Actual source code: asciiimpl.h
1: #pragma once
3: #include <petsc/private/viewerimpl.h>
4: #include <../src/sys/fileio/mprint.h>
6: typedef struct {
7: FILE *fd;
8: PetscFileMode mode; /* The mode in which to open the file */
9: PetscInt tab; /* how many times text is tabbed in from left */
10: PetscInt tab_store; /* store tabs value while tabs are turned off */
11: PetscViewer bviewer; /* if PetscViewer is a singleton, this points to mother */
12: PetscViewer sviewer; /* if PetscViewer has a singleton, this points to singleton */
13: PetscViewer subviewer; /* used with PetscViewerGetSubViewer() */
14: char *filename;
15: PetscBool storecompressed;
16: PetscBool closefile;
17: PetscInt allowsynchronized; /* allow synchronized writes from any process to the viewer */
19: PrintfQueue petsc_printfqueue, petsc_printfqueuebase;
20: int petsc_printfqueuelength;
22: PetscInt fileunit; /* indicates the output is printed with Fortran IO */
23: } PetscViewer_ASCII;
25: typedef struct PetscViewerLink_t PetscViewerLink;
26: struct PetscViewerLink_t {
27: PetscViewer viewer;
28: struct PetscViewerLink_t *next;
29: };
31: PETSC_EXTERN PetscMPIInt MPIAPI Petsc_DelViewer(MPI_Comm, PetscMPIInt, void *, void *);