: } xyt_info;

 38: typedef struct matvec_info {
 39:   PetscInt n, m, n_global, m_global;
 40:   PetscInt *local2global;
 41:   PCTFS_gs_ADT PCTFS_gs_handle;
 42:   PetscErrorCode (*matvec)(struct matvec_info*,PetscScalar*,PetscScalar*);
 43:   void *grid_data;
 44: } mv_info;

 46: struct xyt_CDT{
 47:   PetscInt id;
 48:   PetscInt ns;
 49:   PetscInt level;
 50:   xyt_info *info;
 51:   mv_info  *mvi;
 52: };

 54: static PetscInt n_xyt=0;
 55: static PetscInt n_xyt_handles=0;

 57: /* prototypes */
 58: static PetscErrorCode do_xyt_solve(xyt_ADT xyt_handle, PetscScalar *rhs);
 59: static PetscErrorCode check_handle(xyt_ADT xyt_handle);
 60: static PetscErrorCode det_separators(xyt_ADT xyt_handle);
 61: static PetscErrorCode do_matvec(mv_info *A, PetscScalar *v, PetscScalar *u);
 62: static PetscInt xyt_generate(xyt_ADT xyt_handle);
 63: static PetscInt do_xyt_factor(xyt_ADT xyt_handle);
 64: static mv_info *set_mvi(PetscInt *local2global, PetscInt n, PetscInt m, void *matvec, void *grid_data);

 66: /**************************************xyt.c***********************************/
 67: xyt_ADT XYT_new(void)
 68: {
 69:   xyt_ADT xyt_handle;

 71:   /* rolling count on n_xyt ... pot. problem here */
 72:   n_xyt_handles++;
 73:   xyt_handle       = (xyt_ADT)malloc(sizeof(struct xyt_CDT));
 74:   xyt_handle->id   = ++n_xyt;
 75:   xyt_handle->info = NULL;
 76:   xyt_handle->mvi  = NULL;

 78:   return(xyt_handle);
 79: }

 81: /**************************************xyt.c***********************************/
 82: PetscInt XYT_factor(xyt_ADT xyt_handle, /* prev. allocated xyt  handle */
 83:            PetscInt *local2global,  /* global column mapping       */
 84:            PetscInt n,              /* local num rows              */
 85:            PetscInt m,              /* local num cols              */
 86:            void *matvec,       /* b_loc=A_local.x_loc         */
 87:            void *grid_data     /* grid data for matvec        */
 88:            )
 89: {

 91:   PCTFS_comm_init();
 92:   check_handle(xyt_handle);

 94:   /* only 2^k for now and all nodes participating */
 95:   if ((1<<(xyt_handle->level=PCTFS_i_log2_num_nodes))!=PCTFS_num_nodes) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"only 2^k for now and MPI_COMM_WORLD!!! %D != %D\n",1<<PCTFS_i_log2_num_nodes,PCTFS_num_nodes);

 97:   /* space for X info */
 98:   xyt_handle->info = (xyt_info*)malloc(sizeof(xyt_info));

100:   /* set up matvec handles */
101:   xyt_handle->mvi  = set_mvi(local2global, n, m, matvec, grid_data);

103:   /* matrix is assumed to be of full rank */
104:   /* LATER we can reset to indicate rank def. */
105:   xyt_handle->ns=0;

107:   /* determine separators and generate firing order - NB xyt info set here */
108:   det_separators(xyt_handle);

110:   return(do_xyt_factor(xyt_handle));
111: }

113: /**************************************xyt.c***********************************/
114: PetscInt XYT_solve(xyt_ADT xyt_handle, PetscScalar *x, PetscScalar *b)
115: {
116:   PCTFS_comm_init();
117:   check_handle(xyt_handle);

119:   /* need to copy b into x? */
120:   if (b)
121:     {PCTFS_rvec_copy(x,b,xyt_handle->mvi->n);}
122:   do_xyt_solve(xyt_handle,x);

124:   return(0);
125: }

127: /**************************************xyt.c***********************************/
128: PetscInt XYT_free(xyt_ADT xyt_handle)
129: {
130:   PCTFS_comm_init();
131:   check_handle(xyt_handle);
132:   n_xyt_handles--;

134:   free(xyt_handle->info->nsep);
135:   free(xyt_handle->info->lnsep);
136:   free(xyt_handle->info->fo);
137:   free(xyt_handle->info->stages);
138:   free(xyt_handle->info->solve_uu);
139:   free(xyt_handle->info->solve_w);
140:   free(xyt_handle->info->x);
141:   free(xyt_handle->info->xcol_vals);
142:   free(xyt_handle->info->xcol_sz);
143:   free(xyt_handle->info->xcol_indices);
144:   free(xyt_handle->info->y);
145:   free(xyt_handle->info->ycol_vals);
146:   free(xyt_handle->info->ycol_sz);
147:   free(xyt_handle->info->ycol_indices);
148:   free(xyt_handle->info);
149:   free(xyt_handle->mvi->local2global);
150:   PCTFS_gs_free(xyt_handle->mvi->PCTFS_gs_handle);
151:   free(xyt_handle->mvi);
152:   free(xyt_handle);

155:   /* if the check fails we nuke */
156:   /* if NULL pointer passed to free we nuke */
157:   /* if the calls to free fail that's not my problem */
158:   return(0);
159: }

161: /**************************************xyt.c***********************************/
162: PetscInt XYT_stats(xyt_ADT xyt_handle)
163: {
165:   PetscInt   fop[] = {NON_UNIFORM,GL_MIN,GL_MAX,GL_ADD};
166:   PetscInt    vals[9],  work[9];
167:   PetscScalar fvals[3], fwork[3];

169:   PCTFS_comm_init();
170:   check_handle(xyt_handle);

172:   /* if factorization not done there are no stats */
173:   if (!xyt_handle->info||!xyt_handle->mvi) {
174:     if (!PCTFS_my_id) PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"XYT_stats() :: no stats available!\n");
175:     return 1;
176:   }

178:   vals[0]=vals[1]=vals[2]=xyt_handle->info->nnz;
179:   vals[3]=vals[4]=vals[5]=xyt_handle->mvi->n;
180:   vals[6]=vals[7]=vals[8]=xyt_handle->info->msg_buf_sz;
181:   PCTFS_giop(vals,work,sizeof(op)/sizeof(op[0])-1,op);

183:   fvals[0]=fvals[1]=fvals[2]
184:     =xyt_handle->info->tot_solve_time/xyt_handle->info->nsolves++;
185:   PCTFS_grop(fvals,fwork,sizeof(fop)/sizeof(fop[0])-1,fop);

187:   if (!PCTFS_my_id) {
188:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: min   xyt_nnz=%D\n",PCTFS_my_id,vals[0]);
189:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: max   xyt_nnz=%D\n",PCTFS_my_id,vals[1]);
190:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: avg   xyt_nnz=%g\n",PCTFS_my_id,1.0*vals[2]/PCTFS_num_nodes);
191:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: tot   xyt_nnz=%D\n",PCTFS_my_id,vals[2]);
192:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: xyt   C(2d)  =%g\n",PCTFS_my_id,vals[2]/(pow(1.0*vals[5],1.5)));
193:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: xyt   C(3d)  =%g\n",PCTFS_my_id,vals[2]/(pow(1.0*vals[5],1.6667)));
194:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: min   xyt_n  =%D\n",PCTFS_my_id,vals[3]);
195:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: max   xyt_n  =%D\n",PCTFS_my_id,vals[4]);
196:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: avg   xyt_n  =%g\n",PCTFS_my_id,1.0*vals[5]/PCTFS_num_nodes);
197:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: tot   xyt_n  =%D\n",PCTFS_my_id,vals[5]);
198:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: min   xyt_buf=%D\n",PCTFS_my_id,vals[6]);
199:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: max   xyt_buf=%D\n",PCTFS_my_id,vals[7]);
200:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: avg   xyt_buf=%g\n",PCTFS_my_id,1.0*vals[8]/PCTFS_num_nodes);
201:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: min   xyt_slv=%g\n",PCTFS_my_id,fvals[0]);
202:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: max   xyt_slv=%g\n",PCTFS_my_id,fvals[1]);
203:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D :: avg   xyt_slv=%g\n",PCTFS_my_id,fvals[2]/PCTFS_num_nodes);
204:   }

206:   return(0);
207: }

210: /*************************************xyt.c************************************

212: Description: get A_local, local portion of global coarse matrix which 
213: is a row dist. nxm matrix w/ n<m.
214:    o my_ml holds address of ML struct associated w/A_local and coarse grid
215:    o local2global holds global number of column i (i=0,...,m-1)
216:    o local2global holds global number of row    i (i=0,...,n-1)
217:    o mylocmatvec performs A_local . vec_local (note that gs is performed using 
218:    PCTFS_gs_init/gop).

220: mylocmatvec = my_ml->Amat[grid_tag].matvec->external;
221: mylocmatvec (void :: void *data, double *in, double *out)
222: **************************************xyt.c***********************************/
223: static PetscInt do_xyt_factor(xyt_ADT xyt_handle)
224: {
225:   return xyt_generate(xyt_handle);
226: }

228: /**************************************xyt.c***********************************/
229: static PetscInt xyt_generate(xyt_ADT xyt_handle)
230: {
231:   PetscInt i,j,k,idx;
232:   PetscInt dim, col;
233:   PetscScalar *u, *uu, *v, *z, *w, alpha, alpha_w;
234:   PetscInt *segs;
235:   PetscInt op[] = {GL_ADD,0};
236:   PetscInt off, len;
237:   PetscScalar *x_ptr, *y_ptr;
238:   PetscInt *iptr, flag;
239:   PetscInt start=0, end, work;
240:   PetscInt op2[] = {GL_MIN,0};
241:   PCTFS_gs_ADT PCTFS_gs_handle;
242:   PetscInt *nsep, *lnsep, *fo;
243:   PetscInt a_n=xyt_handle->mvi->n;
244:   PetscInt a_m=xyt_handle->mvi->m;
245:   PetscInt *a_local2global=xyt_handle->mvi->local2global;
246:   PetscInt level;
247:   PetscInt n, m;
248:   PetscInt *xcol_sz, *xcol_indices, *stages;
249:   PetscScalar **xcol_vals, *x;
250:   PetscInt *ycol_sz, *ycol_indices;
251:   PetscScalar **ycol_vals, *y;
252:   PetscInt n_global;
253:   PetscInt xt_nnz=0, xt_max_nnz=0;
254:   PetscInt yt_nnz=0, yt_max_nnz=0;
255:   PetscInt xt_zero_nnz  =0;
256:   PetscInt xt_zero_nnz_0=0;
257:   PetscInt yt_zero_nnz  =0;
258:   PetscInt yt_zero_nnz_0=0;
259:   PetscBLASInt i1 = 1,dlen;
260:   PetscScalar dm1 = -1.0;

263:   n=xyt_handle->mvi->n;
264:   nsep=xyt_handle->info->nsep;
265:   lnsep=xyt_handle->info->lnsep;
266:   fo=xyt_handle->info->fo;
267:   end=lnsep[0];
268:   level=xyt_handle->level;
269:   PCTFS_gs_handle=xyt_handle->mvi->PCTFS_gs_handle;

271:   /* is there a null space? */
272:   /* LATER add in ability to detect null space by checking alpha */
273:   for (i=0, j=0; i<=level; i++)
274:     {j+=nsep[i];}

276:   m = j-xyt_handle->ns;
277:   if (m!=j)
278:     {PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"xyt_generate() :: null space exists %D %D %D\n",m,j,xyt_handle->ns);}

280:   PetscInfo2(0,"xyt_generate() :: X(%D,%D)\n",n,m);

282:   /* get and initialize storage for x local         */
283:   /* note that x local is nxm and stored by columns */
284:   xcol_sz = (PetscInt*) malloc(m*sizeof(PetscInt));
285:   xcol_indices = (PetscInt*) malloc((2*m+1)*sizeof(PetscInt));
286:   xcol_vals = (PetscScalar **) malloc(m*sizeof(PetscScalar *));
287:   for (i=j=0; i<m; i++, j+=2)
288:     {
289:       xcol_indices[j]=xcol_indices[j+1]=xcol_sz[i]=-1;
290:       xcol_vals[i] = NULL;
291:     }
292:   xcol_indices[j]=-1;

294:   /* get and initialize storage for y local         */
295:   /* note that y local is nxm and stored by columns */
296:   ycol_sz = (PetscInt*) malloc(m*sizeof(PetscInt));
297:   ycol_indices = (PetscInt*) malloc((2*m+1)*sizeof(PetscInt));
298:   ycol_vals = (PetscScalar **) malloc(m*sizeof(PetscScalar *));
299:   for (i=j=0; i<m; i++, j+=2)
300:     {
301:       ycol_indices[j]=ycol_indices[j+1]=ycol_sz[i]=-1;
302:       ycol_vals[i] = NULL;
303:     }
304:   ycol_indices[j]=-1;

306:   /* size of separators for each sub-hc working from bottom of tree to top */
307:   /* this looks like nsep[]=segments */
308:   stages = (PetscInt*) malloc((level+1)*sizeof(PetscInt));
309:   segs   = (PetscInt*) malloc((level+1)*sizeof(PetscInt));
310:   PCTFS_ivec_zero(stages,level+1);
311:   PCTFS_ivec_copy(segs,nsep,level+1);
312:   for (i=0; i<level; i++)
313:     {segs[i+1] += segs[i];}
314:   stages[0] = segs[0];

316:   /* temporary vectors  */
317:   u  = (PetscScalar *) malloc(n*sizeof(PetscScalar));
318:   z  = (PetscScalar *) malloc(n*sizeof(PetscScalar));
319:   v  = (PetscScalar *) malloc(a_m*sizeof(PetscScalar));
320:   uu = (PetscScalar *) malloc(m*sizeof(PetscScalar));
321:   w  = (PetscScalar *) malloc(m*sizeof(PetscScalar));

323:   /* extra nnz due to replication of vertices across separators */
324:   for (i=1, j=0; i<=level; i++)
325:     {j+=nsep[i];}

327:   /* storage for sparse x values */
328:   n_global = xyt_handle->info->n_global;
329:   xt_max_nnz = yt_max_nnz = (PetscInt)(2.5*pow(1.0*n_global,1.6667) + j*n/2)/PCTFS_num_nodes;
330:   x = (PetscScalar *) malloc(xt_max_nnz*sizeof(PetscScalar));
331:   y = (PetscScalar *) malloc(yt_max_nnz*sizeof(PetscScalar));

333:   /* LATER - can embed next sep to fire in gs */
334:   /* time to make the donuts - generate X factor */
335:   for (dim=i=j=0;i<m;i++)
336:     {
337:       /* time to move to the next level? */
338:       while (i==segs[dim]){
339:         if (dim==level) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"dim about to exceed level\n");
340:         stages[dim++]=i;
341:         end+=lnsep[dim];
342:       }
343:       stages[dim]=i;

345:       /* which column are we firing? */
346:       /* i.e. set v_l */
347:       /* use new seps and do global min across hc to determine which one to fire */
348:       (start<end) ? (col=fo[start]) : (col=INT_MAX);
349:       PCTFS_giop_hc(&col,&work,1,op2,dim);

351:       /* shouldn't need this */
352:       if (col==INT_MAX)
353:         {
354:           PetscInfo(0,"hey ... col==INT_MAX??\n");
355:           continue;
356:         }

358:       /* do I own it? I should */
359:       PCTFS_rvec_zero(v ,a_m);
360:       if (col==fo[start])
361:         {
362:           start++;
363:           idx=PCTFS_ivec_linear_search(col, a_local2global, a_n);
364:           if (idx!=-1)
365:             {v[idx] = 1.0; j++;}
367:         }
368:       else
369:         {
370:           idx=PCTFS_ivec_linear_search(col, a_local2global, a_m);
371:           if (idx!=-1)
372:             {v[idx] = 1.0;}
373:         }

375:       /* perform u = A.v_l */
376:       PCTFS_rvec_zero(u,n);
377:       do_matvec(xyt_handle->mvi,v,u);

379:       /* uu =  X^T.u_l (local portion) */
380:       /* technically only need to zero out first i entries */
381:       /* later turn this into an XYT_solve call ? */
382:       PCTFS_rvec_zero(uu,m);
383:       y_ptr=y;
384:       iptr = ycol_indices;
385:       for (k=0; k<i; k++)
386:         {
387:           off = *iptr++;
388:           len = *iptr++;
389:           dlen = PetscBLASIntCast(len);
390:           uu[k] = BLASdot_(&dlen,u+off,&i1,y_ptr,&i1);
391:           y_ptr+=len;
392:         }

394:       /* uu = X^T.u_l (comm portion) */
395:       PCTFS_ssgl_radd  (uu, w, dim, stages);

397:       /* z = X.uu */
398:       PCTFS_rvec_zero(z,n);
399:       x_ptr=x;
400:       iptr = xcol_indices;
401:       for (k=0; k<i; k++)
402:         {
403:           off = *iptr++;
404:           len = *iptr++;
405:           dlen = PetscBLASIntCast(len);
406:           BLASaxpy_(&dlen,&uu[k],x_ptr,&i1,z+off,&i1);
407:           x_ptr+=len;
408:         }

410:       /* compute v_l = v_l - z */
411:       PCTFS_rvec_zero(v+a_n,a_m-a_n);
412:       dlen = PetscBLASIntCast(n);
413:       BLASaxpy_(&dlen,&dm1,z,&i1,v,&i1);

415:       /* compute u_l = A.v_l */
416:       if (a_n!=a_m)
417:         {PCTFS_gs_gop_hc(PCTFS_gs_handle,v,"+\0",dim);}
418:       PCTFS_rvec_zero(u,n);
419:       do_matvec(xyt_handle->mvi,v,u);

421:       /* compute sqrt(alpha) = sqrt(u_l^T.u_l) - local portion */
422:       dlen = PetscBLASIntCast(n);
423:       alpha = BLASdot_(&dlen,u,&i1,u,&i1);
424:       /* compute sqrt(alpha) = sqrt(u_l^T.u_l) - comm portion */
425:       PCTFS_grop_hc(&alpha, &alpha_w, 1, op, dim);

427:       alpha = (PetscScalar) PetscSqrtReal((PetscReal)alpha);

429:       /* check for small alpha                             */
430:       /* LATER use this to detect and determine null space */
431:       if (fabs(alpha)<1.0e-14) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"bad alpha! %g\n",alpha);

433:       /* compute v_l = v_l/sqrt(alpha) */
434:       PCTFS_rvec_scale(v,1.0/alpha,n);
435:       PCTFS_rvec_scale(u,1.0/alpha,n);

437:       /* add newly generated column, v_l, to X */
438:       flag = 1;
439:       off=len=0;
440:       for (k=0; k<n; k++)
441:         {
442:           if (v[k]!=0.0)
443:             {
444:               len=k;
445:               if (flag)
446:                 {off=k; flag=0;}
447:             }
448:         }

450:       len -= (off-1);

452:       if (len>0)
453:         {
454:           if ((xt_nnz+len)>xt_max_nnz)
455:             {
456:               PetscInfo(0,"increasing space for X by 2x!\n");
457:               xt_max_nnz *= 2;
458:               x_ptr = (PetscScalar *) malloc(xt_max_nnz*sizeof(PetscScalar));
459:               PCTFS_rvec_copy(x_ptr,x,xt_nnz);
460:               free(x);
461:               x = x_ptr;
462:               x_ptr+=xt_nnz;
463:             }
464:           xt_nnz += len;
465:           PCTFS_rvec_copy(x_ptr,v+off,len);

467:           /* keep track of number of zeros */
468:           if (dim)
469:             {
470:               for (k=0; k<len; k++)
471:                 {
472:                   if (x_ptr[k]==0.0)
473:                     {xt_zero_nnz++;}
474:                 }
475:             }
476:           else
477:             {
478:               for (k=0; k<len; k++)
479:                 {
480:                   if (x_ptr[k]==0.0)
481:                     {xt_zero_nnz_0++;}
482:                 }
483:             }
484:           xcol_indices[2*i] = off;
485:           xcol_sz[i] = xcol_indices[2*i+1] = len;
486:           xcol_vals[i] = x_ptr;
487:         }
488:       else
489:         {
490:           xcol_indices[2*i] = 0;
491:           xcol_sz[i] = xcol_indices[2*i+1] = 0;
492:           xcol_vals[i] = x_ptr;
493:         }

496:       /* add newly generated column, u_l, to Y */
497:       flag = 1;
498:       off=len=0;
499:       for (k=0; k<n; k++)
500:         {
501:           if (u[k]!=0.0)
502:             {
503:               len=k;
504:               if (flag)
505:                 {off=k; flag=0;}
506:             }
507:         }

509:       len -= (off-1);

511:       if (len>0)
512:         {
513:           if ((yt_nnz+len)>yt_max_nnz)
514:             {
515:               PetscInfo(0,"increasing space for Y by 2x!\n");
516:               yt_max_nnz *= 2;
517:               y_ptr = (PetscScalar *) malloc(yt_max_nnz*sizeof(PetscScalar));
518:               PCTFS_rvec_copy(y_ptr,y,yt_nnz);
519:               free(y);
520:               y = y_ptr;
521:               y_ptr+=yt_nnz;
522:             }
523:           yt_nnz += len;
524:           PCTFS_rvec_copy(y_ptr,u+off,len);

526:           /* keep track of number of zeros */
527:           if (dim)
528:             {
529:               for (k=0; k<len; k++)
530:                 {
531:                   if (y_ptr[k]==0.0)
532:                     {yt_zero_nnz++;}
533:                 }
534:             }
535:           else
536:             {
537:               for (k=0; k<len; k++)
538:                 {
539:                   if (y_ptr[k]==0.0)
540:                     {yt_zero_nnz_0++;}
541:                 }
542:             }
543:           ycol_indices[2*i] = off;
544:           ycol_sz[i] = ycol_indices[2*i+1] = len;
545:           ycol_vals[i] = y_ptr;
546:         }
547:       else
548:         {
549:           ycol_indices[2*i] = 0;
550:           ycol_sz[i] = ycol_indices[2*i+1] = 0;
551:           ycol_vals[i] = y_ptr;
552:         }
553:     }

555:   /* close off stages for execution phase */
556:   while (dim!=level)
557:     {
558:       stages[dim++]=i;
559:       PetscInfo2(0,"disconnected!!! dim(%D)!=level(%D)\n",dim,level);
560:     }
561:   stages[dim]=i;

563:   xyt_handle->info->n=xyt_handle->mvi->n;
564:   xyt_handle->info->m=m;
565:   xyt_handle->info->nnz=xt_nnz + yt_nnz;
566:   xyt_handle->info->max_nnz=xt_max_nnz + yt_max_nnz;
567:   xyt_handle->info->msg_buf_sz=stages[level]-stages[0];
568:   xyt_handle->info->solve_uu = (PetscScalar *) malloc(m*sizeof(PetscScalar));
569:   xyt_handle->info->solve_w  = (PetscScalar *) malloc(m*sizeof(PetscScalar));
570:   xyt_handle->info->x=x;
571:   xyt_handle->info->xcol_vals=xcol_vals;
572:   xyt_handle->info->xcol_sz=xcol_sz;
573:   xyt_handle->info->xcol_indices=xcol_indices;
574:   xyt_handle->info->stages=stages;
575:   xyt_handle->info->y=y;
576:   xyt_handle->info->ycol_vals=ycol_vals;
577:   xyt_handle->info->ycol_sz=ycol_sz;
578:   xyt_handle->info->ycol_indices=ycol_indices;

580:   free(segs);
581:   free(u);
582:   free(v);
583:   free(uu);
584:   free(z);
585:   free(w);

587:   return(0);
588: }

590: /**************************************xyt.c***********************************/
591: static PetscErrorCode do_xyt_solve(xyt_ADT xyt_handle,  PetscScalar *uc)
592: {
593:   PetscInt off, len, *iptr;
594:   PetscInt level       =xyt_handle->level;
595:   PetscInt n           =xyt_handle->info->n;
596:   PetscInt m           =xyt_handle->info->m;
597:   PetscInt *stages     =xyt_handle->info->stages;
598:   PetscInt *xcol_indices=xyt_handle->info->xcol_indices;
599:   PetscInt *ycol_indices=xyt_handle->info->ycol_indices;
600:    PetscScalar *x_ptr, *y_ptr, *uu_ptr;
601:   PetscScalar *solve_uu=xyt_handle->info->solve_uu;
602:   PetscScalar *solve_w =xyt_handle->info->solve_w;
603:   PetscScalar *x       =xyt_handle->info->x;
604:   PetscScalar *y       =xyt_handle->info->y;
605:   PetscBLASInt i1 = 1,dlen;

608:   uu_ptr=solve_uu;
609:   PCTFS_rvec_zero(uu_ptr,m);

611:   /* x  = X.Y^T.b */
612:   /* uu = Y^T.b */
613:   for (y_ptr=y,iptr=ycol_indices; *iptr!=-1; y_ptr+=len)
614:     {
615:       off=*iptr++; len=*iptr++;
616:       dlen = PetscBLASIntCast(len);
617:       *uu_ptr++ = BLASdot_(&dlen,uc+off,&i1,y_ptr,&i1);
618:     }

620:   /* comunication of beta */
621:   uu_ptr=solve_uu;
622:   if (level) {PCTFS_ssgl_radd(uu_ptr, solve_w, level, stages);}

624:   PCTFS_rvec_zero(uc,n);

626:   /* x = X.uu */
627:   for (x_ptr=x,iptr=xcol_indices; *iptr!=-1; x_ptr+=len)
628:     {
629:       off=*iptr++; len=*iptr++;
630:       dlen = PetscBLASIntCast(len);
631:       BLASaxpy_(&dlen,uu_ptr++,x_ptr,&i1,uc+off,&i1);
632:     }
633:   return(0);
634: }

636: /**************************************xyt.c***********************************/
637: static PetscErrorCode check_handle(xyt_ADT xyt_handle)
638: {
639:   PetscInt vals[2], work[2], op[] = {NON_UNIFORM,GL_MIN,GL_MAX};

642:   if (!xyt_handle) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"check_handle() :: bad handle :: NULL %D\n",xyt_handle);

644:   vals[0]=vals[1]=xyt_handle->id;
645:   PCTFS_giop(vals,work,sizeof(op)/sizeof(op[0])-1,op);
646:   if ((vals[0]!=vals[1])||(xyt_handle->id<=0)) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"check_handle() :: bad handle :: id mismatch min/max %D/%D %D\n", vals[0],vals[1], xyt_handle->id);
647:   return(0);
648: }

650: /**************************************xyt.c***********************************/
651: static PetscErrorCode det_separators(xyt_ADT xyt_handle)
652: {
653:   PetscInt i, ct, id;
654:   PetscInt mask, edge, *iptr;
655:   PetscInt *dir, *used;
656:   PetscInt sum[4], w[4];
657:   PetscScalar rsum[4], rw[4];
658:   PetscInt op[] = {GL_ADD,0};
659:   PetscScalar *lhs, *rhs;
660:   PetscInt *nsep, *lnsep, *fo, nfo=0;
661:   PCTFS_gs_ADT PCTFS_gs_handle=xyt_handle->mvi->PCTFS_gs_handle;
662:   PetscInt *local2global=xyt_handle->mvi->local2global;
663:   PetscInt  n=xyt_handle->mvi->n;
664:   PetscInt  m=xyt_handle->mvi->m;
665:   PetscInt level=xyt_handle->level;
666:   PetscInt shared=0;

670:   dir  = (PetscInt*)malloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*(level+1));
671:   nsep = (PetscInt*)malloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*(level+1));
672:   lnsep= (PetscInt*)malloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*(level+1));
673:   fo   = (PetscInt*)malloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*(n+1));
674:   used = (PetscInt*)malloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*n);

676:   PCTFS_ivec_zero(dir  ,level+1);
677:   PCTFS_ivec_zero(nsep ,level+1);
678:   PCTFS_ivec_zero(lnsep,level+1);
679:   PCTFS_ivec_set (fo   ,-1,n+1);
680:   PCTFS_ivec_zero(used,n);

682:   lhs  = (PetscScalar*)malloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*m);
683:   rhs  = (PetscScalar*)malloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*m);

685:   /* determine the # of unique dof */
686:   PCTFS_rvec_zero(lhs,m);
687:   PCTFS_rvec_set(lhs,1.0,n);
688:   PCTFS_gs_gop_hc(PCTFS_gs_handle,lhs,"+\0",level);
689:   PetscInfo(0,"done first PCTFS_gs_gop_hc\n");
690:   PCTFS_rvec_zero(rsum,2);
691:   for (ct=i=0;i<n;i++)
692:     {
693:       if (lhs[i]!=0.0)
694:         {rsum[0]+=1.0/lhs[i]; rsum[1]+=lhs[i];}

696:       if (lhs[i]!=1.0)
697:         {
698:           shared=1;
699:         }
700:     }

702:   PCTFS_grop_hc(rsum,rw,2,op,level);
703:   rsum[0]+=0.1;
704:   rsum[1]+=0.1;

706:   xyt_handle->info->n_global=xyt_handle->info->m_global=(PetscInt) rsum[0];
707:   xyt_handle->mvi->n_global =xyt_handle->mvi->m_global =(PetscInt) rsum[0];

709:   /* determine separator sets top down */
710:   if (shared)
711:     {
712:       /* solution is to do as in the symmetric shared case but then */
713:       /* pick the sub-hc with the most free dofs and do a mat-vec   */
714:       /* and pick up the responses on the other sub-hc from the     */
715:       /* initial separator set obtained from the symm. shared case  */
716:       SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"shared dof separator determination not ready ... see hmt!!!\n");
717:       for (iptr=fo+n,id=PCTFS_my_id,mask=PCTFS_num_nodes>>1,edge=level;edge>0;edge--,mask>>=1)
718:         {
719:           /* set rsh of hc, fire, and collect lhs responses */
720:           (id<mask) ? PCTFS_rvec_zero(lhs,m) : PCTFS_rvec_set(lhs,1.0,m);
721:           PCTFS_gs_gop_hc(PCTFS_gs_handle,lhs,"+\0",edge);
723:           /* set lsh of hc, fire, and collect rhs responses */
724:           (id<mask) ? PCTFS_rvec_set(rhs,1.0,m) : PCTFS_rvec_zero(rhs,m);
725:           PCTFS_gs_gop_hc(PCTFS_gs_handle,rhs,"+\0",edge);
727:           for (i=0;i<n;i++)
728:             {
729:               if (id< mask)
730:                 {
731:                   if (lhs[i]!=0.0)
732:                     {lhs[i]=1.0;}
733:                 }
734:               if (id>=mask)
735:                 {
736:                   if (rhs[i]!=0.0)
737:                     {rhs[i]=1.0;}
738:                 }
739:             }

741:           if (id< mask)
742:             {PCTFS_gs_gop_hc(PCTFS_gs_handle,lhs,"+\0",edge-1);}
743:           else
744:             {PCTFS_gs_gop_hc(PCTFS_gs_handle,rhs,"+\0",edge-1);}

746:           /* count number of dofs I own that have signal and not in sep set */
747:           PCTFS_rvec_zero(rsum,4);
748:           for (PCTFS_ivec_zero(sum,4),ct=i=0;i<n;i++)
749:             {
750:               if (!used[i])
751:                 {
752:                   /* number of unmarked dofs on node */
753:                   ct++;
754:                   /* number of dofs to be marked on lhs hc */
755:                   if (id< mask)
756:                     {
757:                       if (lhs[i]!=0.0)
758:                         {sum[0]++; rsum[0]+=1.0/lhs[i];}
759:                     }
760:                   /* number of dofs to be marked on rhs hc */
761:                   if (id>=mask)
762:                     {
763:                       if (rhs[i]!=0.0)
764:                         {sum[1]++; rsum[1]+=1.0/rhs[i];}
765:                     }
766:                 }
767:             }

769:           /* go for load balance - choose half with most unmarked dofs, bias LHS */
770:           (id<mask) ? (sum[2]=ct) : (sum[3]=ct);
771:           (id<mask) ? (rsum[2]=ct) : (rsum[3]=ct);
772:           PCTFS_giop_hc(sum,w,4,op,edge);
773:           PCTFS_grop_hc(rsum,rw,4,op,edge);
774:           rsum[0]+=0.1; rsum[1]+=0.1; rsum[2]+=0.1; rsum[3]+=0.1;

776:           if (id<mask)
777:             {
778:               /* mark dofs I own that have signal and not in sep set */
779:               for (ct=i=0;i<n;i++)
780:                 {
781:                   if ((!used[i])&&(lhs[i]!=0.0))
782:                     {
783:                       ct++; nfo++;

785:                       if (nfo>n) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"nfo about to exceed n\n");

787:                       *--iptr = local2global[i];
788:                       used[i]=edge;
789:                     }
790:                 }
791:               if (ct>1) {PCTFS_ivec_sort(iptr,ct);}

793:               lnsep[edge]=ct;
794:               nsep[edge]=(PetscInt) rsum[0];
795:               dir [edge]=LEFT;
796:             }

798:           if (id>=mask)
799:             {
800:               /* mark dofs I own that have signal and not in sep set */
801:               for (ct=i=0;i<n;i++)
802:                 {
803:                   if ((!used[i])&&(rhs[i]!=0.0))
804:                     {
805:                       ct++; nfo++;

807:                       if (nfo>n) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"nfo about to exceed n\n");

809:                       *--iptr = local2global[i];
810:                       used[i]=edge;
811:                     }
812:                 }
813:               if (ct>1) {PCTFS_ivec_sort(iptr,ct);}

815:               lnsep[edge]=ct;
816:               nsep[edge]= (PetscInt) rsum[1];
817:               dir [edge]=RIGHT;
818:             }

820:           /* LATER or we can recur on these to order seps at this level */
821:           /* do we need full set of separators for this?                */

823:           /* fold rhs hc into lower */
824:           if (id>=mask)
825:             {id-=mask;}
826:         }
827:     }
828:   else
829:     {
830:       for (iptr=fo+n,id=PCTFS_my_id,mask=PCTFS_num_nodes>>1,edge=level;edge>0;edge--,mask>>=1)
831:         {
832:           /* set rsh of hc, fire, and collect lhs responses */
833:           (id<mask) ? PCTFS_rvec_zero(lhs,m) : PCTFS_rvec_set(lhs,1.0,m);
834:           PCTFS_gs_gop_hc(PCTFS_gs_handle,lhs,"+\0",edge);

836:           /* set lsh of hc, fire, and collect rhs responses */
837:           (id<mask) ? PCTFS_rvec_set(rhs,1.0,m) : PCTFS_rvec_zero(rhs,m);
838:           PCTFS_gs_gop_hc(PCTFS_gs_handle,rhs,"+\0",edge);

840:           /* count number of dofs I own that have signal and not in sep set */
841:           for (PCTFS_ivec_zero(sum,4),ct=i=0;i<n;i++)
842:             {
843:               if (!used[i])
844:                 {
845:                   /* number of unmarked dofs on node */
846:                   ct++;
847:                   /* number of dofs to be marked on lhs hc */
848:                   if ((id< mask)&&(lhs[i]!=0.0)) {sum[0]++;}
849:                   /* number of dofs to be marked on rhs hc */
850:                   if ((id>=mask)&&(rhs[i]!=0.0)) {sum[1]++;}
851:                 }
852:             }

854:           /* for the non-symmetric case we need separators of width 2 */
855:           /* so take both sides */
856:           (id<mask) ? (sum[2]=ct) : (sum[3]=ct);
857:           PCTFS_giop_hc(sum,w,4,op,edge);

859:           ct=0;
860:           if (id<mask)
861:             {
862:               /* mark dofs I own that have signal and not in sep set */
863:               for (i=0;i<n;i++)
864:                 {
865:                   if ((!used[i])&&(lhs[i]!=0.0))
866:                     {
867:                       ct++; nfo++;
868:                       *--iptr = local2global[i];
869:                       used[i]=edge;
870:                     }
871:                 }
872:               /* LSH hc summation of ct should be sum[0] */
873:             }
874:           else
875:             {
876:               /* mark dofs I own that have signal and not in sep set */
877:               for (i=0;i<n;i++)
878:                 {
879:                   if ((!used[i])&&(rhs[i]!=0.0))
880:                     {
881:                       ct++; nfo++;
882:                       *--iptr = local2global[i];
883:                       used[i]=edge;
884:                     }
885:                 }
886:               /* RSH hc summation of ct should be sum[1] */
887:             }

889:           if (ct>1) {PCTFS_ivec_sort(iptr,ct);}
890:           lnsep[edge]=ct;
891:           nsep[edge]=sum[0]+sum[1];
892:           dir [edge]=BOTH;

894:           /* LATER or we can recur on these to order seps at this level */
895:           /* do we need full set of separators for this?                */

897:           /* fold rhs hc into lower */
898:           if (id>=mask)
899:             {id-=mask;}
900:         }
901:     }

903:   /* level 0 is on processor case - so mark the remainder */
904:   for (ct=i=0;i<n;i++)
905:     {
906:       if (!used[i])
907:         {
908:           ct++; nfo++;
909:           *--iptr = local2global[i];
910:           used[i]=edge;
911:         }
912:     }
913:   if (ct>1) {PCTFS_ivec_sort(iptr,ct);}
914:   lnsep[edge]=ct;
915:   nsep [edge]=ct;
916:   dir  [edge]=BOTH;

918:   xyt_handle->info->nsep=nsep;
919:   xyt_handle->info->lnsep=lnsep;
920:   xyt_handle->info->fo=fo;
921:   xyt_handle->info->nfo=nfo;

923:   free(dir);
924:   free(lhs);
925:   free(rhs);
926:   free(used);
927:   return(0);
928: }

930: /**************************************xyt.c***********************************/
931: static mv_info *set_mvi(PetscInt *local2global, PetscInt n, PetscInt m, void *matvec, void *grid_data)
932: {
933:   mv_info *mvi;

936:   mvi = (mv_info*)malloc(sizeof(mv_info));
937:   mvi->n=n;
938:   mvi->m=m;
939:   mvi->n_global=-1;
940:   mvi->m_global=-1;
941:   mvi->local2global=(PetscInt*)malloc((m+1)*sizeof(PetscInt));
942:   PCTFS_ivec_copy(mvi->local2global,local2global,m);
943:   mvi->local2global[m] = INT_MAX;
944:   mvi->matvec=(PetscErrorCode (*)(mv_info*,PetscScalar*,PetscScalar*))matvec;
945:   mvi->grid_data=grid_data;

947:   /* set xyt communication handle to perform restricted matvec */
948:   mvi->PCTFS_gs_handle = PCTFS_gs_init(local2global, m, PCTFS_num_nodes);

950:   return(mvi);
951: }

953: /**************************************xyt.c***********************************/
954: static PetscErrorCode do_matvec(mv_info *A, PetscScalar *v, PetscScalar *u)
955: {
957:   A->matvec((mv_info*)A->grid_data,v,u);
958:   return(0);
959: }