Actual source code: mark_dcontext.cxx

  1: #include "petscdevice_interface_internal.hpp" /*I <petscdevice.h> I*/

  3: #include <petsc/private/cpp/object_pool.hpp>
  4: #include <petsc/private/cpp/utility.hpp>
  5: #include <petsc/private/cpp/unordered_map.hpp>

  7: #include <algorithm> // std::remove_if(), std::find_if()
  8: #include <vector>
  9: #include <string>
 10: #include <sstream> // std::ostringstream

 12: #if defined(__clang__)
 13: PETSC_PRAGMA_DIAGNOSTIC_IGNORED_BEGIN("-Wgnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments")
 14: #endif

 16: // ==========================================================================================
 17: // PetscEvent
 18: // ==========================================================================================

 20: class PetscEventConstructor : public Petsc::ConstructorInterface<_n_PetscEvent, PetscEventConstructor> {
 21: public:
 22:   PetscErrorCode construct_(PetscEvent event) const noexcept
 23:   {
 24:     PetscFunctionBegin;
 25:     PetscCall(PetscMemzero(event, sizeof(*event)));
 26:     PetscCall(underlying().reset(event));
 27:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 28:   }

 30:   PetscErrorCode destroy_(PetscEvent event) const noexcept
 31:   {
 32:     PetscFunctionBegin;
 33:     PetscCall(underlying().reset(event));
 34:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 35:   }

 37:   static PetscErrorCode reset_(PetscEvent event) noexcept
 38:   {
 39:     PetscFunctionBegin;
 40:     if (auto &destroy = event->destroy) {
 41:       PetscCall((*destroy)(event));
 42:       destroy = nullptr;
 43:     }
 44:     PetscAssert(!event->data, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Event failed to destroy its data member: %p", event->data);
 45:     event->dctx_id    = 0;
 46:     event->dctx_state = 0;
 47:     event->dtype      = PETSC_DEVICE_DEFAULT();
 48:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 49:   }

 51:   static PetscErrorCode invalidate_(PetscEvent) noexcept { return PETSC_SUCCESS; }
 52: };

 54: static Petsc::ObjectPool<_n_PetscEvent, PetscEventConstructor> event_pool;

 56: static PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextCreateEvent_Private(PetscDeviceContext dctx, PetscEvent *event)
 57: {
 58:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 60:   PetscAssertPointer(event, 2);
 61:   PetscCall(event_pool.allocate(event));
 62:   PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextGetDeviceType(dctx, &(*event)->dtype));
 63:   PetscTryTypeMethod(dctx, createevent, *event);
 64:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 65: }

 67: static PetscErrorCode PetscEventDestroy_Private(PetscEvent *event)
 68: {
 69:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 70:   PetscAssertPointer(event, 1);
 71:   if (*event) PetscCall(event_pool.deallocate(event));
 72:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 73: }

 75: static PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextRecordEvent_Private(PetscDeviceContext dctx, PetscEvent event)
 76: {
 77:   PetscObjectId    id;
 78:   PetscObjectState state;

 80:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 82:   PetscAssertPointer(event, 2);
 83:   id    = PetscObjectCast(dctx)->id;
 84:   state = PetscObjectCast(dctx)->state;
 85:   // technically state can never be less than event->dctx_state (only equal) but we include
 86:   // it in the check just in case
 87:   if ((id == event->dctx_id) && (state <= event->dctx_state)) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 88:   if (dctx->ops->recordevent) {
 89:     // REVIEW ME:
 90:     // TODO maybe move this to impls, as they can determine whether they can interoperate with
 91:     // other device types more readily
 92:     if (PetscDefined(USE_DEBUG) && (event->dtype != PETSC_DEVICE_HOST)) {
 93:       PetscDeviceType dtype;

 95:       PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextGetDeviceType(dctx, &dtype));
 96:       PetscCheck(event->dtype == dtype, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Event type %s does not match device context type %s", PetscDeviceTypes[event->dtype], PetscDeviceTypes[dtype]);
 97:     }
 98:     PetscUseTypeMethod(dctx, recordevent, event);
 99:   }
100:   event->dctx_id    = id;
101:   event->dctx_state = state;
102:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
103: }

105: static PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextWaitForEvent_Private(PetscDeviceContext dctx, PetscEvent event)
106: {
107:   PetscFunctionBegin;
109:   PetscAssertPointer(event, 2);
110:   // empty data implies you cannot wait on this event
111:   if (!event->data) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
112:   if (PetscDefined(USE_DEBUG)) {
113:     const auto      etype = event->dtype;
114:     PetscDeviceType dtype;

116:     PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextGetDeviceType(dctx, &dtype));
117:     PetscCheck(etype == dtype, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Event type %s does not match device context type %s", PetscDeviceTypes[etype], PetscDeviceTypes[dtype]);
118:   }
119:   if (PetscObjectCast(dctx)->id == event->dctx_id) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
120:   PetscTryTypeMethod(dctx, waitforevent, event);
121:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
122: }

124: // ==========================================================================================
125: // PetscStackFrame
126: //
127: // A helper class that (when debugging is enabled) contains the stack frame from which
128: // PetscDeviceContextMakrIntentFromID(). It is intended to be derived from, since this enables
129: // empty-base-class optimization to kick in when debugging is disabled.
130: // ==========================================================================================

132: template <bool use_debug>
133: struct PetscStackFrame;

135: template <>
136: struct PetscStackFrame</* use_debug = */ true> {
137:   std::string file{};
138:   std::string function{};
139:   int         line{};

141:   PetscStackFrame() = default;

143:   PetscStackFrame(const char *file_, const char *func_, int line_) noexcept : file(split_on_petsc_path_(file_)), function(func_), line(line_) { }

145:   bool operator==(const PetscStackFrame &other) const noexcept { return line == other.line && file == other.file && function == other.function; }

147:   PETSC_NODISCARD std::string to_string() const noexcept
148:   {
149:     std::string ret;

151:     ret = '(' + function + "() at " + file + ':' + std::to_string(line) + ')';
152:     return ret;
153:   }

155: private:
156:   static std::string split_on_petsc_path_(std::string &&in) noexcept
157:   {
158:     auto pos = in.find("petsc/src");

160:     if (pos == std::string::npos) pos = in.find("petsc/include");
161:     if (pos == std::string::npos) pos = 0;
162:     return in.substr(pos);
163:   }

165:   friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PetscStackFrame &frame)
166:   {
167:     os << frame.to_string();
168:     return os;
169:   }

171:   friend void swap(PetscStackFrame &lhs, PetscStackFrame &rhs) noexcept
172:   {
173:     using std::swap;

175:     swap(lhs.file, rhs.file);
176:     swap(lhs.function, rhs.function);
177:     swap(lhs.line, rhs.line);
178:   }
179: };

181: template <>
182: struct PetscStackFrame</* use_debug = */ false> {
183:   template <typename... T>
184:   constexpr PetscStackFrame(T &&...) noexcept
185:   {
186:   }

188:   constexpr bool operator==(const PetscStackFrame &) const noexcept { return true; }

190:   PETSC_NODISCARD static std::string to_string() noexcept { return "(unknown)"; }

192:   friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PetscStackFrame &) noexcept
193:   {
194:     os << "(unknown)";
195:     return os;
196:   }
197: };

199: // ==========================================================================================
200: // MarkedObjectMap
201: //
202: // A mapping from a PetscObjectId to a PetscEvent and (if debugging is enabled) a
203: // PetscStackFrame containing the location where PetscDeviceContextMarkIntentFromID was called
204: // ==========================================================================================

206: class MarkedObjectMap : public Petsc::RegisterFinalizeable<MarkedObjectMap> {
207: public:
208:   // Note we derive from PetscStackFrame so that the empty base class optimization can kick
209:   // in. If it were just a member it would still take up storage in optimized builds
210:   class snapshot_type : private PetscStackFrame<PetscDefined(USE_DEBUG) && !PetscDefined(HAVE_THREADSAFETY)> {
211:   public:
212:     using frame_type = PetscStackFrame<PetscDefined(USE_DEBUG) && !PetscDefined(HAVE_THREADSAFETY)>;

214:     snapshot_type() = default;
215:     snapshot_type(PetscDeviceContext, frame_type) noexcept;

217:     ~snapshot_type() noexcept;

219:     // movable
220:     snapshot_type(snapshot_type &&) noexcept;
221:     snapshot_type &operator=(snapshot_type &&) noexcept;

223:     // not copyable
224:     snapshot_type(const snapshot_type &) noexcept            = delete;
225:     snapshot_type &operator=(const snapshot_type &) noexcept = delete;

227:     PETSC_NODISCARD PetscEvent        event() const noexcept { return event_; }
228:     PETSC_NODISCARD const frame_type &frame() const noexcept { return *this; }
229:     PETSC_NODISCARD frame_type       &frame() noexcept { return *this; }

231:     PETSC_NODISCARD PetscObjectId dctx_id() const noexcept
232:     {
233:       PetscFunctionBegin;
234:       PetscAssertAbort(event(), PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE, "Snapshot %s does not contain an event!", frame().to_string().c_str());
235:       PetscFunctionReturn(event()->dctx_id);
236:     }

238:     PetscErrorCode ensure_event(PetscDeviceContext) noexcept;

240:     friend void swap(snapshot_type &, snapshot_type &) noexcept;

242:   private:
243:     PetscEvent event_{}; // the state of device context when this snapshot was recorded

245:     PETSC_NODISCARD static PetscEvent init_event_(PetscDeviceContext) noexcept;
246:   };

248:   // the "value" each key maps to
249:   struct mapped_type {
250:     using dependency_type = std::vector<snapshot_type>;

252:     mapped_type() noexcept;

254:     PetscMemoryAccessMode mode{PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ};
255:     snapshot_type         last_write{};
256:     dependency_type       dependencies{};
257:   };

259:   using map_type = Petsc::UnorderedMap<PetscObjectId, mapped_type>;

261:   map_type map;

263: private:
264:   friend RegisterFinalizeable;

266:   PetscErrorCode finalize_() noexcept;
267: };

269: // ==========================================================================================
270: // MarkedObjectMap::mapped_type -- Public API
271: // ==========================================================================================

273: // workaround for clang bug that produces the following warning
274: //
275: // src/sys/objects/device/interface/mark_dcontext.cxx:253:5: error: default member initializer
276: // for 'mode' needed within definition of enclosing class 'MarkedObjectMap' outside of member
277: // functions
278: //     mapped_type() noexcept = default;
279: //     ^
280: //
281: MarkedObjectMap::mapped_type::mapped_type() noexcept = default;

283: // ==========================================================================================
284: // MarkedObjectMap Private API
285: // ==========================================================================================

287: inline PetscErrorCode MarkedObjectMap::finalize_() noexcept
288: {
289:   PetscFunctionBegin;
290:   PetscCall(PetscInfo(nullptr, "Finalizing marked object map\n"));
291:   PetscCall(map.clear());
292:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
293: }

295: // ==========================================================================================
296: // MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type Private API
297: // ==========================================================================================

299: inline PetscEvent MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type::init_event_(PetscDeviceContext dctx) noexcept
300: {
301:   PetscEvent event = nullptr;

303:   PetscFunctionBegin;
304:   PetscCallAbort(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PetscDeviceContextCreateEvent_Private(dctx, &event));
305:   PetscCallAbort(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PetscDeviceContextRecordEvent_Private(dctx, event));
306:   PetscFunctionReturn(event);
307: }

309: // ==========================================================================================
310: // MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type Public API
311: // ==========================================================================================

313: MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type::snapshot_type(PetscDeviceContext dctx, frame_type frame) noexcept : frame_type(std::move(frame)), event_(init_event_(dctx)) { }

315: MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type::~snapshot_type() noexcept
316: {
317:   PetscFunctionBegin;
318:   PetscCallAbort(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PetscEventDestroy_Private(&event_));
319:   PetscFunctionReturnVoid();
320: }

322: // movable
323: MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type::snapshot_type(snapshot_type &&other) noexcept : frame_type(std::move(other)), event_(Petsc::util::exchange(other.event_, nullptr)) { }

325: MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type &MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type::operator=(snapshot_type &&other) noexcept
326: {
327:   PetscFunctionBegin;
328:   if (this != &other) {
329:     frame_type::operator=(std::move(other));
330:     PetscCallAbort(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PetscEventDestroy_Private(&event_));
331:     event_ = Petsc::util::exchange(other.event_, nullptr);
332:   }
333:   PetscFunctionReturn(*this);
334: }

336: PetscErrorCode MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type::ensure_event(PetscDeviceContext dctx) noexcept
337: {
338:   PetscFunctionBegin;
339:   if (PetscUnlikely(!event_)) PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextCreateEvent_Private(dctx, &event_));
340:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
341: }

343: void swap(MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type &lhs, MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type &rhs) noexcept
344: {
345:   using std::swap;

347:   swap(lhs.frame(), rhs.frame());
348:   swap(lhs.event_, rhs.event_);
349: }

351: // A mapping between PetscObjectId (i.e. some PetscObject) to the list of PetscEvent's encoding
352: // the last time the PetscObject was accessed
353: static MarkedObjectMap marked_object_map;

355: // ==========================================================================================
356: // Utility Functions
357: // ==========================================================================================

359: PetscErrorCode PetscGetMarkedObjectMap_Internal(std::size_t *nkeys, PetscObjectId **keys, PetscMemoryAccessMode **modes, std::size_t **ndeps, PetscEvent ***dependencies)
360: {
361:   std::size_t i    = 0;
362:   const auto &map  =;
363:   const auto  size = *nkeys = map.size();

365:   PetscFunctionBegin;
366:   PetscCall(PetscMalloc4(size, keys, size, modes, size, ndeps, size, dependencies));
367:   for (auto it_ = map.begin(); it_ != map.end(); ++it_) {
368:     auto       &it = *it_;
369:     std::size_t j  = 0;

371:     (*keys)[i]         = it.first;
372:     (*modes)[i]        = it.second.mode;
373:     (*ndeps)[i]        = it.second.dependencies.size();
374:     (*dependencies)[i] = nullptr;
375:     PetscCall(PetscMalloc1((*ndeps)[i], (*dependencies) + i));
376:     for (auto &&dep : it.second.dependencies) (*dependencies)[i][j++] = dep.event();
377:     ++i;
378:   }
379:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
380: }

382: PetscErrorCode PetscRestoreMarkedObjectMap_Internal(std::size_t nkeys, PetscObjectId **keys, PetscMemoryAccessMode **modes, std::size_t **ndeps, PetscEvent ***dependencies)
383: {
384:   PetscFunctionBegin;
385:   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nkeys; ++i) PetscCall(PetscFree((*dependencies)[i]));
386:   PetscCall(PetscFree4(*keys, *modes, *ndeps, *dependencies));
387:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
388: }

390: template <typename T>
391: static PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextMapIterVisitor(PetscDeviceContext dctx, T &&callback) noexcept
392: {
393:   const auto dctx_id    = PetscObjectCast(dctx)->id;
394:   auto     &&marked     = CxxDataCast(dctx)->marked_objects();
395:   auto      &object_map =;

397:   PetscFunctionBegin;
398:   for (auto &&dep : marked) {
399:     const auto mapit = object_map.find(dep);

401:     // Need this check since the final PetscDeviceContext may run through this *after* the map
402:     // has been finalized (and cleared), and hence might fail to find its dependencies. This is
403:     // perfectly valid since the user no longer cares about dangling dependencies after PETSc
404:     // is finalized
405:     if (PetscLikely(mapit != object_map.end())) {
406:       auto      &deps = mapit->second.dependencies;
407:       const auto end  = deps.end();
408:       const auto it   = std::remove_if(deps.begin(), end, [&](const MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type &obj) { return obj.dctx_id() == dctx_id; });

410:       PetscCall(callback(mapit, deps.cbegin(), static_cast<decltype(deps.cend())>(it)));
411:       // remove ourselves
412:       PetscCallCXX(deps.erase(it, end));
413:       // continue to next object, but erase this one if it has no more dependencies
414:       if (deps.empty()) PetscCallCXX(object_map.erase(mapit));
415:     }
416:   }
417:   PetscCallCXX(marked.clear());
418:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
419: }

421: PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextSyncClearMap_Internal(PetscDeviceContext dctx)
422: {
423:   using map_iterator = MarkedObjectMap::map_type::const_iterator;
424:   using dep_iterator = MarkedObjectMap::mapped_type::dependency_type::const_iterator;

426:   PetscFunctionBegin;
427:   PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextMapIterVisitor(dctx, [&](map_iterator mapit, dep_iterator it, dep_iterator end) {
428:     PetscFunctionBegin;
429:     if (PetscDefined(USE_DEBUG_AND_INFO)) {
430:       std::ostringstream oss;
431:       const auto         mode = PetscMemoryAccessModeToString(mapit->second.mode);

433:       oss << "synced dctx " << PetscObjectCast(dctx)->id << ", remaining leaves for obj " << mapit->first << ": {";
434:       while (it != end) {
435:         oss << "[dctx " << it->dctx_id() << ", " << mode << ' ' << it->frame() << ']';
436:         if (++it != end) oss << ", ";
437:       }
438:       oss << '}';
439:       PetscCall(PetscInfo(nullptr, "%s\n", oss.str().c_str()));
440:     }
441:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
442:   }));
443:   {
444:     // the recursive sync clear map call is unbounded in case of a dependenct loop so we make a
445:     // copy
446:     const auto cxx_data = CxxDataCast(dctx);
447:     // clang-format off
448:     const std::vector<CxxData::upstream_type::value_type> upstream_copy(
449:       std::make_move_iterator(cxx_data->upstream().begin()),
450:       std::make_move_iterator(cxx_data->upstream().end())
451:     );
452:     // clang-format on

454:     // aftermath, clear our set of parents (to avoid infinite recursion) and mark ourselves as no
455:     // longer contained (while the empty graph technically *is* always contained, it is not what
456:     // we mean by it)
457:     PetscCall(cxx_data->clear());
458:     for (auto &&upstrm : upstream_copy) {
459:       if (const auto udctx = upstrm.second.weak_dctx().lock()) {
460:         // check that this parent still points to what we originally thought it was
461:         PetscCheck(upstrm.first == PetscObjectCast(udctx.get())->id, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Upstream dctx %" PetscInt64_FMT " no longer exists, now has id %" PetscInt64_FMT, upstrm.first, PetscObjectCast(udctx.get())->id);
462:         PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextSyncClearMap_Internal(udctx.get()));
463:       }
464:     }
465:   }
466:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
467: }

469: PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextCheckNotOrphaned_Internal(PetscDeviceContext dctx)
470: {
471:   std::ostringstream oss;
472:   //const auto         allow = dctx->options.allow_orphans, contained = dctx->contained;
473:   const auto allow = true, contained = true;
474:   auto       wrote_to_oss = false;
475:   using map_iterator      = MarkedObjectMap::map_type::const_iterator;
476:   using dep_iterator      = MarkedObjectMap::mapped_type::dependency_type::const_iterator;

478:   PetscFunctionBegin;
479:   PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextMapIterVisitor(dctx, [&](map_iterator mapit, dep_iterator it, dep_iterator end) {
480:     PetscFunctionBegin;
481:     if (allow || contained) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
482:     wrote_to_oss = true;
483:     oss << "- PetscObject (id " << mapit->first << "), intent " << PetscMemoryAccessModeToString(mapit->second.mode) << ' ' << it->frame();
484:     if (std::distance(it, end) == 0) oss << " (orphaned)"; // we were the only dependency
485:     oss << '\n';
486:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
487:   }));
488:   PetscCheck(!wrote_to_oss, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ORDER, "Destroying PetscDeviceContext ('%s', id %" PetscInt64_FMT ") would leave the following dangling (possibly orphaned) dependents:\n%s\nMust synchronize before destroying it, or allow it to be destroyed with orphans",
489:              PetscObjectCast(dctx)->name ? PetscObjectCast(dctx)->name : "unnamed", PetscObjectCast(dctx)->id, oss.str().c_str());
490:   PetscCall(CxxDataCast(dctx)->clear());
491:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
492: }

494: #define DEBUG_INFO(mess, ...) PetscDebugInfo(dctx, "dctx %" PetscInt64_FMT " (%s) - obj %" PetscInt64_FMT " (%s): " mess, PetscObjectCast(dctx)->id, PetscObjectCast(dctx)->name ? PetscObjectCast(dctx)->name : "unnamed", id, name, ##__VA_ARGS__)

496: // The current mode is compatible with the previous mode (i.e. read-read) so we need only
497: // update the existing version and possibly appeand ourselves to the dependency list

499: template <bool use_debug>
500: static PetscErrorCode MarkFromID_CompatibleModes(MarkedObjectMap::mapped_type &marked, PetscDeviceContext dctx, PetscObjectId id, PetscMemoryAccessMode mode, PetscStackFrame<use_debug> &frame, PETSC_UNUSED const char *name, bool *update_object_dependencies)
501: {
502:   const auto dctx_id             = PetscObjectCast(dctx)->id;
503:   auto      &object_dependencies = marked.dependencies;
504:   const auto end                 = object_dependencies.end();
505:   const auto it                  = std::find_if(object_dependencies.begin(), end, [&](const MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type &obj) { return obj.dctx_id() == dctx_id; });

507:   PetscFunctionBegin;
508:   PetscCall(DEBUG_INFO("new mode (%s) COMPATIBLE with %s mode (%s), no need to serialize\n", PetscMemoryAccessModeToString(mode), object_dependencies.empty() ? "default" : "old", PetscMemoryAccessModeToString(marked.mode)));
509:   (void)mode;
510:   if (it != end) {
511:     using std::swap;

513:     // we have been here before, all we must do is update our entry then we can bail
514:     PetscCall(DEBUG_INFO("found old self as dependency, updating\n"));
515:     PetscAssert(CxxDataCast(dctx)->has_marked(id), PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "PetscDeviceContext %" PetscInt64_FMT " listed as dependency for object %" PetscInt64_FMT " (%s), but does not have the object in private dependency list!", dctx_id, id, name);
516:     swap(it->frame(), frame);
517:     PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextRecordEvent_Private(dctx, it->event()));
518:     *update_object_dependencies = false;
519:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
520:   }

522:   // we have not been here before, need to serialize with the last write event (if it exists)
523:   // and add ourselves to the dependency list
524:   if (const auto event = marked.last_write.event()) PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextWaitForEvent_Private(dctx, event));
525:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
526: }

528: template <bool use_debug>
529: static PetscErrorCode MarkFromID_IncompatibleModes_UpdateLastWrite(MarkedObjectMap::mapped_type &marked, PetscDeviceContext dctx, PetscObjectId id, PetscMemoryAccessMode mode, PetscStackFrame<use_debug> &frame, PETSC_UNUSED const char *name, bool *update_object_dependencies)
530: {
531:   const auto      dctx_id    = PetscObjectCast(dctx)->id;
532:   auto           &last_write = marked.last_write;
533:   auto           &last_dep   = marked.dependencies.back();
534:   PetscDeviceType dtype;

536:   PetscFunctionBegin;
537:   PetscAssert(marked.dependencies.size() == 1, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Can only have a single writer as dependency, have %zu!", marked.dependencies.size());
538:   PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextGetDeviceType(dctx, &dtype));
539:   if (last_dep.event()->dtype != dtype) {
540:     PetscCall(DEBUG_INFO("moving last write dependency (intent %s)\n", PetscMemoryAccessModeToString(marked.mode)));
541:     last_write = std::move(last_dep);
542:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
543:   }

545:   // we match the device type of the dependency, we can reuse its event!
546:   const auto cxx_data               = CxxDataCast(dctx);
547:   const auto last_write_was_also_us = last_write.event() && (last_write.dctx_id() == dctx_id);
548:   using std::swap;

550:   PetscCall(DEBUG_INFO("we matched the previous write dependency's (intent %s) device type (%s), swapping last dependency with last write\n", PetscMemoryAccessModeToString(marked.mode), PetscDeviceTypes[dtype]));
551:   if (last_dep.event()->dctx_id != dctx_id) PetscCall(cxx_data->add_mark(id));
552:   PetscAssert(cxx_data->has_marked(id), PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Did not find id %" PetscInt64_FMT "in object dependencies, but we have apparently recorded the last dependency %s!", id, last_write.frame().to_string().c_str());
553:   swap(last_write, last_dep);
554:   if (last_write_was_also_us) {
555:     PetscCall(DEBUG_INFO("we were also the last write event (intent %s), updating\n", PetscMemoryAccessModeToString(mode)));
556:     (void)mode;
557:     // we are both the last to write *and* the last to leave a write event. This is the
558:     // fast path, we only need to update the frame and update the recorded event
559:     swap(last_dep.frame(), frame);
560:     // last used to be last_write which is not guaranteed to have an event, so must
561:     // create it now
562:     PetscCall(last_dep.ensure_event(dctx));
563:     PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextRecordEvent_Private(dctx, last_dep.event()));
564:     *update_object_dependencies = false;
565:   }
566:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
567: }

569: // The current mode is NOT compatible with the previous mode. We must serialize with all events
570: // in the dependency list, possibly clear it, and update the previous write event

572: template <bool use_debug>
573: static PetscErrorCode MarkFromID_IncompatibleModes(MarkedObjectMap::mapped_type &marked, PetscDeviceContext dctx, PetscObjectId id, PetscMemoryAccessMode mode, PetscStackFrame<use_debug> &frame, const char *name, bool *update_object_dependencies)
574: {
575:   auto &old_mode            = marked.mode;
576:   auto &object_dependencies = marked.dependencies;

578:   PetscFunctionBegin;
579:   // we are NOT compatible with the previous mode
580:   PetscCall(DEBUG_INFO("new mode (%s) NOT COMPATIBLE with %s mode (%s), serializing then clearing (%zu) %s\n", PetscMemoryAccessModeToString(mode), object_dependencies.empty() ? "default" : "old", PetscMemoryAccessModeToString(old_mode),
581:                        object_dependencies.size(), object_dependencies.size() == 1 ? "dependency" : "dependencies"));

583:   for (const auto &dep : object_dependencies) PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextWaitForEvent_Private(dctx, dep.event()));
584:   // if the previous mode wrote, update the last write node with it
585:   if (PetscMemoryAccessWrite(old_mode)) PetscCall(MarkFromID_IncompatibleModes_UpdateLastWrite(marked, dctx, id, mode, frame, name, update_object_dependencies));

587:   old_mode = mode;
588:   // clear out the old dependencies if are about to append ourselves
589:   if (*update_object_dependencies) object_dependencies.clear();
590:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
591: }

593: template <bool use_debug>
594: static PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextMarkIntentFromID_Private(PetscDeviceContext dctx, PetscObjectId id, PetscMemoryAccessMode mode, PetscStackFrame<use_debug> frame, const char *name)
595: {
596:   auto &marked                     =[id];
597:   auto &object_dependencies        = marked.dependencies;
598:   auto  update_object_dependencies = true;

600:   PetscFunctionBegin;
601:   if ((marked.mode == PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ) && (mode == PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ)) {
602:     PetscCall(MarkFromID_CompatibleModes(marked, dctx, id, mode, frame, name, &update_object_dependencies));
603:   } else {
604:     PetscCall(MarkFromID_IncompatibleModes(marked, dctx, id, mode, frame, name, &update_object_dependencies));
605:   }
606:   if (update_object_dependencies) {
607:     // become the new leaf by appending ourselves
608:     PetscCall(DEBUG_INFO("%s with intent %s\n", object_dependencies.empty() ? "dependency list is empty, creating new leaf" : "appending to existing leaves", PetscMemoryAccessModeToString(mode)));
609:     PetscCallCXX(object_dependencies.emplace_back(dctx, std::move(frame)));
610:     PetscCall(CxxDataCast(dctx)->add_mark(id));
611:   }
612:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
613: }

615: #undef DEBUG_INFO

617: /*@C
618:   PetscDeviceContextMarkIntentFromID - Indicate a `PetscDeviceContext`s access intent to the
619:   auto-dependency system

621:   Not Collective

623:   Input Parameters:
624: + dctx - The `PetscDeviceContext`
625: . id   - The `PetscObjectId` to mark
626: . mode - The desired access intent
627: - name - The object name (for debug purposes, ignored in optimized builds)

629:   Notes:
630:   This routine formally informs the dependency system that `dctx` will access the object
631:   represented by `id` with `mode` and adds `dctx` to `id`'s list of dependencies (termed
632:   "leaves").

634:   If the existing set of leaves have an incompatible `PetscMemoryAccessMode` to `mode`, `dctx`
635:   will be serialized against them.

637:   Level: intermediate

639: .seealso: `PetscDeviceContextWaitForContext()`, `PetscDeviceContextSynchronize()`,
640: `PetscObjectGetId()`, `PetscMemoryAccessMode`
641: @*/
642: PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextMarkIntentFromID(PetscDeviceContext dctx, PetscObjectId id, PetscMemoryAccessMode mode, const char name[])
643: {
644: #if PetscDefined(USE_DEBUG) && !PetscDefined(HAVE_THREADSAFETY)
645:   const auto index    = petscstack.currentsize > 2 ? petscstack.currentsize - 2 : 0;
646:   const auto file     = petscstack.file[index];
647:   const auto function = petscstack.function[index];
648:   const auto line     = petscstack.line[index];
649: #else
650:   constexpr const char *file     = nullptr;
651:   constexpr const char *function = nullptr;
652:   constexpr auto        line     = 0;
653: #endif

655:   PetscFunctionBegin;
656:   PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextGetOptionalNullContext_Internal(&dctx));
657:   if (name) PetscAssertPointer(name, 4);
658:   PetscCall(marked_object_map.register_finalize());
659:   PetscCall(PetscLogEventBegin(DCONTEXT_Mark, dctx, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));
660:   PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextMarkIntentFromID_Private(dctx, id, mode, MarkedObjectMap::snapshot_type::frame_type{file, function, line}, name ? name : "unknown object"));
661:   PetscCall(PetscLogEventEnd(DCONTEXT_Mark, dctx, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));
662:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
663: }

665: #if defined(__clang__)
667: #endif