
String with the name of a Tao method


typedef const char *TaoType;
#define TAOLMVM     "lmvm"
#define TAONLS      "nls"
#define TAONTR      "ntr"
#define TAONTL      "ntl"
#define TAOCG       "cg"
#define TAOTRON     "tron"
#define TAOOWLQN    "owlqn"
#define TAOBMRM     "bmrm"
#define TAOBLMVM    "blmvm"
#define TAOBQNLS    "bqnls"
#define TAOBNCG     "bncg"
#define TAOBNLS     "bnls"
#define TAOBNTR     "bntr"
#define TAOBNTL     "bntl"
#define TAOBQNKLS   "bqnkls"
#define TAOBQNKTR   "bqnktr"
#define TAOBQNKTL   "bqnktl"
#define TAOBQPIP    "bqpip"
#define TAOGPCG     "gpcg"
#define TAONM       "nm"
#define TAOPOUNDERS "pounders"
#define TAOBRGN     "brgn"
#define TAOLCL      "lcl"
#define TAOSSILS    "ssils"
#define TAOSSFLS    "ssfls"
#define TAOASILS    "asils"
#define TAOASFLS    "asfls"
#define TAOIPM      "ipm"
#define TAOPDIPM    "pdipm"
#define TAOSHELL    "shell"
#define TAOADMM     "admm"
#define TAOALMM     "almm"
#define TAOPYTHON   "python"
#define TAOSNES     "snes"


  • TAONLS - nls Newton’s method with line search for unconstrained minimization

  • TAONTR - ntr Newton’s method with trust region for unconstrained minimization

  • TAONTL - ntl Newton’s method with trust region, line search for unconstrained minimization

  • TAOLMVM - lmvm Limited memory variable metric method for unconstrained minimization

  • TAOCG - cg Nonlinear conjugate gradient method for unconstrained minimization

  • TAONM - nm Nelder-Mead algorithm for derivate-free unconstrained minimization

  • TAOTRON - tron Newton Trust Region method for bound constrained minimization

  • TAOGPCG - gpcg Newton Trust Region method for quadratic bound constrained minimization

  • TAOBLMVM - blmvm Limited memory variable metric method for bound constrained minimization

  • TAOLCL - lcl Linearly constrained Lagrangian method for pde-constrained minimization

  • TAOPOUNDERS - Pounders Model-based algorithm for nonlinear least squares

See Also#

Summary of Tao Solvers, TAO: Optimization Solvers, Tao, TaoCreate(), TaoSetType()





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