Actual source code: destroy.c

  1: /*
  2:      Provides utility routines for manulating any type of PETSc object.
  3: */
  4: #include <petsc/private/petscimpl.h>
  5: #include <petscviewer.h>

  7: static PetscErrorCode DestroyComposedData(void ***composed_star, PetscObjectState **state_star, PetscInt *count_star, void **composed, PetscObjectState **state)
  8: {
  9:   void **tmp_star = *composed_star;

 11:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 12:   for (PetscInt i = 0, imax = *count_star; i < imax; ++i) PetscCall(PetscFree(tmp_star[i]));
 13:   PetscCall(PetscFree2(*composed_star, *state_star));
 14:   PetscCall(PetscFree2(*composed, *state));
 15:   *count_star = 0;
 16:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 17: }

 19: PetscErrorCode PetscComposedQuantitiesDestroy(PetscObject obj)
 20: {
 21:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 23:   PetscCall(DestroyComposedData((void ***)&obj->intstarcomposeddata, &obj->intstarcomposedstate, &obj->intstar_idmax, (void **)&obj->intcomposeddata, &obj->intcomposedstate));
 24:   PetscCall(DestroyComposedData((void ***)&obj->realstarcomposeddata, &obj->realstarcomposedstate, &obj->realstar_idmax, (void **)&obj->realcomposeddata, &obj->realcomposedstate));
 25: #if PetscDefined(USE_COMPLEX)
 26:   PetscCall(DestroyComposedData((void ***)&obj->scalarstarcomposeddata, &obj->scalarstarcomposedstate, &obj->scalarstar_idmax, (void **)&obj->scalarcomposeddata, &obj->scalarcomposedstate));
 27: #endif
 28:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 29: }

 31: /*@
 32:   PetscObjectDestroy - Destroys a `PetscObject`, regardless of the type.

 34:   Collective

 36:   Input Parameter:
 37: . obj - any PETSc object, for example a `Vec`, `Mat` or `KSP`. It must be cast with a (`PetscObject`\*), for example,
 38:         `PetscObjectDestroy`((`PetscObject`\*)&mat);

 40:   Level: beginner

 42: .seealso: `PetscObject`
 43: @*/
 44: PetscErrorCode PetscObjectDestroy(PetscObject *obj)
 45: {
 46:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 47:   if (!obj || !*obj) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 49:   PetscCheck((*obj)->bops->destroy, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "This PETSc object of class %s does not have a generic destroy routine", (*obj)->class_name);
 50:   PetscCall((*(*obj)->bops->destroy)(obj));
 51:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 52: }

 54: /*@C
 55:   PetscObjectView - Views a `PetscObject` regardless of the type.

 57:   Collective

 59:   Input Parameters:
 60: + obj    - any PETSc object, for example a `Vec`, `Mat` or `KSP`. It must be cast with a (`PetscObject`), for example,
 61:            `PetscObjectView`((`PetscObject`)mat,`viewer`);
 62: - viewer - any PETSc viewer

 64:   Level: intermediate

 66: .seealso: `PetscObject`, `PetscObjectViewFromOptions()`, `PetscViewer`
 67: @*/
 68: PetscErrorCode PetscObjectView(PetscObject obj, PetscViewer viewer)
 69: {
 70:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 72:   PetscCheck(obj->bops->view, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "This PETSc object does not have a generic viewer routine");
 73:   if (!viewer) PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIGetStdout(obj->comm, &viewer));

 76:   PetscCall((*obj->bops->view)(obj, viewer));
 77:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 78: }

 80: /*@C
 81:   PetscObjectViewFromOptions - Processes command line options to determine if/how a `PetscObject` is to be viewed.

 83:   Collective

 85:   Input Parameters:
 86: + obj        - the object
 87: . bobj       - optional other object that provides prefix (if `NULL` then the prefix in `obj` is used)
 88: - optionname - option string that is used to activate viewing

 90:   Options Database Key:
 91: . -optionname_view [viewertype]:... - option name and values. In actual usage this would be something like `-mat_coarse_view`

 93:   Level: developer

 95:   Notes:
 96: .vb
 97:     If no value is provided ascii:stdout is used
 98:        ascii[:[filename][:[format][:append]]]    defaults to stdout - format can be one of ascii_info, ascii_info_detail, or ascii_matlab,
 99:                                                   for example ascii::ascii_info prints just the information about the object not all details
100:                                                   unless :append is given filename opens in write mode, overwriting what was already there
101:        binary[:[filename][:[format][:append]]]   defaults to the file binaryoutput
102:        draw[:drawtype[:filename]]                for example, draw:tikz, draw:tikz:figure.tex  or draw:x
103:        socket[:port]                             defaults to the standard output port
104:        saws[:communicatorname]                    publishes object to the Scientific Application Webserver (SAWs)
105: .ve

107:   This is not called directly but is called by, for example, `MatViewFromOptions()`

109: .seealso: `PetscObject`, `PetscObjectView()`, `PetscOptionsGetViewer()`
110: @*/
111: PetscErrorCode PetscObjectViewFromOptions(PetscObject obj, PetscObject bobj, const char optionname[])
112: {
113:   PetscViewer       viewer;
114:   PetscBool         flg;
115:   static PetscBool  incall = PETSC_FALSE;
116:   PetscViewerFormat format;
117:   const char       *prefix;

119:   PetscFunctionBegin;
122:   if (incall) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
123:   incall = PETSC_TRUE;
124:   prefix = bobj ? bobj->prefix : obj->prefix;
125:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsGetViewer(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)obj), obj->options, prefix, optionname, &viewer, &format, &flg));
126:   if (flg) {
127:     PetscCall(PetscViewerPushFormat(viewer, format));
128:     PetscCall(PetscObjectView(obj, viewer));
129:     PetscCall(PetscViewerFlush(viewer));
130:     PetscCall(PetscViewerPopFormat(viewer));
131:     PetscCall(PetscViewerDestroy(&viewer));
132:   }
133:   incall = PETSC_FALSE;
134:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
135: }

137: /*@C
138:   PetscObjectTypeCompare - Determines whether a PETSc object is of a particular type.

140:   Not Collective

142:   Input Parameters:
143: + obj       - a PETSc object, for example a `Vec`, `Mat` or `KSP`. It must be cast with a (`PetscObject`), for example,
144:               `PetscObjectTypeCompare`((`PetscObject`)mat);
145: - type_name - string containing a type name

147:   Output Parameter:
148: . same - `PETSC_TRUE` if the type of `obj` and `type_name` are the same or both `NULL`, else `PETSC_FALSE`

150:   Level: intermediate

152: .seealso: `PetscObject`, `VecGetType()`, `KSPGetType()`, `PCGetType()`, `SNESGetType()`, `PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare()`, `PetscObjectTypeCompareAny()`, `PetscObjectBaseTypeCompareAny()`, `PetscObjectObjectTypeCompare()`
153: @*/
154: PetscErrorCode PetscObjectTypeCompare(PetscObject obj, const char type_name[], PetscBool *same)
155: {
156:   PetscFunctionBegin;
157:   PetscAssertPointer(same, 3);
158:   if (!obj) *same = (PetscBool)!type_name;
159:   else {
161:     if (!type_name || !obj->type_name) *same = (PetscBool)(!obj->type_name == !type_name);
162:     else {
163:       PetscAssertPointer(type_name, 2);
164:       PetscCall(PetscStrcmp(obj->type_name, type_name, same));
165:     }
166:   }
167:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
168: }

170: /*@C
171:   PetscObjectObjectTypeCompare - Determines whether two PETSc objects are of the same type

173:   Logically Collective

175:   Input Parameters:
176: + obj1 - any PETSc object, for example a `Vec`, `Mat` or `KSP`.
177: - obj2 - another PETSc object

179:   Output Parameter:
180: . same - `PETSC_TRUE` if they are the same or both unset, else `PETSC_FALSE`

182:   Level: intermediate

184: .seealso: `PetscObjectTypeCompare()`, `VecGetType()`, `KSPGetType()`, `PCGetType()`, `SNESGetType()`, `PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare()`, `PetscObjectTypeCompareAny()`, `PetscObjectBaseTypeCompareAny()`

186: @*/
187: PetscErrorCode PetscObjectObjectTypeCompare(PetscObject obj1, PetscObject obj2, PetscBool *same)
188: {
189:   PetscFunctionBegin;
192:   PetscAssertPointer(same, 3);
193:   PetscCall(PetscStrcmp(obj1->type_name, obj2->type_name, same));
194:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
195: }

197: /*@C
198:   PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare - Determines whether a `PetscObject` is of a given base type. For example the base type of `MATSEQAIJPERM` is `MATSEQAIJ`

200:   Not Collective

202:   Input Parameters:
203: + obj       - the object
204: - type_name - string containing a type name

206:   Output Parameter:
207: . same - `PETSC_TRUE` if the object is of the same base type identified by `type_name` or both `NULL`, `PETSC_FALSE` otherwise

209:   Level: intermediate

211: .seealso: `PetscObject`, `PetscObjectTypeCompare()`, `PetscObjectTypeCompareAny()`, `PetscObjectBaseTypeCompareAny()`
212: @*/
213: PetscErrorCode PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare(PetscObject obj, const char type_name[], PetscBool *same)
214: {
215:   PetscFunctionBegin;
216:   PetscAssertPointer(same, 3);
217:   if (!obj) *same = (PetscBool)!type_name;
218:   else {
220:     if (!type_name || !obj->type_name) *same = (PetscBool)(!obj->type_name == !type_name);
221:     else {
222:       PetscAssertPointer(type_name, 2);
223:       PetscCall(PetscStrbeginswith(obj->type_name, type_name, same));
224:     }
225:   }
226:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
227: }

229: /*@C
230:   PetscObjectTypeCompareAny - Determines whether a PETSc object is of any of a list of types.

232:   Not Collective

234:   Input Parameters:
235: + obj       - a PETSc object, for example a `Vec`, `Mat` or `KSP`. It must be cast with a (`PetscObject`),
236:               for example, `PetscObjectTypeCompareAny`((`PetscObject`)mat,...);
237: - type_name - one or more string arguments containing type names, pass the empty string "" as the last argument

239:   Output Parameter:
240: . match - `PETSC_TRUE` if the type of `obj` matches any in the list, else `PETSC_FALSE`

242:   Level: intermediate

244: .seealso: `VecGetType()`, `KSPGetType()`, `PCGetType()`, `SNESGetType()`, `PetscObjectTypeCompare()`, `PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare()`
245: @*/
246: PetscErrorCode PetscObjectTypeCompareAny(PetscObject obj, PetscBool *match, const char type_name[], ...)
247: {
248:   va_list Argp;

250:   PetscFunctionBegin;
251:   PetscAssertPointer(match, 2);
252:   *match = PETSC_FALSE;
253:   if (!obj) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
254:   va_start(Argp, type_name);
255:   while (type_name && type_name[0]) {
256:     PetscBool found;
257:     PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare(obj, type_name, &found));
258:     if (found) {
259:       *match = PETSC_TRUE;
260:       break;
261:     }
262:     type_name = va_arg(Argp, const char *);
263:   }
264:   va_end(Argp);
265:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
266: }

268: /*@C
269:   PetscObjectBaseTypeCompareAny - Determines whether a PETSc object has the base type of any of a list of types.

271:   Not Collective

273:   Input Parameters:
274: + obj       - a PETSc object, for example a `Vec`, `Mat` or `KSP`. It must be cast with a (`PetscObject`),
275:               for example, `PetscObjectBaseTypeCompareAny`((`PetscObject`)mat,...);
276: - type_name - one or more string arguments containing type names, pass the empty string "" as the last argument

278:   Output Parameter:
279: . match - `PETSC_TRUE` if the type of `obj` matches any in the list, else `PETSC_FALSE`

281:   Level: intermediate

283: .seealso: `VecGetType()`, `KSPGetType()`, `PCGetType()`, `SNESGetType()`, `PetscObjectTypeCompare()`, `PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare()`, `PetscObjectTypeCompareAny()`
284: @*/
285: PetscErrorCode PetscObjectBaseTypeCompareAny(PetscObject obj, PetscBool *match, const char type_name[], ...)
286: {
287:   va_list Argp;

289:   PetscFunctionBegin;
290:   PetscAssertPointer(match, 2);
291:   *match = PETSC_FALSE;
292:   va_start(Argp, type_name);
293:   while (type_name && type_name[0]) {
294:     PetscBool found;
295:     PetscCall(PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare(obj, type_name, &found));
296:     if (found) {
297:       *match = PETSC_TRUE;
298:       break;
299:     }
300:     type_name = va_arg(Argp, const char *);
301:   }
302:   va_end(Argp);
303:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
304: }

306: typedef struct {
307:   PetscErrorCode (*func)(void);
308: } PetscFinalizeFunction;

310: typedef struct {
311:   PetscErrorCode (*func)(void *);
312:   void *ctx;
313: } PetscFinalizeFunctionWithCtx;

315: typedef enum {
320: } PetscFinalizeType;


324: typedef struct {
325:   union ThunkUnion
326:   {
327:     PetscObject                  obj;
328:     PetscFinalizeFunction        fn;
329:     PetscFinalizeFunctionWithCtx fnctx;
330:   } thunk;
331:   PetscFinalizeType type;
332: } PetscFinalizerContainer;

335: static int                     reg_count = 0;
336: static PetscFinalizerContainer regfin[PETSC_MAX_REGISTERED_FINALIZERS];

338: static PetscErrorCode PetscRunRegisteredFinalizers(void)
339: {
340:   PetscFunctionBegin;
341:   while (reg_count) {
342:     PetscFinalizerContainer top = regfin[--reg_count];

344:     regfin[reg_count].type = PETSC_FINALIZE_EMPTY;
345:     PetscCall(PetscArrayzero(&regfin[reg_count].thunk, 1));
346:     switch (top.type) {
348:       top.thunk.obj->persistent = PETSC_FALSE;
349:       PetscCall(PetscObjectDestroy(&top.thunk.obj));
350:       break;
351:     case PETSC_FINALIZE_FUNC:
352:       PetscCall((*top.thunk.fn.func)());
353:       break;
355:       PetscCall((*top.thunk.fnctx.func)(top.thunk.fnctx.ctx));
356:       break;
358:       SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Finalizer at position %d is empty, yet registration count %d != 0", reg_count, reg_count);
359:       break;
360:     }
361:   }
362:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
363: }

365: static int PetscFinalizerContainerEqual(const PetscFinalizerContainer *a, const PetscFinalizerContainer *b)
366: {
367:   if (a->type != b->type) return 0;
368:   switch (a->type) {
370:     break;
372:     return a->thunk.obj == b->thunk.obj;
374:     return a->thunk.fn.func == b->thunk.fn.func;
376:     return a->thunk.fnctx.func == b->thunk.fnctx.func && a->thunk.fnctx.ctx == b->thunk.fnctx.ctx;
377:   }
378:   return 1;
379: }

381: static PetscErrorCode RegisterFinalizer(PetscFinalizerContainer container)
382: {
383:   PetscFunctionBegin;
384:   PetscAssert(reg_count < (int)PETSC_STATIC_ARRAY_LENGTH(regfin), PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "No more room in array, limit %zu, recompile %s with larger value for " PetscStringize(regfin), PETSC_STATIC_ARRAY_LENGTH(regfin), __FILE__);
385:   PetscAssert(regfin[reg_count].type == PETSC_FINALIZE_EMPTY, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Finalizer type (%s) at position %d is not PETSC_FINALIZE_EMPTY!", PetscFinalizeTypes[regfin[reg_count].type], reg_count);
386:   if (PetscDefined(USE_DEBUG)) {
387:     for (int i = 0; i < reg_count; ++i) PetscCheck(!PetscFinalizerContainerEqual(regfin + i, &container), PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ORDER, "Finalizer (of type %s) already registered!", PetscFinalizeTypes[container.type]);
388:   }
389:   regfin[reg_count++] = container;
390:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
391: }

393: /*@C
394:   PetscObjectRegisterDestroy - Registers a PETSc object to be destroyed when
395:   `PetscFinalize()` is called.

397:   Logically Collective

399:   Input Parameter:
400: . obj - a PETSc object, for example a `Vec`, `Mat` or `KSP`. It must be cast with a (`PetscObject`), for example,
401:         `PetscObjectRegisterDestroy`((`PetscObject`)mat);

403:   Level: developer

405:   Note:
406:   This is used by, for example, `PETSC_VIEWER_XXX_()` routines to free the viewer
407:   when PETSc ends.

409: .seealso: `PetscObjectRegisterDestroyAll()`
410: @*/
411: PetscErrorCode PetscObjectRegisterDestroy(PetscObject obj)
412: {
413:   PetscFinalizerContainer container;

415:   PetscFunctionBegin;
417:   container.thunk.obj = obj;
418:   container.type      = PETSC_FINALIZE_OBJECT;
419:   PetscCall(RegisterFinalizer(container));
420:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
421: }

423: /*@C
424:   PetscObjectRegisterDestroyAll - Frees all the PETSc objects that have been registered
425:   with `PetscObjectRegisterDestroy()`. Called by `PetscFinalize()`

427:   Logically Collective on the individual `PetscObject`s that are being processed

429:   Level: developer

431: .seealso: `PetscObjectRegisterDestroy()`
432: @*/
433: PetscErrorCode PetscObjectRegisterDestroyAll(void)
434: {
435:   PetscFunctionBegin;
436:   PetscCall(PetscRunRegisteredFinalizers());
437:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
438: }

440: /*@C
441:   PetscRegisterFinalize - Registers a function that is to be called in `PetscFinalize()`

443:   Not Collective

445:   Input Parameter:
446: . f - function to be called

448:   Level: developer

450:   Notes:
451:   This is used by, for example, `DMInitializePackage()` to have `DMFinalizePackage()` called

453:   Use `PetscObjectRegisterDestroy()` to register the destruction of an object in `PetscFinalize()`

455: .seealso: `PetscRegisterFinalizeAll()`, `PetscObjectRegisterDestroy()`
456: @*/
457: PetscErrorCode PetscRegisterFinalize(PetscErrorCode (*f)(void))
458: {
459:   PetscFinalizerContainer container;

461:   PetscFunctionBegin;
463:   container.thunk.fn.func = f;
464:   container.type          = PETSC_FINALIZE_FUNC;
465:   PetscCall(RegisterFinalizer(container));
466:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
467: }

469: /*@C
470:   PetscRegisterFinalizeAll - Runs all the finalize functions set with `PetscRegisterFinalize()`

472:   Not Collective unless registered functions are collective

474:   Level: developer

476: .seealso: `PetscRegisterFinalize()`, `PetscObjectRegisterDestroyAll()`
477: @*/
478: PetscErrorCode PetscRegisterFinalizeAll(void)
479: {
480:   PetscFunctionBegin;
481:   PetscCall(PetscRunRegisteredFinalizers());
482:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
483: }