
Creates a TSMonitorLGCtx context for use with TS to monitor the solution process graphically in various ways


#include "petscts.h"  
PetscErrorCode TSMonitorLGCtxCreate(MPI_Comm comm, const char host[], const char label[], int x, int y, int m, int n, PetscInt howoften, TSMonitorLGCtx *ctx)


Input Parameters#

  • host - the X display to open, or NULL for the local machine

  • label - the title to put in the title bar

  • x, y - the screen coordinates of the upper left coordinate of the window

  • m, n - the screen width and height in pixels

  • howoften - if positive then determines the frequency of the plotting, if -1 then only at the final time

Output Parameter#

  • ctx - the context

Options Database Keys#

  • -ts_monitor_lg_timestep - automatically sets line graph monitor

  • -ts_monitor_lg_timestep_log - automatically sets line graph monitor

  • -ts_monitor_lg_solution - monitor the solution (or certain values of the solution by calling TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables() or TSMonitorLGCtxSetDisplayVariables())

  • -ts_monitor_lg_error - monitor the error

  • -ts_monitor_lg_ksp_iterations - monitor the number of KSP iterations needed for each timestep

  • -ts_monitor_lg_snes_iterations - monitor the number of SNES iterations needed for each timestep

  • -lg_use_markers <true,false> - mark the data points (at each time step) on the plot; default is true


Pass the context and TSMonitorLGCtxDestroy() to TSMonitorSet() to have the context destroyed when no longer needed.

One can provide a function that transforms the solution before plotting it with TSMonitorLGCtxSetTransform() or TSMonitorLGSetTransform()

Many of the functions that control the monitoring have two forms: TSMonitorLGSet/GetXXXX() and TSMonitorLGCtxSet/GetXXXX() the first take a TS object as the first argument (if that TS object does not have a TSMonitorLGCtx associated with it the function call is ignored) and the second takes a TSMonitorLGCtx object as the first argument.

One can control the names displayed for each solution or error variable with TSMonitorLGCtxSetVariableNames() or TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames()

See Also#

TS: Scalable ODE and DAE Solvers, TSMonitorLGTimeStep(), TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorLGSolution(), TSMonitorLGError(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorLGCtxCreate(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGCtxGetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGGetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetDisplayVariables(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetTransform(), TSMonitorLGSetTransform(), TSMonitorLGError(), TSMonitorLGSNESIterations(), TSMonitorLGKSPIterations(), TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxCreate(), TSMonitorEnvelopeGetBounds(), TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxDestroy(), TSMonitorEnvelop()







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