Runs a program on MPI rank 0 and sends either its input or output to a file.
PetscErrorCode PetscPOpen(MPI_Comm comm, const char machine[], const char program[], const char mode[], FILE **fp)
Logically Collective, but only MPI rank 0 runs the command
Input Parameters#
comm - MPI communicator, only processor zero runs the program
machine - machine to run command on or
, or a string with 0 in first locationprogram - name of program to run
mode - either “r” or “w”
Output Parameter#
fp - the file pointer where program input or output may be read or
if results are not needed
Use PetscPClose()
to close the file pointer when you are finished with it
Does not work under Microsoft Windows
If machine is not provided will use the value set with PetsPOpenSetMachine()
if that was provided, otherwise
will use the machine running MPI rank 0 of the communicator
The program string may contain {HOMEDIRECTORY} or ${WORKINGDIRECTORY}; these will be replaced with relevant values.
See Also#
, PetscFClose()
, PetscPClose()
, PetscPOpenSetMachine()
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