Actual source code: amgx.cxx

  1: /*
  2:      This file implements an AmgX preconditioner in PETSc as part of PC.
  3:  */

  5: /*
  6:    Include files needed for the AmgX preconditioner:
  7:      pcimpl.h - private include file intended for use by all preconditioners
  8: */

 10: #include <petsc/private/pcimpl.h>
 11: #include <petscdevice_cuda.h>
 12: #include <amgx_c.h>
 13: #include <limits>
 14: #include <vector>
 15: #include <algorithm>
 16: #include <map>
 17: #include <numeric>
 18: #include "cuda_runtime.h"

 20: enum class AmgXSmoother {
 21:   PCG,
 22:   PCGF,
 23:   PBiCGStab,
 24:   GMRES,
 25:   FGMRES,
 26:   JacobiL1,
 27:   BlockJacobi,
 28:   GS,
 29:   MulticolorGS,
 30:   MulticolorILU,
 31:   MulticolorDILU,
 32:   ChebyshevPoly,
 33:   NoSolver
 34: };
 35: enum class AmgXAMGMethod {
 36:   Classical,
 37:   Aggregation
 38: };
 39: enum class AmgXSelector {
 40:   Size2,
 41:   Size4,
 42:   Size8,
 43:   MultiPairwise,
 44:   PMIS,
 45:   HMIS
 46: };
 47: enum class AmgXCoarseSolver {
 48:   DenseLU,
 49:   NoSolver
 50: };
 51: enum class AmgXAMGCycle {
 52:   V,
 53:   W,
 54:   F,
 55:   CG,
 56:   CGF
 57: };

 59: struct AmgXControlMap {
 60:   static const std::map<std::string, AmgXAMGMethod>    AMGMethods;
 61:   static const std::map<std::string, AmgXSmoother>     Smoothers;
 62:   static const std::map<std::string, AmgXSelector>     Selectors;
 63:   static const std::map<std::string, AmgXCoarseSolver> CoarseSolvers;
 64:   static const std::map<std::string, AmgXAMGCycle>     AMGCycles;
 65: };

 67: const std::map<std::string, AmgXAMGMethod> AmgXControlMap::AMGMethods = {
 68:   {"CLASSICAL",   AmgXAMGMethod::Classical  },
 69:   {"AGGREGATION", AmgXAMGMethod::Aggregation}
 70: };

 72: const std::map<std::string, AmgXSmoother> AmgXControlMap::Smoothers = {
 73:   {"PCG",             AmgXSmoother::PCG           },
 74:   {"PCGF",            AmgXSmoother::PCGF          },
 75:   {"PBICGSTAB",       AmgXSmoother::PBiCGStab     },
 76:   {"GMRES",           AmgXSmoother::GMRES         },
 77:   {"FGMRES",          AmgXSmoother::FGMRES        },
 78:   {"JACOBI_L1",       AmgXSmoother::JacobiL1      },
 79:   {"BLOCK_JACOBI",    AmgXSmoother::BlockJacobi   },
 80:   {"GS",              AmgXSmoother::GS            },
 81:   {"MULTICOLOR_GS",   AmgXSmoother::MulticolorGS  },
 82:   {"MULTICOLOR_ILU",  AmgXSmoother::MulticolorILU },
 83:   {"MULTICOLOR_DILU", AmgXSmoother::MulticolorDILU},
 84:   {"CHEBYSHEV_POLY",  AmgXSmoother::ChebyshevPoly },
 85:   {"NOSOLVER",        AmgXSmoother::NoSolver      }
 86: };

 88: const std::map<std::string, AmgXSelector> AmgXControlMap::Selectors = {
 89:   {"SIZE_2",         AmgXSelector::Size2        },
 90:   {"SIZE_4",         AmgXSelector::Size4        },
 91:   {"SIZE_8",         AmgXSelector::Size8        },
 92:   {"MULTI_PAIRWISE", AmgXSelector::MultiPairwise},
 93:   {"PMIS",           AmgXSelector::PMIS         },
 94:   {"HMIS",           AmgXSelector::HMIS         }
 95: };

 97: const std::map<std::string, AmgXCoarseSolver> AmgXControlMap::CoarseSolvers = {
 98:   {"DENSE_LU_SOLVER", AmgXCoarseSolver::DenseLU },
 99:   {"NOSOLVER",        AmgXCoarseSolver::NoSolver}
100: };

102: const std::map<std::string, AmgXAMGCycle> AmgXControlMap::AMGCycles = {
103:   {"V",   AmgXAMGCycle::V  },
104:   {"W",   AmgXAMGCycle::W  },
105:   {"F",   AmgXAMGCycle::F  },
106:   {"CG",  AmgXAMGCycle::CG },
107:   {"CGF", AmgXAMGCycle::CGF}
108: };

110: /*
111:    Private context (data structure) for the AMGX preconditioner.
112: */
113: struct PC_AMGX {
114:   AMGX_solver_handle    solver;
115:   AMGX_config_handle    cfg;
116:   AMGX_resources_handle rsrc;
117:   bool                  solve_state_init;
118:   bool                  rsrc_init;
119:   PetscBool             verbose;

121:   AMGX_matrix_handle A;
122:   AMGX_vector_handle sol;
123:   AMGX_vector_handle rhs;

125:   MPI_Comm    comm;
126:   PetscMPIInt rank   = 0;
127:   PetscMPIInt nranks = 0;
128:   int         devID  = 0;

130:   void       *lib_handle = 0;
131:   std::string cfg_contents;

133:   // Cached state for re-setup
134:   PetscInt           nnz;
135:   PetscInt           nLocalRows;
136:   PetscInt           nGlobalRows;
137:   PetscInt           bSize;
138:   Mat                localA;
139:   const PetscScalar *values;

141:   // AMG Control parameters
142:   AmgXSmoother     smoother;
143:   AmgXAMGMethod    amg_method;
144:   AmgXSelector     selector;
145:   AmgXCoarseSolver coarse_solver;
146:   AmgXAMGCycle     amg_cycle;
147:   PetscInt         presweeps;
148:   PetscInt         postsweeps;
149:   PetscInt         max_levels;
150:   PetscInt         aggressive_levels;
151:   PetscInt         dense_lu_num_rows;
152:   PetscScalar      strength_threshold;
153:   PetscBool        print_grid_stats;
154:   PetscBool        exact_coarse_solve;

156:   // Smoother control parameters
157:   PetscScalar jacobi_relaxation_factor;
158:   PetscScalar gs_symmetric;
159: };

161: static PetscInt s_count = 0;

163: // Buffer of messages from AmgX
164: // Currently necessary hack before we adapt AmgX to print from single rank only
165: static std::string amgx_output{};

167: // A print callback that allows AmgX to return status messages
168: static void print_callback(const char *msg, int length)
169: {
170:   amgx_output.append(msg);
171: }

173: // Outputs messages from the AmgX message buffer and clears it
174: static PetscErrorCode amgx_output_messages(PC_AMGX *amgx)
175: {
176:   PetscFunctionBegin;

178:   // If AmgX output is enabled and we have a message, output it
179:   if (amgx->verbose && !amgx_output.empty()) {
180:     // Only a single rank to output the AmgX messages
181:     PetscCall(PetscPrintf(amgx->comm, "AMGX: %s", amgx_output.c_str()));

183:     // Note that all ranks clear their received output
184:     amgx_output.clear();
185:   }

187:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
188: }

190: // XXX Need to add call in AmgX API that gracefully destroys everything
191: // without abort etc.
192: #define PetscCallAmgX(rc) \
193:   do { \
194:     AMGX_RC err = (rc); \
195:     char    msg[4096]; \
196:     switch (err) { \
197:     case AMGX_RC_OK: \
198:       break; \
199:     default: \
200:       AMGX_get_error_string(err, msg, 4096); \
201:       SETERRQ(amgx->comm, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "%s", msg); \
202:     } \
203:   } while (0)

205: /*
206:    PCSetUp_AMGX - Prepares for the use of the AmgX preconditioner
207:                     by setting data structures and options.

209:    Input Parameter:
210: .  pc - the preconditioner context

212:    Application Interface Routine: PCSetUp()

214:    Note:
215:    The interface routine PCSetUp() is not usually called directly by
216:    the user, but instead is called by PCApply() if necessary.
217: */
218: static PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_AMGX(PC pc)
219: {
220:   PC_AMGX  *amgx = (PC_AMGX *)pc->data;
221:   Mat       Pmat = pc->pmat;
222:   PetscBool is_dev_ptrs;

224:   PetscFunctionBegin;
225:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)Pmat, &is_dev_ptrs, MATAIJCUSPARSE, MATSEQAIJCUSPARSE, MATMPIAIJCUSPARSE, ""));

227:   // At the present time, an AmgX matrix is a sequential matrix
228:   // Non-sequential/MPI matrices must be adapted to extract the local matrix
229:   bool partial_setup_allowed = (pc->setupcalled && pc->flag != DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);
230:   if (amgx->nranks > 1) {
231:     if (partial_setup_allowed) {
232:       PetscCall(MatMPIAIJGetLocalMat(Pmat, MAT_REUSE_MATRIX, &amgx->localA));
233:     } else {
234:       PetscCall(MatMPIAIJGetLocalMat(Pmat, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &amgx->localA));
235:     }

237:     if (is_dev_ptrs) PetscCall(MatConvert(amgx->localA, MATSEQAIJCUSPARSE, MAT_INPLACE_MATRIX, &amgx->localA));
238:   } else {
239:     amgx->localA = Pmat;
240:   }

242:   if (is_dev_ptrs) {
243:     PetscCall(MatSeqAIJCUSPARSEGetArrayRead(amgx->localA, &amgx->values));
244:   } else {
245:     PetscCall(MatSeqAIJGetArrayRead(amgx->localA, &amgx->values));
246:   }

248:   if (!partial_setup_allowed) {
249:     // Initialise resources and matrices
250:     if (!amgx->rsrc_init) {
251:       // Read configuration file
252:       PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_config_create(&amgx->cfg, amgx->cfg_contents.c_str()));
253:       PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_resources_create(&amgx->rsrc, amgx->cfg, &amgx->comm, 1, &amgx->devID));
254:       amgx->rsrc_init = true;
255:     }

257:     PetscCheck(!amgx->solve_state_init, amgx->comm, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "AmgX solve state initialisation already called.");
258:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_matrix_create(&amgx->A, amgx->rsrc, AMGX_mode_dDDI));
259:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_vector_create(&amgx->sol, amgx->rsrc, AMGX_mode_dDDI));
260:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_vector_create(&amgx->rhs, amgx->rsrc, AMGX_mode_dDDI));
261:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_solver_create(&amgx->solver, amgx->rsrc, AMGX_mode_dDDI, amgx->cfg));
262:     amgx->solve_state_init = true;

264:     // Extract the CSR data
265:     PetscBool       done;
266:     const PetscInt *colIndices;
267:     const PetscInt *rowOffsets;
268:     PetscCall(MatGetRowIJ(amgx->localA, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &amgx->nLocalRows, &rowOffsets, &colIndices, &done));
269:     PetscCheck(done, amgx->comm, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "MatGetRowIJ was not successful");
270:     PetscCheck(amgx->nLocalRows < std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "AmgX restricted to int local rows but nLocalRows = %" PetscInt_FMT " > max<int>", amgx->nLocalRows);

272:     if (is_dev_ptrs) {
273:       PetscCallCUDA(cudaMemcpy(&amgx->nnz, &rowOffsets[amgx->nLocalRows], sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDefault));
274:     } else {
275:       amgx->nnz = rowOffsets[amgx->nLocalRows];
276:     }

278:     PetscCheck(amgx->nnz < std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Support for 64-bit integer nnz not yet implemented, nnz = %" PetscInt_FMT ".", amgx->nnz);

280:     // Allocate space for some partition offsets
281:     std::vector<PetscInt> partitionOffsets(amgx->nranks + 1);

283:     // Fetch the number of local rows per rank
284:     partitionOffsets[0] = 0; /* could use PetscLayoutGetRanges */
285:     PetscCallMPI(MPI_Allgather(&amgx->nLocalRows, 1, MPIU_INT, + 1, 1, MPIU_INT, amgx->comm));
286:     std::partial_sum(partitionOffsets.begin(), partitionOffsets.end(), partitionOffsets.begin());

288:     // Fetch the number of global rows
289:     amgx->nGlobalRows = partitionOffsets[amgx->nranks];

291:     PetscCall(MatGetBlockSize(Pmat, &amgx->bSize));

293:     // XXX Currently constrained to 32-bit indices, to be changed in the future
294:     // Create the distribution and upload the matrix data
295:     AMGX_distribution_handle dist;
296:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_distribution_create(&dist, amgx->cfg));
297:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_distribution_set_32bit_colindices(dist, true));
298:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_distribution_set_partition_data(dist, AMGX_DIST_PARTITION_OFFSETS,;
299:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_matrix_upload_distributed(amgx->A, amgx->nGlobalRows, (int)amgx->nLocalRows, (int)amgx->nnz, amgx->bSize, amgx->bSize, rowOffsets, colIndices, amgx->values, NULL, dist));
300:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_solver_setup(amgx->solver, amgx->A));
301:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_vector_bind(amgx->sol, amgx->A));
302:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_vector_bind(amgx->rhs, amgx->A));

304:     PetscInt nlr = 0;
305:     PetscCall(MatRestoreRowIJ(amgx->localA, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &nlr, &rowOffsets, &colIndices, &done));
306:   } else {
307:     // The fast path for if the sparsity pattern persists
308:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_matrix_replace_coefficients(amgx->A, amgx->nLocalRows, amgx->nnz, amgx->values, NULL));
309:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_solver_resetup(amgx->solver, amgx->A));
310:   }

312:   if (is_dev_ptrs) {
313:     PetscCall(MatSeqAIJCUSPARSERestoreArrayRead(amgx->localA, &amgx->values));
314:   } else {
315:     PetscCall(MatSeqAIJRestoreArrayRead(amgx->localA, &amgx->values));
316:   }
317:   PetscCall(amgx_output_messages(amgx));
318:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
319: }

321: /*
322:    PCApply_AMGX - Applies the AmgX preconditioner to a vector.

324:    Input Parameters:
325: .  pc - the preconditioner context
326: .  b - rhs vector

328:    Output Parameter:
329: .  x - solution vector

331:    Application Interface Routine: PCApply()
332:  */
333: static PetscErrorCode PCApply_AMGX(PC pc, Vec b, Vec x)
334: {
335:   PC_AMGX           *amgx = (PC_AMGX *)pc->data;
336:   PetscScalar       *x_;
337:   const PetscScalar *b_;
338:   PetscBool          is_dev_ptrs;

340:   PetscFunctionBegin;
341:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)x, &is_dev_ptrs, VECCUDA, VECMPICUDA, VECSEQCUDA, ""));

343:   if (is_dev_ptrs) {
344:     PetscCall(VecCUDAGetArrayWrite(x, &x_));
345:     PetscCall(VecCUDAGetArrayRead(b, &b_));
346:   } else {
347:     PetscCall(VecGetArrayWrite(x, &x_));
348:     PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(b, &b_));
349:   }

351:   PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_vector_upload(amgx->sol, amgx->nLocalRows, 1, x_));
352:   PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_vector_upload(amgx->rhs, amgx->nLocalRows, 1, b_));
353:   PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_solver_solve_with_0_initial_guess(amgx->solver, amgx->rhs, amgx->sol));

355:   AMGX_SOLVE_STATUS status;
356:   PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_solver_get_status(amgx->solver, &status));
357:   PetscCall(PCSetErrorIfFailure(pc, static_cast<PetscBool>(status == AMGX_SOLVE_FAILED)));
358:   PetscCheck(status != AMGX_SOLVE_FAILED, amgx->comm, PETSC_ERR_CONV_FAILED, "AmgX solver failed to solve the system! The error code is %d.", status);
359:   PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_vector_download(amgx->sol, x_));

361:   if (is_dev_ptrs) {
362:     PetscCall(VecCUDARestoreArrayWrite(x, &x_));
363:     PetscCall(VecCUDARestoreArrayRead(b, &b_));
364:   } else {
365:     PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayWrite(x, &x_));
366:     PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(b, &b_));
367:   }
368:   PetscCall(amgx_output_messages(amgx));
369:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
370: }

372: static PetscErrorCode PCReset_AMGX(PC pc)
373: {
374:   PC_AMGX *amgx = (PC_AMGX *)pc->data;

376:   PetscFunctionBegin;
377:   if (amgx->solve_state_init) {
378:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_solver_destroy(amgx->solver));
379:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_matrix_destroy(amgx->A));
380:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_vector_destroy(amgx->sol));
381:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_vector_destroy(amgx->rhs));
382:     if (amgx->nranks > 1) PetscCall(MatDestroy(&amgx->localA));
383:     PetscCall(amgx_output_messages(amgx));
384:     amgx->solve_state_init = false;
385:   }
386:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
387: }

389: /*
390:    PCDestroy_AMGX - Destroys the private context for the AmgX preconditioner
391:    that was created with PCCreate_AMGX().

393:    Input Parameter:
394: .  pc - the preconditioner context

396:    Application Interface Routine: PCDestroy()
397: */
398: static PetscErrorCode PCDestroy_AMGX(PC pc)
399: {
400:   PC_AMGX *amgx = (PC_AMGX *)pc->data;

402:   PetscFunctionBegin;
403:   /* decrease the number of instances, only the last instance need to destroy resource and finalizing AmgX */
404:   if (s_count == 1) {
405:     /* can put this in a PCAMGXInitializePackage method */
406:     PetscCheck(amgx->rsrc != nullptr, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "s_rsrc == NULL");
407:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_resources_destroy(amgx->rsrc));
408:     /* destroy config (need to use AMGX_SAFE_CALL after this point) */
409:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_config_destroy(amgx->cfg));
410:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_finalize_plugins());
411:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_finalize());
412:     PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_free(&amgx->comm));
413:   } else {
414:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_config_destroy(amgx->cfg));
415:   }
416:   s_count -= 1;
417:   PetscCall(PetscFree(amgx));
418:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
419: }

421: template <class T>
422: std::string map_reverse_lookup(const std::map<std::string, T> &map, const T &key)
423: {
424:   for (auto const &m : map) {
425:     if (m.second == key) return m.first;
426:   }
427:   return "";
428: }

430: static PetscErrorCode PCSetFromOptions_AMGX(PC pc, PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
431: {
432:   PC_AMGX      *amgx          = (PC_AMGX *)pc->data;
433:   constexpr int MAX_PARAM_LEN = 128;
434:   char          option[MAX_PARAM_LEN];

436:   PetscFunctionBegin;
437:   PetscOptionsHeadBegin(PetscOptionsObject, "AmgX options");
438:   amgx->cfg_contents = "config_version=2,";
439:   amgx->cfg_contents += "determinism_flag=1,";

441:   // Set exact coarse solve
442:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-pc_amgx_exact_coarse_solve", "AmgX AMG Exact Coarse Solve", "", amgx->exact_coarse_solve, &amgx->exact_coarse_solve, NULL));
443:   if (amgx->exact_coarse_solve) amgx->cfg_contents += "exact_coarse_solve=1,";

445:   amgx->cfg_contents += "solver(amg)=AMG,";

447:   // Set method
448:   std::string def_amg_method = map_reverse_lookup(AmgXControlMap::AMGMethods, amgx->amg_method);
449:   PetscCall(PetscStrncpy(option, def_amg_method.c_str(), sizeof(option)));
450:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsString("-pc_amgx_amg_method", "AmgX AMG Method", "", option, option, MAX_PARAM_LEN, NULL));
451:   PetscCheck(AmgXControlMap::AMGMethods.count(option) == 1, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "AMG Method %s not registered for AmgX.", option);
452:   amgx->amg_method =;
453:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:algorithm=" + std::string(option) + ",";

455:   // Set cycle
456:   std::string def_amg_cycle = map_reverse_lookup(AmgXControlMap::AMGCycles, amgx->amg_cycle);
457:   PetscCall(PetscStrncpy(option, def_amg_cycle.c_str(), sizeof(option)));
458:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsString("-pc_amgx_amg_cycle", "AmgX AMG Cycle", "", option, option, MAX_PARAM_LEN, NULL));
459:   PetscCheck(AmgXControlMap::AMGCycles.count(option) == 1, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "AMG Cycle %s not registered for AmgX.", option);
460:   amgx->amg_cycle =;
461:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:cycle=" + std::string(option) + ",";

463:   // Set smoother
464:   std::string def_smoother = map_reverse_lookup(AmgXControlMap::Smoothers, amgx->smoother);
465:   PetscCall(PetscStrncpy(option, def_smoother.c_str(), sizeof(option)));
466:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsString("-pc_amgx_smoother", "AmgX Smoother", "", option, option, MAX_PARAM_LEN, NULL));
467:   PetscCheck(AmgXControlMap::Smoothers.count(option) == 1, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Smoother %s not registered for AmgX.", option);
468:   amgx->smoother =;
469:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:smoother(smooth)=" + std::string(option) + ",";

471:   if (amgx->smoother == AmgXSmoother::JacobiL1 || amgx->smoother == AmgXSmoother::BlockJacobi) {
472:     PetscCall(PetscOptionsScalar("-pc_amgx_jacobi_relaxation_factor", "AmgX AMG Jacobi Relaxation Factor", "", amgx->jacobi_relaxation_factor, &amgx->jacobi_relaxation_factor, NULL));
473:     amgx->cfg_contents += "smooth:relaxation_factor=" + std::to_string(amgx->jacobi_relaxation_factor) + ",";
474:   } else if (amgx->smoother == AmgXSmoother::GS || amgx->smoother == AmgXSmoother::MulticolorGS) {
475:     PetscCall(PetscOptionsScalar("-pc_amgx_gs_symmetric", "AmgX AMG Gauss Seidel Symmetric", "", amgx->gs_symmetric, &amgx->gs_symmetric, NULL));
476:     amgx->cfg_contents += "smooth:symmetric_GS=" + std::to_string(amgx->gs_symmetric) + ",";
477:   }

479:   // Set selector
480:   std::string def_selector = map_reverse_lookup(AmgXControlMap::Selectors, amgx->selector);
481:   PetscCall(PetscStrncpy(option, def_selector.c_str(), sizeof(option)));
482:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsString("-pc_amgx_selector", "AmgX Selector", "", option, option, MAX_PARAM_LEN, NULL));
483:   PetscCheck(AmgXControlMap::Selectors.count(option) == 1, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Selector %s not registered for AmgX.", option);

485:   // Double check that the user has selected an appropriate selector for the AMG method
486:   if (amgx->amg_method == AmgXAMGMethod::Classical) {
487:     PetscCheck(amgx->selector == AmgXSelector::PMIS || amgx->selector == AmgXSelector::HMIS, amgx->comm, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Chosen selector is not used for AmgX Classical AMG: selector=%s", option);
488:     amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:interpolator=D2,";
489:   } else if (amgx->amg_method == AmgXAMGMethod::Aggregation) {
490:     PetscCheck(amgx->selector == AmgXSelector::Size2 || amgx->selector == AmgXSelector::Size4 || amgx->selector == AmgXSelector::Size8 || amgx->selector == AmgXSelector::MultiPairwise, amgx->comm, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Chosen selector is not used for AmgX Aggregation AMG");
491:   }
492:   amgx->selector =;
493:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:selector=" + std::string(option) + ",";

495:   // Set presweeps
496:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-pc_amgx_presweeps", "AmgX AMG Presweep Count", "", amgx->presweeps, &amgx->presweeps, NULL));
497:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:presweeps=" + std::to_string(amgx->presweeps) + ",";

499:   // Set postsweeps
500:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-pc_amgx_postsweeps", "AmgX AMG Postsweep Count", "", amgx->postsweeps, &amgx->postsweeps, NULL));
501:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:postsweeps=" + std::to_string(amgx->postsweeps) + ",";

503:   // Set max levels
504:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-pc_amgx_max_levels", "AmgX AMG Max Level Count", "", amgx->max_levels, &amgx->max_levels, NULL));
505:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:max_levels=" + std::to_string(amgx->max_levels) + ",";

507:   // Set dense LU num rows
508:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-pc_amgx_dense_lu_num_rows", "AmgX Dense LU Number of Rows", "", amgx->dense_lu_num_rows, &amgx->dense_lu_num_rows, NULL));
509:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:dense_lu_num_rows=" + std::to_string(amgx->dense_lu_num_rows) + ",";

511:   // Set strength threshold
512:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsScalar("-pc_amgx_strength_threshold", "AmgX AMG Strength Threshold", "", amgx->strength_threshold, &amgx->strength_threshold, NULL));
513:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:strength_threshold=" + std::to_string(amgx->strength_threshold) + ",";

515:   // Set aggressive_levels
516:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-pc_amgx_aggressive_levels", "AmgX AMG Presweep Count", "", amgx->aggressive_levels, &amgx->aggressive_levels, NULL));
517:   if (amgx->aggressive_levels > 0) amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:aggressive_levels=" + std::to_string(amgx->aggressive_levels) + ",";

519:   // Set coarse solver
520:   std::string def_coarse_solver = map_reverse_lookup(AmgXControlMap::CoarseSolvers, amgx->coarse_solver);
521:   PetscCall(PetscStrncpy(option, def_coarse_solver.c_str(), sizeof(option)));
522:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsString("-pc_amgx_coarse_solver", "AmgX CoarseSolver", "", option, option, MAX_PARAM_LEN, NULL));
523:   PetscCheck(AmgXControlMap::CoarseSolvers.count(option) == 1, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "CoarseSolver %s not registered for AmgX.", option);
524:   amgx->coarse_solver =;
525:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:coarse_solver=" + std::string(option) + ",";

527:   // Set max iterations
528:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:max_iters=1,";

530:   // Set output control parameters
531:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-pc_amgx_print_grid_stats", "AmgX Print Grid Stats", "", amgx->print_grid_stats, &amgx->print_grid_stats, NULL));

533:   if (amgx->print_grid_stats) amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:print_grid_stats=1,";
534:   amgx->cfg_contents += "amg:monitor_residual=0";

536:   // Set whether AmgX output will be seen
537:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-pc_amgx_verbose", "Enable output from AmgX", "", amgx->verbose, &amgx->verbose, NULL));
538:   PetscOptionsHeadEnd();
539:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
540: }

542: static PetscErrorCode PCView_AMGX(PC pc, PetscViewer viewer)
543: {
544:   PC_AMGX  *amgx = (PC_AMGX *)pc->data;
545:   PetscBool iascii;

547:   PetscFunctionBegin;
548:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer, PETSCVIEWERASCII, &iascii));
549:   if (iascii) {
550:     std::string output_cfg(amgx->cfg_contents);
551:     std::replace(output_cfg.begin(), output_cfg.end(), ',', '\n');
552:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "\n%s\n", output_cfg.c_str()));
553:   }
554:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
555: }

557: /*MC
558:      PCAMGX - Interface to NVIDIA's AmgX algebraic multigrid

560:    Options Database Keys:
561: +    -pc_amgx_amg_method <CLASSICAL,AGGREGATION> - set the AMG algorithm to use
562: .    -pc_amgx_amg_cycle <V,W,F,CG> - set the AMG cycle type
564: .    -pc_amgx_jacobi_relaxation_factor - set the relaxation factor for Jacobi smoothing
565: .    -pc_amgx_gs_symmetric - enforce symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoothing (only applies if GS smoothing is selected)
566: .    -pc_amgx_selector <SIZE_2,SIZE_4,SIZE_8,MULTI_PAIRWISE,PMIS,HMIS> - set the AMG coarse selector
567: .    -pc_amgx_presweeps - set the number of AMG pre-sweeps
568: .    -pc_amgx_postsweeps - set the number of AMG post-sweeps
569: .    -pc_amgx_max_levels - set the maximum number of levels in the AMG level hierarchy
570: .    -pc_amgx_strength_threshold - set the strength threshold for the AMG coarsening
571: .    -pc_amgx_aggressive_levels - set the number of levels (from the finest) that should apply aggressive coarsening
572: .    -pc_amgx_coarse_solver <DENSE_LU_SOLVER,NOSOLVER> - set the coarse solve
573: .    -pc_amgx_print_grid_stats - output the AMG grid hierarchy to stdout
574: -    -pc_amgx_verbose - enable AmgX output

576:    Level: intermediate

578:    Note:
579:      Implementation will accept host or device pointers, but good performance will require that the `KSP` is also GPU accelerated so that data is not frequently transferred between host and device.

581: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCGAMG`, `PCHYPRE`, `PCMG`, `PCAmgXGetResources()`, `PCCreate()`, `PCSetType()`, `PCType` (for list of available types), `PC`
582: M*/

584: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PCCreate_AMGX(PC pc)
585: {
586:   PC_AMGX *amgx;

588:   PetscFunctionBegin;
589:   PetscCall(PetscNew(&amgx));
590:   pc->ops->apply          = PCApply_AMGX;
591:   pc->ops->setfromoptions = PCSetFromOptions_AMGX;
592:   pc->ops->setup          = PCSetUp_AMGX;
593:   pc->ops->view           = PCView_AMGX;
594:   pc->ops->destroy        = PCDestroy_AMGX;
595:   pc->ops->reset          = PCReset_AMGX;
596:   pc->data                = (void *)amgx;

598:   // Set the defaults
599:   amgx->selector                 = AmgXSelector::PMIS;
600:   amgx->smoother                 = AmgXSmoother::BlockJacobi;
601:   amgx->amg_method               = AmgXAMGMethod::Classical;
602:   amgx->coarse_solver            = AmgXCoarseSolver::DenseLU;
603:   amgx->amg_cycle                = AmgXAMGCycle::V;
604:   amgx->exact_coarse_solve       = PETSC_TRUE;
605:   amgx->presweeps                = 1;
606:   amgx->postsweeps               = 1;
607:   amgx->max_levels               = 100;
608:   amgx->strength_threshold       = 0.5;
609:   amgx->aggressive_levels        = 0;
610:   amgx->dense_lu_num_rows        = 1;
611:   amgx->jacobi_relaxation_factor = 0.9;
612:   amgx->gs_symmetric             = PETSC_FALSE;
613:   amgx->print_grid_stats         = PETSC_FALSE;
614:   amgx->verbose                  = PETSC_FALSE;
615:   amgx->rsrc_init                = false;
616:   amgx->solve_state_init         = false;

618:   s_count++;

620:   PetscCallCUDA(cudaGetDevice(&amgx->devID));
621:   if (s_count == 1) {
622:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_initialize());
623:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_initialize_plugins());
624:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_register_print_callback(&print_callback));
625:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_install_signal_handler());
626:   }
627:   /* This communicator is not yet known to this system, so we duplicate it and make an internal communicator */
628:   PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_dup(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)pc), &amgx->comm));
629:   PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(amgx->comm, &amgx->nranks));
630:   PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_rank(amgx->comm, &amgx->rank));

632:   PetscCall(amgx_output_messages(amgx));
633:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
634: }

636: /*@C
637:   PCAmgXGetResources - get AMGx's internal resource object

639:   Not Collective

641:   Input Parameter:
642: . pc - the PC

644:   Output Parameter:
645: . rsrc_out - pointer to the AMGx resource object

647:   Level: advanced

649: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCAMGX`, `PC`, `PCGAMG`
650: @*/
651: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PCAmgXGetResources(PC pc, void *rsrc_out)
652: {
653:   PC_AMGX *amgx = (PC_AMGX *)pc->data;

655:   PetscFunctionBegin;
656:   if (!amgx->rsrc_init) {
657:     // Read configuration file
658:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_config_create(&amgx->cfg, amgx->cfg_contents.c_str()));
659:     PetscCallAmgX(AMGX_resources_create(&amgx->rsrc, amgx->cfg, &amgx->comm, 1, &amgx->devID));
660:     amgx->rsrc_init = true;
661:   }
662:   *static_cast<AMGX_resources_handle *>(rsrc_out) = amgx->rsrc;
663:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
664: }