Actual source code: pbjacobi.c

  1: #include <../src/ksp/pc/impls/pbjacobi/pbjacobi.h>

  3: static PetscErrorCode PCApply_PBJacobi(PC pc, Vec x, Vec y)
  4: {
  5:   PC_PBJacobi       *jac = (PC_PBJacobi *)pc->data;
  6:   PetscInt           i, ib, jb;
  7:   const PetscInt     m    = jac->mbs;
  8:   const PetscInt     bs   = jac->bs;
  9:   const MatScalar   *diag = jac->diag;
 10:   PetscScalar       *yy, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6;
 11:   const PetscScalar *xx;

 13:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 14:   PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(x, &xx));
 15:   PetscCall(VecGetArray(y, &yy));
 16:   switch (bs) {
 17:   case 1:
 18:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) yy[i] = diag[i] * xx[i];
 19:     break;
 20:   case 2:
 21:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
 22:       x0            = xx[2 * i];
 23:       x1            = xx[2 * i + 1];
 24:       yy[2 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[2] * x1;
 25:       yy[2 * i + 1] = diag[1] * x0 + diag[3] * x1;
 26:       diag += 4;
 27:     }
 28:     break;
 29:   case 3:
 30:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
 31:       x0 = xx[3 * i];
 32:       x1 = xx[3 * i + 1];
 33:       x2 = xx[3 * i + 2];

 35:       yy[3 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[3] * x1 + diag[6] * x2;
 36:       yy[3 * i + 1] = diag[1] * x0 + diag[4] * x1 + diag[7] * x2;
 37:       yy[3 * i + 2] = diag[2] * x0 + diag[5] * x1 + diag[8] * x2;
 38:       diag += 9;
 39:     }
 40:     break;
 41:   case 4:
 42:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
 43:       x0 = xx[4 * i];
 44:       x1 = xx[4 * i + 1];
 45:       x2 = xx[4 * i + 2];
 46:       x3 = xx[4 * i + 3];

 48:       yy[4 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[4] * x1 + diag[8] * x2 + diag[12] * x3;
 49:       yy[4 * i + 1] = diag[1] * x0 + diag[5] * x1 + diag[9] * x2 + diag[13] * x3;
 50:       yy[4 * i + 2] = diag[2] * x0 + diag[6] * x1 + diag[10] * x2 + diag[14] * x3;
 51:       yy[4 * i + 3] = diag[3] * x0 + diag[7] * x1 + diag[11] * x2 + diag[15] * x3;
 52:       diag += 16;
 53:     }
 54:     break;
 55:   case 5:
 56:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
 57:       x0 = xx[5 * i];
 58:       x1 = xx[5 * i + 1];
 59:       x2 = xx[5 * i + 2];
 60:       x3 = xx[5 * i + 3];
 61:       x4 = xx[5 * i + 4];

 63:       yy[5 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[5] * x1 + diag[10] * x2 + diag[15] * x3 + diag[20] * x4;
 64:       yy[5 * i + 1] = diag[1] * x0 + diag[6] * x1 + diag[11] * x2 + diag[16] * x3 + diag[21] * x4;
 65:       yy[5 * i + 2] = diag[2] * x0 + diag[7] * x1 + diag[12] * x2 + diag[17] * x3 + diag[22] * x4;
 66:       yy[5 * i + 3] = diag[3] * x0 + diag[8] * x1 + diag[13] * x2 + diag[18] * x3 + diag[23] * x4;
 67:       yy[5 * i + 4] = diag[4] * x0 + diag[9] * x1 + diag[14] * x2 + diag[19] * x3 + diag[24] * x4;
 68:       diag += 25;
 69:     }
 70:     break;
 71:   case 6:
 72:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
 73:       x0 = xx[6 * i];
 74:       x1 = xx[6 * i + 1];
 75:       x2 = xx[6 * i + 2];
 76:       x3 = xx[6 * i + 3];
 77:       x4 = xx[6 * i + 4];
 78:       x5 = xx[6 * i + 5];

 80:       yy[6 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[6] * x1 + diag[12] * x2 + diag[18] * x3 + diag[24] * x4 + diag[30] * x5;
 81:       yy[6 * i + 1] = diag[1] * x0 + diag[7] * x1 + diag[13] * x2 + diag[19] * x3 + diag[25] * x4 + diag[31] * x5;
 82:       yy[6 * i + 2] = diag[2] * x0 + diag[8] * x1 + diag[14] * x2 + diag[20] * x3 + diag[26] * x4 + diag[32] * x5;
 83:       yy[6 * i + 3] = diag[3] * x0 + diag[9] * x1 + diag[15] * x2 + diag[21] * x3 + diag[27] * x4 + diag[33] * x5;
 84:       yy[6 * i + 4] = diag[4] * x0 + diag[10] * x1 + diag[16] * x2 + diag[22] * x3 + diag[28] * x4 + diag[34] * x5;
 85:       yy[6 * i + 5] = diag[5] * x0 + diag[11] * x1 + diag[17] * x2 + diag[23] * x3 + diag[29] * x4 + diag[35] * x5;
 86:       diag += 36;
 87:     }
 88:     break;
 89:   case 7:
 90:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
 91:       x0 = xx[7 * i];
 92:       x1 = xx[7 * i + 1];
 93:       x2 = xx[7 * i + 2];
 94:       x3 = xx[7 * i + 3];
 95:       x4 = xx[7 * i + 4];
 96:       x5 = xx[7 * i + 5];
 97:       x6 = xx[7 * i + 6];

 99:       yy[7 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[7] * x1 + diag[14] * x2 + diag[21] * x3 + diag[28] * x4 + diag[35] * x5 + diag[42] * x6;
100:       yy[7 * i + 1] = diag[1] * x0 + diag[8] * x1 + diag[15] * x2 + diag[22] * x3 + diag[29] * x4 + diag[36] * x5 + diag[43] * x6;
101:       yy[7 * i + 2] = diag[2] * x0 + diag[9] * x1 + diag[16] * x2 + diag[23] * x3 + diag[30] * x4 + diag[37] * x5 + diag[44] * x6;
102:       yy[7 * i + 3] = diag[3] * x0 + diag[10] * x1 + diag[17] * x2 + diag[24] * x3 + diag[31] * x4 + diag[38] * x5 + diag[45] * x6;
103:       yy[7 * i + 4] = diag[4] * x0 + diag[11] * x1 + diag[18] * x2 + diag[25] * x3 + diag[32] * x4 + diag[39] * x5 + diag[46] * x6;
104:       yy[7 * i + 5] = diag[5] * x0 + diag[12] * x1 + diag[19] * x2 + diag[26] * x3 + diag[33] * x4 + diag[40] * x5 + diag[47] * x6;
105:       yy[7 * i + 6] = diag[6] * x0 + diag[13] * x1 + diag[20] * x2 + diag[27] * x3 + diag[34] * x4 + diag[41] * x5 + diag[48] * x6;
106:       diag += 49;
107:     }
108:     break;
109:   default:
110:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
111:       for (ib = 0; ib < bs; ib++) {
112:         PetscScalar rowsum = 0;
113:         for (jb = 0; jb < bs; jb++) rowsum += diag[ib + jb * bs] * xx[bs * i + jb];
114:         yy[bs * i + ib] = rowsum;
115:       }
116:       diag += bs * bs;
117:     }
118:   }
119:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(x, &xx));
120:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(y, &yy));
121:   PetscCall(PetscLogFlops((2.0 * bs * bs - bs) * m)); /* 2*bs2 - bs */
122:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
123: }

125: static PetscErrorCode PCApplyTranspose_PBJacobi(PC pc, Vec x, Vec y)
126: {
127:   PC_PBJacobi       *jac = (PC_PBJacobi *)pc->data;
128:   PetscInt           i, ib, jb;
129:   const PetscInt     m    = jac->mbs;
130:   const PetscInt     bs   = jac->bs;
131:   const MatScalar   *diag = jac->diag;
132:   PetscScalar       *yy, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6;
133:   const PetscScalar *xx;

135:   PetscFunctionBegin;
136:   PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(x, &xx));
137:   PetscCall(VecGetArray(y, &yy));
138:   switch (bs) {
139:   case 1:
140:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) yy[i] = diag[i] * xx[i];
141:     break;
142:   case 2:
143:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
144:       x0            = xx[2 * i];
145:       x1            = xx[2 * i + 1];
146:       yy[2 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[1] * x1;
147:       yy[2 * i + 1] = diag[2] * x0 + diag[3] * x1;
148:       diag += 4;
149:     }
150:     break;
151:   case 3:
152:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
153:       x0 = xx[3 * i];
154:       x1 = xx[3 * i + 1];
155:       x2 = xx[3 * i + 2];

157:       yy[3 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[1] * x1 + diag[2] * x2;
158:       yy[3 * i + 1] = diag[3] * x0 + diag[4] * x1 + diag[5] * x2;
159:       yy[3 * i + 2] = diag[6] * x0 + diag[7] * x1 + diag[8] * x2;
160:       diag += 9;
161:     }
162:     break;
163:   case 4:
164:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
165:       x0 = xx[4 * i];
166:       x1 = xx[4 * i + 1];
167:       x2 = xx[4 * i + 2];
168:       x3 = xx[4 * i + 3];

170:       yy[4 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[1] * x1 + diag[2] * x2 + diag[3] * x3;
171:       yy[4 * i + 1] = diag[4] * x0 + diag[5] * x1 + diag[6] * x2 + diag[7] * x3;
172:       yy[4 * i + 2] = diag[8] * x0 + diag[9] * x1 + diag[10] * x2 + diag[11] * x3;
173:       yy[4 * i + 3] = diag[12] * x0 + diag[13] * x1 + diag[14] * x2 + diag[15] * x3;
174:       diag += 16;
175:     }
176:     break;
177:   case 5:
178:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
179:       x0 = xx[5 * i];
180:       x1 = xx[5 * i + 1];
181:       x2 = xx[5 * i + 2];
182:       x3 = xx[5 * i + 3];
183:       x4 = xx[5 * i + 4];

185:       yy[5 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[1] * x1 + diag[2] * x2 + diag[3] * x3 + diag[4] * x4;
186:       yy[5 * i + 1] = diag[5] * x0 + diag[6] * x1 + diag[7] * x2 + diag[8] * x3 + diag[9] * x4;
187:       yy[5 * i + 2] = diag[10] * x0 + diag[11] * x1 + diag[12] * x2 + diag[13] * x3 + diag[14] * x4;
188:       yy[5 * i + 3] = diag[15] * x0 + diag[16] * x1 + diag[17] * x2 + diag[18] * x3 + diag[19] * x4;
189:       yy[5 * i + 4] = diag[20] * x0 + diag[21] * x1 + diag[22] * x2 + diag[23] * x3 + diag[24] * x4;
190:       diag += 25;
191:     }
192:     break;
193:   case 6:
194:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
195:       x0 = xx[6 * i];
196:       x1 = xx[6 * i + 1];
197:       x2 = xx[6 * i + 2];
198:       x3 = xx[6 * i + 3];
199:       x4 = xx[6 * i + 4];
200:       x5 = xx[6 * i + 5];

202:       yy[6 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[1] * x1 + diag[2] * x2 + diag[3] * x3 + diag[4] * x4 + diag[5] * x5;
203:       yy[6 * i + 1] = diag[6] * x0 + diag[7] * x1 + diag[8] * x2 + diag[9] * x3 + diag[10] * x4 + diag[11] * x5;
204:       yy[6 * i + 2] = diag[12] * x0 + diag[13] * x1 + diag[14] * x2 + diag[15] * x3 + diag[16] * x4 + diag[17] * x5;
205:       yy[6 * i + 3] = diag[18] * x0 + diag[19] * x1 + diag[20] * x2 + diag[21] * x3 + diag[22] * x4 + diag[23] * x5;
206:       yy[6 * i + 4] = diag[24] * x0 + diag[25] * x1 + diag[26] * x2 + diag[27] * x3 + diag[28] * x4 + diag[29] * x5;
207:       yy[6 * i + 5] = diag[30] * x0 + diag[31] * x1 + diag[32] * x2 + diag[33] * x3 + diag[34] * x4 + diag[35] * x5;
208:       diag += 36;
209:     }
210:     break;
211:   case 7:
212:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
213:       x0 = xx[7 * i];
214:       x1 = xx[7 * i + 1];
215:       x2 = xx[7 * i + 2];
216:       x3 = xx[7 * i + 3];
217:       x4 = xx[7 * i + 4];
218:       x5 = xx[7 * i + 5];
219:       x6 = xx[7 * i + 6];

221:       yy[7 * i]     = diag[0] * x0 + diag[1] * x1 + diag[2] * x2 + diag[3] * x3 + diag[4] * x4 + diag[5] * x5 + diag[6] * x6;
222:       yy[7 * i + 1] = diag[7] * x0 + diag[8] * x1 + diag[9] * x2 + diag[10] * x3 + diag[11] * x4 + diag[12] * x5 + diag[13] * x6;
223:       yy[7 * i + 2] = diag[14] * x0 + diag[15] * x1 + diag[16] * x2 + diag[17] * x3 + diag[18] * x4 + diag[19] * x5 + diag[20] * x6;
224:       yy[7 * i + 3] = diag[21] * x0 + diag[22] * x1 + diag[23] * x2 + diag[24] * x3 + diag[25] * x4 + diag[26] * x5 + diag[27] * x6;
225:       yy[7 * i + 4] = diag[28] * x0 + diag[29] * x1 + diag[30] * x2 + diag[31] * x3 + diag[32] * x4 + diag[33] * x5 + diag[34] * x6;
226:       yy[7 * i + 5] = diag[35] * x0 + diag[36] * x1 + diag[37] * x2 + diag[38] * x3 + diag[39] * x4 + diag[40] * x5 + diag[41] * x6;
227:       yy[7 * i + 6] = diag[42] * x0 + diag[43] * x1 + diag[44] * x2 + diag[45] * x3 + diag[46] * x4 + diag[47] * x5 + diag[48] * x6;
228:       diag += 49;
229:     }
230:     break;
231:   default:
232:     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
233:       for (ib = 0; ib < bs; ib++) {
234:         PetscScalar rowsum = 0;
235:         for (jb = 0; jb < bs; jb++) rowsum += diag[ib * bs + jb] * xx[bs * i + jb];
236:         yy[bs * i + ib] = rowsum;
237:       }
238:       diag += bs * bs;
239:     }
240:   }
241:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(x, &xx));
242:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(y, &yy));
243:   PetscCall(PetscLogFlops((2.0 * bs * bs - bs) * m));
244:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
245: }

247: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_PBJacobi_Host(PC pc)
248: {
249:   PC_PBJacobi   *jac = (PC_PBJacobi *)pc->data;
250:   Mat            A   = pc->pmat;
251:   MatFactorError err;
252:   PetscInt       nlocal;

254:   PetscFunctionBegin;
255:   PetscCall(MatInvertBlockDiagonal(A, &jac->diag));
256:   PetscCall(MatFactorGetError(A, &err));
257:   if (err) pc->failedreason = (PCFailedReason)err;

259:   PetscCall(MatGetBlockSize(A, &jac->bs));
260:   PetscCall(MatGetLocalSize(A, &nlocal, NULL));
261:   jac->mbs = nlocal / jac->bs;
262:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
263: }

265: static PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_PBJacobi(PC pc)
266: {
267:   PetscFunctionBegin;
268:   /* In PCCreate_PBJacobi() pmat might have not been set, so we wait to the last minute to do the dispatch */
269: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_CUDA)
270:   PetscBool isCuda;
271:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)pc->pmat, &isCuda, MATSEQAIJCUSPARSE, MATMPIAIJCUSPARSE, ""));
272: #endif
274:   PetscBool isKok;
275:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)pc->pmat, &isKok, MATSEQAIJKOKKOS, MATMPIAIJKOKKOS, ""));
276: #endif

278: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_CUDA)
279:   if (isCuda) PetscCall(PCSetUp_PBJacobi_CUDA(pc));
280:   else
281: #endif
283:     if (isKok)
284:     PetscCall(PCSetUp_PBJacobi_Kokkos(pc));
285:   else
286: #endif
287:   {
288:     PetscCall(PCSetUp_PBJacobi_Host(pc));
289:   }
290:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
291: }

293: PetscErrorCode PCDestroy_PBJacobi(PC pc)
294: {
295:   PetscFunctionBegin;
296:   /*
297:       Free the private data structure that was hanging off the PC
298:   */
299:   PetscCall(PetscFree(pc->data));
300:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
301: }

303: static PetscErrorCode PCView_PBJacobi(PC pc, PetscViewer viewer)
304: {
305:   PC_PBJacobi *jac = (PC_PBJacobi *)pc->data;
306:   PetscBool    iascii;

308:   PetscFunctionBegin;
309:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer, PETSCVIEWERASCII, &iascii));
310:   if (iascii) PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "  point-block size %" PetscInt_FMT "\n", jac->bs));
311:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
312: }

314: /*MC
315:      PCPBJACOBI - Point block Jacobi preconditioner

317:    Notes:
318:     See `PCJACOBI` for diagonal Jacobi, `PCVPBJACOBI` for variable-size point block, and `PCBJACOBI` for large size blocks

320:    This works for `MATAIJ` and `MATBAIJ` matrices and uses the blocksize provided to the matrix

322:    Uses dense LU factorization with partial pivoting to invert the blocks; if a zero pivot
323:    is detected a PETSc error is generated.

325:    Developer Notes:
326:      This should support the `PCSetErrorIfFailure()` flag set to `PETSC_TRUE` to allow
327:      the factorization to continue even after a zero pivot is found resulting in a Nan and hence
328:      terminating `KSP` with a `KSP_DIVERGED_NANORINF` allowing
329:      a nonlinear solver/ODE integrator to recover without stopping the program as currently happens.

331:      Perhaps should provide an option that allows generation of a valid preconditioner
332:      even if a block is singular as the `PCJACOBI` does.

334:    Level: beginner

336: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCCreate()`, `PCSetType()`, `PCType`, `PC`, `PCJACOBI`, `PCVPBJACOBI`, `PCBJACOBI`
337: M*/

339: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PCCreate_PBJacobi(PC pc)
340: {
341:   PC_PBJacobi *jac;

343:   PetscFunctionBegin;
344:   /*
345:      Creates the private data structure for this preconditioner and
346:      attach it to the PC object.
347:   */
348:   PetscCall(PetscNew(&jac));
349:   pc->data = (void *)jac;

351:   /*
352:      Initialize the pointers to vectors to ZERO; these will be used to store
353:      diagonal entries of the matrix for fast preconditioner application.
354:   */
355:   jac->diag = NULL;

357:   /*
358:       Set the pointers for the functions that are provided above.
359:       Now when the user-level routines (such as PCApply(), PCDestroy(), etc.)
360:       are called, they will automatically call these functions.  Note we
361:       choose not to provide a couple of these functions since they are
362:       not needed.
363:   */
364:   pc->ops->apply               = PCApply_PBJacobi;
365:   pc->ops->applytranspose      = PCApplyTranspose_PBJacobi;
366:   pc->ops->setup               = PCSetUp_PBJacobi;
367:   pc->ops->destroy             = PCDestroy_PBJacobi;
368:   pc->ops->setfromoptions      = NULL;
369:   pc->ops->view                = PCView_PBJacobi;
370:   pc->ops->applyrichardson     = NULL;
371:   pc->ops->applysymmetricleft  = NULL;
372:   pc->ops->applysymmetricright = NULL;
373:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
374: }