Actual source code: tfs.h

  1: #pragma once

  3: /**********************************const.h*************************************

  5: Author: Henry M. Tufo III

  7: e-mail:

  9: snail-mail:
 10: Division of Applied Mathematics
 11: Brown University
 12: Providence, RI 02912

 14: Last Modification:
 15: 6.21.97
 16: ***********************************const.h************************************/

 18: /**********************************const.h*************************************
 19: File Description:
 20: -----------------

 22: ***********************************const.h************************************/
 23: #include <petscsys.h>
 24: #include <petscblaslapack.h>

 26: #define X  0
 27: #define Y  1
 28: #define Z  2
 29: #define XY 3
 30: #define XZ 4
 31: #define YZ 5

 33: #define THRESH      0.2
 34: #define N_HALF      4096
 35: #define PRIV_BUF_SZ 45

 37: /*4096 8192 32768 65536 1048576 */
 38: #define MAX_MSG_BUF 32768

 40: #define FULL    2
 41: #define PARTIAL 1
 42: #define NONE    0

 44: #define BYTE    8
 45: #define BIT_0   0x1
 46: #define BIT_1   0x2
 47: #define BIT_2   0x4
 48: #define BIT_3   0x8
 49: #define BIT_4   0x10
 50: #define BIT_5   0x20
 51: #define BIT_6   0x40
 52: #define BIT_7   0x80
 53: #define TOP_BIT PETSC_MIN_INT

 55: #define C 0

 57: #define MAX_VEC     1674
 58: #define FORMAT      30
 59: #define MAX_COL_LEN 100
 60: #define MAX_LINE    FORMAT *MAX_COL_LEN
 61: #define DELIM       " \n \t"
 62: #define LINE        12
 63: #define C_LINE      80

 65: #define UT       5 /* dump upper 1/2 */
 66: #define LT       6 /* dump lower 1/2 */
 67: #define SYMM     8 /* we assume symm and dump upper 1/2 */
 68: #define NON_SYMM 9

 70: #define ROW 10
 71: #define COL 11

 73: #define EPS  1.0e-14
 74: #define EPS2 1.0e-07

 76: #define MPI 1
 77: #define NX  2

 79: #define LOG2(x) (PetscScalar) log((double)x) / log(2)
 80: #define SWAP(a, b) \
 81:   temp = (a); \
 82:   (a)  = (b); \
 83:   (b)  = temp;
 84: #define P_SWAP(a, b) \
 85:   ptr = (a); \
 86:   (a) = (b); \
 87:   (b) = ptr;

 89: #define MAX_FABS(x, y) (PetscAbsScalar(x) > PetscAbsScalar(y)) ? ((PetscScalar)x) : ((PetscScalar)y)
 90: #define MIN_FABS(x, y) (PetscAbsScalar(x) < PetscAbsScalar(y)) ? ((PetscScalar)x) : ((PetscScalar)y)

 92: /* specer's existence ... can be done w/MAX_ABS */
 93: #define EXISTS(x, y) ((x) == 0.0) ? (y) : (x)

 95: #define MULT_NEG_ONE(a) (a) *= -1;
 96: #define NEG(a)          (a) |= BIT_31;
 97: #define POS(a)          (a) &= INT_MAX;

 99: /**********************************types.h*************************************

101: Author: Henry M. Tufo III

103: e-mail:

105: snail-mail:
106: Division of Applied Mathematics
107: Brown University
108: Providence, RI 02912

110: Last Modification:
111: 6.21.97
112: ***********************************types.h************************************/

114: typedef PetscErrorCode (*vfp)(void *, void *, PetscInt, ...);
115: typedef PetscErrorCode (*rbfp)(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt);
116: typedef PetscInt (*bfp)(void *, void *, PetscInt *, MPI_Datatype *);

118: /***********************************comm.h*************************************

120: Author: Henry M. Tufo III

122: e-mail:

124: snail-mail:
125: Division of Applied Mathematics
126: Brown University
127: Providence, RI 02912

129: Last Modification:
130: 6.21.97
131: ***********************************comm.h*************************************/
132: PETSC_INTERN PetscMPIInt PCTFS_my_id;
133: PETSC_INTERN PetscMPIInt PCTFS_num_nodes;
134: PETSC_INTERN PetscMPIInt PCTFS_floor_num_nodes;
135: PETSC_INTERN PetscMPIInt PCTFS_i_log2_num_nodes;

137: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_giop(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt, PetscInt *);
138: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_grop(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt, PetscInt *);
139: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_comm_init(void);
140: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_giop_hc(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
141: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_grop_hc(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
142: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ssgl_radd(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt, PetscInt *);

144: #define MSGTAG0 101
145: #define MSGTAG1 1001
146: #define MSGTAG2 76207
147: #define MSGTAG3 100001
148: #define MSGTAG4 163841
149: #define MSGTAG5 249439
150: #define MSGTAG6 10000001

152: #define NON_UNIFORM 0
153: #define GL_MAX      1
154: #define GL_MIN      2
155: #define GL_MULT     3
156: #define GL_ADD      4
157: #define GL_B_XOR    5
158: #define GL_B_OR     6
159: #define GL_B_AND    7
160: #define GL_L_XOR    8
161: #define GL_L_OR     9
162: #define GL_L_AND    10
163: #define GL_MAX_ABS  11
164: #define GL_MIN_ABS  12
165: #define GL_EXISTS   13

167: PETSC_INTERN PetscInt      *PCTFS_ivec_copy(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
168: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_zero(PetscInt *, PetscInt);
169: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_set(PetscInt *, PetscInt, PetscInt);

171: PETSC_INTERN PetscInt PCTFS_ivec_lb(PetscInt *, PetscInt);
172: PETSC_INTERN PetscInt PCTFS_ivec_ub(PetscInt *, PetscInt);
173: PETSC_INTERN PetscInt PCTFS_ivec_sum(PetscInt *, PetscInt);
174: PETSC_INTERN vfp      PCTFS_ivec_fct_addr(PetscInt);

176: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_non_uniform(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt, ...);
177: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_max(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
178: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_min(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
179: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_mult(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
180: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_add(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
181: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_xor(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
182: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_or(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
183: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_and(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
184: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_lxor(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
185: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_lor(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
186: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_land(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
187: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_and3(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);

189: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_sort_companion(PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
190: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_sort(PetscInt *, PetscInt);
191: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_SMI_sort(void *, void *, PetscInt, PetscInt);
192: PETSC_INTERN PetscInt       PCTFS_ivec_binary_search(PetscInt, PetscInt *, PetscInt);
193: PETSC_INTERN PetscInt       PCTFS_ivec_linear_search(PetscInt, PetscInt *, PetscInt);

195: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_sort_companion_hack(PetscInt *, PetscInt **, PetscInt);

197: #define SORT_INTEGER 1
198: #define SORT_INT_PTR 2

200: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_zero(PetscScalar *, PetscInt);
201: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_one(PetscScalar *, PetscInt);
202: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_set(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar, PetscInt);
203: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_copy(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt);
204: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_scale(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar, PetscInt);

206: PETSC_INTERN vfp            PCTFS_rvec_fct_addr(PetscInt);
207: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_add(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt);
208: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_mult(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt);
209: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_max(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt);
210: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_max_abs(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt);
211: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_min(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt);
212: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_min_abs(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt);
213: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_vec_exists(PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscInt);

215: /***********************************gs.h***************************************

217: Author: Henry M. Tufo III

219: e-mail:

221: snail-mail:
222: Division of Applied Mathematics
223: Brown University
224: Providence, RI 02912

226: Last Modification:
227: 6.21.97
228: ************************************gs.h**************************************/

230: typedef struct gather_scatter_id *PCTFS_gs_ADT;

232: PETSC_INTERN PCTFS_gs_ADT   PCTFS_gs_init(PetscInt *, PetscInt, PetscInt);
233: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_gs_gop_vec(PCTFS_gs_ADT, PetscScalar *, const char *, PetscInt);
234: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_gs_gop_hc(PCTFS_gs_ADT, PetscScalar *, const char *, PetscInt);
235: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_gs_free(PCTFS_gs_ADT);
236: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_gs_init_msg_buf_sz(PetscInt);
237: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_gs_init_vec_sz(PetscInt);

239: /*************************************xxt.h************************************
240: Module Name: xxt
241: Module Info: need xxt.{c,h} gs.{c,h} comm.{c,h} ivec.{c,h} error.{c,h}

243: author:  Henry M. Tufo III
244: e-mail:
245: contact:
246: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+
247: |MCS Division - Building 221     |Department of Computer Science  |
248: |Argonne National Laboratory     |Ryerson 152                     |
249: |9700 S. Cass Avenue             |The University of Chicago       |
250: |Argonne, IL  60439              |Chicago, IL  60637              |
251: |(630) 252-5354/5986 ph/fx       |(773) 702-6019/8487 ph/fx       |
252: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+

254: Last Modification: 3.20.01
255: **************************************xxt.h***********************************/

257: typedef struct xxt_CDT *xxt_ADT;

259: /*************************************xxt.h************************************
260: Function: XXT_new()

262: Return: ADT ptr or NULL upon failure.
263: Description: This function allocates and returns an xxt handle
264: Usage: xxt_handle = xxt_new();
265: **************************************xxt.h***********************************/
266: PETSC_INTERN xxt_ADT XXT_new(void);

268: /*************************************xxt.h************************************
269: Function: XXT_free()

271: Input : pointer to ADT.

273: Description: This function frees the storage associated with an xxt handle
274: Usage: XXT_free(xxt_handle);
275: **************************************xxt.h***********************************/
276: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode XXT_free(xxt_ADT);

278: /*************************************xxt.h************************************
279: Function: XXT_factor

281: Input : ADT ptr,  and pointer to object
282: Return: 0 on failure, 1 on success
283: Description: This function sets the xxt solver

285: xxt assumptions: given n rows of global coarse matrix (E_loc) where
286:    o global dofs N = sum_p(n), p=0,P-1
287:    (i.e. row dist. with no dof replication)
288:    (5.21.00 will handle dif replication case)
289:    o m is the number of columns in E_loc (m>=n)
290:    o local2global holds global number of column i (i=0,...,m-1)
291:    o local2global holds global number of row    i (i=0,...,n-1)
292:    o mylocmatvec performs E_loc . x_loc where x_loc is an vector of
293:    length m in 1-1 correspondence with local2global
294:    (note that gs package takes care of communication).
295:    (note do not zero out upper m-n entries!)
296:    o mylocmatvec(void *grid_data, double *in, double *out)

298: ML beliefs/usage: move this to to ML_XXT_factor routine
299:    o my_ml holds address of ML struct associated w/E_loc, grid_data, grid_tag
300:    o grid_tag, grid_data, my_ml used in
301:       ML_Set_CSolve(my_ml, grid_tag, grid_data, ML_Do_CoarseDirect);
302:    o grid_data used in
303:       A_matvec(grid_data,v,u);

305: Usage:
306: **************************************xxt.h***********************************/
307: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode XXT_factor(xxt_ADT,                                                  /* prev. allocated xxt  handle */
308:                                        PetscInt *,                                               /* global column mapping       */
309:                                        PetscInt,                                                 /* local num rows              */
310:                                        PetscInt,                                                 /* local num cols              */
311:                                        PetscErrorCode (*)(void *, PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *), /* b_loc=A_local.x_loc         */
312:                                        void *);                                                  /* grid data for matvec        */

314: /*************************************xxt.h************************************
315: Function: XXT_solve

317: Input : ADT ptr, b (rhs)
318: Output: x (soln)
319: Return:
320: Description: This function performs x = E^-1.b
321: Usage:
322: XXT_solve(xxt_handle, double *x, double *b)
323: XXT_solve(xxt_handle, double *x, NULL)
324: assumes x has been initialized to be b
325: **************************************xxt.h***********************************/
326: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode XXT_solve(xxt_ADT, PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *);

328: /*************************************xxt.h************************************
329: Function: XXT_sp_1()

331: Input : pointer to ADT
332: Output:
333: Return:
334: Description: sets xxt parameter 1 in xxt_handle
335: Usage: implement later

337: void XXT_sp_1(xxt_handle,parameter 1 value)
338: **************************************xxt.h***********************************/

340: /*************************************xyt.h************************************
341: Module Name: xyt
342: Module Info: need xyt.{c,h} gs.{c,h} comm.{c,h} ivec.{c,h} error.{c,h}

344: author:  Henry M. Tufo III
345: e-mail:
346: contact:
347: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+
348: |MCS Division - Building 221     |Department of Computer Science  |
349: |Argonne National Laboratory     |Ryerson 152                     |
350: |9700 S. Cass Avenue             |The University of Chicago       |
351: |Argonne, IL  60439              |Chicago, IL  60637              |
352: |(630) 252-5354/5986 ph/fx       |(773) 702-6019/8487 ph/fx       |
353: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+

355: Last Modification: 3.20.01
356: **************************************xyt.h***********************************/

358: typedef struct xyt_CDT *xyt_ADT;

360: /*************************************xyt.h************************************
361: Function: XYT_new()

363: Return: ADT ptr or NULL upon failure.
364: Description: This function allocates and returns an xyt handle
365: Usage: xyt_handle = xyt_new();
366: **************************************xyt.h***********************************/
367: PETSC_INTERN xyt_ADT XYT_new(void);

369: /*************************************xyt.h************************************
370: Function: XYT_free()

372: Input : pointer to ADT.
373: Description: This function frees the storage associated with an xyt handle
374: Usage: XYT_free(xyt_handle);
375: **************************************xyt.h***********************************/
376: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode XYT_free(xyt_ADT);

378: /*************************************xyt.h************************************
379: Function: XYT_factor

381: Input : ADT ptr,  and pointer to object
382: Output:
383: Return: 0 on failure, 1 on success
384: Description: This function sets the xyt solver

386: xyt assumptions: given n rows of global coarse matrix (E_loc) where
387:    o global dofs N = sum_p(n), p=0,P-1
388:    (i.e. row dist. with no dof replication)
389:    (5.21.00 will handle dif replication case)
390:    o m is the number of columns in E_loc (m>=n)
391:    o local2global holds global number of column i (i=0,...,m-1)
392:    o local2global holds global number of row    i (i=0,...,n-1)
393:    o mylocmatvec performs E_loc . x_loc where x_loc is an vector of
394:    length m in 1-1 correspondence with local2global
395:    (note that gs package takes care of communication).
396:    (note do not zero out upper m-n entries!)
397:    o mylocmatvec(void *grid_data, double *in, double *out)

399: ML beliefs/usage: move this to to ML_XYT_factor routine
400:    o my_ml holds address of ML struct associated w/E_loc, grid_data, grid_tag
401:    o grid_tag, grid_data, my_ml used in
402:       ML_Set_CSolve(my_ml, grid_tag, grid_data, ML_Do_CoarseDirect);
403:    o grid_data used in
404:       A_matvec(grid_data,v,u);

406: Usage:
407: **************************************xyt.h***********************************/
408: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode XYT_factor(xyt_ADT,                                                  /* prev. allocated xyt  handle */
409:                                        PetscInt *,                                               /* global column mapping       */
410:                                        PetscInt,                                                 /* local num rows              */
411:                                        PetscInt,                                                 /* local num cols              */
412:                                        PetscErrorCode (*)(void *, PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *), /* b_loc=A_local.x_loc         */
413:                                        void *);                                                  /* grid data for matvec        */

415: /*************************************xyt.h************************************
416: Function: XYT_solve

418: Input : ADT ptr, b (rhs)
419: Output: x (soln)
420: Return:
421: Description: This function performs x = E^-1.b
422: Usage: XYT_solve(xyt_handle, double *x, double *b)
423: **************************************xyt.h***********************************/
424: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode XYT_solve(xyt_ADT, PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *);

426: /*************************************xyt.h************************************
427: Function: XYT_stats

429: Input : handle
430: **************************************xyt.h***********************************/
431: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode XYT_stats(xyt_ADT);

433: /********************************bit_mask.h************************************

435: Author: Henry M. Tufo III

437: e-mail:

439: snail-mail:
440: Division of Applied Mathematics
441: Brown University
442: Providence, RI 02912

444: Last Modification:
445: 11.21.97
446: *********************************bit_mask.h***********************************/
447: PETSC_INTERN PetscInt       PCTFS_div_ceil(PetscInt, PetscInt);
448: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_set_bit_mask(PetscInt *, PetscInt, PetscInt);
449: PETSC_INTERN PetscInt       PCTFS_len_bit_mask(PetscInt);
450: PETSC_INTERN PetscInt       PCTFS_ct_bits(char *, PetscInt);
451: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCTFS_bm_to_proc(char *, PetscInt, PetscInt *);
452: PETSC_INTERN PetscInt       PCTFS_len_buf(PetscInt, PetscInt);