
Get info on the TSRK tableau


#include "petscts.h"   
PetscErrorCode TSRKGetTableau(TS ts, PetscInt *s, const PetscReal **A, const PetscReal **b, const PetscReal **c, const PetscReal **bembed, PetscInt *p, const PetscReal **binterp, PetscBool *FSAL)

Not Collective

Input Parameter#

  • ts - timestepping context

Output Parameters#

  • s - number of stages, this is the dimension of the matrices below

  • A - stage coefficients (dimension s*s, row-major)

  • b - step completion table (dimension s)

  • c - abscissa (dimension s)

  • bembed - completion table for embedded method (dimension s; NULL if not available)

  • p - Order of the interpolation scheme, equal to the number of columns of binterp

  • binterp - Coefficients of the interpolation formula (dimension s*p)

  • FSAL - whether or not the scheme has the First Same As Last property

See Also#

TS: Scalable ODE and DAE Solvers, TSRK, TSRKRegister(), TSRKSetType()






TSRKGetTableau_RK in src/ts/impls/explicit/rk/rk.c

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