Merge request management#

At any given time, at least one of the Current Core Developers is an “MR Shepherd” and ensures that open merge requests progress through the review process, examining open merge requests and taking appropriate action.

Table 20 MR Shepherd Checks#

MR State


Missing a workflow label and other labels

Add an appropriate label, or label workflow::Waiting-on-Submitter and ask the submitter/assignee to update

Without an assignee

Assign the submitter (if the MR is from a fork, also list an appropriate developer)

Without reviewers

Assign reviewers

If MRs are inactive for too long, remind the submitter/assignee, reviewer(s), or integrator(s) of actions to take. If the submitter/assignee must take action, change the label to workflow::Waiting-on-Submitter.

Table 21 MR Inactivity Thresholds#

MR state

Inactivity threshold


One week


One week


Three days


One month


One month


One month

All others

One year

If a submitter has been unresponsive for a year, close the MR, label workflow::Inactive-closed, and let the submitter know that they may reopen if desired.