Actual source code: petscpcdef.h

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  1: !
  2: !
  3: !  Include file for Fortran use of the PC (preconditioner) package in PETSc
  4: !
  5: #if !defined (__PETSCPCDEF_H)

 8:  #include finclude/petscmatdef.h
 9:  #include finclude/petscdmdef.h

 12: #define PC PetscFortranAddr
 13: #endif
 14: #define PCSide PetscEnum
 15: #define PCASMType PetscEnum
 16: #define PCCompositeType PetscEnum
 17: #define PCRichardsonConvergedReason PetscEnum 
 18: #define PCType character*(80)
 19: #define PCFieldSplitSchurPreType PetscEnum
 20: #define PCPARMSGlobalType PetscEnum
 21: #define PCPARMSLocalType PetscEnum
 22: #define PCFieldSplitSchurFactType PetscEnum
 23: #define CoarseProblemType PetscEnum
 24: #define PCGAMGType PetscEnum
 25: !
 26: !  Various preconditioners
 27: !
 28: #define PCNONE 'none'
 29: #define PCJACOBI 'jacobi'
 30: #define PCSOR 'sor'
 31: #define PCLU 'lu'
 32: #define PCSHELL 'shell'
 33: #define PCBJACOBI 'bjacobi'
 34: #define PCMG 'mg'
 35: #define PCEISENSTAT 'eisenstat'
 36: #define PCILU 'ilu'
 37: #define PCICC 'icc'
 38: #define PCASM 'asm'
 39: #define PCGASM 'gasm'
 40: #define PCKSP 'ksp'
 41: #define PCCOMPOSITE 'composite'
 42: #define PCREDUNDANT 'redundant'
 43: #define PCSPAI 'spai'
 44: #define PCNN 'nn'
 45: #define PCCHOLESKY 'cholesky'
 46: #define PCPBJACOBI 'pbjacobi'
 47: #define PCMAT 'mat'
 48: #define PCHYPRE 'hypre'
 49: #define PCPARMS 'parms'
 50: #define PCFIELDSPLIT 'fieldsplit'
 51: #define PCTFS 'tfs'
 52: #define PCML 'ml'
 53: #define PCPROMETHEUS 'prometheus'
 54: #define PCGALERKIN 'galerkin'
 55: #define PCEXOTIC 'exotic'
 56: #define PCHMPI 'hmpi'
 57: #define PCSUPPORTGRAPH 'supportgraph'
 58: #define PCASA 'asa'
 59: #define PCCP 'cp'
 60: #define PCBFBT 'bfbt'
 61: #define PCLSC 'lsc'
 62: #define PCPYTHON 'python'
 63: #define PCPFMG 'pfmg'
 64: #define PCSYSPFMG 'syspfmg'
 65: #define PCREDISTRIBUTE 'redistribute'
 66: #define PCSVD 'svd'
 67: #define PCGAMG 'gamg'
 68: #define PCSACUSP 'sacusp'
 69: #define PCSACUSPPOLY 'sacusppoly'
 70: #define PCBICGSTABCUSP 'bicgstabcusp'
 71: #define PCAINVCUSP 'ainvcusp'
 72: #define PCBDDC 'bddc'

 74: #endif