petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11


Return the points on the transitive closure of the in-edges or out-edges for this point in the Sieve DAG


#include "petscdmcomplex.h"   
PetscErrorCode DMComplexGetTransitiveClosure(DM dm, PetscInt p, PetscBool useCone, PetscInt *numPoints, PetscInt *points[])
Not collective

Input Parameters

mesh - The DMComplex
p - The Sieve point, which must lie in the chart set with DMComplexSetChart()
useCone - PETSC_TRUE for in-edges, otherwise use out-edges
points - If points is PETSC_NULL on input, internal storage will be returned, otherwise the provided array is used

Output Parameters

numPoints - The number of points in the closure, so points[] is of size 2*numPoints
points - The points and point orientations, interleaved as pairs [p0, o0, p1, o1, ...]


If using internal storage (points is PETSC_NULL on input), each call overwrites the last output.

See Also

DMComplexCreate(), DMComplexSetCone(), DMComplexSetChart(), DMComplexGetCone()

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