Actual source code: stag1d.c

  1: /*
  2:    Functions specific to the 1-dimensional implementation of DMStag
  3: */
  4: #include <petsc/private/dmstagimpl.h>

  6: /*@C
  7:   DMStagCreate1d - Create an object to manage data living on the elements and vertices of a parallelized regular 1D grid.

  9:   Collective

 11:   Input Parameters:
 12: + comm         - MPI communicator
 13: . bndx         - boundary type: `DM_BOUNDARY_NONE`, `DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC`, or `DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED`
 14: . M            - global number of elements
 15: . dof0         - number of degrees of freedom per vertex/0-cell
 16: . dof1         - number of degrees of freedom per element/1-cell
 17: . stencilType  - ghost/halo region type: `DMSTAG_STENCIL_BOX` or `DMSTAG_STENCIL_NONE`
 18: . stencilWidth - width, in elements, of halo/ghost region
 19: - lx           - array of local sizes, of length equal to the comm size, summing to M

 21:   Output Parameter:
 22: . dm - the new DMStag object

 24:   Options Database Keys:
 25: + -dm_view                                      - calls `DMViewFromOptions()` at the conclusion of `DMSetUp()`
 26: . -stag_grid_x <nx>                             - number of elements in the x direction
 27: . -stag_ghost_stencil_width                     - width of ghost region, in elements
 28: - -stag_boundary_type_x <none,ghosted,periodic> - `DMBoundaryType` value

 30:   Level: beginner

 32:   Notes:
 33:   You must call `DMSetUp()` after this call before using the `DM`.
 34:   If you wish to use the options database (see the keys above) to change values in the `DMSTAG`, you must call
 35:   `DMSetFromOptions()` after this function but before `DMSetUp()`.

 37: .seealso: [](ch_stag), `DMSTAG`, `DMStagCreate2d()`, `DMStagCreate3d()`, `DMDestroy()`, `DMView()`, `DMCreateGlobalVector()`, `DMCreateLocalVector()`, `DMLocalToGlobalBegin()`, `DMDACreate1d()`
 38: @*/
 39: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMStagCreate1d(MPI_Comm comm, DMBoundaryType bndx, PetscInt M, PetscInt dof0, PetscInt dof1, DMStagStencilType stencilType, PetscInt stencilWidth, const PetscInt lx[], DM *dm)
 40: {
 41:   PetscMPIInt size;

 43:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 44:   PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size));
 45:   PetscCall(DMCreate(comm, dm));
 46:   PetscCall(DMSetDimension(*dm, 1));
 47:   PetscCall(DMStagInitialize(bndx, DM_BOUNDARY_NONE, DM_BOUNDARY_NONE, M, 0, 0, size, 0, 0, dof0, dof1, 0, 0, stencilType, stencilWidth, lx, NULL, NULL, *dm));
 48:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 49: }

 51: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMStagRestrictSimple_1d(DM dmf, Vec xf_local, DM dmc, Vec xc_local)
 52: {
 53:   PetscScalar **LA_xf, **LA_xc;
 54:   PetscInt      i, start, n, nextra, N;
 55:   PetscInt      d, dof[2];
 56:   PetscInt      slot_left_coarse, slot_element_coarse, slot_left_fine, slot_element_fine;

 58:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 59:   PetscCall(DMStagGetDOF(dmc, &dof[0], &dof[1], NULL, NULL));
 60:   PetscCall(DMStagGetCorners(dmc, &start, NULL, NULL, &n, NULL, NULL, &nextra, NULL, NULL));
 61:   PetscCall(DMStagGetGlobalSizes(dmc, &N, NULL, NULL));
 62:   if (PetscDefined(USE_DEBUG)) {
 63:     PetscInt dof_check[2], n_fine, start_fine;

 65:     PetscCall(DMStagGetDOF(dmf, &dof_check[0], &dof_check[1], NULL, NULL));
 66:     PetscCall(DMStagGetCorners(dmf, &start_fine, NULL, NULL, &n_fine, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
 67:     for (d = 0; d < 2; ++d)
 68:       PetscCheck(dof_check[d] == dof[d], PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmf), PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Cannot transfer between DMStag objects with different dof on each stratum. Stratum %" PetscInt_FMT " has %" PetscInt_FMT " dof (fine) but %" PetscInt_FMT " dof (coarse)", d, dof_check[d], dof[d]);
 69:     PetscCheck(n_fine == 2 * n, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Cannot transfer between DMStag objects unless there is a 2-1 coarsening. The fine DM has %" PetscInt_FMT " local elements and the coarse DM has %" PetscInt_FMT "", n_fine, n);
 70:     PetscCheck(start_fine == 2 * start, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Cannot transfer between DMStag objects unless there is a 2-1 coarsening. The fine DM starts at element %" PetscInt_FMT " and the coarse DM starts at %" PetscInt_FMT "", start_fine, start);
 71:     {
 72:       PetscInt size_local, entries_local;

 74:       PetscCall(DMStagGetEntriesLocal(dmf, &entries_local));
 75:       PetscCall(VecGetLocalSize(xf_local, &size_local));
 76:       PetscCheck(entries_local == size_local, PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Fine vector must be a local vector of size %" PetscInt_FMT ", but a vector of size %" PetscInt_FMT " was supplied", entries_local, size_local);
 77:     }
 78:     {
 79:       PetscInt size_local, entries_local;

 81:       PetscCall(DMStagGetEntriesLocal(dmc, &entries_local));
 82:       PetscCall(VecGetLocalSize(xc_local, &size_local));
 83:       PetscCheck(entries_local == size_local, PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Coarse vector must be a local vector of size %" PetscInt_FMT ", but a vector of size %" PetscInt_FMT " was supplied", entries_local, size_local);
 84:     }
 85:   }
 86:   PetscCall(VecZeroEntries(xc_local));
 87:   PetscCall(DMStagVecGetArray(dmf, xf_local, &LA_xf));
 88:   PetscCall(DMStagVecGetArray(dmc, xc_local, &LA_xc));
 89:   PetscCall(DMStagGetLocationSlot(dmf, DMSTAG_LEFT, 0, &slot_left_fine));
 90:   PetscCall(DMStagGetLocationSlot(dmf, DMSTAG_ELEMENT, 0, &slot_element_fine));
 91:   PetscCall(DMStagGetLocationSlot(dmc, DMSTAG_LEFT, 0, &slot_left_coarse));
 92:   PetscCall(DMStagGetLocationSlot(dmc, DMSTAG_ELEMENT, 0, &slot_element_coarse));
 93:   for (i = start; i < start + n + nextra; ++i) {
 94:     for (d = 0; d < dof[0]; ++d) LA_xc[i][slot_left_coarse + d] = LA_xf[2 * i][slot_left_fine + d];
 95:     if (i < N) {
 96:       for (d = 0; d < dof[1]; ++d) LA_xc[i][slot_element_coarse + d] = 0.5 * (LA_xf[2 * i][slot_element_fine + d] + LA_xf[2 * i + 1][slot_element_fine + d]);
 97:     }
 98:   }
 99:   PetscCall(DMStagVecRestoreArray(dmf, xf_local, &LA_xf));
100:   PetscCall(DMStagVecRestoreArray(dmc, xc_local, &LA_xc));
101:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
102: }

104: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMStagSetUniformCoordinatesExplicit_1d(DM dm, PetscReal xmin, PetscReal xmax)
105: {
106:   DM_Stag      *stagCoord;
107:   DM            dmCoord;
108:   Vec           coordLocal;
109:   PetscReal     h, min;
110:   PetscScalar **arr;
111:   PetscInt      start_ghost, n_ghost, s;
112:   PetscInt      ileft, ielement;

114:   PetscFunctionBegin;
115:   PetscCall(DMGetCoordinateDM(dm, &dmCoord));
116:   stagCoord = (DM_Stag *)dmCoord->data;
117:   for (s = 0; s < 2; ++s) {
118:     PetscCheck(stagCoord->dof[s] == 0 || stagCoord->dof[s] == 1, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Coordinate DM in 1 dimensions must have 0 or 1 dof on each stratum, but stratum %" PetscInt_FMT " has %" PetscInt_FMT " dof", s,
119:                stagCoord->dof[s]);
120:   }
121:   PetscCall(DMCreateLocalVector(dmCoord, &coordLocal));

123:   PetscCall(DMStagVecGetArray(dmCoord, coordLocal, &arr));
124:   if (stagCoord->dof[0]) PetscCall(DMStagGetLocationSlot(dmCoord, DMSTAG_LEFT, 0, &ileft));
125:   if (stagCoord->dof[1]) PetscCall(DMStagGetLocationSlot(dmCoord, DMSTAG_ELEMENT, 0, &ielement));
126:   PetscCall(DMStagGetGhostCorners(dmCoord, &start_ghost, NULL, NULL, &n_ghost, NULL, NULL));

128:   min = xmin;
129:   h   = (xmax - xmin) / stagCoord->N[0];

131:   for (PetscInt ind = start_ghost; ind < start_ghost + n_ghost; ++ind) {
132:     if (stagCoord->dof[0]) {
133:       const PetscReal off = 0.0;
134:       arr[ind][ileft]     = min + ((PetscReal)ind + off) * h;
135:     }
136:     if (stagCoord->dof[1]) {
137:       const PetscReal off = 0.5;
138:       arr[ind][ielement]  = min + ((PetscReal)ind + off) * h;
139:     }
140:   }
141:   PetscCall(DMStagVecRestoreArray(dmCoord, coordLocal, &arr));
142:   PetscCall(DMSetCoordinatesLocal(dm, coordLocal));
143:   PetscCall(VecDestroy(&coordLocal));
144:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
145: }

147: /* Helper functions used in DMSetUp_Stag() */
148: static PetscErrorCode DMStagComputeLocationOffsets_1d(DM);

150: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMSetUp_Stag_1d(DM dm)
151: {
152:   DM_Stag *const stag = (DM_Stag *)dm->data;
153:   PetscMPIInt    size, rank;
154:   MPI_Comm       comm;
155:   PetscInt       j;

157:   PetscFunctionBegin;
158:   PetscCall(PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)dm, &comm));
159:   PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size));
160:   PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank));

162:   /* Check Global size */
163:   PetscCheck(stag->N[0] >= 1, comm, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Global grid size of %" PetscInt_FMT " < 1 specified", stag->N[0]);

165:   /* Local sizes */
166:   PetscCheck(stag->N[0] >= size, comm, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "More ranks (%d) than elements (%" PetscInt_FMT ") specified", size, stag->N[0]);
167:   if (!stag->l[0]) {
168:     /* Divide equally, giving an extra elements to higher ranks */
169:     PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(stag->nRanks[0], &stag->l[0]));
170:     for (j = 0; j < stag->nRanks[0]; ++j) stag->l[0][j] = stag->N[0] / stag->nRanks[0] + (stag->N[0] % stag->nRanks[0] > j ? 1 : 0);
171:   }
172:   {
173:     PetscInt Nchk = 0;
174:     for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) Nchk += stag->l[0][j];
175:     PetscCheck(Nchk == stag->N[0], comm, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Sum of specified local sizes (%" PetscInt_FMT ") is not equal to global size (%" PetscInt_FMT ")", Nchk, stag->N[0]);
176:   }
177:   stag->n[0] = stag->l[0][rank];

179:   /* Rank (trivial in 1d) */
180:   stag->rank[0]      = rank;
181:   stag->firstRank[0] = (PetscBool)(rank == 0);
182:   stag->lastRank[0]  = (PetscBool)(rank == size - 1);

184:   /* Local (unghosted) numbers of entries */
185:   stag->entriesPerElement = stag->dof[0] + stag->dof[1];
186:   switch (stag->boundaryType[0]) {
187:   case DM_BOUNDARY_NONE:
189:     stag->entries = stag->n[0] * stag->entriesPerElement + (stag->lastRank[0] ? stag->dof[0] : 0);
190:     break;
192:     stag->entries = stag->n[0] * stag->entriesPerElement;
193:     break;
194:   default:
195:     SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Unsupported x boundary type %s", DMBoundaryTypes[stag->boundaryType[0]]);
196:   }

198:   /* Starting element */
199:   stag->start[0] = 0;
200:   for (j = 0; j < stag->rank[0]; ++j) stag->start[0] += stag->l[0][j];

202:   /* Local/ghosted size and starting element */
203:   switch (stag->boundaryType[0]) {
204:   case DM_BOUNDARY_NONE:
205:     switch (stag->stencilType) {
206:     case DMSTAG_STENCIL_NONE: /* Only dummy cells on the right */
207:       stag->startGhost[0] = stag->start[0];
208:       stag->nGhost[0]     = stag->n[0] + (stag->lastRank[0] ? 1 : 0);
209:       break;
210:     case DMSTAG_STENCIL_STAR:
211:     case DMSTAG_STENCIL_BOX:
212:       stag->startGhost[0] = stag->firstRank[0] ? stag->start[0] : stag->start[0] - stag->stencilWidth;
213:       stag->nGhost[0]     = stag->n[0];
214:       stag->nGhost[0] += stag->firstRank[0] ? 0 : stag->stencilWidth;
215:       stag->nGhost[0] += stag->lastRank[0] ? 1 : stag->stencilWidth;
216:       break;
217:     default:
218:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Unrecognized ghost stencil type %d", stag->stencilType);
219:     }
220:     break;
222:     switch (stag->stencilType) {
223:     case DMSTAG_STENCIL_NONE:
224:       stag->startGhost[0] = stag->start[0];
225:       stag->nGhost[0]     = stag->n[0] + (stag->lastRank[0] ? 1 : 0);
226:       break;
227:     case DMSTAG_STENCIL_STAR:
228:     case DMSTAG_STENCIL_BOX:
229:       stag->startGhost[0] = stag->start[0] - stag->stencilWidth; /* This value may be negative */
230:       stag->nGhost[0]     = stag->n[0] + 2 * stag->stencilWidth + (stag->lastRank[0] && stag->stencilWidth == 0 ? 1 : 0);
231:       break;
232:     default:
233:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Unrecognized ghost stencil type %d", stag->stencilType);
234:     }
235:     break;
237:     switch (stag->stencilType) {
238:     case DMSTAG_STENCIL_NONE:
239:       stag->startGhost[0] = stag->start[0];
240:       stag->nGhost[0]     = stag->n[0];
241:       break;
242:     case DMSTAG_STENCIL_STAR:
243:     case DMSTAG_STENCIL_BOX:
244:       stag->startGhost[0] = stag->start[0] - stag->stencilWidth; /* This value may be negative */
245:       stag->nGhost[0]     = stag->n[0] + 2 * stag->stencilWidth;
246:       break;
247:     default:
248:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Unrecognized ghost stencil type %d", stag->stencilType);
249:     }
250:     break;
251:   default:
252:     SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Unsupported x boundary type %s", DMBoundaryTypes[stag->boundaryType[0]]);
253:   }

255:   /* Total size of ghosted/local representation */
256:   stag->entriesGhost = stag->nGhost[0] * stag->entriesPerElement;

258:   /* Define neighbors */
259:   PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(3, &stag->neighbors));
260:   if (stag->firstRank[0]) {
261:     switch (stag->boundaryType[0]) {
262:     case DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED:
263:     case DM_BOUNDARY_NONE:
264:       stag->neighbors[0] = -1;
265:       break;
267:       stag->neighbors[0] = stag->nRanks[0] - 1;
268:       break;
269:     default:
270:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Unsupported x boundary type %s", DMBoundaryTypes[stag->boundaryType[0]]);
271:     }
272:   } else {
273:     stag->neighbors[0] = stag->rank[0] - 1;
274:   }
275:   stag->neighbors[1] = stag->rank[0];
276:   if (stag->lastRank[0]) {
277:     switch (stag->boundaryType[0]) {
278:     case DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED:
279:     case DM_BOUNDARY_NONE:
280:       stag->neighbors[2] = -1;
281:       break;
283:       stag->neighbors[2] = 0;
284:       break;
285:     default:
286:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Unsupported x boundary type %s", DMBoundaryTypes[stag->boundaryType[0]]);
287:     }
288:   } else {
289:     stag->neighbors[2] = stag->rank[0] + 1;
290:   }

292:   PetscCheck(stag->n[0] >= stag->stencilWidth, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "DMStag 1d setup does not support local sizes (%" PetscInt_FMT ") smaller than the elementwise stencil width (%" PetscInt_FMT ")", stag->n[0], stag->stencilWidth);

294:   /* Create global->local VecScatter and ISLocalToGlobalMapping */
295:   {
296:     PetscInt *idxLocal, *idxGlobal, *idxGlobalAll;
297:     PetscInt  i, iLocal, d, entriesToTransferTotal, ghostOffsetStart, ghostOffsetEnd, nNonDummyGhost;
298:     IS        isLocal, isGlobal;

300:     /* The offset on the right (may not be equal to the stencil width, as we
301:        always have at least one ghost element, to account for the boundary
302:        point, and may with ghosted boundaries), and the number of non-dummy ghost elements */
303:     ghostOffsetStart = stag->start[0] - stag->startGhost[0];
304:     ghostOffsetEnd   = stag->startGhost[0] + stag->nGhost[0] - (stag->start[0] + stag->n[0]);
305:     nNonDummyGhost   = stag->nGhost[0] - (stag->lastRank[0] ? ghostOffsetEnd : 0) - (stag->firstRank[0] ? ghostOffsetStart : 0);

307:     /* Compute the number of non-dummy entries in the local representation
308:        This is equal to the number of non-dummy elements in the local (ghosted) representation,
309:        plus some extra entries on the right boundary on the last rank*/
310:     switch (stag->boundaryType[0]) {
311:     case DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED:
312:     case DM_BOUNDARY_NONE:
313:       entriesToTransferTotal = nNonDummyGhost * stag->entriesPerElement + (stag->lastRank[0] ? stag->dof[0] : 0);
314:       break;
316:       entriesToTransferTotal = stag->entriesGhost; /* No dummy points */
317:       break;
318:     default:
319:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Unsupported x boundary type %s", DMBoundaryTypes[stag->boundaryType[0]]);
320:     }

322:     PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(entriesToTransferTotal, &idxLocal));
323:     PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(entriesToTransferTotal, &idxGlobal));
324:     PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(stag->entriesGhost, &idxGlobalAll));
325:     if (stag->boundaryType[0] == DM_BOUNDARY_NONE) {
326:       PetscInt count = 0, countAll = 0;
327:       /* Left ghost points and native points */
328:       for (i = stag->startGhost[0], iLocal = 0; iLocal < nNonDummyGhost; ++i, ++iLocal) {
329:         for (d = 0; d < stag->entriesPerElement; ++d, ++count, ++countAll) {
330:           idxLocal[count]        = iLocal * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
331:           idxGlobal[count]       = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
332:           idxGlobalAll[countAll] = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
333:         }
334:       }
335:       /* Ghost points on the right
336:          Special case for last (partial dummy) element on the last rank */
337:       if (stag->lastRank[0]) {
338:         i      = stag->N[0];
339:         iLocal = (stag->nGhost[0] - ghostOffsetEnd);
340:         /* Only vertex (0-cell) dofs in global representation */
341:         for (d = 0; d < stag->dof[0]; ++d, ++count, ++countAll) {
342:           idxGlobal[count]       = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
343:           idxLocal[count]        = iLocal * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
344:           idxGlobalAll[countAll] = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
345:         }
346:         for (d = stag->dof[0]; d < stag->entriesPerElement; ++d, ++countAll) { /* Additional dummy entries */
347:           idxGlobalAll[countAll] = -1;
348:         }
349:       }
350:     } else if (stag->boundaryType[0] == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC) {
351:       PetscInt       count = 0, iLocal = 0; /* No dummy points, so idxGlobal and idxGlobalAll are identical */
352:       const PetscInt iMin = stag->firstRank[0] ? stag->start[0] : stag->startGhost[0];
353:       const PetscInt iMax = stag->lastRank[0] ? stag->startGhost[0] + stag->nGhost[0] - stag->stencilWidth : stag->startGhost[0] + stag->nGhost[0];
354:       /* Ghost points on the left */
355:       if (stag->firstRank[0]) {
356:         for (i = stag->N[0] - stag->stencilWidth; iLocal < stag->stencilWidth; ++i, ++iLocal) {
357:           for (d = 0; d < stag->entriesPerElement; ++d, ++count) {
358:             idxGlobal[count]    = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
359:             idxLocal[count]     = iLocal * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
360:             idxGlobalAll[count] = idxGlobal[count];
361:           }
362:         }
363:       }
364:       /* Native points */
365:       for (i = iMin; i < iMax; ++i, ++iLocal) {
366:         for (d = 0; d < stag->entriesPerElement; ++d, ++count) {
367:           idxGlobal[count]    = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
368:           idxLocal[count]     = iLocal * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
369:           idxGlobalAll[count] = idxGlobal[count];
370:         }
371:       }
372:       /* Ghost points on the right */
373:       if (stag->lastRank[0]) {
374:         for (i = 0; iLocal < stag->nGhost[0]; ++i, ++iLocal) {
375:           for (d = 0; d < stag->entriesPerElement; ++d, ++count) {
376:             idxGlobal[count]    = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
377:             idxLocal[count]     = iLocal * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
378:             idxGlobalAll[count] = idxGlobal[count];
379:           }
380:         }
381:       }
382:     } else if (stag->boundaryType[0] == DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED) {
383:       PetscInt count = 0, countAll = 0;
384:       /* Dummy elements on the left, on the first rank */
385:       if (stag->firstRank[0]) {
386:         for (iLocal = 0; iLocal < ghostOffsetStart; ++iLocal) {
387:           /* Complete elements full of dummy entries */
388:           for (d = 0; d < stag->entriesPerElement; ++d, ++countAll) idxGlobalAll[countAll] = -1;
389:         }
390:         i = 0; /* nonDummy entries start with global entry 0 */
391:       } else {
392:         /* nonDummy entries start as usual */
393:         i      = stag->startGhost[0];
394:         iLocal = 0;
395:       }

397:       /* non-Dummy entries */
398:       {
399:         PetscInt iLocalNonDummyMax = stag->firstRank[0] ? nNonDummyGhost + ghostOffsetStart : nNonDummyGhost;
400:         for (; iLocal < iLocalNonDummyMax; ++i, ++iLocal) {
401:           for (d = 0; d < stag->entriesPerElement; ++d, ++count, ++countAll) {
402:             idxLocal[count]        = iLocal * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
403:             idxGlobal[count]       = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
404:             idxGlobalAll[countAll] = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
405:           }
406:         }
407:       }

409:       /* (partial) dummy elements on the right, on the last rank */
410:       if (stag->lastRank[0]) {
411:         /* First one is partial dummy */
412:         i      = stag->N[0];
413:         iLocal = (stag->nGhost[0] - ghostOffsetEnd);
414:         for (d = 0; d < stag->dof[0]; ++d, ++count, ++countAll) { /* Only vertex (0-cell) dofs in global representation */
415:           idxLocal[count]        = iLocal * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
416:           idxGlobal[count]       = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
417:           idxGlobalAll[countAll] = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
418:         }
419:         for (d = stag->dof[0]; d < stag->entriesPerElement; ++d, ++countAll) { /* Additional dummy entries */
420:           idxGlobalAll[countAll] = -1;
421:         }
422:         for (iLocal = stag->nGhost[0] - ghostOffsetEnd + 1; iLocal < stag->nGhost[0]; ++iLocal) {
423:           /* Additional dummy elements */
424:           for (d = 0; d < stag->entriesPerElement; ++d, ++countAll) idxGlobalAll[countAll] = -1;
425:         }
426:       }
427:     } else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Unsupported x boundary type %s", DMBoundaryTypes[stag->boundaryType[0]]);

429:     /* Create Local IS (transferring pointer ownership) */
430:     PetscCall(ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), entriesToTransferTotal, idxLocal, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, &isLocal));

432:     /* Create Global IS (transferring pointer ownership) */
433:     PetscCall(ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), entriesToTransferTotal, idxGlobal, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, &isGlobal));

435:     /* Create stag->gtol, which doesn't include dummy entries */
436:     {
437:       Vec local, global;
438:       PetscCall(VecCreateMPIWithArray(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), 1, stag->entries, PETSC_DECIDE, NULL, &global));
439:       PetscCall(VecCreateSeqWithArray(PETSC_COMM_SELF, stag->entriesPerElement, stag->entriesGhost, NULL, &local));
440:       PetscCall(VecScatterCreate(global, isGlobal, local, isLocal, &stag->gtol));
441:       PetscCall(VecDestroy(&global));
442:       PetscCall(VecDestroy(&local));
443:     }

445:     /* In special cases, create a dedicated injective local-to-global map */
446:     if (stag->boundaryType[0] == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC && stag->nRanks[0] == 1) PetscCall(DMStagPopulateLocalToGlobalInjective(dm));

448:     /* Destroy ISs */
449:     PetscCall(ISDestroy(&isLocal));
450:     PetscCall(ISDestroy(&isGlobal));

452:     /* Create local-to-global map (transferring pointer ownership) */
453:     PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(comm, 1, stag->entriesGhost, idxGlobalAll, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, &dm->ltogmap));
454:   }

456:   /* Precompute location offsets */
457:   PetscCall(DMStagComputeLocationOffsets_1d(dm));

459:   /* View from Options */
460:   PetscCall(DMViewFromOptions(dm, NULL, "-dm_view"));

462:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
463: }

465: static PetscErrorCode DMStagComputeLocationOffsets_1d(DM dm)
466: {
467:   DM_Stag *const stag = (DM_Stag *)dm->data;
468:   const PetscInt epe  = stag->entriesPerElement;

470:   PetscFunctionBegin;
471:   PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(DMSTAG_NUMBER_LOCATIONS, &stag->locationOffsets));
472:   stag->locationOffsets[DMSTAG_LEFT]    = 0;
473:   stag->locationOffsets[DMSTAG_ELEMENT] = stag->locationOffsets[DMSTAG_LEFT] + stag->dof[0];
474:   stag->locationOffsets[DMSTAG_RIGHT]   = stag->locationOffsets[DMSTAG_LEFT] + epe;
475:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
476: }

478: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMStagPopulateLocalToGlobalInjective_1d(DM dm)
479: {
480:   DM_Stag *const stag = (DM_Stag *)dm->data;
481:   PetscInt      *idxLocal, *idxGlobal;
482:   PetscInt       i, iLocal, d, count;
483:   IS             isLocal, isGlobal;

485:   PetscFunctionBegin;
486:   PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(stag->entries, &idxLocal));
487:   PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(stag->entries, &idxGlobal));
488:   count  = 0;
489:   iLocal = stag->start[0] - stag->startGhost[0];
490:   for (i = stag->start[0]; i < stag->start[0] + stag->n[0]; ++i, ++iLocal) {
491:     for (d = 0; d < stag->entriesPerElement; ++d, ++count) {
492:       idxGlobal[count] = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
493:       idxLocal[count]  = iLocal * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
494:     }
495:   }
496:   if (stag->lastRank[0] && stag->boundaryType[0] != DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC) {
497:     i      = stag->start[0] + stag->n[0];
498:     iLocal = stag->start[0] - stag->startGhost[0] + stag->n[0];
499:     for (d = 0; d < stag->dof[0]; ++d, ++count) {
500:       idxGlobal[count] = i * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
501:       idxLocal[count]  = iLocal * stag->entriesPerElement + d;
502:     }
503:   }
504:   PetscCall(ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), stag->entries, idxLocal, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, &isLocal));
505:   PetscCall(ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), stag->entries, idxGlobal, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, &isGlobal));
506:   {
507:     Vec local, global;
508:     PetscCall(VecCreateMPIWithArray(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), 1, stag->entries, PETSC_DECIDE, NULL, &global));
509:     PetscCall(VecCreateSeqWithArray(PETSC_COMM_SELF, stag->entriesPerElement, stag->entriesGhost, NULL, &local));
510:     PetscCall(VecScatterCreate(local, isLocal, global, isGlobal, &stag->ltog_injective));
511:     PetscCall(VecDestroy(&global));
512:     PetscCall(VecDestroy(&local));
513:   }
514:   PetscCall(ISDestroy(&isLocal));
515:   PetscCall(ISDestroy(&isGlobal));
516:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
517: }

519: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMCreateMatrix_Stag_1D_AIJ_Assemble(DM dm, Mat A)
520: {
521:   DMStagStencilType stencil_type;
522:   PetscInt          dof[2], start, n, n_extra, stencil_width, N, epe;
523:   DMBoundaryType    boundary_type_x;

525:   PetscFunctionBegin;
526:   PetscCall(DMStagGetDOF(dm, &dof[0], &dof[1], NULL, NULL));
527:   PetscCall(DMStagGetStencilType(dm, &stencil_type));
528:   PetscCall(DMStagGetStencilWidth(dm, &stencil_width));
529:   PetscCall(DMStagGetCorners(dm, &start, NULL, NULL, &n, NULL, NULL, &n_extra, NULL, NULL));
530:   PetscCall(DMStagGetGlobalSizes(dm, &N, NULL, NULL));
531:   PetscCall(DMStagGetEntriesPerElement(dm, &epe));
532:   PetscCall(DMStagGetBoundaryTypes(dm, &boundary_type_x, NULL, NULL));
533:   if (stencil_type == DMSTAG_STENCIL_NONE) {
534:     /* Couple all DOF at each location to each other */
535:     DMStagStencil *row_vertex, *row_element;

537:     PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(dof[0], &row_vertex));
538:     for (PetscInt c = 0; c < dof[0]; ++c) {
539:       row_vertex[c].loc = DMSTAG_LEFT;
540:       row_vertex[c].c   = c;
541:     }

543:     PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(dof[1], &row_element));
544:     for (PetscInt c = 0; c < dof[1]; ++c) {
545:       row_element[c].loc = DMSTAG_ELEMENT;
546:       row_element[c].c   = c;
547:     }

549:     for (PetscInt e = start; e < start + n + n_extra; ++e) {
550:       {
551:         for (PetscInt c = 0; c < dof[0]; ++c) row_vertex[c].i = e;
552:         PetscCall(DMStagMatSetValuesStencil(dm, A, dof[0], row_vertex, dof[0], row_vertex, NULL, INSERT_VALUES));
553:       }
554:       if (e < N) {
555:         for (PetscInt c = 0; c < dof[1]; ++c) row_element[c].i = e;
556:         PetscCall(DMStagMatSetValuesStencil(dm, A, dof[1], row_element, dof[1], row_element, NULL, INSERT_VALUES));
557:       }
558:     }
559:     PetscCall(PetscFree(row_vertex));
560:     PetscCall(PetscFree(row_element));
561:   } else if (stencil_type == DMSTAG_STENCIL_STAR || stencil_type == DMSTAG_STENCIL_BOX) {
562:     DMStagStencil *col, *row;

564:     PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(epe, &row));
565:     {
566:       PetscInt nrows = 0;
567:       for (PetscInt c = 0; c < dof[0]; ++c) {
568:         row[nrows].c   = c;
569:         row[nrows].loc = DMSTAG_LEFT;
570:         ++nrows;
571:       }
572:       for (PetscInt c = 0; c < dof[1]; ++c) {
573:         row[nrows].c   = c;
574:         row[nrows].loc = DMSTAG_ELEMENT;
575:         ++nrows;
576:       }
577:     }
578:     PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(epe, &col));
579:     {
580:       PetscInt ncols = 0;
581:       for (PetscInt c = 0; c < dof[0]; ++c) {
582:         col[ncols].c   = c;
583:         col[ncols].loc = DMSTAG_LEFT;
584:         ++ncols;
585:       }
586:       for (PetscInt c = 0; c < dof[1]; ++c) {
587:         col[ncols].c   = c;
588:         col[ncols].loc = DMSTAG_ELEMENT;
589:         ++ncols;
590:       }
591:     }
592:     for (PetscInt e = start; e < start + n + n_extra; ++e) {
593:       for (PetscInt i = 0; i < epe; ++i) row[i].i = e;
594:       for (PetscInt offset = -stencil_width; offset <= stencil_width; ++offset) {
595:         const PetscInt e_offset = e + offset;

597:         /* Only set values corresponding to elements which can have non-dummy entries,
598:            meaning those that map to unknowns in the global representation. In the periodic
599:            case, this is the entire stencil, but in all other cases, only includes a single
600:            "extra" element which is partially outside the physical domain (those points in the
601:            global representation */
602:         if (boundary_type_x == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC || (e_offset < N + 1 && e_offset >= 0)) {
603:           for (PetscInt i = 0; i < epe; ++i) col[i].i = e_offset;
604:           PetscCall(DMStagMatSetValuesStencil(dm, A, epe, row, epe, col, NULL, INSERT_VALUES));
605:         }
606:       }
607:     }
608:     PetscCall(PetscFree(row));
609:     PetscCall(PetscFree(col));
610:   } else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Unsupported stencil type %s", DMStagStencilTypes[stencil_type]);
611:   PetscCall(MatAssemblyBegin(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
612:   PetscCall(MatAssemblyEnd(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
613:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
614: }