.. _ch_snes: SNES: Nonlinear Solvers ----------------------- .. note:: This chapter is being cleaned up by Jed Brown. Contributions are welcome. The solution of large-scale nonlinear problems pervades many facets of computational science and demands robust and flexible solution strategies. The ``SNES`` library of PETSc provides a powerful suite of data-structure-neutral numerical routines for such problems. Built on top of the linear solvers and data structures discussed in preceding chapters, ``SNES`` enables the user to easily customize the nonlinear solvers according to the application at hand. Also, the ``SNES`` interface is *identical* for the uniprocess and parallel cases; the only difference in the parallel version is that each process typically forms only its local contribution to various matrices and vectors. The ``SNES`` class includes methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations of the form .. math:: :label: fx0 \mathbf{F}(\mathbf{x}) = 0, where :math:`\mathbf{F}: \, \Re^n \to \Re^n`. Newton-like methods provide the core of the package, including both line search and trust region techniques. A suite of nonlinear Krylov methods and methods based upon problem decomposition are also included. The solvers are discussed further in :any:`sec_nlsolvers`. Following the PETSc design philosophy, the interfaces to the various solvers are all virtually identical. In addition, the ``SNES`` software is completely flexible, so that the user can at runtime change any facet of the solution process. PETSc’s default method for solving the nonlinear equation is Newton’s method. The general form of the :math:`n`-dimensional Newton’s method for solving :math:numref:`fx0` is .. math:: :label: newton \mathbf{x}_{k+1} = \mathbf{x}_k - \mathbf{J}(\mathbf{x}_k)^{-1} \mathbf{F}(\mathbf{x}_k), \;\; k=0,1, \ldots, where :math:`\mathbf{x}_0` is an initial approximation to the solution and :math:`\mathbf{J}(\mathbf{x}_k) = \mathbf{F}'(\mathbf{x}_k)`, the Jacobian, is nonsingular at each iteration. In practice, the Newton iteration :math:numref:`newton` is implemented by the following two steps: .. math:: \begin{aligned} 1. & \text{(Approximately) solve} & \mathbf{J}(\mathbf{x}_k) \Delta \mathbf{x}_k &= -\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{x}_k). \\ 2. & \text{Update} & \mathbf{x}_{k+1} &\gets \mathbf{x}_k + \Delta \mathbf{x}_k. \end{aligned} Other defect-correction algorithms can be implemented by using different choices for :math:`J(\mathbf{x}_k)`. .. _sec_snesusage: Basic SNES Usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the simplest usage of the nonlinear solvers, the user must merely provide a C, C++, or Fortran routine to evaluate the nonlinear function :math:numref:`fx0`. The corresponding Jacobian matrix can be approximated with finite differences. For codes that are typically more efficient and accurate, the user can provide a routine to compute the Jacobian; details regarding these application-provided routines are discussed below. To provide an overview of the use of the nonlinear solvers, browse the concrete example in :ref:`ex1.c ` or skip ahead to the discussion. .. _snes-ex1: .. admonition:: Listing: ``src/snes/tutorials/ex1.c`` .. literalinclude:: /../src/snes/tutorials/ex1.c :end-before: /*TEST To create a ``SNES`` solver, one must first call ``SNESCreate()`` as follows: .. code-block:: SNESCreate(MPI_Comm comm,SNES *snes); The user must then set routines for evaluating the residual function :math:numref:`fx0` and, *possibly*, its associated Jacobian matrix, as discussed in the following sections. To choose a nonlinear solution method, the user can either call .. code-block:: SNESSetType(SNES snes,SNESType method); or use the option ``-snes_type ``, where details regarding the available methods are presented in :any:`sec_nlsolvers`. The application code can take complete control of the linear and nonlinear techniques used in the Newton-like method by calling .. code-block:: SNESSetFromOptions(snes); This routine provides an interface to the PETSc options database, so that at runtime the user can select a particular nonlinear solver, set various parameters and customized routines (e.g., specialized line search variants), prescribe the convergence tolerance, and set monitoring routines. With this routine the user can also control all linear solver options in the ``KSP``, and ``PC`` modules, as discussed in :any:`ch_ksp`. After having set these routines and options, the user solves the problem by calling .. code-block:: SNESSolve(SNES snes,Vec b,Vec x); where ``x`` should be initialized to the initial guess before calling and contains the solution on return. In particular, to employ an initial guess of zero, the user should explicitly set this vector to zero by calling ``VecZeroEntries(x)``. Finally, after solving the nonlinear system (or several systems), the user should destroy the ``SNES`` context with .. code-block:: SNESDestroy(SNES *snes); .. _sec_snesfunction: Nonlinear Function Evaluation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When solving a system of nonlinear equations, the user must provide a a residual function :math:numref:`fx0`, which is set using .. code-block:: SNESSetFunction(SNES snes,Vec f,PetscErrorCode (*FormFunction)(SNES snes,Vec x,Vec f,void *ctx),void *ctx); The argument ``f`` is an optional vector for storing the solution; pass ``NULL`` to have the ``SNES`` allocate it for you. The argument ``ctx`` is an optional user-defined context, which can store any private, application-specific data required by the function evaluation routine; ``NULL`` should be used if such information is not needed. In C and C++, a user-defined context is merely a structure in which various objects can be stashed; in Fortran a user context can be an integer array that contains both parameters and pointers to PETSc objects. `SNES Tutorial ex5 `__ and `SNES Tutorial ex5f90 `__ give examples of user-defined application contexts in C and Fortran, respectively. .. _sec_snesjacobian: Jacobian Evaluation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The user must also specify a routine to form some approximation of the Jacobian matrix, ``A``, at the current iterate, ``x``, as is typically done with .. code-block:: SNESSetJacobian(SNES snes,Mat Amat,Mat Pmat,PetscErrorCode (*FormJacobian)(SNES snes,Vec x,Mat A,Mat B,void *ctx),void *ctx); The arguments of the routine ``FormJacobian()`` are the current iterate, ``x``; the (approximate) Jacobian matrix, ``Amat``; the matrix from which the preconditioner is constructed, ``Pmat`` (which is usually the same as ``Amat``); and an optional user-defined Jacobian context, ``ctx``, for application-specific data. The ``FormJacobian()`` callback is only invoked if the solver requires it, always *after* ``FormFunction()`` has been called at the current iterate. Note that the ``SNES`` solvers are all data-structure neutral, so the full range of PETSc matrix formats (including “matrix-free” methods) can be used. :any:`ch_matrices` discusses information regarding available matrix formats and options, while :any:`sec_nlmatrixfree` focuses on matrix-free methods in ``SNES``. We briefly touch on a few details of matrix usage that are particularly important for efficient use of the nonlinear solvers. A common usage paradigm is to assemble the problem Jacobian in the preconditioner storage ``B``, rather than ``A``. In the case where they are identical, as in many simulations, this makes no difference. However, it allows us to check the analytic Jacobian we construct in ``FormJacobian()`` by passing the ``-snes_mf_operator`` flag. This causes PETSc to approximate the Jacobian using finite differencing of the function evaluation (discussed in :any:`sec_fdmatrix`), and the analytic Jacobian becomes merely the preconditioner. Even if the analytic Jacobian is incorrect, it is likely that the finite difference approximation will converge, and thus this is an excellent method to verify the analytic Jacobian. Moreover, if the analytic Jacobian is incomplete (some terms are missing or approximate), ``-snes_mf_operator`` may be used to obtain the exact solution, where the Jacobian approximation has been transferred to the preconditioner. One such approximate Jacobian comes from “Picard linearization” which writes the nonlinear system as .. math:: \mathbf{F}(\mathbf{x}) := \mathbf{A}(\mathbf{x}) \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{b} = 0 where :math:`\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{x})` usually contains the lower-derivative parts of the equation. For example, the nonlinear diffusion problem .. math:: - \nabla\cdot(\kappa(u) \nabla u) = 0 would be linearized as .. math:: A(u) v \simeq -\nabla\cdot(\kappa(u) \nabla v). Usually this linearization is simpler to implement than Newton and the linear problems are somewhat easier to solve. In addition to using ``-snes_mf_operator`` with this approximation to the Jacobian, the Picard iterative procedure can be performed by defining :math:`\mathbf{J}(\mathbf{x})` to be :math:`\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{x})`. Sometimes this iteration exhibits better global convergence than Newton linearization. During successive calls to ``FormJacobian()``, the user can either insert new matrix contexts or reuse old ones, depending on the application requirements. For many sparse matrix formats, reusing the old space (and merely changing the matrix elements) is more efficient; however, if the matrix structure completely changes, creating an entirely new matrix context may be preferable. Upon subsequent calls to the ``FormJacobian()`` routine, the user may wish to reinitialize the matrix entries to zero by calling ``MatZeroEntries()``. See :any:`sec_othermat` for details on the reuse of the matrix context. The directory ``$PETSC_DIR/src/snes/tutorials`` provides a variety of examples. Sometimes a nonlinear solver may produce a step that is not within the domain of a given function, for example one with a negative pressure. When this occurs one can call ``SNESSetFunctionDomainError()`` or ``SNESSetJacobianDomainError()`` to indicate to `SNES` the step is not valid. One must also use ``SNESGetConvergedReason()`` and check the reason to confirm if the solver succeeded. See :any:`sec_vi` for how to provide ``SNES`` with bounds on the variables to solve (differential) variational inequalities and how to control properties of the line step computed. .. _sec_nlsolvers: The Nonlinear Solvers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As summarized in Table :any:`tab-snesdefaults`, ``SNES`` includes several Newton-like nonlinear solvers based on line search techniques and trust region methods. Also provided are several nonlinear Krylov methods, as well as nonlinear methods involving decompositions of the problem. Each solver may have associated with it a set of options, which can be set with routines and options database commands provided for this purpose. A complete list can be found by consulting the manual pages or by running a program with the ``-help`` option; we discuss just a few in the sections below. .. list-table:: PETSc Nonlinear Solvers :name: tab-snesdefaults :header-rows: 1 * - Method - SNESType - Options Name - Default Line Search * - Line Search Newton - ``SNESNEWTONLS`` - ``newtonls`` - ``SNESLINESEARCHBT`` * - Trust region Newton - ``SNESNEWTONTR`` - ``newtontr`` - — * - Nonlinear Richardson - ``SNESNRICHARDSON`` - ``nrichardson`` - ``SNESLINESEARCHL2`` * - Nonlinear CG - ``SNESNCG`` - ``ncg`` - ``SNESLINESEARCHCP`` * - Nonlinear GMRES - ``SNESNGMRES`` - ``ngmres`` - ``SNESLINESEARCHL2`` * - Quasi-Newton - ``SNESQN`` - ``qn`` - see :any:`tab-qndefaults` * - Full Approximation Scheme - ``SNESFAS`` - ``fas`` - — * - Nonlinear ASM - ``SNESNASM`` - ``nasm`` - – * - ASPIN - ``SNESASPIN`` - ``aspin`` - ``SNESLINESEARCHBT`` * - Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel - ``SNESNGS`` - ``ngs`` - – * - Anderson Mixing - ``SNESANDERSON`` - ``anderson`` - – * - Newton with constraints (1) - ``SNESVINEWTONRSLS`` - ``vinewtonrsls`` - ``SNESLINESEARCHBT`` * - Newton with constraints (2) - ``SNESVINEWTONSSLS`` - ``vinewtonssls`` - ``SNESLINESEARCHBT`` * - Multi-stage Smoothers - ``SNESMS`` - ``ms`` - – * - Composite - ``SNESCOMPOSITE`` - ``composite`` - – * - Linear solve only - ``SNESKSPONLY`` - ``ksponly`` - – * - Python Shell - ``SNESPYTHON`` - ``python`` - – * - Shell (user-defined) - ``SNESSHELL`` - ``shell`` - – Line Search Newton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method ``SNESNEWTONLS`` (``-snes_type newtonls``) provides a line search Newton method for solving systems of nonlinear equations. By default, this technique employs cubic backtracking :cite:`dennis:83`. Alternative line search techniques are listed in Table :any:`tab-linesearches`. .. table:: PETSc Line Search Methods :name: tab-linesearches ==================== ======================= ================ **Line Search** **SNESLineSearchType** **Options Name** ==================== ======================= ================ Backtracking ``SNESLINESEARCHBT`` ``bt`` (damped) step ``SNESLINESEARCHBASIC`` ``basic`` identical to above ``SNESLINESEARCHNONE`` ``none`` L2-norm Minimization ``SNESLINESEARCHL2`` ``l2`` Critical point ``SNESLINESEARCHCP`` ``cp`` Shell ``SNESLINESEARCHSHELL`` ``shell`` ==================== ======================= ================ Every ``SNES`` has a line search context of type ``SNESLineSearch`` that may be retrieved using .. code-block:: SNESGetLineSearch(SNES snes,SNESLineSearch *ls);. There are several default options for the line searches. The order of polynomial approximation may be set with ``-snes_linesearch_order`` or .. code-block:: SNESLineSearchSetOrder(SNESLineSearch ls, PetscInt order); for instance, 2 for quadratic or 3 for cubic. Sometimes, it may not be necessary to monitor the progress of the nonlinear iteration. In this case, ``-snes_linesearch_norms`` or .. code-block:: SNESLineSearchSetComputeNorms(SNESLineSearch ls,PetscBool norms); may be used to turn off function, step, and solution norm computation at the end of the linesearch. The default line search for the line search Newton method, ``SNESLINESEARCHBT`` involves several parameters, which are set to defaults that are reasonable for many applications. The user can override the defaults by using the following options: * ``-snes_linesearch_alpha `` * ``-snes_linesearch_maxstep `` * ``-snes_linesearch_minlambda `` Besides the backtracking linesearch, there are ``SNESLINESEARCHL2``, which uses a polynomial secant minimization of :math:`||F(x)||_2`, and ``SNESLINESEARCHCP``, which minimizes :math:`F(x) \cdot Y` where :math:`Y` is the search direction. These are both potentially iterative line searches, which may be used to find a better-fitted steplength in the case where a single secant search is not sufficient. The number of iterations may be set with ``-snes_linesearch_max_it``. In addition, the convergence criteria of the iterative line searches may be set using function tolerances ``-snes_linesearch_rtol`` and ``-snes_linesearch_atol``, and steplength tolerance ``snes_linesearch_ltol``. Custom line search types may either be defined using ``SNESLineSearchShell``, or by creating a custom user line search type in the model of the preexisting ones and register it using .. code-block:: SNESLineSearchRegister(const char sname[],PetscErrorCode (*function)(SNESLineSearch));. Trust Region Methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The trust region method in ``SNES`` for solving systems of nonlinear equations, ``SNESNEWTONTR`` (``-snes_type newtontr``), is taken from the MINPACK project :cite:`more84`. Several parameters can be set to control the variation of the trust region size during the solution process. In particular, the user can control the initial trust region radius, computed by .. math:: \Delta = \Delta_0 \| F_0 \|_2, by setting :math:`\Delta_0` via the option ``-snes_tr_delta0 ``. Nonlinear Krylov Methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A number of nonlinear Krylov methods are provided, including Nonlinear Richardson, conjugate gradient, GMRES, and Anderson Mixing. These methods are described individually below. They are all instrumental to PETSc’s nonlinear preconditioning. **Nonlinear Richardson.** The nonlinear Richardson iteration merely takes the form of a line search-damped fixed-point iteration of the form .. math:: \mathbf{x}_{k+1} = \mathbf{x}_k - \lambda \mathbf{F}(\mathbf{x}_k), \;\; k=0,1, \ldots, where the default linesearch is ``SNESLINESEARCHL2``. This simple solver is mostly useful as a nonlinear smoother, or to provide line search stabilization to an inner method. **Nonlinear Conjugate Gradients.** Nonlinear CG is equivalent to linear CG, but with the steplength determined by line search (``SNESLINESEARCHCP`` by default). Five variants (Fletcher-Reed, Hestenes-Steifel, Polak-Ribiere-Polyak, Dai-Yuan, and Conjugate Descent) are implemented in PETSc and may be chosen using .. code-block:: SNESNCGSetType(SNES snes, SNESNCGType btype); **Anderson Mixing and Nonlinear GMRES Methods.** Nonlinear GMRES and Anderson Mixing methods combine the last :math:`m` iterates, plus a new fixed-point iteration iterate, into a residual-minimizing new iterate. Quasi-Newton Methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Quasi-Newton methods store iterative rank-one updates to the Jacobian instead of computing it directly. Three limited-memory quasi-Newton methods are provided, L-BFGS, which are described in Table :any:`tab-qndefaults`. These all are encapsulated under ``-snes_type qn`` and may be changed with ``snes_qn_type``. The default is L-BFGS, which provides symmetric updates to an approximate Jacobian. This iteration is similar to the line search Newton methods. .. list-table:: PETSc quasi-Newton solvers :name: tab-qndefaults :header-rows: 1 * - QN Method - ``SNESQNType`` - Options Name - Default Line Search * - L-BFGS - ``SNES_QN_LBFGS`` - ``lbfgs`` - ``SNESLINESEARCHCP`` * - “Good” Broyden - ``SNES_QN_BROYDEN`` - ``broyden`` - ``SNESLINESEARCHBASIC`` (or equivalently ``SNESLINESEARCHNONE`` * - “Bad” Broyden - ``SNES_QN_BADBROYEN`` - ``badbroyden`` - ``SNESLINESEARCHL2`` One may also control the form of the initial Jacobian approximation with .. code-block:: SNESQNSetScaleType(SNES snes, SNESQNScaleType stype); and the restart type with .. code-block:: SNESQNSetRestartType(SNES snes, SNESQNRestartType rtype); The Full Approximation Scheme ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Full Approximation Scheme is a nonlinear multigrid correction. At each level, there is a recursive cycle control ``SNES`` instance, and either one or two nonlinear solvers as smoothers (up and down). Problems set up using the ``SNES`` ``DMDA`` interface are automatically coarsened. FAS differs slightly from ``PCMG``, in that the hierarchy is constructed recursively. However, much of the interface is a one-to-one map. We describe the “get” operations here, and it can be assumed that each has a corresponding “set” operation. For instance, the number of levels in the hierarchy may be retrieved using .. code-block:: SNESFASGetLevels(SNES snes, PetscInt *levels); There are four ``SNESFAS`` cycle types, ``SNES_FAS_MULTIPLICATIVE``, ``SNES_FAS_ADDITIVE``, ``SNES_FAS_FULL``, and ``SNES_FAS_KASKADE``. The type may be set with .. code-block:: SNESFASSetType(SNES snes,SNESFASType fastype);. and the cycle type, 1 for V, 2 for W, may be set with .. code-block:: SNESFASSetCycles(SNES snes, PetscInt cycles);. Much like the interface to ``PCMG`` described in :any:`sec_mg`, there are interfaces to recover the various levels’ cycles and smoothers. The level smoothers may be accessed with .. code-block:: SNESFASGetSmoother(SNES snes, PetscInt level, SNES *smooth); SNESFASGetSmootherUp(SNES snes, PetscInt level, SNES *smooth); SNESFASGetSmootherDown(SNES snes, PetscInt level, SNES *smooth); and the level cycles with .. code-block:: SNESFASGetCycleSNES(SNES snes,PetscInt level,SNES *lsnes);. Also akin to ``PCMG``, the restriction and prolongation at a level may be acquired with .. code-block:: SNESFASGetInterpolation(SNES snes, PetscInt level, Mat *mat); SNESFASGetRestriction(SNES snes, PetscInt level, Mat *mat); In addition, FAS requires special restriction for solution-like variables, called injection. This may be set with .. code-block:: SNESFASGetInjection(SNES snes, PetscInt level, Mat *mat);. The coarse solve context may be acquired with .. code-block:: SNESFASGetCoarseSolve(SNES snes, SNES *smooth); Nonlinear Additive Schwarz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Nonlinear Additive Schwarz methods (NASM) take a number of local nonlinear subproblems, solves them independently in parallel, and combines those solutions into a new approximate solution. .. code-block:: SNESNASMSetSubdomains(SNES snes,PetscInt n,SNES subsnes[],VecScatter iscatter[],VecScatter oscatter[],VecScatter gscatter[]); allows for the user to create these local subdomains. Problems set up using the ``SNES`` ``DMDA`` interface are automatically decomposed. To begin, the type of subdomain updates to the whole solution are limited to two types borrowed from ``PCASM``: ``PC_ASM_BASIC``, in which the overlapping updates added. ``PC_ASM_RESTRICT`` updates in a nonoverlapping fashion. This may be set with .. code-block:: SNESNASMSetType(SNES snes,PCASMType type);. ``SNESASPIN`` is a helper ``SNES`` type that sets up a nonlinearly preconditioned Newton’s method using NASM as the preconditioner. General Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section discusses options and routines that apply to all ``SNES`` solvers and problem classes. In particular, we focus on convergence tests, monitoring routines, and tools for checking derivative computations. .. _sec_snesconvergence: Convergence Tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Convergence of the nonlinear solvers can be detected in a variety of ways; the user can even specify a customized test, as discussed below. Most of the nonlinear solvers use ``SNESConvergenceTestDefault()``, however, ``SNESNEWTONTR`` uses a method-specific additional convergence test as well. The convergence tests involves several parameters, which are set by default to values that should be reasonable for a wide range of problems. The user can customize the parameters to the problem at hand by using some of the following routines and options. One method of convergence testing is to declare convergence when the norm of the change in the solution between successive iterations is less than some tolerance, ``stol``. Convergence can also be determined based on the norm of the function. Such a test can use either the absolute size of the norm, ``atol``, or its relative decrease, ``rtol``, from an initial guess. The following routine sets these parameters, which are used in many of the default ``SNES`` convergence tests: .. code-block:: SNESSetTolerances(SNES snes,PetscReal atol,PetscReal rtol,PetscReal stol, PetscInt its,PetscInt fcts); This routine also sets the maximum numbers of allowable nonlinear iterations, ``its``, and function evaluations, ``fcts``. The corresponding options database commands for setting these parameters are: * ``-snes_atol `` * ``-snes_rtol `` * ``-snes_stol `` * ``-snes_max_it `` * ``-snes_max_funcs `` A related routine is ``SNESGetTolerances()``. Convergence tests for trust regions methods often use an additional parameter that indicates the minimum allowable trust region radius. The user can set this parameter with the option ``-snes_tr_tol `` or with the routine .. code-block:: SNESSetTrustRegionTolerance(SNES snes,PetscReal trtol); Users can set their own customized convergence tests in ``SNES`` by using the command .. code-block:: SNESSetConvergenceTest(SNES snes,PetscErrorCode (*test)(SNES snes,PetscInt it,PetscReal xnorm, PetscReal gnorm,PetscReal f,SNESConvergedReason reason, void *cctx),void *cctx,PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(void *cctx)); The final argument of the convergence test routine, ``cctx``, denotes an optional user-defined context for private data. When solving systems of nonlinear equations, the arguments ``xnorm``, ``gnorm``, and ``f`` are the current iterate norm, current step norm, and function norm, respectively. ``SNESConvergedReason`` should be set positive for convergence and negative for divergence. See ``include/petscsnes.h`` for a list of values for ``SNESConvergedReason``. .. _sec_snesmonitor: Convergence Monitoring ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default the ``SNES`` solvers run silently without displaying information about the iterations. The user can initiate monitoring with the command .. code-block:: SNESMonitorSet(SNES snes,PetscErrorCode (*mon)(SNES,PetscInt its,PetscReal norm,void* mctx),void *mctx,PetscErrorCode (*monitordestroy)(void**)); The routine, ``mon``, indicates a user-defined monitoring routine, where ``its`` and ``mctx`` respectively denote the iteration number and an optional user-defined context for private data for the monitor routine. The argument ``norm`` is the function norm. The routine set by ``SNESMonitorSet()`` is called once after every successful step computation within the nonlinear solver. Hence, the user can employ this routine for any application-specific computations that should be done after the solution update. The option ``-snes_monitor`` activates the default ``SNES`` monitor routine, ``SNESMonitorDefault()``, while ``-snes_monitor_lg_residualnorm`` draws a simple line graph of the residual norm’s convergence. One can cancel hardwired monitoring routines for ``SNES`` at runtime with ``-snes_monitor_cancel``. As the Newton method converges so that the residual norm is small, say :math:`10^{-10}`, many of the final digits printed with the ``-snes_monitor`` option are meaningless. Worse, they are different on different machines; due to different round-off rules used by, say, the IBM RS6000 and the Sun SPARC. This makes testing between different machines difficult. The option ``-snes_monitor_short`` causes PETSc to print fewer of the digits of the residual norm as it gets smaller; thus on most of the machines it will always print the same numbers making cross-process testing easier. The routines .. code-block:: SNESGetSolution(SNES snes,Vec *x); SNESGetFunction(SNES snes,Vec *r,void *ctx,int(**func)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*)); return the solution vector and function vector from a ``SNES`` context. These routines are useful, for instance, if the convergence test requires some property of the solution or function other than those passed with routine arguments. .. _sec_snesderivs: Checking Accuracy of Derivatives ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Since hand-coding routines for Jacobian matrix evaluation can be error prone, ``SNES`` provides easy-to-use support for checking these matrices against finite difference versions. In the simplest form of comparison, users can employ the option ``-snes_test_jacobian`` to compare the matrices at several points. Although not exhaustive, this test will generally catch obvious problems. One can compare the elements of the two matrices by using the option ``-snes_test_jacobian_view`` , which causes the two matrices to be printed to the screen. Another means for verifying the correctness of a code for Jacobian computation is running the problem with either the finite difference or matrix-free variant, ``-snes_fd`` or ``-snes_mf``; see :any:`sec_fdmatrix` or :any:`sec_nlmatrixfree`. If a problem converges well with these matrix approximations but not with a user-provided routine, the problem probably lies with the hand-coded matrix. See the note in :any:`sec_snesjacobian` about assembling your Jabobian in the "preconditioner" slot ``Pmat``. The correctness of user provided ``MATSHELL`` Jacobians in general can be checked with ``MatShellTestMultTranspose()`` and ``MatShellTestMult()``. The correctness of user provided ``MATSHELL`` Jacobians via ``TSSetRHSJacobian()`` can be checked with ``TSRHSJacobianTestTranspose()`` and ``TSRHSJacobianTest()`` that check the correction of the matrix-transpose vector product and the matrix-product. From the command line, these can be checked with * ``-ts_rhs_jacobian_test_mult_transpose`` * ``-mat_shell_test_mult_transpose_view`` * ``-ts_rhs_jacobian_test_mult`` * ``-mat_shell_test_mult_view`` Inexact Newton-like Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since exact solution of the linear Newton systems within :math:numref:`newton` at each iteration can be costly, modifications are often introduced that significantly reduce these expenses and yet retain the rapid convergence of Newton’s method. Inexact or truncated Newton techniques approximately solve the linear systems using an iterative scheme. In comparison with using direct methods for solving the Newton systems, iterative methods have the virtue of requiring little space for matrix storage and potentially saving significant computational work. Within the class of inexact Newton methods, of particular interest are Newton-Krylov methods, where the subsidiary iterative technique for solving the Newton system is chosen from the class of Krylov subspace projection methods. Note that at runtime the user can set any of the linear solver options discussed in :any:`ch_ksp`, such as ``-ksp_type `` and ``-pc_type ``, to set the Krylov subspace and preconditioner methods. Two levels of iterations occur for the inexact techniques, where during each global or outer Newton iteration a sequence of subsidiary inner iterations of a linear solver is performed. Appropriate control of the accuracy to which the subsidiary iterative method solves the Newton system at each global iteration is critical, since these inner iterations determine the asymptotic convergence rate for inexact Newton techniques. While the Newton systems must be solved well enough to retain fast local convergence of the Newton’s iterates, use of excessive inner iterations, particularly when :math:`\| \mathbf{x}_k - \mathbf{x}_* \|` is large, is neither necessary nor economical. Thus, the number of required inner iterations typically increases as the Newton process progresses, so that the truncated iterates approach the true Newton iterates. A sequence of nonnegative numbers :math:`\{\eta_k\}` can be used to indicate the variable convergence criterion. In this case, when solving a system of nonlinear equations, the update step of the Newton process remains unchanged, and direct solution of the linear system is replaced by iteration on the system until the residuals .. math:: \mathbf{r}_k^{(i)} = \mathbf{F}'(\mathbf{x}_k) \Delta \mathbf{x}_k + \mathbf{F}(\mathbf{x}_k) satisfy .. math:: \frac{ \| \mathbf{r}_k^{(i)} \| }{ \| \mathbf{F}(\mathbf{x}_k) \| } \leq \eta_k \leq \eta < 1. Here :math:`\mathbf{x}_0` is an initial approximation of the solution, and :math:`\| \cdot \|` denotes an arbitrary norm in :math:`\Re^n` . By default a constant relative convergence tolerance is used for solving the subsidiary linear systems within the Newton-like methods of ``SNES``. When solving a system of nonlinear equations, one can instead employ the techniques of Eisenstat and Walker :cite:`ew96` to compute :math:`\eta_k` at each step of the nonlinear solver by using the option ``-snes_ksp_ew`` . In addition, by adding one’s own ``KSP`` convergence test (see :any:`sec_convergencetests`), one can easily create one’s own, problem-dependent, inner convergence tests. .. _sec_nlmatrixfree: Matrix-Free Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``SNES`` class fully supports matrix-free methods. The matrices specified in the Jacobian evaluation routine need not be conventional matrices; instead, they can point to the data required to implement a particular matrix-free method. The matrix-free variant is allowed *only* when the linear systems are solved by an iterative method in combination with no preconditioning (``PCNONE`` or ``-pc_type`` ``none``), a user-provided preconditioner matrix, or a user-provided preconditioner shell (``PCSHELL``, discussed in :any:`sec_pc`); that is, obviously matrix-free methods cannot be used with a direct solver, approximate factorization, or other preconditioner which requires access to explicit matrix entries. The user can create a matrix-free context for use within ``SNES`` with the routine .. code-block:: MatCreateSNESMF(SNES snes,Mat *mat); This routine creates the data structures needed for the matrix-vector products that arise within Krylov space iterative methods :cite:`brownsaad:90`. The default ``SNES`` matrix-free approximations can also be invoked with the command ``-snes_mf``. Or, one can retain the user-provided Jacobian preconditioner, but replace the user-provided Jacobian matrix with the default matrix-free variant with the option ``-snes_mf_operator``. ``MatCreateSNESMF()`` uses .. code-block:: MatCreateMFFD(Vec x, Mat *mat); which can also be used directly for users who need a matrix-free matrix but are not using ``SNES``. The user can set one parameter to control the Jacobian-vector product approximation with the command .. code-block:: MatMFFDSetFunctionError(Mat mat,PetscReal rerror); The parameter ``rerror`` should be set to the square root of the relative error in the function evaluations, :math:`e_{rel}`; the default is the square root of machine epsilon (about :math:`10^{-8}` in double precision), which assumes that the functions are evaluated to full floating-point precision accuracy. This parameter can also be set from the options database with ``-mat_mffd_err `` In addition, PETSc provides ways to register new routines to compute the differencing parameter (:math:`h`); see the manual page for ``MatMFFDSetType()`` and ``MatMFFDRegister()``. We currently provide two default routines accessible via ``-mat_mffd_type ``. For the default approach there is one “tuning” parameter, set with .. code-block:: MatMFFDDSSetUmin(Mat mat,PetscReal umin); This parameter, ``umin`` (or :math:`u_{min}`), is a bit involved; its default is :math:`10^{-6}` . Its command line form is ``-mat_mffd_umin ``. The Jacobian-vector product is approximated via the formula .. math:: F'(u) a \approx \frac{F(u + h*a) - F(u)}{h} where :math:`h` is computed via .. math:: h = e_{\text{rel}} \cdot \begin{cases} u^{T}a/\lVert a \rVert^2_2 & \text{if $|u^T a| > u_{\min} \lVert a \rVert_{1}$} \\ u_{\min} \operatorname{sign}(u^{T}a) \lVert a \rVert_{1}/\lVert a\rVert^2_2 & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} This approach is taken from Brown and Saad :cite:`brownsaad:90`. The second approach, taken from Walker and Pernice, :cite:`pw98`, computes :math:`h` via .. math:: \begin{aligned} h = \frac{\sqrt{1 + ||u||}e_{rel}}{||a||}\end{aligned} This has no tunable parameters, but note that inside the nonlinear solve for the entire *linear* iterative process :math:`u` does not change hence :math:`\sqrt{1 + ||u||}` need be computed only once. This information may be set with the options .. code-block:: MatMFFDWPSetComputeNormU(Mat mat,PetscBool ); or ``-mat_mffd_compute_normu ``. This information is used to eliminate the redundant computation of these parameters, therefore reducing the number of collective operations and improving the efficiency of the application code. This takes place automatically for the PETSc GMRES solver with left preconditioning. It is also possible to monitor the differencing parameters h that are computed via the routines .. code-block:: MatMFFDSetHHistory(Mat,PetscScalar *,int); MatMFFDResetHHistory(Mat,PetscScalar *,int); MatMFFDGetH(Mat,PetscScalar *); We include an explicit example of using matrix-free methods in :any:`ex3.c `. Note that by using the option ``-snes_mf`` one can easily convert any ``SNES`` code to use a matrix-free Newton-Krylov method without a preconditioner. As shown in this example, ``SNESSetFromOptions()`` must be called *after* ``SNESSetJacobian()`` to enable runtime switching between the user-specified Jacobian and the default ``SNES`` matrix-free form. .. _snes-ex3: .. admonition:: Listing: ``src/snes/tutorials/ex3.c`` .. literalinclude:: /../src/snes/tutorials/ex3.c :end-before: /*TEST Table :any:`tab-jacobians` summarizes the various matrix situations that ``SNES`` supports. In particular, different linear system matrices and preconditioning matrices are allowed, as well as both matrix-free and application-provided preconditioners. If :any:`ex3.c ` is run with the options ``-snes_mf`` and ``-user_precond`` then it uses a matrix-free application of the matrix-vector multiple and a user provided matrix-free Jacobian. .. list-table:: Jacobian Options :name: tab-jacobians * - Matrix Use - Conventional Matrix Formats - Matrix-free versions * - Jacobian Matrix - Create matrix with ``MatCreate()``:math:`^*`. Assemble matrix with user-defined routine :math:`^\dagger` - Create matrix with ``MatCreateShell()``. Use ``MatShellSetOperation()`` to set various matrix actions, or use ``MatCreateMFFD()`` or ``MatCreateSNESMF()``. * - Preconditioning Matrix - Create matrix with ``MatCreate()``:math:`^*`. Assemble matrix with user-defined routine :math:`^\dagger` - Use ``SNESGetKSP()`` and ``KSPGetPC()`` to access the ``PC``, then use ``PCSetType(pc, PCSHELL)`` followed by ``PCShellSetApply()``. | :math:`^*` Use either the generic ``MatCreate()`` or a format-specific variant such as ``MatCreateAIJ()``. | :math:`^\dagger` Set user-defined matrix formation routine with ``SNESSetJacobian()`` or with a ``DM`` variant such as ``DMDASNESSetJacobianLocal()`` SNES also provides some less well-integrated code to apply matrix-free finite differencing using an automatically computed measurement of the noise of the functions. This can be selected with ``-snes_mf_version 2``; it does not use ``MatCreateMFFD()`` but has similar options that start with ``-snes_mf_`` instead of ``-mat_mffd_``. Note that this alternative prefix **only** works for version 2 differencing. .. _sec_fdmatrix: Finite Difference Jacobian Approximations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PETSc provides some tools to help approximate the Jacobian matrices efficiently via finite differences. These tools are intended for use in certain situations where one is unable to compute Jacobian matrices analytically, and matrix-free methods do not work well without a preconditioner, due to very poor conditioning. The approximation requires several steps: - First, one colors the columns of the (not yet built) Jacobian matrix, so that columns of the same color do not share any common rows. - Next, one creates a ``MatFDColoring`` data structure that will be used later in actually computing the Jacobian. - Finally, one tells the nonlinear solvers of ``SNES`` to use the ``SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor()`` routine to compute the Jacobians. A code fragment that demonstrates this process is given below. .. code-block:: ISColoring iscoloring; MatFDColoring fdcoloring; MatColoring coloring; /* This initializes the nonzero structure of the Jacobian. This is artificial because clearly if we had a routine to compute the Jacobian we wouldn't need to use finite differences. */ FormJacobian(snes,x, &J, &J, &user); /* Color the matrix, i.e. determine groups of columns that share no common rows. These columns in the Jacobian can all be computed simultaneously. */ MatColoringCreate(J, &coloring); MatColoringSetType(coloring,MATCOLORINGSL); MatColoringSetFromOptions(coloring); MatColoringApply(coloring, &iscoloring); MatColoringDestroy(&coloring); /* Create the data structure that SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor() uses to compute the actual Jacobians via finite differences. */ MatFDColoringCreate(J,iscoloring, &fdcoloring); ISColoringDestroy(&iscoloring); MatFDColoringSetFunction(fdcoloring,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void))FormFunction, &user); MatFDColoringSetFromOptions(fdcoloring); /* Tell SNES to use the routine SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor() to compute Jacobians. */ SNESSetJacobian(snes,J,J,SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor,fdcoloring); Of course, we are cheating a bit. If we do not have an analytic formula for computing the Jacobian, then how do we know what its nonzero structure is so that it may be colored? Determining the structure is problem dependent, but fortunately, for most structured grid problems (the class of problems for which PETSc was originally designed) if one knows the stencil used for the nonlinear function one can usually fairly easily obtain an estimate of the location of nonzeros in the matrix. This is harder in the unstructured case, but one typically knows where the nonzero entries are from the mesh topology and distribution of degrees of freedom. If using ``DMPlex`` (:any:`ch_unstructured`) for unstructured meshes, the nonzero locations will be identified in ``DMCreateMatrix()`` and the procedure above can be used. Most external packages for unstructured meshes have similar functionality. One need not necessarily use a ``MatColoring`` object to determine a coloring. For example, if a grid can be colored directly (without using the associated matrix), then that coloring can be provided to ``MatFDColoringCreate()``. Note that the user must always preset the nonzero structure in the matrix regardless of which coloring routine is used. PETSc provides the following coloring algorithms, which can be selected using ``MatColoringSetType()`` or via the command line argument ``-mat_coloring_type``. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Algorithm - ``MatColoringType`` - ``-mat_coloring_type`` - Parallel * - smallest-last :cite:`more84` - ``MATCOLORINGSL`` - ``sl`` - No * - largest-first :cite:`more84` - ``MATCOLORINGLF`` - ``lf`` - No * - incidence-degree :cite:`more84` - ``MATCOLORINGID`` - ``id`` - No * - Jones-Plassmann :cite:`jp:pcolor` - ``MATCOLORINGJP`` - ``jp`` - Yes * - Greedy - ``MATCOLORINGGREEDY`` - ``greedy`` - Yes * - Natural (1 color per column) - ``MATCOLORINGNATURAL`` - ``natural`` - Yes * - Power (:math:`A^k` followed by 1-coloring) - ``MATCOLORINGPOWER`` - ``power`` - Yes As for the matrix-free computation of Jacobians (:any:`sec_nlmatrixfree`), two parameters affect the accuracy of the finite difference Jacobian approximation. These are set with the command .. code-block:: MatFDColoringSetParameters(MatFDColoring fdcoloring,PetscReal rerror,PetscReal umin); The parameter ``rerror`` is the square root of the relative error in the function evaluations, :math:`e_{rel}`; the default is the square root of machine epsilon (about :math:`10^{-8}` in double precision), which assumes that the functions are evaluated approximately to floating-point precision accuracy. The second parameter, ``umin``, is a bit more involved; its default is :math:`10e^{-6}` . Column :math:`i` of the Jacobian matrix (denoted by :math:`F_{:i}`) is approximated by the formula .. math:: F'_{:i} \approx \frac{F(u + h*dx_{i}) - F(u)}{h} where :math:`h` is computed via: .. math:: h = e_{\text{rel}} \cdot \begin{cases} u_{i} & \text{if $|u_{i}| > u_{\min}$} \\ u_{\min} \cdot \operatorname{sign}(u_{i}) & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} for ``MATMFFD_DS`` or: .. math:: h = e_{\text{rel}} \sqrt(\|u\|) for ``MATMFFD_WP`` (default). These parameters may be set from the options database with :: -mat_fd_coloring_err -mat_fd_coloring_umin -mat_fd_type Note that ``MatColoring`` type ``MATCOLORINGSL``, ``MATCOLORINGLF``, and ``MATCOLORINGID`` are sequential algorithms. ``MATCOLORINGJP`` and ``MATCOLORINGGREEDY`` are parallel algorithms, although in practice they may create more colors than the sequential algorithms. If one computes the coloring ``iscoloring`` reasonably with a parallel algorithm or by knowledge of the discretization, the routine ``MatFDColoringCreate()`` is scalable. An example of this for 2D distributed arrays is given below that uses the utility routine ``DMCreateColoring()``. .. code-block:: DMCreateColoring(da,IS_COLORING_GHOSTED, &iscoloring); MatFDColoringCreate(J,iscoloring, &fdcoloring); MatFDColoringSetFromOptions(fdcoloring); ISColoringDestroy( &iscoloring); Note that the routine ``MatFDColoringCreate()`` currently is only supported for the AIJ and BAIJ matrix formats. .. _sec_vi: Variational Inequalities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``SNES`` can also solve (differential) variational inequalities with box (bound) constraints. These are nonlinear algebraic systems with additional inequality constraints on some or all of the variables: :math:`L_i \le u_i \le H_i`. For example, the pressure variable cannot be negative. Some, or all, of the lower bounds may be negative infinity (indicated to PETSc with ``SNES_VI_NINF``) and some, or all, of the upper bounds may be infinity (indicated by ``SNES_VI_INF``). The commands .. code-block:: SNESVISetVariableBounds(SNES,Vec L,Vec H); SNESVISetComputeVariableBounds(SNES snes, PetscErrorCode (*compute)(SNES,Vec,Vec)) are used to indicate that one is solving a variational inequality. Problems with box constraints can be solved with the reduced space, `SNESVINEWTONRSLS`, and semi-smooth `SNESVINEWTONSSLS` solvers. The option ``-snes_vi_monitor`` turns on extra monitoring of the active set associated with the bounds and ``-snes_vi_type`` allows selecting from several VI solvers, the default is preferred. ``SNESLineSearchSetPreCheck()`` and ``SNESLineSearchSetPostCheck()`` can also be used to control properties of the steps selected by `SNES`. .. _sec_snespc: Nonlinear Preconditioning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The mathematical framework of nonlinear preconditioning is explained in detail in :cite:`bruneknepleysmithtu15`. Nonlinear preconditioning in PETSc involves the use of an inner ``SNES`` instance to define the step for an outer ``SNES`` instance. The inner instance may be extracted using .. code-block:: SNESGetNPC(SNES snes,SNES *npc); and passed run-time options using the ``-npc_`` prefix. Nonlinear preconditioning comes in two flavors: left and right. The side may be changed using ``-snes_npc_side`` or ``SNESSetNPCSide()``. Left nonlinear preconditioning redefines the nonlinear function as the action of the nonlinear preconditioner :math:`\mathbf{M}`; .. math:: \mathbf{F}_{M}(x) = \mathbf{M}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{b}) - \mathbf{x}. Right nonlinear preconditioning redefines the nonlinear function as the function on the action of the nonlinear preconditioner; .. math:: \mathbf{F}(\mathbf{M}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{b})) = \mathbf{b}, which can be interpreted as putting the preconditioner into “striking distance” of the solution by outer acceleration. In addition, basic patterns of solver composition are available with the ``SNESType`` ``SNESCOMPOSITE``. This allows for two or more ``SNES`` instances to be combined additively or multiplicatively. By command line, a set of ``SNES`` types may be given by comma separated list argument to ``-snes_composite_sneses``. There are additive (``SNES_COMPOSITE_ADDITIVE``), additive with optimal damping (``SNES_COMPOSITE_ADDITIVEOPTIMAL``), and multiplicative (``SNES_COMPOSITE_MULTIPLICATIVE``) variants which may be set with .. code-block:: SNESCompositeSetType(SNES,SNESCompositeType); New subsolvers may be added to the composite solver with .. code-block:: SNESCompositeAddSNES(SNES,SNESType); and accessed with .. code-block:: SNESCompositeGetSNES(SNES,PetscInt,SNES *); .. bibliography:: /petsc.bib :filter: docname in docnames