Actual source code: jacobi.c

  1: /*
  2:      This file implements a Jacobi preconditioner in PETSc as part of PC.
  3:      You can use this as a starting point for implementing your own
  4:      preconditioner that is not provided with PETSc. (You might also consider
  5:      just using PCSHELL)

  7:      The following basic routines are required for each preconditioner.
  8:           PCCreate_XXX()          - Creates a preconditioner context
  9:           PCSetFromOptions_XXX()  - Sets runtime options
 10:           PCApply_XXX()           - Applies the preconditioner
 11:           PCDestroy_XXX()         - Destroys the preconditioner context
 12:      where the suffix "_XXX" denotes a particular implementation, in
 13:      this case we use _Jacobi (e.g., PCCreate_Jacobi, PCApply_Jacobi).
 14:      These routines are actually called via the common user interface
 15:      routines PCCreate(), PCSetFromOptions(), PCApply(), and PCDestroy(),
 16:      so the application code interface remains identical for all
 17:      preconditioners.

 19:      Another key routine is:
 20:           PCSetUp_XXX()           - Prepares for the use of a preconditioner
 21:      by setting data structures and options.   The interface routine PCSetUp()
 22:      is not usually called directly by the user, but instead is called by
 23:      PCApply() if necessary.

 25:      Additional basic routines are:
 26:           PCView_XXX()            - Prints details of runtime options that
 27:                                     have actually been used.
 28:      These are called by application codes via the interface routines
 29:      PCView().

 31:      The various types of solvers (preconditioners, Krylov subspace methods,
 32:      nonlinear solvers, timesteppers) are all organized similarly, so the
 33:      above description applies to these categories also.  One exception is
 34:      that the analogues of PCApply() for these components are KSPSolve(),
 35:      SNESSolve(), and TSSolve().

 37:      Additional optional functionality unique to preconditioners is left and
 38:      right symmetric preconditioner application via PCApplySymmetricLeft()
 39:      and PCApplySymmetricRight().  The Jacobi implementation is
 40:      PCApplySymmetricLeftOrRight_Jacobi().
 41: */

 43: /*
 44:    Include files needed for the Jacobi preconditioner:
 45:      pcimpl.h - private include file intended for use by all preconditioners
 46: */

 48: #include <petsc/private/pcimpl.h>

 50: const char *const PCJacobiTypes[] = {"DIAGONAL", "ROWMAX", "ROWSUM", "PCJacobiType", "PC_JACOBI_", NULL};

 52: /*
 53:    Private context (data structure) for the Jacobi preconditioner.
 54: */
 55: typedef struct {
 56:   Vec       diag;      /* vector containing the reciprocals of the diagonal elements of the preconditioner matrix */
 57:   Vec       diagsqrt;  /* vector containing the reciprocals of the square roots of
 58:                                     the diagonal elements of the preconditioner matrix (used
 59:                                     only for symmetric preconditioner application) */
 60:   PetscBool userowmax; /* set with PCJacobiSetType() */
 61:   PetscBool userowsum;
 62:   PetscBool useabs;  /* use the absolute values of the diagonal entries */
 63:   PetscBool fixdiag; /* fix zero diagonal terms */
 64: } PC_Jacobi;

 66: static PetscErrorCode PCReset_Jacobi(PC);

 68: static PetscErrorCode PCJacobiSetType_Jacobi(PC pc, PCJacobiType type)
 69: {
 70:   PC_Jacobi   *j = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;
 71:   PCJacobiType old_type;

 73:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 74:   PetscCall(PCJacobiGetType(pc, &old_type));
 75:   if (old_type == type) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 76:   PetscCall(PCReset_Jacobi(pc));
 77:   j->userowmax = PETSC_FALSE;
 78:   j->userowsum = PETSC_FALSE;
 79:   if (type == PC_JACOBI_ROWMAX) {
 80:     j->userowmax = PETSC_TRUE;
 81:   } else if (type == PC_JACOBI_ROWSUM) {
 82:     j->userowsum = PETSC_TRUE;
 83:   }
 84:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 85: }

 87: static PetscErrorCode PCJacobiGetType_Jacobi(PC pc, PCJacobiType *type)
 88: {
 89:   PC_Jacobi *j = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;

 91:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 92:   if (j->userowmax) {
 93:     *type = PC_JACOBI_ROWMAX;
 94:   } else if (j->userowsum) {
 95:     *type = PC_JACOBI_ROWSUM;
 96:   } else {
 97:     *type = PC_JACOBI_DIAGONAL;
 98:   }
 99:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
100: }

102: static PetscErrorCode PCJacobiSetUseAbs_Jacobi(PC pc, PetscBool flg)
103: {
104:   PC_Jacobi *j = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;

106:   PetscFunctionBegin;
107:   j->useabs = flg;
108:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
109: }

111: static PetscErrorCode PCJacobiGetUseAbs_Jacobi(PC pc, PetscBool *flg)
112: {
113:   PC_Jacobi *j = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;

115:   PetscFunctionBegin;
116:   *flg = j->useabs;
117:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
118: }

120: static PetscErrorCode PCJacobiSetFixDiagonal_Jacobi(PC pc, PetscBool flg)
121: {
122:   PC_Jacobi *j = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;

124:   PetscFunctionBegin;
125:   j->fixdiag = flg;
126:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
127: }

129: static PetscErrorCode PCJacobiGetFixDiagonal_Jacobi(PC pc, PetscBool *flg)
130: {
131:   PC_Jacobi *j = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;

133:   PetscFunctionBegin;
134:   *flg = j->fixdiag;
135:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
136: }

138: /*
139:    PCSetUp_Jacobi - Prepares for the use of the Jacobi preconditioner
140:                     by setting data structures and options.

142:    Input Parameter:
143: .  pc - the preconditioner context

145:    Application Interface Routine: PCSetUp()

147:    Note:
148:    The interface routine PCSetUp() is not usually called directly by
149:    the user, but instead is called by PCApply() if necessary.
150: */
151: static PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_Jacobi(PC pc)
152: {
153:   PC_Jacobi   *jac = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;
154:   Vec          diag, diagsqrt;
155:   PetscInt     n, i;
156:   PetscScalar *x;
157:   PetscBool    zeroflag = PETSC_FALSE;

159:   PetscFunctionBegin;
160:   /*
161:        For most preconditioners the code would begin here something like

163:   if (pc->setupcalled == 0) { allocate space the first time this is ever called
164:     PetscCall(MatCreateVecs(pc->mat,&jac->diag));
165:   }

167:     But for this preconditioner we want to support use of both the matrix' diagonal
168:     elements (for left or right preconditioning) and square root of diagonal elements
169:     (for symmetric preconditioning).  Hence we do not allocate space here, since we
170:     don't know at this point which will be needed (diag and/or diagsqrt) until the user
171:     applies the preconditioner, and we don't want to allocate BOTH unless we need
172:     them both.  Thus, the diag and diagsqrt are allocated in PCSetUp_Jacobi_NonSymmetric()
173:     and PCSetUp_Jacobi_Symmetric(), respectively.
174:   */

176:   /*
177:     Here we set up the preconditioner; that is, we copy the diagonal values from
178:     the matrix and put them into a format to make them quick to apply as a preconditioner.
179:   */
180:   diag     = jac->diag;
181:   diagsqrt = jac->diagsqrt;

183:   if (diag) {
184:     PetscBool isset, isspd;

186:     if (jac->userowmax) {
187:       PetscCall(MatGetRowMaxAbs(pc->pmat, diag, NULL));
188:     } else if (jac->userowsum) {
189:       PetscCall(MatGetRowSum(pc->pmat, diag));
190:     } else {
191:       PetscCall(MatGetDiagonal(pc->pmat, diag));
192:     }
193:     PetscCall(VecReciprocal(diag));
194:     if (jac->useabs) PetscCall(VecAbs(diag));
195:     PetscCall(MatIsSPDKnown(pc->pmat, &isset, &isspd));
196:     if (jac->fixdiag && (!isset || !isspd)) {
197:       PetscCall(VecGetLocalSize(diag, &n));
198:       PetscCall(VecGetArray(diag, &x));
199:       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
200:         if (x[i] == 0.0) {
201:           x[i]     = 1.0;
202:           zeroflag = PETSC_TRUE;
203:         }
204:       }
205:       PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(diag, &x));
206:     }
207:   }
208:   if (diagsqrt) {
209:     if (jac->userowmax) {
210:       PetscCall(MatGetRowMaxAbs(pc->pmat, diagsqrt, NULL));
211:     } else if (jac->userowsum) {
212:       PetscCall(MatGetRowSum(pc->pmat, diagsqrt));
213:     } else {
214:       PetscCall(MatGetDiagonal(pc->pmat, diagsqrt));
215:     }
216:     PetscCall(VecGetLocalSize(diagsqrt, &n));
217:     PetscCall(VecGetArray(diagsqrt, &x));
218:     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
219:       if (x[i] != 0.0) x[i] = 1.0 / PetscSqrtReal(PetscAbsScalar(x[i]));
220:       else {
221:         x[i]     = 1.0;
222:         zeroflag = PETSC_TRUE;
223:       }
224:     }
225:     PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(diagsqrt, &x));
226:   }
227:   if (zeroflag) PetscCall(PetscInfo(pc, "Zero detected in diagonal of matrix, using 1 at those locations\n"));
228:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
229: }

231: /*
232:    PCSetUp_Jacobi_Symmetric - Allocates the vector needed to store the
233:    inverse of the square root of the diagonal entries of the matrix.  This
234:    is used for symmetric application of the Jacobi preconditioner.

236:    Input Parameter:
237: .  pc - the preconditioner context
238: */
239: static PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_Jacobi_Symmetric(PC pc)
240: {
241:   PC_Jacobi *jac = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;

243:   PetscFunctionBegin;
244:   PetscCall(MatCreateVecs(pc->pmat, &jac->diagsqrt, NULL));
245:   PetscCall(PCSetUp_Jacobi(pc));
246:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
247: }

249: /*
250:    PCSetUp_Jacobi_NonSymmetric - Allocates the vector needed to store the
251:    inverse of the diagonal entries of the matrix.  This is used for left of
252:    right application of the Jacobi preconditioner.

254:    Input Parameter:
255: .  pc - the preconditioner context
256: */
257: static PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_Jacobi_NonSymmetric(PC pc)
258: {
259:   PC_Jacobi *jac = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;

261:   PetscFunctionBegin;
262:   PetscCall(MatCreateVecs(pc->pmat, &jac->diag, NULL));
263:   PetscCall(PCSetUp_Jacobi(pc));
264:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
265: }

267: /*
268:    PCApply_Jacobi - Applies the Jacobi preconditioner to a vector.

270:    Input Parameters:
271: .  pc - the preconditioner context
272: .  x - input vector

274:    Output Parameter:
275: .  y - output vector

277:    Application Interface Routine: PCApply()
278:  */
279: static PetscErrorCode PCApply_Jacobi(PC pc, Vec x, Vec y)
280: {
281:   PC_Jacobi *jac = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;

283:   PetscFunctionBegin;
284:   if (!jac->diag) PetscCall(PCSetUp_Jacobi_NonSymmetric(pc));
285:   PetscCall(VecPointwiseMult(y, x, jac->diag));
286:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
287: }

289: /*
290:    PCApplySymmetricLeftOrRight_Jacobi - Applies the left or right part of a
291:    symmetric preconditioner to a vector.

293:    Input Parameters:
294: .  pc - the preconditioner context
295: .  x - input vector

297:    Output Parameter:
298: .  y - output vector

300:    Application Interface Routines: PCApplySymmetricLeft(), PCApplySymmetricRight()
301: */
302: static PetscErrorCode PCApplySymmetricLeftOrRight_Jacobi(PC pc, Vec x, Vec y)
303: {
304:   PC_Jacobi *jac = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;

306:   PetscFunctionBegin;
307:   if (!jac->diagsqrt) PetscCall(PCSetUp_Jacobi_Symmetric(pc));
308:   PetscCall(VecPointwiseMult(y, x, jac->diagsqrt));
309:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
310: }

312: static PetscErrorCode PCReset_Jacobi(PC pc)
313: {
314:   PC_Jacobi *jac = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;

316:   PetscFunctionBegin;
317:   PetscCall(VecDestroy(&jac->diag));
318:   PetscCall(VecDestroy(&jac->diagsqrt));
319:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
320: }

322: /*
323:    PCDestroy_Jacobi - Destroys the private context for the Jacobi preconditioner
324:    that was created with PCCreate_Jacobi().

326:    Input Parameter:
327: .  pc - the preconditioner context

329:    Application Interface Routine: PCDestroy()
330: */
331: static PetscErrorCode PCDestroy_Jacobi(PC pc)
332: {
333:   PetscFunctionBegin;
334:   PetscCall(PCReset_Jacobi(pc));
335:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiSetType_C", NULL));
336:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiGetType_C", NULL));
337:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiSetUseAbs_C", NULL));
338:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiGetUseAbs_C", NULL));
339:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiSetFixDiagonal_C", NULL));
340:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiGetFixDiagonal_C", NULL));

342:   /*
343:       Free the private data structure that was hanging off the PC
344:   */
345:   PetscCall(PetscFree(pc->data));
346:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
347: }

349: static PetscErrorCode PCSetFromOptions_Jacobi(PC pc, PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
350: {
351:   PC_Jacobi   *jac = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;
352:   PetscBool    flg;
353:   PCJacobiType deflt, type;

355:   PetscFunctionBegin;
356:   PetscCall(PCJacobiGetType(pc, &deflt));
357:   PetscOptionsHeadBegin(PetscOptionsObject, "Jacobi options");
358:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsEnum("-pc_jacobi_type", "How to construct diagonal matrix", "PCJacobiSetType", PCJacobiTypes, (PetscEnum)deflt, (PetscEnum *)&type, &flg));
359:   if (flg) PetscCall(PCJacobiSetType(pc, type));
360:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-pc_jacobi_abs", "Use absolute values of diagonal entries", "PCJacobiSetUseAbs", jac->useabs, &jac->useabs, NULL));
361:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-pc_jacobi_fixdiagonal", "Fix null terms on diagonal", "PCJacobiSetFixDiagonal", jac->fixdiag, &jac->fixdiag, NULL));
362:   PetscOptionsHeadEnd();
363:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
364: }

366: static PetscErrorCode PCView_Jacobi(PC pc, PetscViewer viewer)
367: {
368:   PC_Jacobi *jac = (PC_Jacobi *)pc->data;
369:   PetscBool  iascii;

371:   PetscFunctionBegin;
372:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer, PETSCVIEWERASCII, &iascii));
373:   if (iascii) {
374:     PCJacobiType      type;
375:     PetscBool         useAbs, fixdiag;
376:     PetscViewerFormat format;

378:     PetscCall(PCJacobiGetType(pc, &type));
379:     PetscCall(PCJacobiGetUseAbs(pc, &useAbs));
380:     PetscCall(PCJacobiGetFixDiagonal(pc, &fixdiag));
381:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "  type %s%s%s\n", PCJacobiTypes[type], useAbs ? ", using absolute value of entries" : "", !fixdiag ? ", not checking null diagonal entries" : ""));
382:     PetscCall(PetscViewerGetFormat(viewer, &format));
383:     if (format == PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_INFO_DETAIL && jac->diag) PetscCall(VecView(jac->diag, viewer));
384:   }
385:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
386: }

388: /*
389:    PCCreate_Jacobi - Creates a Jacobi preconditioner context, PC_Jacobi,
390:    and sets this as the private data within the generic preconditioning
391:    context, PC, that was created within PCCreate().

393:    Input Parameter:
394: .  pc - the preconditioner context

396:    Application Interface Routine: PCCreate()
397: */

399: /*MC
400:      PCJACOBI - Jacobi (i.e. diagonal scaling preconditioning)

402:    Options Database Keys:
403: +    -pc_jacobi_type <diagonal,rowmax,rowsum> - approach for forming the preconditioner
404: .    -pc_jacobi_abs - use the absolute value of the diagonal entry
405: -    -pc_jacobi_fixdiag - fix for zero diagonal terms by placing 1.0 in those locations

407:    Level: beginner

409:   Notes:
410:     By using `KSPSetPCSide`(ksp,`PC_SYMMETRIC`) or -ksp_pc_side symmetric
411:     can scale each side of the matrix by the square root of the diagonal entries.

413:     Zero entries along the diagonal are replaced with the value 1.0

415:     See `PCPBJACOBI` for fixed-size point block, `PCVPBJACOBI` for variable-sized point block, and `PCBJACOBI` for large size blocks

417: .seealso:  `PCCreate()`, `PCSetType()`, `PCType`, `PC`,
418:            `PCJacobiSetType()`, `PCJacobiSetUseAbs()`, `PCJacobiGetUseAbs()`, `PCASM`,
419:            `PCJacobiSetFixDiagonal()`, `PCJacobiGetFixDiagonal()`
420:            `PCJacobiSetType()`, `PCJacobiSetUseAbs()`, `PCJacobiGetUseAbs()`, `PCPBJACOBI`, `PCBJACOBI`, `PCVPBJACOBI`
421: M*/

423: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PCCreate_Jacobi(PC pc)
424: {
425:   PC_Jacobi *jac;

427:   PetscFunctionBegin;
428:   /*
429:      Creates the private data structure for this preconditioner and
430:      attach it to the PC object.
431:   */
432:   PetscCall(PetscNew(&jac));
433:   pc->data = (void *)jac;

435:   /*
436:      Initialize the pointers to vectors to ZERO; these will be used to store
437:      diagonal entries of the matrix for fast preconditioner application.
438:   */
439:   jac->diag      = NULL;
440:   jac->diagsqrt  = NULL;
441:   jac->userowmax = PETSC_FALSE;
442:   jac->userowsum = PETSC_FALSE;
443:   jac->useabs    = PETSC_FALSE;
444:   jac->fixdiag   = PETSC_TRUE;

446:   /*
447:       Set the pointers for the functions that are provided above.
448:       Now when the user-level routines (such as PCApply(), PCDestroy(), etc.)
449:       are called, they will automatically call these functions.  Note we
450:       choose not to provide a couple of these functions since they are
451:       not needed.
452:   */
453:   pc->ops->apply               = PCApply_Jacobi;
454:   pc->ops->applytranspose      = PCApply_Jacobi;
455:   pc->ops->setup               = PCSetUp_Jacobi;
456:   pc->ops->reset               = PCReset_Jacobi;
457:   pc->ops->destroy             = PCDestroy_Jacobi;
458:   pc->ops->setfromoptions      = PCSetFromOptions_Jacobi;
459:   pc->ops->view                = PCView_Jacobi;
460:   pc->ops->applyrichardson     = NULL;
461:   pc->ops->applysymmetricleft  = PCApplySymmetricLeftOrRight_Jacobi;
462:   pc->ops->applysymmetricright = PCApplySymmetricLeftOrRight_Jacobi;

464:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiSetType_C", PCJacobiSetType_Jacobi));
465:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiGetType_C", PCJacobiGetType_Jacobi));
466:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiSetUseAbs_C", PCJacobiSetUseAbs_Jacobi));
467:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiGetUseAbs_C", PCJacobiGetUseAbs_Jacobi));
468:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiSetFixDiagonal_C", PCJacobiSetFixDiagonal_Jacobi));
469:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCJacobiGetFixDiagonal_C", PCJacobiGetFixDiagonal_Jacobi));
470:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
471: }

473: /*@
474:   PCJacobiSetUseAbs - Causes the Jacobi preconditioner `PCJACOBI` to use the
475:   absolute values of the diagonal divisors in the preconditioner

477:   Logically Collective

479:   Input Parameters:
480: + pc  - the preconditioner context
481: - flg - whether to use absolute values or not

483:   Options Database Key:
484: . -pc_jacobi_abs <bool> - use absolute values

486:   Note:
487:   This takes affect at the next construction of the preconditioner

489:   Level: intermediate

491: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCJACOBI`, `PCJacobiaSetType()`, `PCJacobiGetUseAbs()`
492: @*/
493: PetscErrorCode PCJacobiSetUseAbs(PC pc, PetscBool flg)
494: {
495:   PetscFunctionBegin;
497:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCJacobiSetUseAbs_C", (PC, PetscBool), (pc, flg));
498:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
499: }

501: /*@
502:   PCJacobiGetUseAbs - Determines if the Jacobi preconditioner `PCJACOBI` uses the
503:   absolute values of the diagonal divisors in the preconditioner

505:   Logically Collective

507:   Input Parameter:
508: . pc - the preconditioner context

510:   Output Parameter:
511: . flg - whether to use absolute values or not

513:   Level: intermediate

515: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCJACOBI`, `PCJacobiaSetType()`, `PCJacobiSetUseAbs()`, `PCJacobiGetType()`
516: @*/
517: PetscErrorCode PCJacobiGetUseAbs(PC pc, PetscBool *flg)
518: {
519:   PetscFunctionBegin;
521:   PetscUseMethod(pc, "PCJacobiGetUseAbs_C", (PC, PetscBool *), (pc, flg));
522:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
523: }

525: /*@
526:   PCJacobiSetFixDiagonal - Check for zero values on the diagonal and replace them with 1.0

528:   Logically Collective

530:   Input Parameters:
531: + pc  - the preconditioner context
532: - flg - the boolean flag

534:   Options Database Key:
535: . -pc_jacobi_fixdiagonal <bool> - check for zero values on the diagonal

537:   Note:
538:   This takes affect at the next construction of the preconditioner

540:   Level: intermediate

542: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCJACOBI`, `PCJacobiSetType()`, `PCJacobiGetFixDiagonal()`, `PCJacobiSetUseAbs()`
543: @*/
544: PetscErrorCode PCJacobiSetFixDiagonal(PC pc, PetscBool flg)
545: {
546:   PetscFunctionBegin;
548:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCJacobiSetFixDiagonal_C", (PC, PetscBool), (pc, flg));
549:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
550: }

552: /*@
553:   PCJacobiGetFixDiagonal - Determines if the Jacobi preconditioner `PCJACOBI` checks for zero diagonal terms

555:   Logically Collective

557:   Input Parameter:
558: . pc - the preconditioner context

560:   Output Parameter:
561: . flg - the boolean flag

563:   Options Database Key:
564: . -pc_jacobi_fixdiagonal <bool> - Fix 0 terms on diagonal by using 1

566:   Level: intermediate

568: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCJACOBI`, `PCJacobiSetType()`, `PCJacobiSetFixDiagonal()`
569: @*/
570: PetscErrorCode PCJacobiGetFixDiagonal(PC pc, PetscBool *flg)
571: {
572:   PetscFunctionBegin;
574:   PetscUseMethod(pc, "PCJacobiGetFixDiagonal_C", (PC, PetscBool *), (pc, flg));
575:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
576: }

578: /*@
579:   PCJacobiSetType - Causes the Jacobi preconditioner to use either the diagonal, the maximum entry in each row,
580:   of the sum of rows entries for the diagonal preconditioner

582:   Logically Collective

584:   Input Parameters:
585: + pc   - the preconditioner context

588:   Options Database Key:
589: . -pc_jacobi_type <diagonal,rowmax,rowsum> - the type of diagonal matrix to use for Jacobi

591:   Level: intermediate

593:   Developer Notes:
594:   Why is there a separate function for using the absolute value?

596: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCJACOBI`, `PCJacobiSetUseAbs()`, `PCJacobiGetType()`
597: @*/
598: PetscErrorCode PCJacobiSetType(PC pc, PCJacobiType type)
599: {
600:   PetscFunctionBegin;
602:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCJacobiSetType_C", (PC, PCJacobiType), (pc, type));
603:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
604: }

606: /*@
607:   PCJacobiGetType - Gets how the diagonal matrix is produced for the preconditioner

609:   Not Collective

611:   Input Parameter:
612: . pc - the preconditioner context

614:   Output Parameter:

617:   Level: intermediate

619: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCJACOBI`, `PCJacobiaUseAbs()`, `PCJacobiSetType()`
620: @*/
621: PetscErrorCode PCJacobiGetType(PC pc, PCJacobiType *type)
622: {
623:   PetscFunctionBegin;
625:   PetscUseMethod(pc, "PCJacobiGetType_C", (PC, PCJacobiType *), (pc, type));
626:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
627: }